
BTS: The Eighth Member

Just read it, if you don't like it, then drop it, if you enjoy it, than you.

Sesoip_Kim · Combinación de músicas
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9 Chs


"Yeonsua!" shouted Seoha shouted "Where are you?"

it was an average day in the country side of Korea, sunny, but not too hot, a good refreshing day,

"did you find him?" asked Seoha quickly

and with a sigh that just screamed I'm to old for this simply replied "no, I didn't,"

"ugh, just where did this boy go?" but while looking around, what she couldn't see was a little mischievous figure creeping up to her,


"eeeeek!" screamed Seoha while Yoonsuh jumped

"oh Yeonsua, you can't do that to us, we'll have a heart attack," said Seoha in a lightly scolding tone as she picked him up

"hehehe" laughed Yeonsua as he smiled widely

"You rascal, you almost stopped my heart!" Yoonsuh half shouted

but even after Yoonsuha said that he was still smiling, just simply enjoying the company of those he loved.


it has been 6 years since the old couple decided to keep the baby now named Yeonsua, and over the years they had come to love the baby even more than before. Yeonsua was child full of energy like most children, but he was more mature and has a better understanding of things, this allowed him to not get in trouble as much, although he did still pull pranks like before.

-recap end-

as Seoha recalled all the things that had happened during the last six years she couldn't help but smile,

"why are you smiling?" asked Yoonsuh as he approached with Yeonsua and watermelons,

"I couldn't stop myself after thinking over the past six years," replied Seoha after eating a bite of watermelon

"yeah, six years sure passed in a flash didn't it," said Yoonsuh as he also smiled while looking at Yeonsua happily eating watermelons

"yeah," Seoha said happily enjoying the good weather and food.

"Oh yeah," said Yoonsuh suddenly after a few minutes surprising Seoha,

"what is it?" asked Seoha in curiosity

"this little guy is going to kindergarten in a few months right?"

"oh, I completely forgot about that," said Seoha while looking at the seeping Yeonsua(he fell asleep after eating the watermelons)

"well, looks like he's finally going to leave the nest after such a short time," said Yoonsuh with a relaxed face

"well its not like he won't come back after school everyday," said Seoha while smiling

"yeah that's true, well then, lets just hope he makes a lot of trusty friends,"


and so the two of them internally prayed for their grandson to have happy days of school.

-Authors note-

This is my second chapter and I think I did better than the first. This chapter was just a time skip to his school arc and a recap of how has grown up, also you may have noticed that out MC did not have a lot of dialogue, well that will change in the next few chapters so don't worry. Finally I would like to thank you for reading this chapter and to leave any criticism you have for the novel, thank you, and bye.

Seoha age- 68

Yoonsuh age- 69

Yeonsua age- 6