
Boundless System in Urban World

Kyo's a ordinary teen. Well until the accident happened, though Kyo wasn't badly injure. But just before Kyo could think about how bad things turned out he heard something. [Boundless System Binding] "Hmm?" ---------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, there will be mistakes no doubt and I'll try my best to be consistent, so let's journey this together. It's gonna be slow in the beginning as I'm trying to introduce everyone and set their statuses, but I will gradually pick up the pace.

oldmanwintr · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Aurora Winter?!?

"WHAT?!?" they yell in unison.


They look at Kyo with anticipation waiting for an explanation, "I think it would be better for my parents to come and explain themselves." he says.

Kyo grabs his phone and calls his parents, after a brief conversation he goes on 'Pick Me Up' and orders one to receive his parents.

"They should arrive in less than a hour." Kyo explains.

Ryder walks up and grabs Kyo by the arm and leads him up to his bedroom.

Ryder's parents are still standing there astounded about what Kyo just revealed.

*In Ryder's room*

"How long has it been? 11 years and I had no idea you had a younger sibling?!?" Ryder exclaims.

Kyo laughed in his heart and started rethinking if he should have let his parents break the news.

"Well that would kind of ruin the whole point of it being a secret Ryder." he says while smiling.

Ryder looks Kyo in the eyes and gets up and personal, "Are you hiding anything else from me?" he asks eerily.

"Well other than my sister, I don't have any secrets even if I did you would be the first to know." he says. 'Of course I can't tell you about the 'Boundless System', the name's kinda long to say I wonder if I could give it a nickname.'


'ok T-T'

Ryder sighs, "Well are you gonna tell me why she was hidden, even from your own brother?"

"I guess I could tell you early since my parents are gonna explain anyways. She has a disease and has been bedridden for a few years now, she can still speak and move it's just that she's in a really fragile state." Kyo explains.

Ryder stood there in disbelief and sorrow before bombarding Kyo with questions, "What's the disease called? How may Doctors have you asked for help with? How does she usually go to school? Will she be ok or is her health deteriorating?"

"The Doctor's said there wasn't a name for the disease so they called it 'First Winter'. We've seen dozens but none seemed able to cure her. I go down to the freshmen teachers to get some paperwork for her. Her health for the past year has been stable but I don't want to jinx anything" Kyo explains to Ryder slowly.

Ryder loses feeling in his legs and collapses on his bed, "This is a lot to take in Kyo. No doubt the offer still stands, I'll treat her as my own sister as you're my brother." Ryder states.

Kyo smiles and gives a Ryder a hug, "I know I don't say it much, but I want you to know I love you bro."

*quiet sobs*

Ryder again starts sobbing.

"Don't get all soft on me now Ryder. Don't wanna have to tell people I have another sister." Kyo says while laughing.

"I had a eyelash in my eye!" Ryder exclaims.

"Yeah sure and my father is Adonis."


They both again break out into laughter.

They both start walking towards the door, Kyo opens the door and Olivia and Emma fall through the door frame.

Olivia looks up and says, "Would you believe me if I said we were just passing by?" Olivia nervously laughs.

Kyo and Ryder look at each other and sigh. Kyo starts explaining to Liv what he just told Ryder.

Olivia stands there in shock before saying, "You're telling me, we known you for 11 years and didn't know you had a little sister? That's probably why you never invited us over and when we do come over we have to wait outside."

"Bingo, you're not as dumb as you look Liv." Ryder says sarcastically.

"Not like you've known any longer than I did, we practically heard it at the same time!" Olivia exclaims.

Kyo looks at the siblings argue and gets a headache, "Liv can you and Emma check if my parents arrived yet?" he asks while gently pushing them out.

"Your just tryna get rid of us aren't you?" Olivia asks while pouting.

"Yup." Kyo closes the door behind the two.

Emma looks at Olivia and smiles awkwardly before dragging her downstairs.

Kyo looks back at Ryder and sighs, "What room will I be staying in?" Kyo asks. 'I wanna see what the 'Body Reconstruction Tonic' is all about.'

Ryder then leads Kyo through the Mansion while Kyo following closely behind as to not get lost. They arrive at a room not far from Olivia's.

"This is gonna be your room it's already customized to fit your taste.", "I made sure to buy the guitar you wanted too!" Ryder says while smiling.

Kyo opens the door, before entering he looks around. He stands there for a few seconds with his mouth agape.

"Damn Ryder you really outdid yourself this time, this is practically how I envisioned it!" Kyo exclaims.

"I didn't really do much, I just told Mom what you liked and she put together everything." Ryder says while scratching his head.

In the corner of the room you can see a black acoustic guitar, Kyo walks towards it and picks it up, he then sits on the chair and strums it.

[Would you like to activate the Pluck String (Guitars, Banjo, Sitar, Etc.) 'Instant Comprehension'?]



Almost immediately vast knowledge of guitars were flowing into his soul, from how to play the hardest riffs to making his own. After a few seconds Kyo settles down, he looks down at the guitar as if he's been playing it for thousands of years.

"Kyo you okay? I lost you for a few seconds." Ryder asks with concern.

"I'm fine just lost in the feeling of finally owning a guitar." Kyo replies.

Kyo starts playing a melody and starts singing.

[Would you like to activate the Vocal 'Instant Comprehension']



Kyo was lost in another state of comprehension, more than hundreds of thousands years of vocal knowledge entered into his soul. He knew he could hold a high note for more than 5 mins and his singing could make even Apollo and Orpheus jealous.

When Kyo strummed the guitar and hummed Ryder felt a wave of relaxation hit him. Kyo starts to play one of his favorites.

♪ There's this girl but I let her get away ♪

♪ It's all my fault cause pride got in the way ♪

♪ And I'd be lying if I said I was OK ♪

♪ About that girl the one I let get away ♪

♪... ♪

Kyo finishes the song with one last strum. "Not bad." Kyo says.

Ryder's stands there with a face full of bliss for a extra minute or two, Kyo walks up to Ryder and gives him a pat on the shoulder. Ryder snaps out of his trance and immediately grabbed Kyo's shoulders.

"How?!? When?!! Where?!?! Wow!" Ryder couldn't make out a full sentence without stuttering so he used question words.

"Just something slight." Kyo says with a smug smile.

Ryder looks at Kyo in disbelief 'Just something slight? I nearly transcended and that was "Just something slight", who are you kidding?'

"Kyo where and when did you learn to play like that?" Ryder asked with a serious tone.

Kyo looks at Ryder in the eyes and replies, "One of my hobbies are watching guitar videos."

Before Ryder could retort Kyo pushes him out the room and says, "I'm getting tired, this day has been filled with unexpected events including you almost killing us. I'm gonna take a nap. Tell everyone I'll be out later." Kyo shoves Ryder out the room and locks the door.

'This scene seems familiar.' Ryder thought before walking off thinking about what just happened.

Hearing Ryder walk off, Kyo walks into the bathroom, 'If what I read in novels are true I should take the 'Body Reconstruction Tonic' in the shower, wouldn't want the impurities making a mess in my room'.

Kyo takes off all his clothes and sits down in the shower, "Wait where is the 'Body Reconstruction Tonic?'

[Check in your inventory.]

'Hmmm? Inventory.'

The same black transparent screen shows up but instead of his status screen he sees numerous empty boxes. He tries to scroll down but it seems to be endless so he gave up on that Idea. He tries something else.

'Body Reconstruction Tonic'

A small vial appears in his hand, inside the vial is a white liquid. "This must be the Tonic." he murmurs.

He opens the vial and drops a few on his tongue and swallows it he waits a few mins but nothing happens. 'Maybe it's not bad as they make it seem' he took the vial and downed it.

But in that instant he knew he fucked up.

Pain. All he felt was pain. He wanted to yell but no sound was able to escape. He sat there and gritted his teeth while flowing in and out of consciousness. His bones were breaking and reconstructing, his muscles would tear, rebuild themselves and tear again.

He felt like his skin was burning and peeling almost like it was shedding but way more painful. He could feel warm liquid pouring from his 7 orifices and his pores but he sat there and gritted his teeth.

*1 hour and a half later*

Kyo didn't know how long it was but it felt like a eternity, after another minute he decides to get up as the pain subsided.

When Kyo looked down at his body he saw a large amount of black liquid mixed with what looked like bone fragments. After coming to his senses Kyo smells the stench and immediately turned on the shower and scrubbed himself many times.

After another half hour Kyo gets out the shower and grabs a nearby towel and pats himself dry. He goes to the sink to brush his teeth, but just as he looked up at the mirror. A look of excitement could be seen on his face.

Who's got bro smiling like that??

oldmanwintrcreators' thoughts