
Calling in Those Favors

Shawn: so skylar did you decide

Skylar: on what

Karma: ooo

Ryoko: right

Shawn: do you want to do something now

Skylar: ah well uh (she remembers something) oh I have plans with Aaron

Aaron: we do

Skylar elbows him and whispers

Skylar: you owe me

Aaron: oh right that

Karma: hmm what are you doing

Aaron and skylar glare at karma he has a smug look on his face

Skylar: uh

Aaron: uhh

Lilith: you have a dinner date later

Karma starts chuckling

Skylar: right that

Aaron: oh yeah

Shawn: I see

He leaves

Aaron: Lilith did you have to say that

Lilith: what would you have said

Karma is still laughing

Aaron: judgement

Skylar: activate core

They Knock out karma he's out

Skylar: remember karma you still owe me a favor to

Karma: oh no I'm so scared

Aaron whispers something to Skylar

Skylar: really he is

Karma: aaron what did you just tell her

Aaron: nothing

Skylar: well that's good to know thanks aaron

Aaron: no problem

Karma: aaron

Aaron: you know I hear there are some amazing looking flowers in a cave near the lake

Karma: you told her that

Aaron: what's wrong I just mentioned some flowers

Karma: no

Skylar: yes better get them for me

Karma: uh what if I say I'm sorry

Skylar: nope

Karma: aaron I will get you back

Aaron: have fun getting those flowers I hear that cave is small and the walls are super close

Ryoko: Ahahahahah your claustrophobic

Karma: what no fine you want those damn flowers fine I'll be back

He leaves

Aaron: oh man Lilith you can access karmas com right

Lilith: yes since you put a transfer core in it

Skylar: when did you do that

Aaron: well you know how they look i just removed a blank core and replaced it with the transfer core

Skylar: but when

Aaron: after our match last night when you were assisting us back home

Skylar: I see

Lilith: what do you want me to do

Aaron: I want you to record karma especially when he's panicking

Lilith: understood

Ryoko: I can't believe you got to keep Lilith after the whole ace mission

Aaron: I was surprised as well

Lilith: of course after we got the data back to the CMC there's not much I could do there so I requested to go with you

Aaron: well that's good I'm glad you're part of the team

Lilith: thank you

As there getting ready to leave Martin enters the training grounds his team and shawn is bothering him

Kaleb and kayte go to a field

He sees Aaron

Aaron: I guess you attend classes to

Martin: yeah we did

Aaron: I see shawn is hanging around you

Martin: he just walked up and started bothering me

Shawn: I checked the top teams and your team was second so I thought i could get your help to get stronger

Martin: why just train normally

Shawn: you see I want to beat aaron

Aaron: oh you shouldn't ask him he's never beaten me

Martin: grrrrr what was that Aaron

Aaron: I was just stating a fact

Martin: you think I can't beat you your just so arrogant you act tough but your weak

Aaron: last match if I'm not mistaken you got taken out by an E rank team

Martin: don't make me laugh you cheated

Ryoko: I think you just can't accept that your weak

Martin: what was that

Ryoko: you heard me

Martin: hey don't talk to me you're just an e rank

Aaron: she's my Team mate so she's S rank

Martin: what

Ryoko looks up his team

Ryoko: this says your b rank you shouldn't talk to your superiors that way

Martin: that's it you just pissed me off get your ass in the ring

Ryoko: I guess but a weakling like you, you won't be a challenge

Martin: you'll be lucky if I don't kill you

He walks past and goes in a ring

Shawn: you really pissed him off

Ryoko: aaron how strong is he

Aaron: if you can last against karma you'll be fine

Ryoko enters the ring

Kaleb and kayte walk over they see Martin in a ring

Kaleb: what's happening

Aaron: Martin just picked a fight with my Teammate

Kaleb is startled by aaron and jumps back

Aaron: relax just don't shoot me in the back

Kaleb: Martin ordered me to do that

Skylar: but didn't you have it on lethal

Kayte: she's right you know

Kaleb: uh right

Lore: this is so boring can we go

Aaron punches lore

Kaleb: who said that

Aaron: what

Kaleb: I thought I heard something

Ryoko enters the ring with Martin

And the match ends in 5 mins

Martin: what the hell was that

Ryoko: don't you know you shouldn't fight someone with a demon soul

Martin: you have a demon soul to

Aaron: she sure does

Ryoko: don't mess with team demon

Aaron and ryoko high five each other

Kaleb and kayte: wow they make a scary duo

Martin: hmmp well you got lucky

Ryoko: your just to weak

Aaron: I mean she made karma use his judgement

Martin: wait karma he's back

Aaron: yep

Martin: where I want to fight him

Skylar: sorry he's doing me a favor right now

Martin: damn well I guess I'll fight him tomorrow

Aaron: you shouldn't you'd lose

Martin: shut it

Aaron: no I mean unless you can make his new spell useless you can't win he can control your body

Martin: that's cheating

Aaron: I'll show you

He activates his codex

Aaron: black res

Martin can't move

Martin: what the hell I really can't move

Aaron: it's basically that but he can control your body

Aaron stops the spell

Martin: hmm thanks for the info I guess your not terrible

Aaron: thanks

Martin: kaleb you ready

Kaleb: yeah

Skylar: oh you two are having a match huh

Kayte: these to are fighting over who to challenge so we can get promoted again Martin wants to fight you but we don't want to but Martin agreed if we could beat him well challenge another team

Aaron: I see

Then Aaron gets an emergency call

HM: we analyzed the data karma brought and we have 1 solid lead we're still looking into the others but here are the details

Location: atlas Academy

Target: unknown

Hm: based on the data some one from inside of atlas Academy is helping them with weapons, armor, money, facility's and soldiers tomorrow morning a x9 falcon will be prepped for you and your team so be ready.....

Aaron: cool well team let's head out and prep Lilith send this to karma

Lilith: done

As there walking away

Shawn: uh skylar wait uh where you guys going

Ryoko: these 2 are helping me move in

Aaron: right

Skylar: yeah

Shawn: I thought you two were having dinner tonight

Skylar: plans change

Shawn: well if your free later want to grab a bite

Aaron and ryoko are whispering to each other

Ryoko: this is awkward should we leave them

Aaron: sure let's see how she handles the situation Lilith record it

Lilith: understood

Ryoko: oh Skylar actually if you want to hang out with him that's fine aaron can help me move in

Skylar: uh what

Aaron: yeah see ya

The bolt out leaving them alone

Skylar: uhh (what they ditched me again)

Shawn: so your free then

Skylar: uh...

Then karma comes in and walks to Skylar

Karma: here's your damn flowers

Skylar: oh hey karma

Karma: don't hey me that cave was terrible we're even now got it

Shawn: uh skylar what do you say

Skylar eyes are begging karma to help

Karma notices and has a grin

Karma: you two have a date

Shawn: maybe

Skylar is giving him a death look

Karma: hmmm well....

Skylar: hold up let me check my schedule

She types a message to karma

Skylar: plz help me I'll owe you big time just plz

Karma reads it and replies

Karma: fine

Karma: wait skylar what about that mission tomorrow shouldn't you train

I mean your pretty weak right now you might just be in the way tomorrow

Skylar: grrr(you don't have to dig into me) right could you help me then

Karma: sure get in the arena

Skylar: wha

Karma has a grin on his face

Shawn: I could help you train skylar

Skylar: thanks but karma will help me

Karma: get in the arena

Skylar: *gulp* okay

She walks in the arena

Shawn stops karma

Shawn: why would you tell her she's useless for she's great

Karma: listen pal don't touch me or that will be it for you

Shawn: no listen to me don't hurt her got it

Karma: care to take her place then

Shawn: uh

Karma: yeah no back up

He steps back and karma gets in the arena

Karma: we didn't have a proper match   

Last time so let's have it now

Skylar: uh yeah

She whispers to Lilith

Skylar: Lilith you have a vital reading on karma right well I guess not aaron would have to install you

Lilith: already done he did it last night

Skylar: oh so can you read karmas vitals

Lilith: everything is normal except his mental state but it was like that last night to so that might just be normal for him

Skylar: my chances

Lilith: 1% chance

Skylar: so I'm going to lose huh

Lilith: no that's your chances of survival

Skylar: great

Karma cracks his knuckles and does  some stretches

Karma: wait a sec I need to check something

He sends a message to Skylar

Karma: you can't go out with him if your hurt right

Skylar: what!!

She replies

Skylar: can't you pretend to kick my ass

Karma: nope

Karma: okay I'm ready

Skylar: right

Karma grabs a core

Karma: active core

It transformed into a stun blade

Skylar: what's that

Karma: oh you know how aaron has SRCs

Skylar: uh yeah

Karma: well this is my core for catching targets with you see it stuns them so they can't resist

Skylar: oh can you change the power on it

Karma: yeah I have set on low I think I'll beat some training into first

Skylar: *gulp* activate core

She has the Rift blade she's kinda shaky

Lilith: skylar your heart rate just skyrocketed

Karma: oh scared you should be that's my specialty

Skylar: Lilith any strategy for fighting him

Lilith: well checking my calculations its very unlikely you will survive but I'm rooting for you

Karma: well I'll let you get first strike

Skylar: what no everyone knows first strike always loses

Karma: fine I'll go first

It's like he vanishes he's moving fast and he's behind her in a flash and has his stun blade close to her throat

Karma: if I was a bad guy you'd be dead right now

He moves his blade away and hits her with it she feels a shock course through her veins

Skylar: ahhh

Karma: it's super effective right

Skylar: that's low power

Karma: yeah want me to turn it up

Skylar: nope

she opens her codex

Skylar: arch prison

Karma gets surrounded by holy light

Karma uses his ordnance on his left hand and slashes the light bars and they break

Skylar: what but how

Karma: you not strong enough to contain me your going to have to fight Me with cores unless you have a really power spell in your codex

Skylar realizes she doesn't have any offensive spells just defense and support

Skylar stands her ground then karma rushes again but she blocks his attack then karma kicks her

Skylar falls on the ground

Skylar: ah damn

Karma: in a fight with bad guys they will play dirty remember that

Skylar: (damn he's kicking my ass) yeah got it

She stands back up karma rushes her again she remembers aaron taught her how to make a Rift she does the stance and opens it and disappears

Karma: hehehe that's better

He can't predict where she is then he gets hit on the back skylar stabbed the Rift blade through a small Rift to hit him karma gets knocked back

Karma: stands back up

A Rift opens in front of him he slashes at it but nothing then Skylar has the Rift blade at his neck

Skylar: check mate

Karma: damn okay you win

Skylar is exhausted

Skylar: ah ah man that uses to much power

Karma: it does  but you managed to make four rifts

Skylar: yeah before I couldnt make one

Then she passes out from exhaustion

Karma: woops she overdid it oh well you owe me

He puts her on his shoulder

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