
Chapter 61: Punishing the Ice Snake

Su Yun stared at the fourth-grade ice snake in front of him, keeping his eyes fixed on it, wary of any sudden attacks, while pondering his battle strategy.

Although he had successfully ambushed and killed a fourth-grade demonic beast earlier, dealing with this ice snake in front of him was still challenging.

The previous attempt to ambush this ice snake had failed. 

This ice snake had an icy armor protecting its body, making its defense much stronger than that of the deceased water snake. Su Yun wasn't confident that he could kill it with one blow.

Otherwise, he wouldn't want to linger too long and would prefer to ambush and kill the ice snake quickly.

He absolutely couldn't prolong the battle.

After all, he was only a Great Fighter in cultivation. To challenge opponents of higher grades, he had to exert powerful martial techniques, which consumed a lot of Dou Qi.

Su Yun couldn't help but curse inwardly. His "Burning Cold Decision" was still a Mystic Grade Advanced Martial Skill.

However, during this period, whether it was condensing fire seeds or using stealth flight, his Dou Qi was insufficient.

In fact, this couldn't be blamed on the skill itself, but rather on the fact that everything he was doing wasn't what a normal Great Fighter would do.

Su Yun looked at the two types of beast flames on his body, his eyes narrowed, suddenly having an idea.

He had previously overlooked a move.

Fury of the Buddha's Flame!

Plagiarism was great. This move was extremely powerful. If he used it, he could at least seriously injure the ice snake.

Su Yun grinned, and suddenly his figure flashed, returning to the system space.

The system was his biggest secret. Anyone or any beast that saw it had to die.

In the instant Su Yun disappeared, the ice snake in the cave's human-like snake pupils flickered with vigilance.

Its snake head scanned around the cave but couldn't find Su Yun.

Where did the human go?

The intelligence of a fourth-grade demonic beast was not weak. The ice snake spat out its snake letter, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Meanwhile, Su Yun, who remained in the system space, looked at the ice snake in the cave not far away and smiled faintly.

Yes, just stay there and wait to die.

Su Yun's hands each produced green and pink flames, slowly merging them together.

Under Su Yun's control, a lotus flower composed of green and pink flames appeared in his hands.

Su Yun smiled satisfactorily, but the power of this move probably wouldn't cause too much harm to the ice snake outside.

The minimum power of the Fury of the Buddha's Flame was determined by the caster's fire control ability, but the maximum power was determined by the quality of the flames.

The flames refined from the body of a fourth-grade demonic beast were not particularly strong.

To truly severely wound the ice snake, Su Yun turned his gaze to the quiet Bone Spirit Cold Fire not far away.

Everything in the system space was under Su Yun's control. It was effortless for him to extract a bit of fire from the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

Just like when he refined the Three-Line Azure Spirit Pill before, Su Yun extracted a strand of Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

He fused this strand of fire into the fire lotus. A three-colored, magnificent fire lotus appeared in Su Yun's hand.


Feeling the energy within it, a glint of excitement flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

The Bone Spirit Cold Fire was different. He only extracted a trace of energy from it. With this energy fluctuation, it would be easy to blast the ice snake to death.

With this thought in mind, Su Yun held up the Fury of the Buddha's Flame and returned to the cave.

Seeing Su Yun charging towards it, the ice snake became somewhat wary. Although it still didn't understand how this human had appeared, it didn't stop it from launching an attack on Su Yun.

The ice snake also charged towards Su Yun, once again opening its large mouth and biting towards Su Yun.

Just as it was about to bite Su Yun, Su Yun disappeared again, just like before.

His Fury of the Buddha's Flame followed the previous momentum and sped towards the ice snake.

Before the ice snake could react, the Fury of the Buddha's Flame touched its snake body. It was in that moment that the lotus blossom of the Fury of the Buddha's Flame began to expand and then exploded with a loud bang!


A deafening explosion echoed, and the body of the ice snake was immediately blown apart, its body breaking into several sections, flesh and blood splattering everywhere.

Even though its human-like snake pupils still held a hint of confusion, it had already lost its breath, dying under Su Yun's Fury of the Buddha's Flame.

At this moment, Su Yun's figure reappeared, looking at his masterpiece, he smiled satisfactorily.

"Marvelous, hehehe!"

Su Yun approached the corpse of the ice snake and stored it in the system space.

Glancing at the cave, he nodded. It was sturdy enough, surprisingly not collapsed by the explosion.

Su Yun unfurled his Purple Cloud Wings and didn't intend to stay any longer.

Although the explosion just now was loud, even though the cave had decent sound insulation, some noise still leaked out.

There was no guarantee that other demonic beasts wouldn't take advantage of it.

Su Yun directly treated the Return Qi Pills as candy, grabbed a few and stuffed them into his mouth, then used the Phantom Decision to conceal his figure.

Ensuring that his flight wouldn't make too much noise, he flew out of the cave. Just as he was about to fly out of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range, he suddenly entered the system space again.

Su Yun raised his eyebrows. It seemed that these days were indeed his unlucky days.

Just now, in his perception, another strong aura flew into the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

Su Yun sat down in the system space, intending to enjoy the show.

The Dou Qi he sensed was very vigorous, with strong intensity.

The aura was even stronger than the Frost Double-Headed Hound and the Crystal Winged King from a few days ago.

And it carried a heavy and steady feeling, like rocks and mountains.

In the Empire of Additions, this kind of Dou Qi was quite distinctive.

If it wasn't Xing Tian, who else could it be?

In a short while, a yellow Dou Qi appeared in the sky above the Demonic Beast Mountain Range. As the Dou Qi dissipated, the figure of an old man in linen robes became visible.

Sure enough, the visitor was Xing Tian.

At this moment, a roar came from a cave.

Then, a group of demonic beasts poured out from the depths of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

Another powerful Dou Qi emerged, tinged with hot purple intent.

However, compared to Xing Tian, it was much weaker.

A Crystal Winged Lion King flapped its huge wings and appeared in the sky.

At the same time, three auras of fifth-grade demonic beasts emerged on the ground, responding to each other.

Su Yun nodded.

Xing Tian was the guardian of the Additions Empire, and his strength had already reached the peak of the Nine-Star Dou Emperor.

As for the aura of the Crystal Winged Lion King, it was roughly that of a Three-Star Dou Emperor, and it was still in the gestation period. It was impossible for it to be Xing Tian's opponent.

"Human, why have you come here?"

The voice of the Crystal Winged Lion King resounded, echoing throughout the entire Demonic Beast Mountain Range, but it sounded weak, lacking confidence.

"Just passing by. I sensed a significant Dou Qi fluctuation here, so I came to take a look," replied Xing Tian in a calm tone.

"There's nothing to see here. Go back."

The Crystal Winged Lion King surprisingly spoke in a friendly manner.

Evidently, it also sensed that the old man in front of it was far superior in strength.

(End of this chapter)