
Building on Marvel

Does anyone know the saying, when you get what you want you must lose something in return, I got my reset in a reincarnation/transmigration, but I lost all the effort I had put into overcoming my depression and anxiety, now I didn't die like the typical isekai of turn, but the fucking Herobrine appeared to me while I was enjoying my game of Minecraft of 10 years. now I find myself in a world with the difficulty x2, and it had to be the fucking MCU, I swear I'll make a farm in the overworld after tricking me to take a well-deserved rest for All the shit that's coming A/N: Hello everyone, this is a new Minecraft fanfic, I don't expect it to be perfect, I get lost when I write so there might be mistakes and some holes, but I take it as a hobby, so if you don't understand I'll just correct something in the comments, besides using Grammarly for free because I use the google translator and then I'll post it there, so expect many grammatical errors anyway because of my lousy English. disclaimer: all characters, scenes, names, etc belong to their respective creators, only the OC belongs to me, Marvel and Minecraft do not belong to me or else they would be a complete disaster.

SentimentalReader2 · Película
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

n/a: Thanks for all the support I didn't expect, a special thanks to Kickedelm0 for helping me come up with ideas of what to do with the potential of having a world with infinite minerals.

Mc's point of view:

Robbing the bank and the jewelry was easy, although it was more difficult with the bank because it was bigger and I didn't know the map of the place, so it was a bit random.

It was already Sunday and in the newspaper that arrived it said that they had robbed the gold bank without leaving traces and in a smaller space, they also robbed the jewelry store, nicknamed the thief "The Ghost"...

Ugh... they are quick to get news but bad at putting names, leaving the newspaper on the table for my father to read at breakfast, it must be said that since I discovered my "culinary talent" they make me cook their meals, I don't complain, always I wanted to cook well and even though I cheat when using the [Book] I sometimes practice cooking it ordinarily, I noticed that the effects sometimes went up and down but never reaching the effect if I crafted it on a crafting table (I got the wood for the logs that were bought for winter), which made me understand why the chef skills branch existed, which had a line that connected it to alchemist with question marks.

What I find quite accurate because in the end they are assimilated a lot, although it is a pity that only the most basic skills are seen and I can't find any other way to get points other than for the only mission I have.

Unless there is another way to get points, I am limited with my abilities, hopefully, the portal will solve my problems, although I am worried about something very important, The Ancient One, everyone who has seen a Marvel fanfic knows that he or she is who gives rise to it if you find yourself as an enemy or an ally, 80% of the time it is the latter, and the reason why I think he has not contacted me so far is because of my Nexus, practically when I create the portal I am releasing all my potential to this world.

So the only thing left for me to do is thank the TOAA, Stan Lee, I don't know how Herobrine contacted him to give me permission to enter his territory but I will be eternally grateful.

So with my worries and paranoia aside, I got to work carving the gold and iron blocks, again thanks to Dad for working at the construction company even though I had to create a furnace in my underground base that I made under the house, being careful not to break any tuber, to melt the iron, luckily if I put something big in it it does not become a nugget, but the ingot and some iron nuggets come out, demonstrating once again that my system does not turn things around to start from scratch and it is all more efficient so as not to waste anything.

Wandering in my thoughts about how I had obtained the iron, I stopped for a minute in carving, if I could recycle an object 100% and turn it into raw material, then if I get a junkyard for vehicles and other things, I could recycle the small amounts of gold, silver and other valuable materials that they put into appliances.

Coming out of my hiding place, I looked in the basement of the house (I mean, my base is under the basement) and looked for a broken radio that I used when I was little, luckily it was in a toy box for charity, I went back to my base and put the radio on. decomposed in the oven.

There I realized that I was not making progress in removing the materials after 5 minutes of waiting, so looking in the [Book], writing [Ovens], I realized that I needed a special oven with a futuristic appearance to separate all the components and those converted into raw material.

n/a: the [Book] is like the JEI/REI mod only it renders it as a book.

I did not get depressed, because there was a way that my idea could be carried out, it only took time and materials and needs a lot for this oven, that is, its internal components need internal components and to craft it you need a 32x32 crafting table, so I only have to remove the pieces by hand and that they are larger than 10 centimeters for ingots and 2 for nuggets approximately, less than that would not work when I realized that only the plastic of the radio becomes a block of plastic together with a copper nugget for wiring.

With that discarded I went back to carving the metal blocks, it wasn't that difficult, just use a pencil until it fits you well and then use the chisel when finished.

I did not have how much time I spent carving the blocks and collecting the dust from the paper plate under them, it is valuable material I will not waste it even if I have some leftover in the future.

n/a: I think someone is a hoarder, Diogenes, is that you?

He couldn't finish all those blocks that day, after all, he had school tomorrow, he still has several gold blocks left and even the entire stack of iron, luckily the crafted chisel with the corresponding ingot makes the metal so smooth to carve Like mud or it would take longer, after all, there are not a few runes that come with the instructions, it almost looks like an abstract work of art.

So stretching his body and moving his wrists due to the tiredness of his hands, he left his base and went to sleep, luckily he had set an alarm clock for those with ears so that time would not run out.

n / a: if you wonder why he can breathe without a single hole for air, well it's Steve's body, he can go to hell without dying instantly from dehydration.

Already in bed resting, I looked at my trusty ceiling to turn off my brain for a good 5 minutes, not to think about anything and let my brain rest after an exhausting night, I liked the silence of the house, although from time to time it was interrupted by a vehicle or a neighbor's dog.

I was always a loner in my previous life, not to look cool, I was just looking for peace of mind and had few friends, I don't know how I managed to have a girlfriend, one day we talked and the following year we are a couple...

I felt a little sad when I remembered her, she wasn't the most beautiful in the world, but it made me happy to make her happy, she liked my strange humor and she understood me when I had bouts of depression, which diminished with her help.

Now I don't have depression for losing her, but gratitude for being a part of my life and I won't waste her efforts getting depressed again.

A longing sigh escaped my lips, I missed her, but now is not the time to regret it, I am no longer in a world where rest and tranquility are common, I must enjoy these little moments and for that, I must work harder.

Getting out of bed to get my lazy side out of my system, I changed into my workout clothes and headed out to the garden to do some calisthenics focusing on building strength rather than muscle, clearly a warm-up first so I don't get any cramps.

And I spent a week again playing with the children, studying things more advanced than my grade (subject for the last year of high school, it only has 5, almost 6 at the moment), gathering materials from junkyards as a hobby with the help of my father, go to my base and take out the raw materials (as the amount was minimal I had to scrap them and have several kilos to make a few ingots), rinse and repeat until Saturday.

I was doing the best I could with my limited time and age, too bad I can't do a time jump.

n/a: yes but not yet :)

Now I was in front of a portal not yet finished and my heart was pounding, at the top, there was a cavity where the diamond should be placed, which would catalyze to open the portal, it's like the lighter but placed in a frame.

Taking a deep breath, going up the ladder, I put the diamond in the cavity which fit perfectly, the problem was that there was a small explosion of energy that pushed me backward, I almost fell but managed to keep my balance to see As the portal began to open, it almost looked like those super realistic youtube animations from my past life, but 100 times better and more colorful.

Then after that scandal, it started to make a noise of a mixture of [the lighthouse] and the [nether portal], and the essence of the portal was a rainbow glow.

Even in my daze from the fantastic presentation of dimensional magic, I had to slap my cheeks to wake up, trembling with excitement I started to enter the portal, only to be sucked in and experience something similar to Dr.Strange, I observed things that the movies could never represent in 50 years of my past life until the trip stopped, but I was not in a vast world of vegetation and minerals, but in a space that I could not explain, sometimes white, multicolored, but the only thing that stood out was a person with sparse white hair and glasses that only a few people would wear.

Out of sheer stupefaction, my hands went to my head causing my hair to snap back, he is the legendary one above all! / TOAA, mortal name Stan Lee.

He was just giving me a warm and amused smile for my reactions, which was a good sign because he was so nervous that he didn't even know how to react because my brain.exe was under maintenance.

- I didn't think you'd get here so soon, you surprise me young Rylan, Herobrine was right that you had the potential for this job - TOAA said as he calmly approached me and then crouched at my height to look into my eyes when he took off his glasses.

- But... Herobrine said that I wasn't special... - I managed to say after forcibly calming my nerves.

- hehe, as the Japanese say, he is a Tsundere, after all, I asked him to bring you, be patient young man, I will answer your biggest question, why?, and the answer is that apart from the mission he gave you, I also have a mission for you - in that, he puts his hand on my shoulder taking me on a trip to space at a speed that light would be very jealous.

n/a: before you start the hate, let's say that this Herobrine has the personality of a school monster. PS: I borrowed TOAA's idea from the fanfic Marvel: Spectre's Chronicles, go support him, thanks for watching him *random image from 2012*

- I imagine that you already know that your world is similar to the 19999 universe, but like any carbon copy, it can become a diamond, so you may see more destruction when the pressure increases - I stopped talking for a moment to give myself time to say this information.

- Are you telling me... that the beings of my home... my universe, are stronger than I think they are? - I asked, more to confirm than to uselessly deny my situation that increased your difficulty to Hell.

TOAA only nodded and then the trip to the stars stopped in my land, the land of the UCM hell mode - yes, but for that, you will be, you will be the one in charge of building a stronger layer so that the majority of living beings survive, and don't worry about the TVA, they won't mess with you for a while - he said with a touch of mystery in his voice, practically saying that he wasn't going to tell me how long he would protect me from other multiversal beings, which leads me to what I should work for two events, the spiderman one and the Wanda one, so he knew that I knew the answer.

- So if I understand correctly, the dimension of the [overworld] is like a security folder in case the difficulty makes everything go overboard and I have to take care of all the events of the universe? But how can I do it if I don't know where to go?! - I asked with an expression of anguish and anxiety until the screen of my system released a sound that I had not heard in quite some time.

[TOAA mission: Help Tony Stark survive the terrorist attack.

Reward: 100 points

glitch: tony stark bleeds to death]

In disbelief, I looked at TOAA again – this… -.

- I will give you some missions to guide you on your way to guide you to the key moments when the universe will need your help, I will not require you to save all the planets, but when you can, remember not to. alone, okay? It's time for you to see your dimension, ruler of the [overworld] - with a wink, the same amalgamation of colors from the portal I built appeared behind me and sucked me in, I don't know how long it took, but my mind needed rest for my existential reason, so I don't know when but I was unconscious for a while.

a/n: boom! Stan Lee's cameo needed one after resting in peace *moment of silence*...well as you can see I finally came up with an excuse to name our leader, to be honest, I used a random name generator, and The second time, a peculiar name appeared, I looked for its meaning and it's a good reference to Minecraft, I wasn't going to put Steve, it would be uncreative, it's hard for me to make dialogues, I hope you liked how I did it.

Things are coming in the next chapter (and sorry for the delay, that's why the longest chapter), see you next time~ *c flies out*