
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Ciudad
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80 Chs

Man, you should adapt to this society.

After taking a shower, Ye Fei changed into a new outfit. Looking at his outdated and rustic clothes, which made him look like a peasant worker, Wang Yue let out a sigh and said, "Are you going to wear these?"

Ye Fei, looking puzzled, replied, "What's wrong? These are all newly purchased, and the quality is very good."

Wang Yue tapped her forehead and said, "I really can't believe you. How long have you been in the big city?"

Ye Fei answered, "It's been almost two months."

Wang Yue exclaimed, "Nearly two months, and you're still wearing these? Don't you know that you need to dress better in the big city to find a good job?"

After Wang Yue's reminder, Ye Fei revealed that he had just lost his job and had become unemployed.

Wang Yue suggested, "Come on, I'll take you shopping and buy you some new clothes!" Ye Fei could only follow along with a wry smile.

Wang Yue took Ye Fei straight to a Li-Ning store. Once inside, she picked out a black sportswear set for Ye Fei and said, "Salesperson, bring him a set in size XXL."

After changing into the sportswear, Ye Fei's image was completely transformed. Standing over 1.80 meters tall, he turned from a peasant worker into an athlete in black sportswear.

Wang Yue looked at Ye Fei with satisfaction and said, "Go change into a pair of sports shoes."

Ye Fei pleaded, "Sister Wang!"

Wang Yue widened her eyes and said, "What, did I say something wrong?"

Ye Fei dared not speak again and quickly went to change his shoes.

The salesperson chuckled, "Your boyfriend is really obedient!"

Wang Yue snorted, "Men need to be tidied up!"

After changing his shoes, Wang Yue nodded in approval and said, "Yes, this is a bit more like a man! Let's go pay!"

Ye Fei wanted to take back his old clothes, but Wang Yue furrowed her brow and said, "Don't take those old clothes, they're too outdated."

Reluctantly, Ye Fei said, "But I just bought them."

Unable to hold back, Wang Yue became agitated and pulled Ye Fei to the cashier.

The cashier said, "It's a total of 1320 yuan."

Ye Fei was surprised, "So expensive? Sister Wang, can we find something cheaper?"

Wang Yue said, "Stop talking nonsense, just pay!"

It was then that Ye Fei realized he had to pay for it himself. He had thought Wang Yue was going to buy it for him.

Wang Yue said, "What are you staring at me for? I told you earlier, I don't have a single penny."

Ye Fei sighed and said, "I only have 500 in cash, it's not enough!"

Wang Yue said, "Don't you have a bank card? You paid six months' rent in one go yesterday. Don't tell me you have no money left?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fei took out his bank card and handed it to the cashier.

The cashier chuckled as she looked at the couple and said, "Enter your password!"

Unsuspectingly, Ye Fei entered his password, and Wang Yue leaned over, saying, "Let me see how much you have left?"

Seeing the balance, Wang Yue widened her eyes in disbelief, looking at Ye Fei, who surprisingly had over 300,000 yuan. She exclaimed, "Oh my God, this boy actually has so much money."

As the two left, the salesperson walked over to the cashier and said, "That young man relies on women for a living, look at the old clothes he changed out of!"

Shaking her head, the cashier said, "You guessed wrong. The kid paid for it himself. There's over 300,000 yuan in his bank account. Maybe he's a rich kid deliberately pretending to be poor."

Two shop assistants were gossiping. Even after leaving the Li-Ning store, Wang Yue still found it hard to believe that this young man who had just entered society could have so much money.

After a few steps, Wang Yue couldn't contain her curiosity and asked Ye Fei, "Come on, where did you get all this money from?"

Ye Fei felt a pang in his heart, expecting her to ask, so he made up a story: "I won 400,000 yuan from a scratch card!"

Wang Yue's mouth dropped open in surprise, "Really?"

Ye Fei nodded, "Yes, it's true. The winning certificate is still in my bag! If you don't believe me, I'll show it to you when we get back."

Ye Fei looked at Wang Yue guiltily, thinking that their relationship was so close that he shouldn't hide it from her. But he couldn't tell anyone the secrets about X-ray vision and gold bars, so he had to deceive Wang Yue. Nevertheless, it wasn't a lie; he did win, but the prize money had already been given to his parents.

Wang Yue accepted Ye Fei's explanation and playfully punched him, saying, "I knew it! How dare you rent such an expensive house without a job, turns out you have money!"

Ye Fei grinned foolishly, "I'm just lucky, always winning on scratch cards."

He had already briefed Wang Yue in advance because he intended to continue buying scratch cards, so as not to make it seem abrupt to her.

Curiously, Wang Yue asked, "Really?"

Ye Fei replied, "If you don't believe me, let's go to the lottery station and try. I think I'll continue to be lucky today."

Excitedly, Wang Yue said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go try!"

The two found a lottery station, and as soon as they entered, Wang Yue shouted, "Boss, give me ten scratch cards!"

The boss asked, "What denomination would you like?"

Wang Yue replied, "Twenty."

Ye Fei pulled Wang Yue aside and whispered, "I'll buy at most ten yuan, no need to buy twenty yuan."

Wang Yue said quietly, "You won 400,000 yuan with ten yuan, maybe you'll win a million with twenty yuan, trust me."

Reluctantly, Ye Fei followed Wang Yue and handed 200 yuan to the boss, saying, "I'll pick them myself!"

The boss handed over a stack of scratch cards, "Go ahead and pick!"

Ye Fei looked over the rules again, then lowered his head and tried to look at them with both eyes simultaneously.

A magical scene unfolded—both of his eyes lit up simultaneously, and the numbers on the scratch cards became visible.

Amazed by this sight, Ye Fei was so excited that he almost shouted. Finally, he didn't have to close his eyes to see things.

Wang Yue nudged Ye Fei, "What are you staring at? Hurry up and pick!"

Ye Fei snapped out of it, "Okay, I'll pick right away."

With Wang Yue by his side, Ye Fei dared not choose the middle ones. Four out of the ten scratch cards were winners. What excited him even more was that one of them had won 5000 yuan, which was the reason he hadn't wanted those small prizes. That was enough. After making his selections, he handed half of the winnings to Wang Yue, including the 5000 yuan.

He wanted Wang Yue to experience the happiness of winning. Indeed, a minute later, Wang Yue screamed, "I won, I won, haha, I won 5000!"

The other people in the lottery station looked at the young couple enviously.

One person said enviously, "Congratulations! You two are really lucky lovebirds!"

Ye Fei grinned foolishly.

As they left the lottery station, Wang Yue still had a happy smile on her face, naturally holding onto Ye Fei's arm.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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