

When at the age of 16 Haru has his first heat, his family abandons him. Despite everything, Haru does not give up and becomes the most requested host of the very private SS club. His goal, to leave the country and find happiness. But his meeting with his fated pair will turn his outlook on life upside down. Destroyed and traumatized, Haru has now only one desire: to die. Will he be able to regain his taste for life? Can he still be saved? ******************************************* MATURE CONTENTS / BL Main Couple / Hard description : read at your own discretion [ PS : English isn’t my main language. It’s not even my second XD So please, be gentle and be patient with me. I’m still learning. ]

WndyButter · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs

52 : London Priest [ R18 ]

Moans were resonating inside the bedroom.

Panting, hoarses breathing, bed creaking, skin to skin, smacking and smooching sounds, groaning and cries of pleasure were forming a sensual and lustful concert inside the dark room, lightened by the elusive light of a few candles.

Thomas was covered with sweat. On top of him, his lover was mounting his cock, sliding all his body to gobble up the hard organ. His lover was repeating this move with an enchanting thrusting from his small waist, making Thomas shudder from the pleasure.

Thomas was fascinated. Drowned in the beautiful eyes of his lover, dazed by his slender body, aroused by the two hard and twitching pink buds and this mouth-watering pink and hard dick which was rubbing his abs, painting his body with clear precum and white semen.

Thomas' lover was an alpha man. Thomas himself was a dominant one. People wouldn't understand why a handsome figure of law like Thomas had chosen an alpha over anyone else, it was because this alpha was crazy enough to pursue him even though he knew about Thomas' possessiveness and dark side.

This alpha was crazy but smart. Not only beautiful but funny and hot. Real hot. He was a sex addict but was willing to change for Thomas. He would get excited each times Thomas would graze his skin with the tip of his finger and tremble from pleasure when the dominant alpha would brush his hair back, diving his long fingers inside his locks. That's how much he was himself into Thomas.

Thomas was a fierce and tough man. He was a renowned lawyer. Not cold. No. He was a real gentleman with a smirk for smile. The type of man who liked to make people suffer without feeling any kind of guiltiness.

That's how London had live the past month. Suffering, pursuing and being loved until he couldn't breath.

London had had men hurting him physically before but Thomas was gentle with him. And that was actually hurting him more. Why ? Because he knew he was losing himself over the man and he knew he was going to lose more again and again. But above all, it was because for the first time in his life, he was treated like a human being.

People always wanted him because of his body, his pretty face, his money… So he became an object. He did what they expected him to do. But Thomas had hated him for that.

He saw Thomas for the first time during a charity gala. The man was his taste and it had been a long time since he had been a bottom so he wanted to be dominated again, at least for a night. But it did not happened. That night, Thomas had told him : " I don't sleep with fake people."

London had felt angry but somehow touched that someone could see behind his mask. But a part of him felt Thomas was wrong and he wanted to convince that he was not fake. Or maybe he was ? Who was he exactly? He didn't know himself. He was London Priest, the son of two powerful conglomerate. He was the dirty alpha friend. He was the alpha his sister's husband was trying to fuck every chance he had, so he was a slut to his sister and the weird kid to his family. But his grandfather was really fond of him. That was why everyone hated him in his family. Because it was sure enough that London were going to inherit the family's legacy. No one was on his side except his grandfather. No one until he find Thomas…

London moaned hard as he came, splurting his cum on his lover's stomach.

He gasped when he felt Thomas' cum filling his inside and the cock throbbing from deliverance.

" - It felt good," London smiled, breathless.

Thomas brought him by the nape to his face. He tenderly kissed London before he rolled over to dominate the alpha. Slowly he started to thrust again before his hips movements became fierce. He was pounding hard in a moaning London. The alpha was screaming from pleasure, moaning like a mess and tears were staining his red cheeks. He was so overwhelmed by his emotions that he had a crushing dry orgasm that scattered deliciously inside his body and made him tense and squeeze Thomas' cock hard until he came in turn.

Thomas smiled like the devil to his exhausted lover.

" - Yeah. That felt really good," he said before he rained thousands of soft kisses on London's cheek, ear and neck.

He continued to kiss London's body until he reached the still throbbing dick. He took all the shape in his hot mouth and London moaned as he grabbed Thomas' hairs and head.

Thomas suckled the hard member and licked the sensitive tip as if he was sucking a savoring lollipop.

" - I'm cumming…" he heard London whined before he started to suck harder.

The suctions noises were echoing in the room. London spread his legs, rose up his upper body and shoved his dick deeper when he climaxed inside his man's throat.

That was the best sex he had ever had.

The first time he did bottom he did it with his sister's current husband though at that time he was just her boyfriend. He even remembered that they were about to break up. Anyway, that time London had hated anal sex and gave up the idea to do it again until he met a guy in a club, older than him and much more experimented. London accepted to give it another shot and he felt pleasure though it wasn't enough. He did it for a few weeks more before he decided to stop being a bottom, and that was nine years ago.

Thomas was the third man for whom he granted access to his back door but he was the first man with whom he felt so complete during sex, sated and satisfied.

London woke up in the bedroom alone. He was wearing a silk pajama and the smell of coconut soap were emanating from his ivory skin. He smiled, knowing full well Thomas had took care of him while he was out of it.

He leaped up and reached his phone which was flashing from a tons of messages. Some from his club friends, some from his mean sister, some from his brother in law and some from his friends. There was only one from his grandfather saying : " Happy birthday unicorn. It's been days since I saw your face. Let me know when you will be free and let's have dinner with your lover. "

London smiled. Only his grandfather knew about Thomas. Thomas was okay about it. Moreover, London knew that Thomas was serious with him so he was determinate to stay with the man.

" - You're awake ?" He heard.

When he turned, he saw Thomas with a bouquet of flowers and a small cupcake with a candle.

" - You don't like sweet and they don't do huge carrots cake anymore," Thomas said as he joined London.

The latter chuckled and took the flowers.

" - Happy birthday Don Bunny " Thomas whispered making London laugh.

London wasn't fond of sweet but carrot cakes, carrots juice and carrots sticks were his favorites. So Thomas started to call him Don Bunny, saying he was the real master of all bunnies in the world.

" - Blow your candle, " Thomas said as he put one of London's rebellious strands behind his ear.

London did it and made a wish. It was the first time he was having a calm birthday. Usually, he would have been in a bar or clubbing. Occasionally, his family would hold an uncomfortable family's dinner, during which he would try to escape his brother in law weird looks, his sister anger and his uncaring parents.

But tonight he was with his lover. His first one so he was a bit immature and gullible on this aspect but he liked it. No ! He loved it.

London took a bite of the mini carrot cupcake and moan from the sweet smell and the nice texture in his mouth.

Thomas chuckled.

" - Is it that good ?"

" - So so so goood !" London moaned again.

Thomas hugged him while he laughed softly.

" - What do you want to do today ?" He then asked.

" - You said your friend needs you," London replied without much thoughts.

" - True. But my Don Bunny's birthday is much more important," he chuckled as he pecked London's nose.

" - Then… Hum… Can I come with you to… meet them ?" London asked shyly.

He knew Thomas was serious with him but for some reasons, Thomas seemed to keep him out of his private life.

" - You know what ? Just ignore what I just said. Let's just have a dinner…"

" - No. I will introduce you to them. " Thomas said.

He took London by his hand and they both sat on the bed.

" - I learned earlier that one of my friend want to divorce so maybe, they won't be really happy to hear about us but they're actually not bad. And… there's something you need to know and someone you need to see. "

London slowly nodded. But now… he was curious, but what was eating him up the most was fear.

A short chapter about London. As you can see they’re all connected so his chapter might look short but it’s important in a way :3

Hope you enjoy it :3

PS : I apologize for the mistakes or the weirds wording T-T I don’t know how to say bottom like… a verb ? XD Well I tried with what seems close to what I wanted to say XD So sorry if it seems strange to read…

Have a good reading !!! <3

WndyButtercreators' thoughts