
Eden White

A week has passed since the game launched, leveling speed has been slowed as the monsters were adapting to adventurers and fighters within. I have been cooking most of the time with my wife and training with her within the game.

Today was a special day, the envoy of one of the void law firm will be arriving, and a few important people will follow them. "Husband, you seem to be way too serious! Relax!" Emma came from behind as she massaged my shoulders while calming me down.

What can I say… I love her too much to ignore her advice. A smile began to form on my face as I looked at the time before standing up. "Rose, print all of the treaties and trade agreements on a T1 monster skin, prepare a few bottles of vodka and rum type 3," I said while standing up inside the tavern.

I took a look outside and smiled at the towers that covered the island, thousands of soldiers entering them and exiting every minute. "Emma, your real life level needs to increase soon, I will prepare a day for you to do it, but now we need to focus on more important things," I said as I turned to Emma who was standing next to me.

"Husband, I am not in a hurry, finish the important stuff and we can do more easier things later on" She smiled as she gave a small kiss on my cheeks. I nodded and noticed that the void envoy has arrived.

I tapped my cane once on the wooden tavern floors, and the doors opened to welcome the void envoy. Weird looking humanoids began to enter, eyes glowing with purple energy, ears flopping up and down, legs shorter than hands yet they had this imposing aura that fell on us the moment they entered.

They were five people, and four stood behind one person who looked heavenly in the eyes of anyone that looked at him, I smiled and gestured him with my hands according to Anima words on Voidling greetings.

After ending the gestures, I clenched my fists and hit my chest hard before bowing with Emma. "You may rise, your greeting has exceeded our imagination, do not repeat it as it cracks me up every time! Haha!" The man standing in front of the group of four laughed as he shook his head.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Eden White of the Void sector, leader of the current Void Generation and Emperor of the Void system" he introduced himself while placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a light bow.

I smiled and introduced myself "I am Ace Thelos, Guild Master of the Earth branch and this is my wife, Emma" I gave a light bow with Emma before gesturing the emperor to take a seat.

Slowly we were all seated, and one side had the emperor with his retainers who were holding stacks of weird books, another side where Emma and I.

"Tell me Ace, do you know about your origins?" Eden asked while smiling, and I replied with ease "Yes, I am the last Elder Troll."

Eden nodded and continued "Your father has been a good friend of mine, but sadly he offended a lot of people, sadly he was taken by another force without my knowledge and disappeared… He was a big pervert too! Haha!"

Crash! The door of the Tavern opened, and mother entered in a rush, "Eden! You bastard! Why did you come here!" She shouted at him as she moved towards him while several wings appeared behind her.

Eden looked at her surprised before smiling and looked at me, "Good job saving her, I was about to send someone to get her, but it seems like you did a better job than me! Haha-"

Mother held him from the back of his collar and began to strangle him while his retainers watched without moving. "Enough, Liel! I can promise you that he is safe! He is… playing around… Liel?"

Eden looked at mother who was crying, and she let go of him before moving towards me, "Oh son! Do me justice and kill this fool!"

… I don't know what kind of comedy-drama is this as my mind is just beyond repairable right now. "Uhm, mother, can we finish business first and then talk about this? I am also quite interested in what is going on…"

Mother nodded while wiping her tears. Emma stood up and took Mother away to the office upstairs. I looked at Eden with an apologetic smile as I gestured him to continue speaking after he took his seat.

Eden coughed one in embarrassment before speaking "Ace, I know your future selves, I know what you heard and saw everything, but all you need to know is that they never met me except the first one who is a bit special… like your father but it seems that you become more monstrous and that is why I came here."

My eyes flashed for a second before returning to normal, "I wouldn't dare to go against you, your majesty but I wish to know one thing, why did you buy 25% of the shares on everything produced on this planet? It is-"

"Not profitable? You are greatly mistaken about this, and you created something that has never been thought off, a new battlefield for the factions and a way to observe their rankings, powers, and skills… do you know why I allowed Anima to continue all of this time? Because of something like this" Eden said as showed the guild card.

I smiled as I understood what Eden said, I didn't speak to allow Eden to continue "I want to participate in it, no… I want the void to be part of this new generation… that is why I am treating this treaty importantly and willing to provide you with all of the support you can get, but I will also request you to increase the so-called game time to make it work all of the time."

My smile vanished as this was very difficult, I lay back on the chair while placing my hands on the armrest to support my head, after thinking it through I decided to request of something before agreeing "Your Majesty, I dare not go against your words but my powers limit me to 1 hour of real time, the chips barely support the people but it can never be applied to real life other than the experience gained through battles or crafting… "

Taking a deep breath I continue, "I have no medium to support the game world and laws to make it accessible to everyone without using space and time materials… thanks to transcending I already have my means to make it possible but as I said, it will require all of the factions to agree and require a force of hundreds of mages to moderate it."

Eden stayed silent as he began to think before replying "I can provide that, who will manage the security of the world and will it fit trillions of 'Players'?"

I smiled as I allowed the cards the leave my body before they began to rotate on the middle of the table creating a large screen with information regarding this, I decided to explain to Eden who was looking at the data "My creations are managing the cards, let us say that all of the factions agree to Anima being neutral and accept guild branches within their worlds… this will create a perfect opportunity for everyone to improve, through the guilds we can create a market, and my creations will manage this market as they are created for this purpose…"

"The only thing that the factions might not agree with this is their privacy-" My voice was cut off by Anima.

『I can guarantee that nothing will be leaked and everything will go smoothly your majesty.』

Eden nodded and began to go through the information while his retainers were writing very fast on the papers that appear and disappear before them.

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