
Chapter 69: First Confrontation

Honestly, I was slightly worried. A horde in the tens of thousands could do unimaginable damage if they were to attack Bastion, or worse, scatter all throughout the area, destroying villages and towns on their way.

The worry, though I didn't let it show, drove me to quickly give out orders. I sent out the order for all the soldiers and guards of Bastion to begin armoring up and get ready for battle, which took about three hours before 800 soldiers were gathered—a far cry from the tens of thousands the vampires had. But I still would receive reinforcements from other areas of the territories, giving me a rough estimate of 6,000 if the horde of vampires kept this pace, or 9,000 if the vampires were to move slightly slower.

To ensure we had enough time, I planned to move ahead and confront the horde in order to buy us the time to gather enough troops to deal with the vampires. Luckily, I only needed to stall for a day at the latest or 12 hours at the earliest. With that in mind, I wasted no time and sprinted in the direction of the vampire horde, momentarily forgetting about a certain future vampire queen.

It took less than a hour with my beyond human speed as I came up on a hill allowing me to overlook the large stretch of land that was being trampled by the horde of vampires no less than 30k.

"Well, time waits for no one!" That was my last thought as I once again broke into a sprint towards the horde of marching vampires, wasting no time as I came into range to use Frost breath. I made sure to push it to its absolute limit, unleashing a large plume of ice and frost that blanketed the first wave of vampires, freezing them solid in their tracks. As the mist cleared, I noticed with satisfaction that a significant portion of the horde had been immobilized. Without hesitation, I summoned chains of ice and simply whipped them around at those who had managed to evade the frost, ensuring they didn't survive a second time.

To describe what I did as a slaughter would be spot-on. I used massive AOE attacks to wipe out large amounts of vampires. However, that soon came to a halt as a massive shadow covered the sky above. As I looked up, what I saw was a weird chimera of random animals, forced to resemble a dragon. Instead of the scaly lizard-like face, there was the face of the Hierophant, glaring at me with anger and hate.

*Came to Die?* I asked as I watched the Hierophant stay quiet, flapping his leathery bat-like wings in the air. Instead, he opted to swoop down to land near me, the surrounding vampires choosing to clear the area to avoid getting crushed.

After landing I noticed the 3 figures upon his back all of which quickly hopped off as the hierophant took back his human form a scowl etching itself on his face as I focused on the Nosferatu's before me.

The fool flew around the battlefield observing anything that caught his attention his short gnome like body moving through the air smoothly like smooth butter on a warm skillet.

next up was moon who sported a silent but a eternal smile, but behind that I knew there was someone more sadistic than anything I ever known, the small ear that rested silently onher forehead dragging attention a bit as focused on the main man himself.

The vampire king who appeared to be a large, muscular man with animalistic features, including a face resembling a lion's, scaled, reptilian hands, birdlike feet and a forked tongue like a snake. He wore a white suit, a wine-red cape and a crown resembling the branches of a tree or bush not the best looking get up but I cared little for someone I knew was stronger.

"You killed empress" Thats all he said, but that all he needs to say to cause a chill to run down my spine as I prepared for the confrontation.


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 43](1,400,002/2,000,000)

[Health: 342/342]

[Mana points: 98/98]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 115]

[Endurance: 114]

[Agility: 114]

[Wisdom: 49]

[Intelligence: 49]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 6], [Glacial Dread: Lv 8], [Desolate aura: Lv 2], [Vitality steal: Lv 1], [Soul Ice]

[Note: Finally]


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