
Bringing Space on the Road to Raise a Child

Translated Novel Titel: 带着空间在逃荒路上养崽 After retiring, Gulan opened her eyes and found herself in a strange place. There was a little kid lying on her body, crying for his mother while sleeping. ...So she...acted as a mother... ...What? Save your son and raise him up for you. ...What? If you don't agree, you will disappear. ...Okay! Better to live than die. Looking at the skinny little kid with a big head, Gulan was silent. ...From then on, she began her miserable life of raising a child.

d_zhy · Fantasía
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159 Chs

The Hidden Valley

Therefore, Guo Yi didn't mind reassuring the bandits and immediately repeated what he had promised. This person's actions can indeed be regarded as redeeming himself for meritorious service, and he will definitely be dealt with appropriately.

"Yes, yes," the bandit nodded repeatedly and began to lead the way.

The horses were tied in a hidden forest, and the group slowly climbed up the mountain, pulling the ropes that tied the bandits. It took an hour just to cross the mountain, and we didn't see any animals along the way. I'm afraid it might be related to this group of thieves. Until the bandit brought them to a place with dense bushes and vegetation and stopped.

"It's right here," the man pointed to the dense vegetation.

"Here?" Guo Yi frowned. Under the firelight, there were only plants and mountains. Mountains... Wait, could it be... Guo Yi seemed to have thought of something? He gave the rope to the person next to him, drew his knife and came to the vegetation. Then there was a round of cutting down, and as more and more plants fell to the ground, the cave that was hidden by the plants finally revealed its true appearance. It is nearly ten feet high and more than ten feet wide, and is covered by dense plants. If there is no one to lead the way, no one would have thought that there is a cave behind these plants.

Gulan didn't expect this either. No wonder the government had sent people to suppress the bandits, but they could never find any trace of them. They hid so well that it was indeed difficult to find them. These bandits really found a good place. If they hadn't hit a wall this time, they probably wouldn't have been discovered.

Everyone was happy, and then entered the cave under the guidance of the man. A quarter of an hour later, as the light changed, we could see that we were about to pass through the cave, and the space in the cave became wider and wider. When they got here, they stopped again. If they walked any further, they would be closer to the cave entrance.

According to the information they had received, there were people guarding outside the cave entrance. So if you don't want to alert the enemy, you have to get rid of the person guarding the cave entrance first when you go out. It's not difficult, there are only two of them. Gulan met Guo Yi's gaze and nodded. As for the bandit, although he looks honest now, who knows if he is hiding something secretly, so it is impossible to use him to fish for trouble.

After ordering the men to keep an eye on the bandits, Gulan and Guo Yi rushed out almost at the same time, so fast that everyone only saw a shadow, and the next moment there were two unconscious people in the cave. By the time they reacted, the unconscious bandit had been tied up tightly and even his mouth was blocked. At this moment, I have nothing but admiration for him. He is worthy of being a master and a leader.

Then the man who was leading the way was also knocked unconscious by a palm strike, and his mouth was also stuffed and placed together with the two men. He was no longer needed for the rest of the things, so he left two people to guard the cave, and the others, led by Gulan and Guo Yi, quickly rushed out of the cave and split into two groups to search the valley. Even in the darkness of the night, one can tell that this valley is quite large. Looking up, there is a cliff, and the valley is hidden underneath it. It is difficult to spot from top to bottom, so it is no wonder that this group of people have been so rampant for so long.

As soon as I came in, I felt that the temperature here was very suitable, and there was a faint floral scent. You can vaguely see huts of various sizes scattered around. These bandits are so lucky that they managed to find such a good place. It's such a pity that they have been occupying it for so long.

During the search, Gulan found no one else except two big dogs that discovered their traces. The bandits did not lie. There were indeed few people in the valley where they were hiding. Apart from the two people guarding the entrance to the cave, there was not even anyone patrolling or keeping watch.

The dog had obviously received special training. When it saw them, it did not bark like normal dogs, but lay dormant and slowly approached them. Just like a wolf staring at its prey, it opened its mouth and went straight for the throat, but Gulan kicked it away and broke its neck instantly. This kind of dog is too ferocious and cannot be kept.

After getting rid of a few dogs, the remaining bandits in the valley were captured by Gulan and Guo Yi without any effort. Almost everyone was awakened by a cold sword in their sleep. Those who didn't wet their pants were considered brave.

How to resist? Several people against one person, unless they want to die faster, and what they fear most is death. Before they could figure out what was going on, a dozen bandits wearing only thin clothes were tied up in the valley. When he saw three of them, Gulan's eyes flashed. He didn't expect it was them. Also tied together were more than a dozen women and several children.

Although they said that they were robbed and taken to the mountains and had not done anything bad, since they had their own independent houses, regardless of whether they were robbed and forced to stay here, their treatment at the moment could only be the same as those of the bandits. A dozen confused bandits instinctively knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, but unfortunately no one listened to them. What follows is a more detailed search, under the pretext of preventing any fish from slipping through the net. This group of bandits have been entrenched here for so many years, no one would believe that they have no background.

Gulan certainly wouldn't let this opportunity go. It took her so long to get here, so she couldn't make the trip in vain. As for her previous beliefs, not taking even a single needle or thread from the people was a thing of her previous life. Besides, these were not ordinary people, but bandits who had done all kinds of evil. Gulan took them without mercy and without any guilt. Gulan had simply abandoned the small huts, which were obviously places for the minions to live. She was interested in larger houses, especially more refined wooden houses.

Gulan was accompanied by Guo Yi and Li Da. During the search, they discovered the bandits' granary, and the wooden house was full of food. Opening a few bags at random, they were actually filled with fine grains. Li Da and the others' eyes lit up. These bandits really knew how to enjoy themselves. At the same time, they hated them even more, as it was obvious that they had caused a lot of harm to others in their daily lives.

Gulan narrowed her eyes as well, and while moving in the dim environment she quietly collected several bags of fine grains into the space. If Gulan hadn't been afraid of being discovered by Guo Yi who came in with him, she really wanted to collect more, but she was already satisfied with these.

Next, we found their warehouse. Just like the house where grain was stored, the door was tightly locked. There were several half-person-high boxes inside. After opening them, we found that it was a warehouse for storing money. Although most of the items were copper plates and only one box was filled with silver, a full box of silver was still surprising enough.

The milky white halo under the firelight was really dazzling. Li Da and his friends had never seen so much silver. As these boxes were opened one after another, Li Da and his friends never closed their mouths. Not only that, there is a small box hidden behind these boxes. Although it is only half the size of these boxes, it is full of gold and its value far exceeds that of the large box. In addition to the copper coins, Gulan pretended to be surprised and touched the two boxes, especially the gold ones, which contained more. Anyway, these things will not be returned to the people in the end, so Gulan has no guilt in taking them.

However, Guo Yi was quite a good person. He took out some silver and gold from the box and distributed them to the people who came to Lijia Village together. Not much, each person received an ingot of silver and an ingot of gold. How could Li Da and the others dare to accept it! They waved their hands to refuse, and finally dared to accept it under Guo Yi's firm gaze.