
An Incomparably Alluring Wine Bottle

In the noisy Little Sheep hot pot restaurant, the intoxicated Ye Fei boastfully exclaimed without reserve, "You guys missed out on that beauty just now! Wow, that face and those curves. My mom said, a woman like that will can definitely have a son!"

His companions at the table responded with knowing smiles, clearly sharing in Ye Fei's sentiment. 

Feeling particularly pleased with himself, Ye Fei continued to brag on and on. Suddenly, he felt parched and raised his beer glass for a hefty gulp. Just then, he sensed a series of taps behind him. 

Impatiently, Ye Fei turned his head and glared, exclaiming irritably, "Who is it? Can't you see I'm drinking here?" 

Before he could finish speaking, a beer bottle came crashing down towards his head. If Ye Fei had been sober, he could have easily avoided it and even retaliated. But in his current state, he could only blankly endure the impact of the bottle. 

With a loud "bang," the bustling restaurant instantly fell silent. Blood and beer streamed down Ye Fei's cheeks. He instinctively wiped his face, gazing at the blood on his hand, and forced a wry smile. Then, he launched a fierce counterattack against his assailant. 

At this moment, reasons and justifications no longer held significance. Someone dared to strike him, so they must pay the price. This was the belief Ye Fei had upheld since childhood. 

Subsequently, chaos erupted in the restaurant as everyone joined the melee. 

Having consumed too much alcohol, Ye Fei couldn't recall the subsequent events. He vaguely remembered overpowering the assailant with all his might, slamming him hard onto the ground and ruthlessly pummeling his face. As for the others who had attacked him, he had no time to spare for them. 

Ye Fei had a belief that, no matter when he got into a fight, even if he couldn't overpower his opponent, he would leave a mark on them! It didn't matter how many people were involved; he would focus all his efforts on defeating his target, so that he wouldn't come out at a loss. 

Just as he was slipping into unconsciousness, another bottle smashed hard against his head, and he instantly fell into a coma. 

When he woke up, his head was pounding, and he couldn't figure out what to do. He could only grope around and touch the messy bandages on his head. Every touch made him wince in pain. 

"Damn, who the hell smashed me up like this?" Ye Fei cursed angrily. 

"Why are you shouting? Be quiet!" a reprimanding voice came from outside the door. 

It was then that Ye Fei realized he wasn't lying in a hospital as he had expected. Instead, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment. 

He sat up and looked around. It was a closed room, about a dozen square meters in size, with a few beds along the walls, each occupied by a handful of people. The front of the room had no wall, only iron railings. The person who had just spoken was standing outside the railing wearing a police uniform. 

Ye Fei was lying on the bed closest to the door. Faced with this unfamiliar setting and the presence of a policeman, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. 

"Where am I?" Ye Fei asked nervously. 

Oh dear, could he have been sent back in time after being struck by a bottle? He was injured and should have been in a hospital, but this place didn't look like one! 

Next to him lay a middle-aged man in his forties. Seeing Ye Fei's bewildered expression, he shook his head and sat down beside his bed. 

"Keep your voice down, don't let the guard hear and scold you again," the middle-aged man comforted him. 

This was the first time Ye Fei had encountered such a situation, and it scared him into suspecting that he had traveled back in time. Others' time travels either resulted in them becoming powerful figures in ancient times or stepping into another world as idols. What kind of situation was this for him? And why was there a guard here? 

"Sir, where is this?" Ye Fei asked in a hushed tone. 

The middle-aged man looked relieved to be addressed as "sir." Young people these days didn't often show respect for their elders. He replied, "Young man, this is a detention center. You've just woken up, so you probably don't remember clearly, but you were detained for fighting." 

As Ye Fei carefully recollected, the memories surfaced, but all he could recall was being hit by two bottles. 

After hearing the middle-aged man's words, Ye Fei sighed bitterly and said, "Sir, was I beaten? Why was I detained?" 

The policeman outside glared at him and scolded, "What are you doing? Sit down!" 

The middle-aged man pulled Ye Fei and said, "Keep your voice down. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. What did you do to provoke them?" 

Ye Fei couldn't help but feel angry. "I was beaten, why would they detain me?" 

The middle-aged man shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I don't know either. Perhaps the person who hit you was also detained, and you were both kept in different places. It's also possible that they reported to the police first and shifted the blame onto you. You know, you were drunk and unable to defend yourself. And also..." 

At this point, the middle-aged man suddenly stopped. 

"Sir, what else is there?" Ye Fei pressed on. 

What he wanted to know most now was the reason for his detention, and he couldn't accept this reality. He had only been in a fight, and whether he struck first or not, why was he detained? This was more difficult for him to accept than time travel. 

Ye Fei's emotions gradually calmed down, but his curiosity grew stronger. He asked, "Uncle, how did you end up in here?" 

The middle-aged man replied with a bitter smile, "Driving without a license!" 

Ye Fei exclaimed in surprise, "Just for that, you got detained?" 

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Ah, I was in a rush and forgot to bring my license. As a result, the traffic police caught me red-handed and decided to detain me for twenty days!" 

Ye Fei asked in confusion, "Uncle, from your accent, you're a local, right? Isn't this something that can be easily resolved with some connections?" 

The middle-aged man explained with a bitter smile, "Young man, you're thinking too simply. For those with connections, this is no big deal at all. They don't even need to show up in person; a simple phone call can resolve everything. But for us ordinary folks, it's not that simple. Even if we find a way, we still have to cough up four or five thousand as a 'gift,' and it's better just to stay put here honestly. After all, we'll be released in a while, and it won't be long." 

After speaking, he shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself, 'Young people always oversimplify things. Can connections really work for us common people?' 

Having finished his speech, he noticed that Ye Fei was staring blankly at the opposite wall, and he thought to himself, 'Could this kid have been hit on the head and turned silly? I better keep my distance from him to avoid trouble.' 

At that moment, Ye Fei was no longer paying attention to the middle-aged man. His attention was completely drawn to the wall in front of him, his eyes vacant, murmuring to himself, "Superman? Vampire? Real? Fake?"

This is a good start.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kill_wolfcreators' thoughts
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