
Boruto: Revival of The Woodstyle

Space Alien Cunts, Annoying Uchiha Bitches, Stupid Blond-Haired Dumbasses, and a Group of Terrorists were all things I had to deal with....well at least I've got Mokuton and Adaptability oh wait hold on a second Shin get your ass over here. -Authors Note- Hey all this is That Weeb Writer formerly known as All For One 1000 I made this fic a long while back in middle school back and I was just sort of getting into fanfiction you know just experimenting. I am sorry for not having updated or anything but I had a lot of things that I was dealing with at the time and I still do now that I am a college student but even so I want to make it up to you guys by saying I will be reposting this fic on this account. I am not going to add anything cringe or this emo crap that I wrote out instead it will be a pure senju fic that's all. I am also in the process of writing three fate fics right now. Now I stopped watching Boruto up to the part where they finally kill of Isshiki so it's been awhile Updates won't be consistent since I can't adjust my schedule for this but I'll try to get a chapter or two in when I can.

MidnightSpeedster · Cómic
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3 Chs

Prologue: Revival of The Woodstyle


Is this perhaps the end of me? Was I to stay within this darkness forever more...well I suppose it's a fine ending for someone like me.

Let me start from the beginning my name is Yuto Sado I was once a normal kid with a loving family I had both of my parents, two older brothers, and one little sister we were all close, but one-day things changed.

It all started after my family, and I had come back from the theaters watching the new Naruto movie we all loved that particular anime series me especially.

We were on our way to the car when a group of Yakuza jumped us with both swords and guns, demanding to give them all our of possessions we complied without hesitation.

We had thought that they would let us go right after, but they didn't one of the men ran at high speeds appearing right in front of my mom and dad. Their throats were cut open all at once God I could still feel their blood splatter all over my face even as I spoke now.

I remember screaming out but none of the men listened my brothers and sister God bless their souls pushed me out the alley begging me to run and run I did.

I kept running despite the sounds of gunshots being fired and their voice's screaming out no I just ran and ran till I reached a police station from there I was sent to an orphanage since I had no other relatives.

I disconnected from the world other kids my age tried to befriend me, but I didn't care about them I wanted my family back I went to the cop's multiple times but every time they always told me that they were 'working on it' when in fact they had been paid off to not investigate. 

By that point I had decided if they were not going to do anything then I would time went on and throughout my life I traveled the world training both my mind and body to the point of absolute perfection the same went for any other skill I acquired.

When I returned back to my hometown it was only a matter of time before I began hunting down each Yakuza gang, I spared none who would get in the way of my vengeance whether they were innocent or not I slaughtered them all like a butcher would do to an animal. 

Of course, I wasn't foolish enough to pursue them down with my civilian identity no I hunted them down during the night. My disguise consisted of simple ninja themed costume made out of high-quality Kevlar funnily enough though the outfit was more than enough for the Yakuza to give me the title of Ronin.

 By the time I was twenty-seven I had more blood on my hands than that of a normal military fighter of course all things soon came to an end.

 The remaining Yakuza remnants had somehow managed to find my location and banded together to take me down I wouldn't run away though no I would go down a warrior's death I charged at them Zabuza Momochi style killing each and every person in my path,

I bled everywhere bullets, daggers, and swords were all inflicted upon my person, but the pain was nothing to me if anything it was my best friend now.

I pushed through the pain until I finally killed the last yakuza boss and I eventually died from my wounds soon after with a proud smile of satisfaction my family had been avenged at last. 

After all of that there was only this everlasting darkness there was no concept of time for me to even count here so I am not even sure how long I was even in here for perhaps weeks, months, years, or maybe even longer. 

Suddenly a bright sphere of golden light finally appeared in front of me I wondered if this was God ready to finally send me off to hell for my sins. 

"Greetings child I am the divine figure known as God and I have come to judge," the deity declared I placed on a nonexistent smile so I was right today would be the day I would be judged. 

I patiently waited for the Lord to make his decision, but he said something that surprised me "my poor child you have been through many horrendous things in your life to the point you were never truly able to live...so in spite of what you've done in your past life I will give you a second chance in a new world your favorite one Naruto will do nicely but it will be in the Boruto timeline.

You may also have two simple wishes of your choice to help assist you."

I felt my nonexistent eyes widen in surprise while I may have hunted yakuza that didn't mean I didn't get bored sometimes, so I kept watching the only thing I enjoyed anime mainly Naruto and Boruto. 

A lot of people hated the Boruto series, and I was one of the many to dislike that particular series as well but at some point, I just sort of accepted it.

I mean I liked some parts of it the other parts not so much "alright I want to be reincarnated but could it be as a halfblood mix between Senju and Uzumaki?" the orb flickers before agreeing I smiled.

"So, for my first wish I want it so that my Woodstyle is far stronger then both Hashirama's and Ashura's combined," God replied, "very well granted next," I nod and gave my final wish "for my last wish I want it so that my body can adapt to anything be it from a near death blow to even a simple workout." 

With this wish, it would hopefully give me a bit of a fighting chance against the Ōtsutsuki clan "excellent both of your wishes and new vessel have been granted now I will give you a piece of advice child this is your second chance at life not many get this opportunity so enjoy it, live it to your best, and most of all do not let the past consume you, this is goodbye for now good luck." 

 God's light expanded until it engulfed me in a blinding flash of golden light, and the next thing I knew I woke up in an eleven year old body in Konoha with a gasp of pain.

-end of remade prologue- 

Hey all this is That Weeb Writer formerly known as All For One 1000 I made this fic a long while back in middle school back and I was just sort of getting into it. I am sorry for not having updated or anything but I had a lot of things that I was dealing with at the time and I still do now that I am a college student but even so I want to make it up to you guys by saying I will be reposting this fic on this account. I am not going to add anything cringe or this emo crap that I wrote out instead it will be a pure senju fic that's all. I am also in the process of writing three fate fics right now. Now I stopped watching Boruto up to the part where they finally kill of Isshiki so it's been awhile

Updates won't be consistent since I can't adjust my schedule for this but I'll try to get a chapter or two in when I can.

/Hey all this is That Weeb Writer formerly known as All For One 1000 I made this fic a long while back in middle school back and I was just sort of getting into it. I am sorry for not having updated or anything but I had a lot of things that I was dealing with at the time and I still do now that I am a college student but even so I want to make it up to you guys by saying I will be reposting this fic on this account. I am not going to add anything cringe or this emo crap that I wrote out instead it will be a pure senju fic that's all. I am also in the process of writing three fate fics right now. Now I stopped watching Boruto up to the part where they finally kill of Isshiki so it's been awhile

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