
Burnt Souls

Life can be too harsh sometimes. Living or choosing to die is always your wish. Can you live a life of misery? Would you allow yourself to love and be loved after being hated for so long? Can love truly overcome all? _________________________________________________ "Could someone who've been betrayed all life will ever fall in love?" Kace , 19 and perfect in every possible way. Academic topper, Soccer player, perfect cook, sharp and witty, not to forget the damned looks. The only thing he isn't perfect at is to love and being loved. The seemed to be playboy, the dream guy of every girl in the college, well everyone except one. Nyla Wilson, a pretty girl with half of the college hitting on her. She is another model student to beheld. Academically perfect, dancer, artist, a cheerful attitude and a personality which seem to attract almost everyone to her. Kace, an introverted person , minding his own bussiness and keeping away from everyone else ,successfully guarding his own secrets, while Nyla, cheerful , almost childish person, who has a great bunch of friends and seem to have no problem in her life. But is that so? Or is she hiding her true self behind this cheerful mask? What happens when these two opposites are stuck with each other for the next three months in a friendship deal. Will they be able to tolerate each other through their friendship deal. Will there be more? Or will they break even more? Tune in ,to find out!!

Inked_hearts007 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

chapter 4

Chapter 4

You've got Guinea Pigs?

So after having a dinner with Miss Wilson that I wished to avoid the most, now I was locked out of my own place without clothes or any basic necessities.

But most fun part is yet to come. Miss Wilson proposed me to live at her place for next 5 days. Is this girl in her right mind?

"So. Still in the mood for ice cream?" she asked, trying to lighten up the mood

I just nodded out of confusion and uncertainty about what was happening

She simply went into kitchen and came back with two bowls of chocolate ice cream.

Handing me one, she sat beside me on the couch.

"Why did you offered me to stay here?" Finally I asked

"You didn't wanted to?" she asked

"Its not about me. I'm asking why you offered" I said

"Well, cause I had spare rooms" she replied

"So you would let any random stranger stay at your place just cause you've got free rooms?"

Was she crazy???

"Well, what do you want me to say?" she sighed

"I want to hear the truth. Why did you let me stay, when you don't even know me properly?"I was adamant.

"Well, for two reasons. Firstly you're not a stranger. You're my sister's best friend's brother, so I don't feel security issues in letting you stay."she said and I nodded. I couldn't think of anything else

"And secondly, this apartment is boring if you live here alone. So a human company would be nice even if it's just for 5 days"She turned towards me.

We had an eye contact of 5 second and I could notice that she was really lonely.

"Ohh" I said, looking away

"Hey. Come, I've got something to show you" she stood up

"What?" I asked ,not wishing to get up.

"Come on, I'm not gonna eat or alive or something" she simply grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards a translucent glass, sliding door on one end of the living room.

"Wow" I exclaimed, admiring the view in front of my eyes

It was one of the rooms ,combined with balcony to be redesigned into a mini garden. There was an artificial grass mat and various flowering plants growing in decorated pots.

"Welcome to my Peace House.....Come here" she said lead me to a wired cage and opened the door.

"You've got guinea pigs?" I exclaimed

"Yup, they came this afternoon only" she replied as I bent to pick up on guinea pig ,which was whole white fur with a black patch which ran from middle of his head to right of his ear, covering his right eye.

"Hey, don't. Tim bit-" she said as her pet leaned into my hands

"This is surprising. Tim never allows anyone to touch him, except me. Once my mom tried to stroke him,while feeding him. You won't like how she ended up with a bleeding finger"she said

I couldn't help but chuckle

"You must have got a way with animals if you can tackle Tim"she gave a bright smile

"So his name is Tim. What are others named?" I asked

"That white one with brown patches is Puffy. That black one with brown patches is Cleo and that white one with black and brown patches is Marvin" she said pointing to respective pets as she told their names

"They're cute" I said letting go of Tim who ran up into her lap.

"Hey, did you miss me little guy?"

"You love them right?" I asked as she patted him lovingly

"Yup. But Tim is my favorite. He is stubborn as me. He won't let anyone in except me and you for recent addition"

"Should we go back in?"she suggested

"Umm. Mind staying here for sometimes? It's peaceful here"

"Well no problem. Just let me pour water in their bowls" she pointed to the cage

I nodded and leaning to the wall.

She came back ,after locking all of her pets inside,and sat beside me, both enjoying a comfortable silence,that none wished to break

We sat like that for about an hour ,until she sneezed.

"Let's get inside" I chuckled and suggested

We went back inside, and she lead me to my room, for next 5 days.

She sat on the bed while I stood, looking round the room.

"Can you do me another favour, please?"I asked, hesitantly

"You know the word 'please' too?" she teased

"Yup, I do" I huffed

"Ok, what did you wanted to ask for?"


"Hey, stop being grumpy and tell me"she pouted unconsciously

"I'm not being grumpy and its nothing I can manage on my own. So thanks but I don't need your help"

"Well then, wanna go for a bit shopping? You need clothes right?" she suggested

"Are you some superhuman or something? How can you read minds?"

Is she actually reading my mind??

She simply stared me and then broke into a laugh

"What are you laughing at?" I was surely embarrassed.

"Nothing. It's just I had to go to shop groceries and other stuff. I was planning to go now and it clicked me that you need clothes too. I suggested you and you went superhuman"

I could feel my face turning red of embarrassment

"Shopping? At this time?"I tried to change the topic

"Yeah! Its nine only. I'm sure Walmart would be open.Coming?" She offered

I took ten seconds to decide then finally nodded.


First we went through the groceries, then to Miss Wilson helped me choose clothes.

"All black and white?" she asked as I pick 3 black and 2 white Levi's T-shirts along with some pair of black jeans ,some pj pants ,a towel and other clothes I needed.

"That's what's I find comfortable"I shrugged

"You must try some colours too. They'll look good on you" she said moving to the counter.


We reached her apartment in less than an hour later.

She sat on couch, when Ientered the living room

"Going to bed?" she asked.

It was hardly 10 .

"Well, I don't know. It's early for me to sleep. But I don't have anything to do so.."

"Umm. Movie?"she suggested

"It not my thing" I shrugged

"Fine then, up for a game?"

"What game?"

"Answer or suffer"she gave a smirk

This girl is out of my understanding. Can anyone explain, what exactly is she thinking????