
196. Chapter 196

"I think I'm more tired from opening all the gifts than I was from vacation and all the travelling." Meredith sighed out tiredly in a low voice to herself as she sat and stretched her legs out on the living room floor onto a pillow while laying on the floor with a sea of ripped up papers, boxes, gift bags, bows, and presents around her in every direction.

"What happened to opening just a few today?" Derek laughed as he walked into the living room from the kitchen and stood leaning against the room archway watching her look cute and exhausted from opening every present they got in record time.

"It was like crack." She giggled as Derek raised his eyebrows at her,"well not that I'd know, but it was like a high. Once I started I couldn't stop. I had to open one more, then another one and then another one would call me and before I knew what had happened I had opened all. "

"I see that." He laughed at her explanation and look of satisfaction on her face as she sat surrounded by all the opened presents. "You wouldn't happen to know who sent what would you?" Derek laughed, "for thank you card purposes. Crack addicts don't usually think of the big picture."

Meredith rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Well lucky for you I'm not an addict, well may be a present addict." She giggled before continuing, "and yes husband of mine of course I know who sent what. When I would open a present I'd stick the card back in with it for us to know. Like you Aunt Evelyn gave us this gorgeous wooden toy box..it's over there!" She pointed to the large box next to what looked like a super state of the art stroller box. "So I put the card in the toybox, but I think with the amount of toys we got as presents the box might end up being too full already." She frowned in thought.

"So he's not born yet and his toy box is overflowing? "Derek laughed "and what's this us with the thank yous?" Derek laughed looking around, "I think the person who opened all the presents has to do the thank yous."

"You're going to make me write them all alone?" she pouted and batted her eyelashes at him trying to entice him by making him have some sympathy.

"You opened all these boxes all alone." He laughed. "Just think of it as opening the presents, you and your high should get the thank you cards done in no time." He teased her as he laughed and ran out of the room back towards the kitchen to fix her a snack when he saw her picking up a pillow on the floor under her feet to throw at him.