
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Eliminate the threat at its source

Lady Zulema's heart pounded as she heard the voices of King Darwin and Queen Melissa drifting from the Throne Hall below. Uncertain of what she might encounter, she couldn't resist the temptation to listen in on their conversation. Silently, she moved closer to the railing, careful not to make a sound.

Inside the Throne Hall, the tension was palpable. King Darwin, his eyes blazing with anger, while Queen Melissa looked visibly distressed. They were discussing the fate of the youngest prince, who had apparently committed a minor indiscretion.

King Darwin: (his voice cold and menacing) Mother, I will not tolerate such weakness in my own family. The prince must be disciplined appropriately, or he will grow up to be a fool like you!

Queen Melissa: (pleadingly) My son, please, he is your brother bloody fool . He will learn from his mistakes. There is no need for such severity.

King Darwin: (snarling) Silence! I will not be questioned on how I handle matters within my own kingdom, let alone my own family. If you dare to meddle again, you will suffer the consequences.

Lady Zulema's heart sank, witnessing the cruelty with which King Darwin spoke to his mother. She struggled to comprehend how such a violent and tyrannical man could be fit to rule any kingdom, let alone he will marry shes daughter.

Queen Melissa: (with tears in her eyes) Please, Darwin,

King Darwin: (with a menacing grin) I will not allow anyone to question my authority, even if it means silencing those closest to me.

Queen Melissa: (gently) You were once a kind and gentle soul, my son. I implore you to find that part of yourself again. This path you are on will lead to nothing but misery and isolation.

King Darwin: (enraged, he slaps his mother) How dare you lecture me on morality! You are weak, and your words hold no sway over me. If you speak out of turn again, you will regret it.

Tears welled up in Lady Zulema's eyes as she witnessed the heinous act committed by the King against his own mother. Her heart ached for Queen Melissa and for the kingdom that would be under the rule of such a violent and ruthless monarch.

As she retreated from the scene, Lady Zulema knew that she could not stand idly by and allow this cruel union to take place. She vowed to find a way to protect her daughter, Zaher, from the clutches of such a sadistic ruler. The alliance be damned; she could not let her beloved kingdom of Lastriguan fall under the influence of King Darwin's tyranny. Determined, she walked away, her mind racing with plans to ensure a better future for her daughter and her realm.

Upon witnessing the shocking scene of King Darwin slapping his mother, Queen Melissa, Lady Zulema's heart pounded with a mix of fear, anger, and determination. She couldn't bear the sight of such cruelty, especially from the man her daughter, Zaher, was destined to marry. With tears in her eyes, Lady Zulema turned away from the Throne Hall, her mind racing with thoughts of how to protect her daughter and her kingdom from this sadistic ruler.

She quickly made her way to her private chamber, where she summoned her trusted son, Sir Lores. As he entered, he could see the distress in his mother's eyes, and he immediately knew that something was amiss.

Sir Lores entered the chamber, sensing the urgency in his mother's voice.

Sir Lores: (concerned) Mother, what's happened? You seem distressed.

Lady Zulema: (with a shaky voice) Lores, I witnessed something terrible. King Darwin struck Queen Melissa with such brutality. He is not fit to rule, and I fear for Zaher's safety if she marries him.

Sir Lores: (eyes narrowed) That's despicable. We must protect Zaher from such a man.

Lady Zulema: (nodding) Exactly, my son. I now understand what Zaher was trying to warn us about. We must find a way to end this wedding before it's too late.

Sir Lores: (thoughtful) Agreed. Killing the king, however, is not the answer. We cannot stoop to his level and resort to violence. It is not the behavior of the Frevals family.

Lady Zulema: (hesitant) But, Lores, he is a danger not only to Zaher but to all the six kingdoms. If he continues to rule, there will be suffering and chaos. I cannot bear the thought of that.

Sir Lores: (firmly) I understand your concerns, Mother, but we cannot become what we despise. Killing the king will only lead to more bloodshed and destruction.

Lady Zulema: (resolute) There must be a way to stop him, to protect Zaher and our kingdom. If not killing, then what can we do?

Sir Lores: (thoughtfully) We can seek the support of the other kingdoms. If we can convince them that King Darwin's rule will bring turmoil and instability, they may withdraw their support for the wedding.

Lady Zulema: (frustrated) We don't have time for negotiations, Lores. The wedding is tomorrow, and once Zaher becomes his queen, it will be much harder to undo the alliance.

Sir Lores: (calmly) We will find a way, Mother. I will work through the night if I must, sending messengers to all the realms, explaining the truth about King Darwin's nature.

Lady Zulema: (determined) And what if they don't believe us? What if they still support the wedding?

Sir Lores: (steadfast) Then we will continue to fight. There are many ways to resist without resorting to violence. We can rally our allies, we can expose King Darwin's cruelty to the public, and we can use diplomacy to persuade others to see the truth.

Lady Zulema: (hesitant, then resolute) I understand your position, Lores, but if all else fails, I will do whatever it takes to protect Zaher and the six kingdoms, even if it means taking matters into my own hands.

Sir Lores: (concerned) Mother, I implore you to reconsider. Killing the king will not lead to the peace and justice we seek.

Lady Zulema: (with a determined glint in her eyes) I hope it doesn't come to that, my son, but I will do whatever is necessary to ensure a better future for our family and our people.

Sir Lores: (nodding) Then let us hope that our efforts to prevent the wedding are successful, and we do not have to resort to drastic measures.

As the night wore on, Sir Lores found himself pacing restlessly in his chamber, his mind consumed with thoughts of how to stop the impending wedding between King Darwin and Zaher. He knew that he had to act quickly, for time was running out, and the fate of his family and the six kingdoms hung in the balance.

He considered sending crows to all the realms, seeking their support in breaking the alliance. However, to his dismay, he learned that the crows were unable to reach Narnia due to the wedding preparations being underway. This news only added to his frustration and sense of urgency.

Sir Lores knew that Neville and its king, Sebastian, were no longer allied with Narnia after refusing to aid King Darwin's war efforts. While they could potentially be a powerful ally against King Darwin, Lores hesitated. Neville was a kingdom known for its love of wars and killing, and he didn't want to resort to more violence to solve the problem.

Throughout the night, Sir Lores weighed his options, desperately trying to find a way to prevent the wedding without causing further harm. His heart ached for Zaher, knowing that she deserved a better future than the one King Darwin would provide.

Sir Lores reached a difficult and somber conclusion. Despite his aversion to violence, he realized that the only way to protect Zaher and the six kingdoms from King Darwin's cruelty might be to eliminate the threat at its source.

With a heavy heart and a mind filled with resolve, Sir Lores decided that he would take matters into his own hands. He knew that killing the king was a drastic and dangerous step, but he felt it was the only way to ensure the safety and happiness of his family and his realm.