

P.S: I did some rewriting on the ending of the first rogues so read that first

Broly's P.O.V

As my eyes opened I could a ringing in my ear "What hit me" I said but the realized it was a bomb one of the hostage blow up in my face. Just as I was getting my barging a pair of robots flew out from the ruble that was the back and flew into me (think the Ultron robots from Avengers) and grabbed my arms. The robots are strong they're able to restring my arms while I'm in my dazed state. Then the man that was robbing the bank flew out of the rubel just as I was going to ask him what is he doing the wind blow away his coat and scarf.

When his clothing was blow off I saw something that I wish didn't. Standing in front of a steel human body that looked like a mix between cyborg and Ultron. His legs and arms looked like they were made of steel. His stomach was still human he had six-pack abs and dark white skin. His chest is covered with the same steel that was covering his arms. His eyes where glowing red and the rest was looked to be human.

looking up at him I asked, "who r u why did you kill those people?". He looked down at me and said: "I am the Wise man I was hired to kill by someone. as for those people they aren't dead just look around you". Then rebel began to shake and 30 robots that looked like the ones that are holding me flew out. I looked around I knew that they were the hostages in the bank before I could say something Wiseman beat me to it "kill him" he ordered as his robots closed in on me.

When his robots charged in on me I fired off my Explosive wave and knocked all them across the filed. "Whis I can't use my full power in the city find me a location where I take this fight," I said to Whis as I charged at Wise-man. "Young master I found a banded oil filed out the city you should be able to fight without worrying about people," Whis said. I had Whis send me the location to the GPS in the mask. I in front of Wiseman and grabbed him by his neck "let go for a rid" I said as I flew us to the oil filed.

I crashed him into a hill that was next to oil filed he hit so hard that he created a crater upon impact. I tightened my grip around his neck and forced him through the hill and out the other side. Then when we came out it looked like he lost consciousness so I dropped him to the ground. ( think of Lariat from the original Broly movie). Then when he hit the ground I charged up a ki blast and fired it at him. When the Ki blast hit the ground began to shake and the hill that we just came through collapsed.

After that, the only the left in the filed was a black crater and silver spot. I flew down to him to make sure he hasn't died but one of his robots must have counted up with us because one of them tackled while another went to Wiseman and picked him up. I blasted the robot that tackled me and just as I was going to after them the robot I just blasted grabbed from behind a blowup. The blast knocked me into the ground as Wiseman made his escape.

When I got up I looked around to find Wiseman had already made his escape "Whis track him down he not getting away from me" I said with anger in my voice. "I sorry young master I'm unable to track them," Whis said. The punched the ground out anger and told Whis to find me any information that he could about Wiseman and flew back home. I took off my clothes and got into the shower trying to calm myself down.

I got out of the shower a changed into a black shirt and a pair of green jeans. As I was making my way to the kitchen I heard Whis voice in my head "young master I found the information about Wiseman that you asked for". "That good Whis tell me everything you got on him," I said as I walked to the kitchen. "I found that he is mercenary from the U.K. His real name is Harry Charlie he part of the M.I 6 until they tried to kill him when thought he was a risk to them. After that, he ran underground and started to work as a mercenary". Whis said. "That all good but how did his powers and what his robots are made out of," I said. "I don't know young master before today he was just a mercenary from the U.K I have all the information I have about him is 6 months old there is nothing I find about him from the last 6 months," Whis said.

I thought about what Whis said the list of people that could have had Harry into a cyborg In the Dc universe is not exactly small. So Whis was the only way I had to shorten the list and this world is different from the ones from my memories the god said that so there might be people that I don't even know about that could have turned him.

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