

"Tell me Roma, why exactly do you train so much?" My sword slips from my hand a little before I grip it tightly. What am I to say to that? "What value do I have if not my life behind my sword?" His head lifts up from the relaxed stance he had before. "I have no value asides from my sword, I'm no noble, my blood is tainted. No man would ever wish to marry a bastard like me. My life has no value, it is only my body, this body that can be sacrificed with my sword to protect. I must continue to train because this is the only thing that makes me valuable. It's even the only reason you came to save me" He stands up grabbing my chin to make me look into his eyes," Thats not true, you aren't disposable or invaluable! Don't you ever say that again, you hear me Rominda! You are never to sacrifice your life carelessly." --- Talented and skilled young girl losses her mother and freedom in one day. She is locked up in the dukes home, her fathers home. Until a cat finds the little bird and opens the cage to set her free. Or that’s what she believed.

Rachael_P · Fantasía
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7 Chs

The White Cat (Chapter Two)

"Roma, the lord is requesting your presence immediately."

"A-all right, what for is he calling me."

" I think it isn't my place to say, but you best be speedy."

I toss my hair around a little to liven it up and tighten my dress. With a dignified stride I follow along with her done the hall, to fathers office. The prince stands when he sees me enter, he smiles at me and I catch his gaze, my heart twisting for no reason. I remember myself quickly as my father rises to his feet as well.

I bow lowly," father.., my prince."

"Stand Roma," fathers voice is unchanging, but even in that I can feel the prickly venom hidden underneath," the prince tells me he is acquainted with you, is this correct."

"Yes father, it wasn't my intention to do such a thing."

"Don't speak, I'm not done."

I stand silently holding my hands in each other looking at the ground. I'm in a room with two people that have all the power to destroy me, I knew I shouldn't have spoken to him.

"The prince has asked for me to hand you over to his care, though you are practically the same age."

"This is correct, though the final choice would be yours."

"Raise your head Roma, the prince is speaking to you."

I listen to my fathers orders, looking up to this, almost angelic, human before me.

"Roma, will you come and pledge your loyalty to me and be my right hand protector?"

"What?!" Father looks almost shocked, starring me down intently.

"Don't tell me you didn't know?" The prince questions," your daughter is one of the most skilled swordsmen I've ever seen. Maybe even the best, and your family supports my rise it the thrown so I'm sure this would be a very valuable gift to me, no?"

The gears in my fathers brain turn, clearly he was unaware that I was versed in such skills. In this situation the prince is offering him a trade, me, for relations, or possibly, a position in his government if he dose become king. However if he doesn't he losses his only biological heir and the 'strongest swordsman' the prince has ever seen. The real question is, does he wish to pretend I don't exist and risk offending the prince, or grit his teeth reveal my origins and acknowledge me for the chance to rise.

"My prince, I hope she will serve you well."

That was his answer, my head quickly whips to him. I really didn't think he would allow this, to swallow his pride this way. He is either very confident that he will become king, or scared of what he might do when he dose. My mouth hangs open slightly in shock, and the prince looks down on me a smile pulling on his lips.

"Then what about you Roma, will you be my sword?" He offers me his hand.

I restate then decide to grab this chance, I take his hand in mine an kneel before him.

"I pledge to be your sword for as long as you will have me."

The cage had been opened and I was now a free bird.


On our way to the castle we were met by something unexpected. You see the prince had come for a short vacation, if you will. So he didn't bring many men with him, by that I mean only two, and only one of them was a solder. The other drove the carriage and carried the princes things. I rode back on a horse, the other men sat on the drivers bench of the carriage. We were attacked by rouge sayr-werewolves, they are half human and incredibly strong considering they also have aura. There aura is called intimidation, it allows them to cancel out any aura as long as they are looking at you.

They jumped at me first, it caught me off guard, I went to condense my aura into a shield, however they used their trick on me. I was tackled off my horse, the other night stood up holding his arm out, a puller of earth comes out of the ground. It slammed into the wolf, knocking it off of me. Looks like I won't be able to rely on my aura. I stand drawing my sword. His friend came for me and the other knight jumps from the carriage. He goes after the one that was down. I jump at the one before me, I slash down and it leaps back. It slashed at me and I dodge each time. The prince opens the door.

"What's going on out here?"

The wolf looks back at him, it pounces towards him. I jump forward and knock him away, he turns and swipes claws into my side.

"Aaagh!" I cry in pain, jumping back.

The prince lifts his hand, and blows suit in the air and into its eyes.

"Strike him with lighting now!"

A large bolt of lightning shoots threw it, hitting the ground with a rumble and clap. The wolf stiffens before, quite literally, poofing into dust. I set my sights on the other one I stand letting bolts of electricity shoot from my fingers. The wolf disintegrates quickly.

"Thanks lady Roma! That was very effective," the knight says sheathing his sword.

I wobble on my feet, clutching a hand to my ribs. I lower to the ground with a thud.


My eyes got blurry and when I opened them again, I was looking up at the top of the tent and at the prince.

"How are you feeling?"

I start to sit up and instantly regret that idea. With a grimace of pain I lay back down, the princes' hand helping me lay back down.

"I sent Alvin to get a cleric. Where not that far now anyway."

"You really don't have to do such things for me."

"You're my bird now Roma, I don't plan for my bird to have a hurt wing right after I've acquired her."

He pulls off the bandage, replacing the blood soaked pad with a new one quickly before warping it firmly. He used his aura to clean it out, I had to admit it was impressive.

"Just lay still for the next day and we'll have you all fixed up."


"Tell me Roma," the prince says watching me," why exactly do you train so much."

My sword slips from my hand a little before I grip it tightly. What am I to say to that?

"What value do I have if not my life behind my sword?"

His head lifts up from the relaxed stance he had before. I feel my eyes defocus as I think back that dark room.

"I have no value asides from my sword, I'm no noble, my blood is tainted. No man would ever wish to marry a bastard. My life has no value, it is only my body, this body that can be sacrificed with my sword to protect. I must continue to train because this is the only thing that makes me valuable. It's even the only reason you came to save me"

He stands up grabbing my chin to make me look into his eyes," Thats not true, you aren't disposable or invaluable! Don't you ever say that again, you hear me Rominda! You are never to sacrifice your life carelessly."

"My prince."

I look up into his backlit, angelic, face. His blue eyes weren't angry like his tone sounded, they were stern, something about them felt soft and comforting. Silent tears slide down my cheeks.

"You life belongs to me now, and I will not have you waist it."

I pull my head away holding my arm to my wet eyes. My sword slips from my grasp and I crumble to my knees. I plant both my hands on the ground in a bow.

"I promise to you my prince that I will always be your sword, I won't let my life slip through unless you wish it to."


"What have you got here brother?"

I remain bowed since he didn't dismiss me after the greeting.

"At ease Roma," the prince says.

I stand strait and I'm faced with the third and the first prince. The third prince looked like the king, dark brown hair and orange eyes. While the first prince looked more like my prince. Blue eyes and hair with patches of white and brown.

"Tell me where you found her won't you brother?" The third prince asks his burly body circling me.

"She is a woman, not an object. You speak like you'll be able to find one just like her."

The eldest prince sighs closing his book, lifting his glasses to the top of his head pulling his hair back to reveal his handsome face.

"You should really take more social studies brother," he looks to me taking my hand he lays a kiss on my fingers," greetings Lady Xiron, I hope you'll accept my brothers apology from me."

His aura felt like a mountain stream, swimming in gently flowing watering, rain falling from the sky.

"Xiron! I thought Duke Xiron didn't have children?"

"I am my fathers only child, I was born out of wedlock."

"In any case, how did you know that brother?"

"It's obvious you forget that all the Xiron's have those silver eyes."

He grabs me holding my face to look into my eyes. His aura was so much different, like fathers, a ragging flame.

"I guess they are grey, but what I'm interested in is where this aura came from?"

My prince lifts his hand, strong wind pushing the third prince away from me.

"I think you've entertained yourself enough now."

"No need to show off your fancy wind aura Luca," the third prince rolls his eyes," I'm only observing."

"I think you crossed the line enough."

"Oh ya? You want to fight with me little brother."

The first prince sighs putting his glasses back on and opening his book once again.

"I'll be in the study when your done Kalen."

"Ya what ever."

He walks away and Prince Luca and Prince Kalen are staring each other down for no reason.

Kalen's hand draws back to hit my prince, lighting strikes the floor with a clap and rumble.

"That's enough my princes."

"What a loyal little knight you've found Luca, but darling, you shouldn't trust my brother so freely all royals wear masks even you beloved prince."

With his words he walks away after the first prince.


"My prince!"

I catch him in my arms, holding him upright, I don't think I'd ever seen him like this before. It had to have been because the forth prince kept pressuring him to drink. Now he's a drunk mess, no doubt in an effort to make him loose face.

"You mustn't let the forth prince pressure you to do such things to your body."

"This body isn't even mine anyway, my body belongs to the country, not to me."

"Even so, we are all relying on you to keep this body of ours safe."

" That's your job Roma, you are to protect me."

"There is only so much I can protect you from my prince. Anyway, you need to go back to your chambers, you are to drunk to be working or wandering around."

I lead him, however willing he was, back to his chambers.

"I''ll call for your attendants."


"My prince you can't sleep in those clothes, and I doubt you can even change it yourself in this inebriated state you've drunken yourself into."

"I mean, I wish for you to attend me Roma."

"My prince! I simply cannot do such a thing. I may be a sword to you but I am still a woman, I shouldn't even be in your room at such an hour alone."

"That's an order Roma."

My heart turns, ever since I walked out the manor with the prince my heart aches for him. Of course I know I could never have him, it just pains me more when he lets me so close gives me such attention. He knows I can't deny him, let alone not follow an order, I was built on the foundations of a knight. To not lesson to my leader no matter their standing wasn't possible for me.

I approach him untying the fabric enlacing his collar, then the buttons down his chest. He was muscular that was or sure, he really was just like an angel. His blue eyes watch me intently, as I unrobe him. I take his shirt and fold it in my arms forming a neat pile. He sat shirtless before me, and I kneel on the floor removing his shoes and socks as well. He only had his paints left. I turn from him.

"I'm sure you can hand the rest yourself, I shouldn't be even seeing this much of your body, I cannot witness anymore."

I feel myself get wrapped in a cool air, I start sliding back and onto the bed.

"I know I shouldn't but I want your body, it belongs to me now. However noble woman arn't supposed to let such things happen but I crave your body."

In a way he was like my husband, knights take clauses similar to what wives do. Only they are one sided, since there are special clauses for female knights. Because a woman must 'belong' to someone we must start with our father, then when married he agrees to pass ownership to the husband. Knights like me, the lord we serve becomes the person that must agree to let us go. Many female knights will break there oath if the lord doesn't let them leave. They will then be unable to serve as an official knight from then on.

"I'm not a noble woman"

"You're the dukes only child, he has acknowledged you, like it or not you are his successor. That make you a noble."

His hands grab my body pulling me down on the bed. He sits me between his legs, hands touching the front of my body. His breath smells of sweet alcohol as he kisses my neck. My body shutters and he finds the buckles on my armor unclipping them. His fingers play on my flesh.

"You must excuse me, you're the only woman I have ever wanted to touch like this before."

He had to be doing this because of the alcohol.


" call me by my name Roma. Luca, call me Luca."

He was able to rid of all my armor, and his hand grabs my breast pressing into his palm.

"Come on say it."

He kisses my neck massaging my breast in his hand. With my eyes shut and feeling his body behind me, drunken smell in the air, and soft voice in my ears. It was easy to forget that he was a prince, or anyone really, in that moment he didn't feel untouchable. He was a person the same as me. He was Luca.


I feel pressure against my back, red falling over my cheeks. His hand slides down lifting my skirt, his hand slides up, and finds the leather band. He feels over them finding the buckles and taking them off. Then his other hands moves to my side undoing the laces on my corset. I was only in my under dress, I could feel his chest rise and fall against my back. His bulge on my back, his hands run up my body. Pressing into the skin of my stomach, breaths on my neck.

"You smell so lovely,"His face buried in my hair, I shiver,"You're hair is so curly, like soft clouds."

Even the smell of the sweet wine in his breath was enough to be intoxicating to me. He takes my hands placing them on his thighs. He shifts hands unbuckling his pants.

"M-my prince, you can't do this. I will ruin your reputation."

"I don't care who knows, you belong to me now, and I want to finalize that."

He kisses my neck and shoulder pulling down the strap off my dress with his teeth.


I rug my legs together, letting my head fall back on his shoulder. His right hand slides down my thigh, lifting my dress and patting my legs. His fingers brush down my lips. I tighten my grip on his pants turning my face into his neck. He looks down my body from over my shoulder. His left hand plays with my nipple. He slides his finger into my juice, my back stretches, the feeling was so good, yet unbearable. I try my hardest not to clamp my legs on him, or thrash around.

"Relax my dove," he kisses the skin behind my ear.

I try to breath, but there was so much happening. His finger jerks over a spot and my body stiffens in an instant, a moan escapes my mouth. Not like any moan I've ever made before. Luca stops his assault for a moment after the sound left my lips. He rubs me again and I bite my lip, trying to not to make such a sound again.

"Coo for me again won't you my bird?"


He stands me up taking his hand away, standing with me. His appendage was clear to see, and very hard. He turns me around, leading me to lay down on the bed. I look up at him his body cast in shadow, kneeling before me. His hands land on either side of me, he leans down.

That night he was very drunk, that was all he did, nothing more had transpired between us. He lowered himself closer to my body, the moment his head touched my chest he passed out. His head rested on my breasts his body between my legs. I my legs bend out, I couldn't hold his weight, his body was to heavy if he wasn't holding it up. I felt like some kind of dog in heat, it was suffering. I tried to move and get out from under him, but I had no luck. I was strong, but so was he, and he was way bigger that me. I couldn't manage to push him off. At least I was laying on the pillows, and the room was lit. His bed was so comfy. I wish I had had a drink, then maybe I could have been able to sleep like he is right now. Horny. Any thought of sleeping was destroyed by the unbearable tension I couldn't fix.


Something had changed between us after that incident. He didn't remember his advance at all, or even the last part of his dinner. However I informed him of what had transpired, since the situation he found himself in when he woke up was definitely startling. This had broken a wall between us. There were a few things I didn't mention, so it must have been true if he told me. The thing about him owning me. He continued to insist I call him by name though. He also continued be touchy with me, it was clear to him that I wouldn't stop him if he did.

Not once in the time I had known him had I told him no. That situation happened because I, truthfully, didn't want him to stop. He had my heart though I'd never tell him so. I was content enough being beside him every day.

"Good job my bird, come here now."

Blood dripped from my sword. I turn and look at Luca. I felt nothing in this moment, numbness. His warmth was the only thing there left to feel. His brothers blood stained into my clothes.

"Oh, of course that must be gross here," he waves his hand, wind whipping around me and the blood came out of my uniform.

Like it never happened. He smiles at me.

He was the 4th in line though he was the 5th prince. His 2ed brother was incredibly sickly, he'd never be able to rule. This is what Luca wishes, so this is what I shall do. I will let this blood be socked into me, even if it's blown away, it will stay on my soul, but I will do it to keep his clean. I walk over to him sheathing my sword. He wraps an arm around my waist and sits me next to him on the couch.

"Well done my dove. When I'm king I'm going to give you all the beautiful things you desire."

It took only a few months for him to organize another one, this time the eldest and 3ed prince in one carriage accident. Getting rid of two in one go, of course I was the one that set it up and made sure it did the job.

The king was at the end of his rope, Luca was his only son well enough for the position. His sisters were out of the question as long as he had sons, and the 2ed prince had no fight against him in his state. Luca was chosen as the heir. Only for him to become king not soon after.

I know it's not right, but what in this world is right and just? I am supposed to be a knight, one with integrity and loyalty. However this loyalty consumes my integrity. To serve him is my only way to thank him, my only way to show my love. I must remind myself of this when my hands are stained with the blood of his brothers.