
the beginning

Megan point of view

I am Megan Connor I am an assassin. Recently I have be hired to go up to the light world and protect a rich kid. Now don't get me wrong I have done this before but this might be my most dangerous mission. Oh just in case you are wondering the light world is where the rich people with the fansy houses and large companies the shadow world where I grew up is full of assassins trying to get money owed by Mr.O'Riley.

Third person point of view

Do you actually think she can do this. Says the CEO of Rockwall industry Mr.good.

Yes I know she can she Is my best assassin. Says Megan boss, Mr.O'Riley.

She's some girl from the shadows. Mr.Good said in a serious voice.

But she is really good it's either her or someone with less value I promise she can protect your son. Mr.O'Riley said with a loud voice

"It's not protecting him I am worried about. I don't want her to get attached to him." Mr. Good said

"He 8" said Mr O'Riley

"Mr.O'Riley she's here" said Mr.O'Rileys body guard

"Send her in" MR.O'Riley said with a smile on his face.

"He said come in" Mr.O'Riley bodyguard told Megan.

Megan point of view

I walked in the room with no smile. I was serious I want this job, because there is someone close to the Goods that I want to kill. And soon it will happen.