
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasía
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35 Chs

The Dagger's Dance

leaving Sir Lores with more questions than answers. Who could have done this? Was it a result of some other sinister plot? Was he now a potential suspect in this mysterious murder?

An array of emotions washed over Sir Lores - relief, confusion, and a lingering sense of guilt for even considering such a drastic act of violence. He couldn't help but wonder if this was fate's way of sparing him from committing regicide.

In the midst of the chaos in his mind, he realized that this turn of events had unexpected consequences. The situation had now become even more precarious, and the safety his family hung in a delicate balance.

As the soul-stirring song of the mysterious singer came to an end, the grand hall was filled with a momentary hush, as if everyone was holding their breath in awe of the haunting performance. The guests erupted into enthusiastic applause, expressing their admiration for the talented artist.

Now was the time for the lords of the six kingdoms to present their gifts to King Darwin, a tradition that symbolized their loyalty and commitment to the newlywed monarch. Each lord approached the grand table, offering their carefully chosen tokens of affection and allegiance.

However, amid the festive atmosphere, Queen Melissa's keen eyes noticed that her son, King Darwin, had been conspicuously absent for a prolonged period. Concern etched on her face, she discreetly inquired with the guards and servants about the King's whereabouts. But to her surprise, none of them seemed to know where he had gone.

The Queen's heart filled with worry, and she excused herself from the guests to search for her son. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and as a mother, her instincts were heightened.

In the castle corridors, she asked every servant she came across, but none had seen the King since he left the grand hall to change his clothes. A sense of urgency surged through Queen Melissa as she continued her quest, her mind racing with a multitude of possibilities.

As Queen Melissa set off on her urgent quest to find her missing son, King Darwin, Sir Lores couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. With a keen eye and heightened senses, he discreetly observed the unfolding events in the grand hall.

As the festivities continued, Sir Lores noticed the singer, who had captivated the guests with his mesmerizing performance, was nowhere to be seen. The mysterious figure, wearing a haunting mask, had disappeared without a trace. This peculiar vanishing act only added to the air of mystery that now shrouded the wedding celebration.

Moreover, he observed that the chair where Lady Elsa Legolasa had been seated during the feast was now empty. The expression on her face when she received the unsettling gift from King Darwin was etched in his memory. Her distress had been evident, and Sir Lores couldn't help but wonder if her sudden absence was connected to the king death.

As the wedding festivities continued, the grand hall was filled with laughter, music, and dancing. The lords of the six kingdoms were enjoying the celebration, oblivious to the unfolding mystery. Lady Zulema watched the guests with a forced smile, trying to maintain an air of composure despite her growing concern for her girl Lady Zaher, and King Darwin's disappearance.

Sir Lores gently pulled his mother aside to a secluded corner of the hall, away from the prying eyes and ears of the other guests. His face was serious, and his voice was filled with urgency as he revealed the shocking truth.

Sir Lores: (whispering) Mother, I must tell you what I found in the King's chamber. I had decided to confront him, to put an end to his life, but when I entered, I found him already dead. A knife, plunged into his back, ten times. It was a gruesome sight.

Lady Zulema gasped, her hand instinctively covering her mouth in shock. The news was devastating, and she couldn't comprehend the depth of the tragedy that had befallen her family.

Lady Zulema: (voice trembling) Dead? How could this happen? And who could have done such a heinous act?

Sir Lores: (looking troubled) I do not know, Mother. But there's more. Lady Elsa Legolasa is also missing. It's as if she disappeared without a trace after the unsettling gift from the King. And the singer, the one with the mask, he is gone as well. It's all so inexplicable.

As Lady Zulema processed the overwhelming information, her heart sank further. The events of the evening had taken a dark turn, and she realized the peril that now engulfed his familly.

Lady Zulema: (trying to remain composed) We cannot afford to panic. We need to act carefully and swiftly. The murder of the King. Lady Elsa, and the singer dissapears must be connected somehow. We cannot let the guests know.

Sir Lores: (nods) You're right, Mother. We must proceed with caution. But what do you propose we do next?

Lady Zulema: (with determination) We will pretend like everything is normal. We will continue the festivities and enjoy the wedding.

As they returned to the grand hall, Lady Zulema commanded her son to put on a facade of normalcy. He was to act like nothing had happened, while secretly keeping a watchful eye.

As the festivities of the wedding reached a crescendo, the grand hall was filled with joyous laughter, lively music, and graceful dancing. The lords of the six kingdoms mingled with one another, forging bonds of friendship and camaraderie. The air was rich with the aroma of delectable feasts, and the halls were adorned with opulent decorations.

In the midst of the revelry, a sudden piercing scream cut through the jubilant atmosphere. Queen Melissa's voice rang out, filled with horror and despair, shattering the merriment like glass. The songs came to an abrupt halt, and the dancers froze in their steps, their faces etched with shock and concern.

The first to react was Jaime, the Kingsguard and Queen Melissa's brother. With his heart pounding in his chest, he swiftly made his way towards the source of the scream, fear gripping him like a vise. Sensing the urgency of the situation, the great guests and lords followed suit, their concern growing with each step they took.

As they approached the chamber of King Darwin, a hushed silence fell over the crowd. The doors stood slightly ajar, revealing a glimpse of the scene within. The lords exchanged anxious glances, their hearts heavy with trepidation. The anticipation was palpable as they hesitated for a brief moment before stepping forward to witness the truth.

The sight that greeted them was one of utter horror and disbelief. King Darwin, once so powerful and regal, now lay lifeless on the floor of his chamber. His once vibrant eyes now stared vacantly into the void, and his body bore the telltale marks of a brutal attack. A beautiful yet sinister knife, stained with blood, was embedded in his back, bearing witness to the deadly force that had claimed his life.

Shock and grief washed over the assembled guests, and murmurs of sorrow and bewilderment echoed through the room. The reality of the King's death had shaken the six kingdoms to their core, leaving them in a state of disbelief.

Queen Melissa, her face pale as snow, stood at the threshold of the chamber, her hands trembling with anguish. The realization of her son's death had struck her like a thunderbolt, leaving her utterly devastated. Her eyes, once filled with pride and joy, now overflowed with tears of sorrow.

Jaime, her brother and the Kingsguard, knelt beside King Darwin's lifeless body, his heart heavy with grief. He clutched his sword tightly, his knuckles turning white as he vowed to find the person responsible for this heinous act.

As the guests of the grand wedding feast stood in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the lifeless body of King Darwin, a heavy cloud of sorrow and disbelief hung in the air. Queen Melissa, grief-stricken and anguished, took a trembling step forward, her heart torn between sorrow for her son's death and a desperate need for answers.

Queen Melissa: (her voice choked with emotion) My son... my dear son... who could have done such a terrible thing to you?

Her gaze then settled on Sir Lores, Lady Zaher's brother, who stood among the crowd with a mix of shock and confusion written on his face. In that moment of raw emotion, Queen Melissa's mind grasped at any explanation that could make sense of the tragedy before her.

Queen Melissa: (pointing accusingly at Sir Lores) You have always harbored resentment towards him and our family! You were never happy with his position as king, were you?

Sir Lores: (shocked and hurt) Mother, I loved my sister, and I loved King Darwin. I would never do anything to harm them.

Lady Zaher: (rushing forward) Mother, please! Sir Lores couldn't have done this! He's not capable of such a heinous act!

Despite Lady Zaher's plea, the atmosphere in the hall grew tense, with whispers and murmurs spreading like wildfire among the guests. The sudden accusation had cast a shadow over what was supposed to be a joyous occasion, leaving everyone in shock and disbelief.

Lord Aphelios, the King of Shurema, stepped forward, his expression grave as he attempted to mediate the situation.

Lord Aphelios: (calmly) Queen Melissa, we cannot jump to conclusions based on emotions alone. We need evidence before making any accusations.

Lord Garvan 4 of Verodonia concurred, adding, "Let us not allow grief to blind our judgment. We must investigate this matter thoroughly."

Despite the protests and pleas of Sir Lores and Lady Zaher, Queen Melissa's grief-stricken heart yearned for answers. She turned to her guards with a commanding tone.

Queen Melissa: (authoritatively) Take him into custody for questioning. We need to find out the truth behind my son's death.

The guards hesitated for a moment, torn between loyalty to their Queen and uncertainty about the accusation. Nevertheless, they reluctantly approached Sir Lores and escorted him out of the grand hall, amid the somber and shocked gazes of the guests.

As the grand wedding feast had turned into a scene of accusation and grief, the atmosphere in the hall became fraught with tension and unease. The realm was now divided, and the search for the truth behind King Darwin's death had just begun.

As the tension and confusion gripped the grand hall after Queen Melissa's shocking accusation against Sir Lores, a hushed silence fell over the guests. The lords of the six kingdoms exchanged bewildered glances, trying to make sense of the unfolding tragedy. However, before the situation could escalate further, a new presence emerged, further startling the already shaken crowd. Lady Elsa Legolasa, her eyes wide with shock and grief, appeared at the entrance of the hall. She had returned from her absence, unaware of the events that had transpired.

As Lady Elsa's eyes met the lifeless body of King Darwin, her hand flew to her mouth in horror. The weight of the tragedy hit her like a tidal wave, and tears welled up in her eyes. The room was now filled not only with sorrow for the fallen king but also with confusion and disbelief.

Lady elsa rushed to her dear friend's side Lady Zaher, embracing her tightly as she tried to offer comfort amidst the chaos.

Lady Elsa: (whispering) I'm so sorry, Zaher. I don't know what happened.

As the atmosphere in the grand hall remained tense and grief-stricken, Lord Salvador, the Hand of the King, stepped forward to address the gathered guests. His presence commanded respect and authority, and his voice rang out clearly across the room.

Lord Salvador: (firmly) My lords, my ladies, in light of this tragic event, I declare that no one shall leave this castle until we have unraveled the truth behind King Darwin's death. We must find the right killer and bring them to justice.

With that proclamation, the guards were instructed to release Sir Lores from custody, recognizing the need for a thorough and unbiased investigation. Queen Melissa, still reeling from the shock of her son's death and the false accusation against Sir Lores , was comforted by Lord Salvador's reassuring presence.

Lord Salvador: (placing a hand on Queen Melissa's shoulder) I know this is an unimaginable pain, my dear friend. But we cannot let our emotions cloud our judgment. We will find the truth, and justice will be served. Blame cannot be laid upon anyone yet; we must gather evidence and follow the path of truth.

Queen Melissa: (tearfully) But who could have done this to my son? And why?

Lord Salvador: (solemnly) Those are the questions we will seek answers to, my Queen. But for now, let us focus on finding the truth and bringing closure to this tragedy.

Turning to his son, Jaime, who served as the King's guard, Lord Salvador sought information about anyone who might have left the castle.

Lord Salvador: (inquiring) Jaime, has anyone left the castle since the incident?

Jaime: (thoughtfully) No one has left, Father. All the guests are accounted for.

Sir Lores: (interjecting) I beg your pardon, but I did notice something peculiar. The singer, the one with the mask, disappeared after he finished his song. No one saw him leave.

The revelation raised eyebrows and deepened the mystery surrounding King Darwin's death. Lord Salvador nodded, taking note of this information.

Lord Salvador: (determined) We will investigate this further. No stone shall be left unturned. Everyone will be questioned, and every detail will be examined.

With a renewed sense of purpose, the guests and lords of the six kingdoms were committed to uncovering the truth. The once-celebratory grand hall had become a realm of inquiry, each person playing their part in the search for justice.

As the night wore on, the castle became a hive of activity, with guards and investigators meticulously gathering evidence. The quest for answers had begun, and the realm's fate was now bound to the outcome of the investigation.

In the wake of the shocking tragedy that had befallen the kingdom, Lord Salvador wasted no time in taking action. He swiftly commanded the guards to search every nook and cranny of the castle, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for evidence. Every chamber, hallway, and hidden passageway was meticulously examined, and the entire castle was filled with the urgency of the investigation.

While the search was underway, Lord Salvador gathered his trusted advisors, including his sons Jaime and Jon, in a small council in the Black Hall. Queen Melissa, still overcome with grief, was excused from the meeting to allow her time to mourn and heal.

In the Black Hall, the atmosphere was solemn and determined. Lord Salvador addressed the council with a grave tone, emphasizing the importance of finding the truth and bringing the guilty party to justice.

Lord Salvador: (authoritatively) My dear advisors, we are faced with a grave shit, and the entire realm mourns the loss of King Darwin. Our duty now is to uncover the truth behind this heinous act.now we have to solve the Murder of the king