
Into the Forest

When I woke up I immediately tried to circulate the energy in my body

-As expected, it is more efficient

The amount of magi I could control increased slightly, and I was able to reinforce a part of my muscles with dense energy.

I looked above me and saw a notification

[Instance event. Eliminate the goblins in the forest. Progress 26% ]

-Fuck ... I must hurry and kill some goblins as well

Worried that I would lose out on potential rewards from the quest, I rushed to the forest

After a few minutes, I arrived at the entrance of the forest, there I encountered a group of 5 creatures whose appearance accurately fitted the description of a goblin, with greyish skin and very few hairs.

From their physique it was evident that they were malnutritioned, their ribcage being almost visible due to their thin skin.

Although I had confidence that by using my newfound power and increasing some of my strength I could engage them all together, I chose to reserve my magi and take a less direct approach.

Thankfully they hadn't noticed me, so I carefully analyzed the situation.

They apparently were feasting on a deer they had caught and didn't have any weapons on them.

I estimated that if I rushed in and grabbed one of their weapons I could take out at least one of them before the others manage to react.

Therefore without further delay, I emerged from my hiding spot, approached them as silently as possible from their blind spot, grabbed the copper sword I found on the ground and slashed the neck of the nearest goblin.

Surprised, the goblin next to the one I killed fell on it's back which allowed me to stab it in the stomach, causing it to cough blood and die from internal bleeding a few moments later.

There were only three opponents left, the closest goblin quickly closed the distance between us and with a large swinging motion was about to strike me with its primitive club.

Being prepared to risk my life from the moment I entered the rift, I wasn't fazed by its desire to kill me, and precisely slashed the wrist of the slow-moving goblin, which inevitably dropped it's weapon mid-swing, crying from the pain.

I used the momentum of my previous slash and twisted my body in order to put all my strength behind the next attack, and succeeded in decapitating the goblin's head.

At that moment I sensed a murderous gaze directed at my lower back.

A goblin had moved to my blind spot and was about to stab me from behind.

I underestimated the goblin's fighting ability as a group, and as a result, I was about to be killed.

At that moment, I used all the magi I could muster in the milliseconds I had till the goblin's blade struck me and twisted my core in order to protect my vital organs.

The blade barely missed my spleen and slashed my skin, not a second afterward I counter-attacked and stabbed the goblin.

My blade passed through its ribcage and pierced it's left lung.

With his airways filled with blood the goblin agonizingly died while gasping for air.

The remaining enemy was standing still 4 meters away from me.

I could feel his emotions, fear ... despair ...

Taking advantage of its indecisiveness to fight or flee, I ended its life.

I looked at the message screen.

[Progress 34%]

While it would be very enjoyable for me to think that 8% was solely my contribution, I reconsidered taking into account the existence of a second-party.

I recalled the near-death situation I got myself in due to my lack of awareness.

-How did I realize the goblin's ambush?

-Could it be thanks to the Sense stat...?

That was the only reasonable explanation since it was the only stat whose name fitted the effect i had experienced.

I pondered on my ability to perceive the emotions of a monster

"Hm so i can feel the murderous intent from an opponent and anticipate his next attack"

"Well that's pretty useful"

I picked up another sword from the goblin's corpse , thinking that against a large group of weak opponents dual wielding had a lot practicality , and ventured further inside the forest


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