
Breaking the Mariage Law [10]

Yin Yue glanced towards her husband, with a surprise realizing that it was the first time when she actually thought of him like that. She was glad that he was a support during the meeting with his mother, and she still couldn't understand what possessed her to actually stand on his side and talk up to Madame Su. But just hearing the woman's tone, filled with the utter disgust towards him made her angry. As if it was his fault that his father had had an affair! No, Yin Yue could dislike Li Qiang, but she wasn't so heartless to let it pass.

"Thank you," he said, suddenly coming to her and standing right in front of her. Yin Yue blushed slightly, avoiding his gaze.

"You're welcome," she mumbled and shivered when she felt his fingers caress her cheek. "What..."

"You looked beautiful today," he suddenly whispered, taking the view of her blushing face with pleasure. She looked just like when he saw her for the first time. Her face was slightly red, small smile formed in the corner on her lips and her eyes almost sparkled, looking at him with innocence. She looked simply cute and Li Qiang wanted her to be this way all the time. He wanted her to feel happy by his side.

"Well, you don't look bad yourself," she answered, still embarrassed by the mere thought of how they acted at the party.

Yin Yue could still feel the touch of his lips lingering on her own, and it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. If she could be completely honest with herself she would rather make him repeat that kiss. But there was something she had to make sure of first.

"Why did you marry me?" she finally asked, a little scared to hear his answer, knowing that what happens next will depend strictly on it.

Li Qiang hesitated for a second, trying to understand her reasons for asking, but when he saw the way she was fidgeting nervously, he couldn't help but smile a little. He cupped her face with his hands, making her look at him.

"Because I fell in love with you," he stated and was surprised to see tears forming in the woman's eyes. "I'm not lying, kitten. I know you hate me because of the way I did it and you have the right to. And if you give me a chance, I will explain everything to you, that's if you really want me to, even though I'd rather keep it a secret from you, because I don't want you to get hurt. But you need to believe me, that I really love you."

Yin Yue hold her breath, trying to comprehend his words, not sure how they could sound so beautiful and cheeky at the same time. All the time she truly wished for a true love, a big one, the one that will make people jealous and her the happiest girl in the whole world. Now she could have it all, only if she let herself love him back and at this point it wasn't a point too far to reach. She could fall for him only if she allowed herself to do so.

So she decided to listen to his side of story and give it a try.

"I don't love you. But I want to," she whispered, looking at him. "I really do." She grabbed his tie and pulled him towards her. She placed her lips on his, making the man open his eyes widely, before he responded to the kiss and took her in his arms.

They had time to deal with everything and while she wanted to understand him, he wanted her to be in love with him. For the first time it looked like they could be a real married couple.

Oh my, it was so sweet I barely dealt with it XD But I'm so happy for the two of them <3 It was the last chapter from the first volume, now I will be working on the second one :* I hope you like the story so far, thank you for reading it<3

KagamiNeecreators' thoughts