

"Tell me Roma, why exactly do you train so much?" My sword slips from my hand a little before I grip it tightly. What am I to say to that? "What value do I have if not my life behind my sword?" His head lifts up from the relaxed stance he had before. "I have no value asides from my sword, I'm no noble, my blood is tainted. No man would ever wish to marry a bastard like me. My life has no value, it is only my body, this body that can be sacrificed with my sword to protect. I must continue to train because this is the only thing that makes me valuable. It's even the only reason you came to save me" He stands up grabbing my chin to make me look into his eyes," Thats not true, you aren't disposable or invaluable! Don't you ever say that again, you hear me Rominda! You are never to sacrifice your life carelessly." --- Talented and skilled young girl losses her mother and freedom in one day. She is locked up in the dukes home, her fathers home. Until a cat finds the little bird and opens the cage to set her free. Or that’s what she believed.

Rachael_P · Fantasía
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7 Chs

What About The Dove and The Raven?(Chapter Five)

"I insist Roma, you absolutely must attend as a lady, it's selfish of Luca to make you come to balls for work only. You should enjoy yourself like everyone else, there are more than enough guards there for the night."

Is what the queen told me, before she ran me around buying me dresses and things. To attend this ball as a normal guest. I surely caught the attention of many nobles and foreigners. Grey eyes are unique to my noble family, and I have hair like my mothers, it was very rare to see naturally curled hair in this kingdom or in any on this continent. Because it was so sought after, it became an ideal trait that would make a woman desirable.

One of the men that approached me left a strong impression. He was dressed in dark blue, black, and gold. Chest length black hair that was tied back in a low ponytail. He has one blue eye and one golden eye.

"Hello, my name is Atalon Calimunda."

"I'm Rominda Xiron, only child of Duke Xiron."

"Rominda would you, by chance, be the kings knight Roma I've heard so much about?"

"Oh, I am, I assume you've heard about me?"

"Well you've caught the publics interest. Ever since I've been here more than one person had uttered your name. I've also seen you briefly in passing. They speak of your talent and skill, but not of your beauty."

"I'm flattered truly, people are often put off by my presence. Though I believe that is mostly because I'm always standing next to his highness."

I felt a breeze kick up, then stop. I look towards Luca, Cristina had ahold of his hand. She says something to him and he tugs his arm away turning his head.

"Lady Roma is something wrong?"

"Oh, no, I only thought my king was asking for me."

"Was that breeze his doing?"

"Yes, it was. I've known the king for a very long time, I used to feel like he always needed me."

"That's pretty entertaining."

"I guess so, he really didn't use to know anything about the common citizens."

"Do you?"

"Ah,..excuse me, but, you're not from here are you?"

"What makes you say that?"

I was only announced as the dukes daughter, I'd never once attended an event before now. So for people who don't know much about the gossip didn't know of my origins. Even though at this point I'm sure even the social hermits around the empire know.

"Oh, it's nothing don't worry about it."

"Tell me lady Roma, may I have the pleasure to dance with you this evening?"

"I'll accept your invitation, but do be warned I'm not a very proficient dancer."

"I'm sure I'll be able to lead you well."

He holds out a white gloved hand, I place mine in his. He leads me to the floor wrapping an arm around my waist.

He starts his left foot stepping towards me. I match him. I guess there is a reason they call it swords dance, it must be the reason I was able to read the movement so well. To me he felt like ice, cold and crisp, it must be his aura. He smelt distinctly of pine needles as well.

"If you told me you were a princess in your past live I'd believe you."

He spins me around and catches me again soon after.

"And if you told me you might be a romantic, I'd be able to tell you it was definitely true."

"You are quite the woman Lady Roma."

"I'll take that was a complement."

"Of course, please do come see me again."

The dance ends and he dose the courtesy to walk me back to my spot. Like nothing happed, I was in my place again.


"Once upon a time, there was a woman. She was not a princess nor the daughter of a powerful man, but a Lady purely because she was as beautiful as an angel. So that is why they named her after a flower. She grew up an orphan in the church, and sang beautiful songs that everyone around came to hear in the churches halls."

I lay side ways to look at her while she read.

"Rome, lay down proparly or I won't read it."

I grown turning over and sliding my feet under the blanket.

"Yes Mama."

"Alright then my bird, where was I.... Oh yes. One day a man appeared below the churches window from witch she sang."

She lifts a hand to her chest and makes her voice deeper.

"'Oh fair Lady, are you an angel blessed with such voice that lulls any pore soul like a siren at sea.'

'You needn't praise me so good man, I'm no angel on earth, just a woman of the church.'

'Pray my lady would you be my princess?'

'You wish to wed me, oh dear I do not know what to say.'

The bell rings signifies the sun soon to set. The prince bows.

'Fair angel, I will meet you again, for now I must leave, farewell.'

During the rain the next day it was not the prince she found on the churches doorstep but a knight. She dried his clothes and cooked him a warm meal. However as he got up the leave, he took her arm.

'You will be my wife I swear it.'

You see this knight was also a prince from the neighboring kingdom. He took the girl away from her home to wed her. The prince returning as he'd promised, was stunned to find out she had been taken. The prince mounted his horse and road to find her.

He found her and the other prince, the two both wished to marry her. But she didn't wish to marry the knight despised prince. So her prince came to save her. The two fought the kightly prince to keep her, and her prince to rescue her from a marriage she didn't want. But as they did so, one prince knocked her off into the river. She drifted unconscious for days until she woke in house where a man had been taking care of her.

'Who are you?'

'I'm no more than a noble knight, my lady.'

He was so genuine and kind that she found herself falling for this noble man. They got married, and lived happily ever after."


"Yes my bird?"

"Do the lady's always get rescued by princes and knights?"

"Well, for the fairest ladies they are the only ones capable of saving them. I used to be the knight that saved my Lord."

"Like the noble man?"

"Yes, I suppose, (runs in the family I guess)," she mutters under her breath,"a knight always protects who they love."


"L-luca, please don't do this."

"It's a punishment Rominda."

He ties the handkerchief to my eyes, and my hands together behind the chair. In the darkness instinctively I struggle.


I stop struggling, my hair stands, shivering.

"Why were you talking to him?"

"Who?" I squeak out.

"You know who! There was only one man you danced and chatted with today Rominda."

"What about him?" I inquire gently.

"What about him?! Are you really that ignorant Rominda?!" I don't say anything, he continues. "That man is the prince of the fallen kingdom that was conquered in the war that ended the year I was born. You must have been sheltered, the country struggled to recover for 7 years after. I'm sure he's resentful he was a small child when the war ended, both his parents were killed."

I don't say anything, the paddle slaps the top of my legs and I jump like a cat yelping a little in surprise. It truly didn't hurt that much, but it surprised me.

It was traumatic, sitting here in the dark, tied in restraints. It brought me back to the night when they took my mom from this earth. In my night gown, tied to a chair and blindfolded. I was in the dark as I heard them.

He slaps me with the paddle on the arm this time, I jump.

"He probably it trying to kill me, by getting close gaining your trust to get closer. You mustn't speak with him or give him any inclary of and invitation. Don't even look at him!"

Luca paces across the floor frantically.

"I won't let him harm you Luca, can you please untie me."

"I'll untie you when I'm finished."

Why is this the punishment he continues to use, he knows I hate it, that it scares me. He at some point decided it would be the only way to deal with me now, for something that isn't even a big deal. He's acting so paranoid. I was getting to the end of my rope. He rambles on pacing around be and each step pressed on my anxiety.

"Luca," he doesn't hear me," my king."

He continues unable to hear me. 'He won't help you' the thought sits in my mind 'he already saved you he isn't looking back'


'Your daddy never came to save you no matter how much you'd scream,' my skin is raked in chills and I try to tuck my body into itself. I'm still tied to the chair and I can't cradle my own sanity. 'And no one saved you or your mother when those men-'

"LUCA! LET ME OUT!!!" I yell, the ground shaking with thunder.

He stoped passing and I felt the wind breeze by me as the binds on my hands went slack. The instant they got loose I pull of the blindfold and cut the ropes on my feet. I run out of the room, grabbing his cloak hanging on the hook by the door. I throw it on not bothering to get my dress, I couldn't stay a moment longer and I don't look back at him.

"Roma!" Cristina smiles at me," is Luca here I asked and they told me he was here, its getting late—."

My voice was sure to sound weird, and I could already feel tears gathering in my eyes. I look away from her and continue down the hall starting to almost run. She was obviously concerned but continued her search. I sprint like a frightened animal, I run out the closest exit, and to a littler spot in the garden that people rarely come to, especially at night. I find the bench, but only after touching it was I shore since I couldn't see through my tears. I crumble onto it, not even sitting on it. I hold the cloak shut in the front and hold my face with my other hand. I slug onto the bench and curl up shivering, tears drop from my eyes but not a single whimper leaves my lips. Why? Why can't I just forget? This crippling anxiety, fear of the dark, of my past.

"Lady Roma? I didn't expect to find you here is the king around?"

I jump turning my head only a little to glance at him, strands of hair shielding my face from him. The candle he holds illuminates his mismatched eyes.

"Oh and if you are wondering, it was easy to tell it was you considering your hair is very unique," I don't say anything I know my voice will be broken," pardon, but are you alright Lady Roma?"

"I-I'm fine," I say hesitantly, but I clearly didn't sound fine.

His hand pulls the hair from my face, to reveal my tear stained skin. He sits down next to me, holding the candle above his lap. I avoid his gaze.

"Did he do this to you? The king."

I sit still, then I start to shake my head no. He sighs, not believing me.

"I don't know why you lie for him like that. He shouldn't be treating his prize dove in such a way."

"H-how...how do you know what he calls me?"

"I've heard him slip up and call you that before."

I purse my lips together, looking strait ahead into the rose bush, my hair falls from behind my ear. Atalon's hand touches the side of my face turning it to look at him, he takes a handkerchief and drys the tears from my face. I look up to his blue and gold eyes, the expression on my face made his eyebrows furrow. This didn't feel like manipulation or ill intent, Luca truly is just paranoid. I hate when people see me like this though, I'm the strongest swordsman, I'm not supposed to be weak, to cry. Yet here I was.

I study Atalon's serious face, he must really have been royalty. He was very handsome, compassionate, refined. I guess this gives me a reason for my earlier question, about him not knowing my origins.

"Why do you stay here with him, have you not given him enough? Satisfied the duke's selfish desires? He is keeping you now just to hold you in a glass box to show off. He is more than capable to stay out of danger, armed enough to be protected without you."

That was true, I wasn't really particularly needed anymore, not the way I used to be anyways. I mostly just follow him around now. However the though of leaving him twists my heart, I couldn't bear to be apart form him. Being close to him hurts me, but I fear leaving would be worse.

"Why are you with him?"

"He is my prince," I say and he looks almost confused," never mind."

I look up instead at the moon high in the sky, casting a silhouette of light on the ground. It wasn't quite this dark when I came out here, though I guess that's good only for the reason that I'm here with Atalon while I'm not quite dressed.

He stands and turns to walk away," goodnight my lady."

"W-wait!" Panic quickly set over my body and I reach out to him grabbing the bottom of his shirt.

He stops turning to look at me, embarrassment sets in as soon as I come to my senses. He looks down at me and I realize with my arm out like this the cloak is open. I quickly let go of his shirt with a blush on my cheeks.

"Will you let me walk with you?"

"You seem as though you need a moment are you sure?"

"Please, don't leave me alone out here," I ask softy.

He smiles at me, he switches the candle to hold in his other hand and offers me an arm.

"I didn't think the kingdoms best swordswoman could be so timid."

"Don't tease, I'm not always this way, today... has been hard for me."

"I figured as much, though I must say it is quite enduring. To see you acting so much like a small song bird."

I don't have anything to argue back, what is there to say in response to such words. He walks into the main castle instead of to the south wing where he was staying with the other guests.

"Where are we going?"

"Well a gentleman can't leave a lady unescorted at night can he? So I'm taking you to your room."

"Oh? No one's ever done that for me before, usually I'm the one escorting I guess, being a guard and all. But know that I think about it then you truly don't know where to go do you?"

"Well bluntly yes, I was going to enquire in a more~~ casual manner."

I smile looking down at the well cleaned floor tiles.

"It's in the north wing."

"What is?"

I giggle a little, holding a hand to my lips.

"Don't laugh at me, I don't live in the castle."

"My room silly, I only ever asked Luc— (ahem) the king for one thing, and that was a room with east and west facing windows. So instead of being in the west wing with the other staff I'm in the north."

"To the north it is then."

He walks us to a corridor then stops promptly. He bends down whispering to me.

"Which way is north?"

I start laughing holding a hand to my mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound.

"That's kind of mean my Lady."

"Don't worry, it didn't change my opinion of you or anything. This way."

He continues to lead me the right way with my instruction. When we get there I let go of his arm and curtsy.

"Thank you for escorting me."

"The pleasure is all mine, good night Lady Roma."

"Yes, you too."


"The prince is asking for you Lady Roma. What should I tell him."

"Tell him I'm taking the day off," I say turning over chills running across my skin.


The room around me was spinning and even though I had hardly slept a wink last night I couldn't sleep. I sit up in my bed leaning instead against the headboard as I look out the window. I pull blankets over my shoulders as the chills continue. Curling my body up to keep the heat.

There was loud sounds and scurrying in the halls. It really sounded noisier than usual. It had only probably been two hours since I was supposed to join him. He must be finishing breakfast at this point at least. My door slams open and a ruffled looking Luca stands in the door. He clearly wasn't happy.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing I'm fine," I answer," you don't have to worry about me."

"Then you're just blowing me off then. Come here."

I let the blankets slide off of my when I stand I start to walk but almost instantly I get dizzy. The spinning room makes wobble and start to fall. Before I noticed I'd started to fall or before I got caught, my brain was still in the past.

A hand touches my forehead," good lord Roma, you're burning up." His face of anger quickly changes to that of worry.

I push off of him wobbling, remembering why I'd not gone in the first place," you shouldn't be here, I didn't want you to get sick."

He leads me back towards the bed," how long has she been like this?"

"She wasn't sick until very early this morning, she was thinking straighter then, though I guess the part about her being unable to sleep has something to do with her current state."

"Lay down and stay here Roma. Has anyone seen her?"

"No, this morning in it wasn't as bad."

"Call my physician."

"The royal physician is with the second prince right now I believe."

"Well then tell him to get a move on and that there's more work to be done."

Luca sat beside me essentially forcing me to shut my eyes and try to sleep. When the medic came he gave me meds, told Luca it wasn't a good idea for him to stay with me so long while I had a high fever. Whatever that was he gave me to drink knocked me out pretty quick anyways.

I open my eyes fully dazed, I didn't even really notice the figure watching me. Just the soft glow of candle light on white hair. I reach out towards the glowing locks. He grabs me hand quickly startled, then releases it.

"You're awake Roma."

"Are you my angel," I say hand touching his face.

He freezes up, I couldn't control myself, my body was compulsive. What ever it was my mind thought happened.

"It's Luca Roma."

"My knight."


"Knights save the girl in the books. You saved me so that makes you my savior to."

His face fills my brain, all of what was there was gone, only consumed with him now. He touches the side of my face and bends down.

My mouth was opened and warmth spread across my face. My eyes shut with fatigue, he'd kissed me for the first time. Well for the first time he had knowingly done so. It was very hard to breathe, even if his kids was so soft that it lulled me back into my dreams.

"My prince, you shouldn't—"

The door opens but it was the first prince that walked into my room. My wits had returned even if I felt the fatigue still. I sit up in my bed.

He acknowledges me after a glance at his brother.

"You must be carful with him Lady Roma, he's become to attached to you that it lead him to damage his room and the dinning room. Now he is here slumped over asleep at your bed side."

I look over at him sitting there and I slide out of my bed, lift him up from the chair and lay him on my own bed.

"Thank you for your concern my prince, but fear not I'm very aware of this behavior. I plan to never need to be away from his side."


"Did you hear?"

"No what?"

"Lady Roma may be getting some from the ex prince."

"Whaaaaa?! I'm jealous he's suck a hunk."

"Seriously, I don't know how she gets to know all these handsome bachelors."

"I thought there was this unspoken rule that no one should marry the ex prince though?"

"I'm sure her royal connections would buy past that."

"Ladies I hope you're still working, and not turning into a gossip club."

"Yes Lady Roma!" They scamper off quickly like two house mice.

I shake my head with a huff and walk towards the kitchen, what kind of gossip has started swirling now? The last time gossip was spread about me was when I had my debut at the ball. Before, when Luca was just a prince, they payed no attention to me, when he became king they acknowledged me but hadn't really paid much attention because it was just natural to only see the two of us as a pair.

Who knew all it takes is for me to go somewhere without Luca for them to start talking about me. In any case, it's a dangerous rumor to be spreading. Luca hasn't heard yet, though I'm sure he will, he'll be up for breakfast in another hour. I'll eat, review todays schedule, appoint the king and queens security today, then the king will have his meeting and I'll train. After that I'll be with him for the rest of the day.

So when I was training today I was surprised to be found by a certain Duke. An ex prince that had become the accomplice to the newest rumor involving me.

I bow formally to him," Duke Calimunda, good morning."

Atalon was indeed an ex prince, but when his kingdom was merged to this one, he in exchange became the Duke of where his kingdom used to be. The only difference now was that he had to report to the king.

"Good morning to you Lady Roma, don't feel the need to address me formally, Atalon is fine."

"Well if you feel that way then please just call me Roma. People are really going to believe the rumors flying about now aren't they?"

"Rumors? I'm afraid I don't hear very many of those."

"I guess people saw us walking around last night. They believe we are having an intimate relationship in secret."

"I doubt the king would even think about letting you go, so I don't see why that would seem so believable."

"Well the noble women have been told not to marry you, and I'm essentially on a tight leash, so I guess they coincide for secret love affairs. Well anyway, Atalon, isn't there a meeting you need to be in attendance of this morning."

"The king feel the need to not invite me to such meetings as much as possible, so no, I'm free to be out and about."

"I see, if you ever find yourself with nothing to do there is a spot where the knights gather on break to play games. I'd suggest dropping by there, unofficially of course."

"Do you go a lot?"

"I've been in the kings company for a great many years, at this point I've gotten to know almost everything there is to know about the knights in the castles."

A maid comes clambering outside," Lady Roma, the king is requesting you urgently in the meeting room."

What on earth could be going on? I'm never called to those meetings. I sheath my sword and start walking with the maid in a hurried fashion. Atalon follows us as well.

"I guess I'll attend the meeting today then."

The grand doors open and I walk between the two lines of nobles and advisors. Atalon sneaks into the line up behind me. The doors shut as I reach the end of the walk. I bow to Luca.

"Good Morning the light of the empire, is there something you need of me my king?"

I stand from my bow and he looks down to me, a scornful look in his eyes. For the first time ever I'm scared of him, not the circumstances, or the people, of him. The look on his face drew fear in my body, I never knew he could do such a thing.

"Roma, tell me about these rumors I've heard."

Did he even notice that he addressed me informally?

"Witch ones would you like me to elaborate."

"Are you having an intimate relationship with Duke Calimunda?"

I look around, this seems like something to be discussing in private, not in front of all the nobles and advisors. Even my father was in this room right now.

"No, these are only just rumors, I can assure you that no such relationship exists between myself and Duke Calimunda."

"Then tell me why I've been informed of this?"

"I was outside last night in the garden where I meet Duke Calimunda, who offered to escort me back to my room. At the time I was off duty, and he saw it the right thing to do. That a lady shouldn't be left alone to walk at night. My king I can say that if you ask him he will also cooperate what I have said today."

"How am I to believe the words you tell me here today Roma?"

The stake drives into my heart with his question. Is my word not enough for him? Dose he not trust me, after all this time? My word has no weight to him?

I look up at him sincerely, hoping that the truth would be evident in my face.

"Luca," I whisper between my teeth,"I promise they are only just rumors."

The next second I'm looking at my father and the dukes to my right. A loud clap rings through the room, and it becomes silent. Quieter than a graveyard. My cheek throbs but I can't feel the pain, it was out shadowed by the pain in my heart. I hardly felt the sting as tears slide down from my eyes. The whole world stoped for a minute. My whole world was cracked in to pieces. I felt frozen, my body didn't move.

"I expect such things to not be said about my people. Such a relationship ends-," I turn and look up at him, his speech slows," here..."

I snap my head away from him turning and walking away. My eyes defocus as I look ahead not seeing anything. My feet hit the ground with a thump as I go down the three carpeted steps.

"Roma! Turn backs around and listen to me!" Lucas voice calls to me in anger ordering me to face him, stay put, to come back," I order you to come back here Roma!"

I turn my head and a huge lighting bolt barely misses Luca. The flash was blinding, and the bang and clap made them hold their ears. I look right into his eyes and he looks truly shocked.

"I wish you had left me there."

I walk out the doors shutting slowly behind me.

"G-get her!"


"That was an attempt on the kings life!"

"Stop!" His voice calls," let her go."

"But my king!"

"I said stay put."

The room becomes quite once more. The hallways outside the room were in a panic from the loud sound. But all freeze and go silent as they see me walking like a corpse threw the hall. Tears drip off my chin, as I walk. I wasn't looking, only wandering, counting the drops that fall from my chin.

The words I said, I meant them. Ever since he 'saved' me I have felt more pain than I ever have in my entire life. Right now he had hurt me to deeply, clawed my soul and heart. Yet in my heart my love for him hadn't changed. All he did was cause me much pain, but I couldn't bare to be apart from him. I wish he had left me in that cage.

The cat opened the doves cage only to lock her in a glass box. An illusion of freedom. A place she couldn't fly or sing to the other birds outside. Where only he could play and torment the little dove in his paws and claws. Yet the dove continued to come back to the only other thing inside the box.
