
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasía
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35 Chs

The climb

Sitting in his room thinking and planning his grandson's marriage and how he will make money after they cut off their relationship with the silver bank, he called the guard's name and told him that he would have a meeting with his three sons Queen Melissa John and Jaime,

Salvador: Bring them, I will wait in the black hall and tell the wise to go to the bank and try again to fix what the king has done

Now the Hand of the King Salvador and Queen Melissa are in the black hall waiting for the others

[Jhon enters Salvador's meeting chambers. He sees his sister and his father sitting at the table]

Salvador: your late

Jhon: What's she doing here

Salvador: our business concerns her too. Sit

[Jhon sits with a thick book in his hand]

Jhon: you'll be pleased to learn that after one conversation with Zulema Faihan I've saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this weeding

Salvador: never mind that now, we have something important to discuss

Jhon: save money is important

 Jhon:[to Melissa] Stop that you're making me uncomfortable

Salvador: your sister has learned that your new friends the Faihan are plotting to marry Elsa Legolasa to Sir Lores

Jhon: very well she's a lovely girl

 Missing some of Lores's favorite bits, but I'm sure they'll make do.

Salvador : your jokes are not appreciate it

Jhon: it wasn't my best but....

Salvador : [interrupting Jhon]I bring them into the royal fold and this is how the repay me, by trying to steal the key to the north out from under me

Jhon: Elsa is the key to the north, I seem to remember she has an older brother,

Salvador : The Legolasa have marched home the yong has lost his army his days are numbered, Lord Levander murdered his mother and both his brothers, that make Elsa Legolasa the heir to freljord, and I'm not about to hand her over to the Faihan.

Jhon: the Faihan is helping us to win this war, do you really think it's wise to refuse them,

Salvador: there's is nothing to refuse. This is a plot. Plots are not public knowledge. And the Faihan won't carry this one out until Darwin's weeding. We need to act first and kill this union in its crib.

Jhon: and how do we do that?

Salvador: we find Elsa Legolasa a different husband.

Jhon: wonderful...

Melissa : yeass it is

[Jhon looks at his sister beaming at him. His eyes widen and immediately learns he's the one his father plans to marry Elsa Legolasa . He looks back at his father, appalled]

Jhon: you can't mean it

Salvador: I can and I do, the girl happiness is not my concern, it be yours

Jhon:she's a child

Melissa: she's a flowered I assure you she and I have discussed it at length

Salvador: yeah you see, you will wed her bed her and put a child in her surely, you're capable of that

Jhon: and if I refuse?

Salvador: you wanted to be rewarded for your Valor in the battle of Dansus Water , Elsa Legolasa is a finer reward than you could ever dare hope for..

[Melissa smiles at her brother gloatingly]

Melissa to Jhon : you should be thanking the Gods for this, this is more than you deserve

Salvador to Melissa : Jhon will do he's bid, ass will you

[Melissa's smile fades. She turns to her father, confused and uncertain of what he's talking about]

Melissa: what do you mean?

Salvador: you'll marry Sir Lores

Melissa : I will not...

Salvador: the boy is aired a Lastrigan Jhon will secure the north. You will secure the reach

Melissa: No i won't do it!

Salvador : yes you will, you're still fertile you need to marry again and brave

Melissa : I am queen regent not some broodmare

Salvador : [shouts angrily and almost interrupting her] YOUR'E MY DAUGHTER, YOU WILL DO AS I COMMAND AND YOU WILL MARRY LORES

Melissa: father don't make do it agai...

Salvador:[Salvador gets up, pounding the table with his fist] no another word.

[Salvador looks at his children with complete disappointment] 

Salvador: My children. You've disgraced our name for far too long.

The night after that, The hand of the king Lord Salvador summoned Lady Zulema to his room to discuss

[Salvador offers to wed Lores and Melissa ]

Lady Zulema faihan: Impossible.

Salvador : Why?

Lady Zulema faihan: My grandson is the pride of Lastriguan . The most desirable bachelor in all six kingdoms. Your daughter...

Salvador : Is rich, the most beautiful woman in all six kingdoms, and the mother of the king.

Lady Zulema : Old.


Lady Zulema: Old. I'm something of an expert on the subject.Her change will be upon her before long. I'll spare you the details of what will happen then. You men may have a stomach for bloodshed and slaughter, but this is another matter entirely

Salvador : My stomach remains quite strong, however. The only thing that might turn it are details of your grandson's nocturnal activities. Do you deny them?

Lady Zulema: Oh no, not at all. A sword swallower through and through.

Salvador:And a boy with his affliction should be grateful for the opportunity to marry the most beautiful woman in the kingdoms and remove the stain from his name.

Lady Zulema : Did you grow up with boy cousins, Lord Salvador ? Sons of your father's bannermen, squires, stable boys?

Salvador? Of course.

Lady Zulema : And you never? . Not once? Not in any way?

Salvador : Never

Lady Zulema : I congratulate you upon your restraint. But it's a natural thing, two boys having a go at each other beneath the sheets.

Salvador : Perhaps Lastriguan has a high tolerance for unnatural behavior.

Lady Zulema : I wouldn't say that. True, we don't tie ourselves in knots over a discreet bit of buggery, but brothers and sisters where I come from, that stain would be very difficult to wash out.

Salvador: I will not breathe further life into a malicious lie by discussing it

Lady Zulema :Lie or not, you must admit many people find it quite convincing. Convincing enough to put swords in their hands and send them off to kill Gladreal and Faihan thanks to our new affiliation.

Salvador : I don't care what people believe. And neither do you,

Lady Zulema : As an authority on myself, I must disagree.

Salvador : Now, if the rumors about my Daughter were true, then Joffrey is no king at all, and House Faihan is throwing its prized flower into the dirt.

Lady Zulema : And if Melissa is too old to give Lores children, we're throwing another prized flower into the dirt. It is a chance we simply cannot take

Salvador: The uncertainty makes you uncomfortable. All right. I'll remove it for you. If you refuse to marry Lores to Melissa , I will name him to the Kingsguard. I'm sure you're familiar with the Kingsguard vows. He will never marry. - He will never have children. And The Faihan name will fade. And Lastriguan will go to the children of Darwin and Zaher

Lady Zulema :You would have your grandson protected by someone who disgusts you?

Salvador :I would have my grandson protected by a skilled warrior who takes his vows seriously.[He takes a pen and paper and prepares himself to write the order while waiting for an answer from Lady Zulema] So, shall I draw up the order? Or do you consent to this marriage?

Lady Zulema,:[Lady Zulema stands up and takes the pen from Salvador's hands and breaks it] It's a rare enough thing a man who lives up to his reputation...

Jaime enters them hurriedly, frightened and distracted,

 Jamie: Lots of crows coming from Neville

 Salvador to Zulema: My Lady, please

 Salvador: to the room Now

 Salvador to the Soldier: Summon Queen Melissa, King Darwin, and Priest O'Brien now

 Soldier: Immediately, My Lord ,

The soldier rushes to King Darwin's room

 Soldier: Your grace , hurry up. Lord Salvador summons you to the room. It's urgent

 King Darwin: Who the hell you think you are to command me, who the hell are you to speak to me like that?

 Soldier: I didn't mean that, your grace

 King Darwin: What do you like more, your hand or your tongue?

 Soldier: Please, Your grace. I didn't mean that. I have children and Please, 

 King Darwin: So you love your tongue huh?

 King Darwin to Kingsguard: Cut off his head

 The kingsguard did not hesitate and cut off the head immediately

 King Darwin: Let's go see what this old man wants

 The king arrives in the room and finds everyone waiting for him

 King Darwin: What the hell is there?

 Priest O'Brien : I received a letter from Neville, I will read it to you, sir

 Salvador: Let our king read it

King Darwin : I am the one who sit on the throne not you grandfather

Salvador : sitting on the throne doesn't make you a king it's only means you have an ass,

Priest O'Brien read the letter :Survival became a daily challenge, so we had to expand, and search for fertile lands without attacking Zion.So the army was attacked outside our walls, mostly by the Unbroken, so we bled a lot, In the center of the city there are opponents who are rebelling against some secret gangs around the throne, so we need supplies and an army quickly. Darkest The king of Nevill

Darwin to the Priest O'Brien : write back to him "Tell them that we also need supplies, the Silver Bank does not support us, and many of our people die on a daily basis of starvation, so manage yourself" and end the message with transparency and regret for not being able to help them

Salvador :We have to help them, this civil war will not help us in anything, but as you said we are also going through a difficult crisis, so we can not support them, I am sure that they will win.

King Darwin : I'm right I'm always right, well I have to go get myself because I have a speech now for my Fucking slaves

O'Brien meets Jesus in the throne room, alone in front of the throne

Priests O'Brien : A thousand blades, taken from the hands of Cerberus 's fallen enemies. Forged in the fiery breath of Darcken blade.

Lord Jesus: There aren't a thousand blades. There aren't even two hundred. I've counted.

Priest O'Brien : Heh. I'm sure you have. Ugly old thing.

Lord Jesus : It has a certain appeal.

Priest O'Brien : The Lysa Arryn of chairs. Shame you had to settle for your second choice.

Lord jesus: Early days, my friend. It is flattering really, you feeling such dread at the prospect of me getting what I want.

Priest O'Brien : Thwarting you has never been my primary ambition, I promise you. Although, who doesn't like to see their friends fail now and then.

Lord Jesus: You're so right. For instance, when I thwarted your plan to give Elsa Legolasa to the Faihans, if I'm going to be honest, I did feel an unmistakable sense of enjoyment there. But your confidant, the one who fed you information about my plans, the one you swore to protect... you didn't bring her any enjoyment, and she didn't bring me any enjoyment. She was a bad investment on my part. Luckily, I have a friend who wanted to try something new. Something daring. And he was so grateful to me for providing this fresh experience.

Priest O'Brien : I did what I did for the good of the realm.

Lord Jesus: The realm. Do you know what the realm is? It's the thousand blades of Cerberus 's enemies, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie.

Priest O'Brien : But what do we have left, once we abandon the lie? Chaos? A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all.

Lord Jesus : Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.