

"Who are you brat?" Kurama asked from within.

"Huh?" Boruto was surprised to hear Kurama's voice all of a sudden only to find out that his surroundings changed from being within Naruto's room to a huge chamber underground with a giant door filled with Iron bars, preventing him from seeing into the pitch dark room, from where he heard the question before…

"Where's this?" Boruto asked still surprised. His eyes scanned around the place until it landed on a piece of paper that was inscribed with a Seal character, most likely holding the existence behind the huge gates.

At this moment, the room suddenly boomed as a huge existence came into view from behind the bars. Two huge sinister eyes came into view as it slowly opened, only to look down on Boruto who stood in front of the the door.


"You're not Naruto…" Kurama was surprised to see Boruto, whose actual identity reflected in his appearance, as this was a realm within his mind.

"Huh?" Boruto looked down to observe his appearance being reflected in the puddle of water on the floor, showing his original appearance from the future.

"I'm me…" Boruto murmured, as his appearance suddenly changed to reflect his current appearance in the world as Naruto with a somewhat improved attire (under Boruto's influence of course) with his open top orange jump suit and black (self-made) Hidden Leaf Headband.

"Brat," Kurama called out once again.

"Ah, it's you Kurama," Boruto beamed a smile at Kurama, causing Kurama to have a puzzled look once again.

"I gotta say, you're much scarier looking inside there than the time I see you protecting my dad…" Boruto said.

"Your dad?" Kurama asked curiously.

"Yeah, my old-man, Uzumaki Naruto, I'm from the future Dattebasa. I'm Uzumaki Boruto, Son of Uzumaki Naruto the Seventh Hokage, and Hyūga Hinata." Boruto explained.

"Future?" Kurama was surprised once again.

"Yeah," Boruto smiled at him, causing Kurama to doubt, seeing Boruto not having a shred of hatred.

"I observed you being different for the past few days, I don't usually do that, but I never really bothered to find out, considering you're merely a vessel I wish to take control of so I can get my freedom," Kurama replied.

"I see, Dad did say you were hostile to him in the beginning, but eventually you came around and became the best of friends. The only reason I'm telling you all this is because, I don't plan to tell anyone else. And with you being sealed up in me, You won't be able to tell the others as well…" Boruto stopped at this point only to realise a grave mistake.

"Ah, please, don't use the tailed-beast plane to inform the other jinchurikis," Boruto placed his hands together and pleaded.

"So you know about the tailed beast plane as well…"

"Looks like I did become friendly…" Kurama sighed…

"Ah well, dad and the world was fighting the fourth ninja war. All the tailed beasts were pretty much extracted dattebasa. By then Dad trusted you enough to remove the seal, and you both fought together from then on." Boruto explained.

"Oh, they got all the other eight tailed beasts?" Kurama asked.

"Yeah, in order from the lowest to the highest" Boruto explained.

"Hehe," Kurama snickered.

"Huh?" Boruto stared at Kurama.

"Hmph, The racoon bastard was the first to go right?" Kurama asked.

"Yeah, well they extracted you from grandpa and my old-man as well, until the Sage of six paths old man showed up," Boruto said the way Naruto explained during the rare bed time stories.

"What?" Kurama was shocked to hear that including the Old Man Sage of Six Paths appearance.

"Yeah, that happened. But hey, you both are doing good, the last I saw my old-man before I came here…" Boruto sighed.

"So, how did you end up here?" Kurama asked.

"Ah well…" Boruto explained how he met a fortune teller, a bit of his life story about how Naruto's existence smothered him, and now how he has to live Naruto's life to understand him.

"Yeah… that's pretty much what happened -ttebasa" Boruto said.


"Naruto has had a tough life, being a vessel for me…" Kurama suddenly started sympathising with Naruto's existence.

"It's really surprising to hear ya say that considering you were itching to kill me," Boruto said with one eye closed.

"Hmph, Obviously I want my freedom more than anything else," Kurama said.

"I hear ya, I feel like I've been thrown into a prison as well…" Boruto felt where Kurama was coming from.

"Brat, since you know me so well, how about you release my seal?" Kurama asked all of a sudden.

"Haah? There's no way I can do that ttebasa. There's no telling what can happen, Even if I trust you enough to tell you my secret there's no way I'm endangering the village my dad wants to protect." Boruto stood firm against Kurama's suggestion.

"Tsk." Kurama clicked his tongue.

"You humans have always been selfish…" Kurama murmured.

"Isn't wanting your freedom selfish too?, Besides, the you from the future is ok with the seal being broken and staying within my dad's body, but if I were to help you break the seal now, I'm sure the only thing you want to do is get out of my dad's body, Won't that ending up killing me?" Boruto asked.

"I see you have some brains," Kurama said.

"Hehe," Boruto snickered.

"Either way, it's been nice to chat with you but I got academy tomorrow, so I'm going to hit the bed," Boruto said turning around to leave.

A few minutes later, in a moonlight room, Boruto stared at the moon through the window, thinking back to his life in the future, where he would one day end up waking back up in the same bedroom, waking up in the morning to find Himawari and his mother waiting for him along with Naruto holding the newspaper also waiting for him at the dining table, to sit along and have their breakfast.

"Boruto was it?" Suddenly a voice broke his moment of peace.

"What is it?" Boruto asked with a dejected voice opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling.

"Huh? Did I do something wrong?" Kurama asked sensing the hint of displeasure.

"Nah, it was just a good dream…" Boruto said as he turned to lie down on the side of his body, away from the window.

"I see…" Kurama sighed.

"So? What is it?" Boruto asked.

"It's just I was wondering something about your dad from the future…" Kurama said.

"What do you want to know?" Boruto asked.

"Did he hate me for killing his parents?" Kurama asked.

"Hah?" Boruto was also shocked for a moment.

"Oh yeah, I heard Grandpa and Grandma, both lost their lives to you," Boruto suddenly remembered.

"…" Kurama remained silent.

About a few seconds later, Boruto let out a deep breath.

"Knowing my old man, he didn't hate you at all. Not one bit!" Boruto said.

"Really?" Kurama asked.

"Well, He never mentioned it, knowing him. He never hated you at all. He was always glad to have ya around ttebasa!" Boruto said.

"Hmm…" Kurama was surprised. It would take huge heart for someone to forgive another for causing the deaths of their loved ones.

"Hey, Kurama," Boruto called out suddenly.

"Hm?" Kurama responded.

"If I end up leaving in the next few days or so, will you take it easy on my old-man, as in Naruto from the present?" Boruto asked.

"…" Kurama remained silent.

"The village might hate you both for now, but trust me, by the time my dad starts working towards his dreams, people will notice. They will start coming around too dattebasa, besides they all like you in the future." Boruto said.

"I will try," Kurama said.

"Oh?" Boruto was surprised.

"I said try, I didn't say I will make it easy. If things don't go as you say, I will find a way out and destroy that village," Kurama said with pure hatred, causing Boruto to be scared for a second.


"I guess, that's better than nothing, Dattebasa!" Boruto smiled in relief.


"Hey Kurama," Boruto called out.

"What is it?" It was Kurama's turn to be displeased.

"Good Night," Boruto said as he closed his eyes.

"Don't start getting chummy, ya hear me?" Kurama growled.

Boruto smiled, and went to sleep, looking forward to attending the academy again and not to mention, his chance to mentor Konohamaru, like konohamaru mentored him as his sensei.

The Next Day…

*Door slides*

"…" The people in the class turn to look at Naruto entering the classroom.

"It's Naruto…" a few people murmured. Some filled with doubts and also with a hint of awe.

"Naruto," A voice called out.

"Oh Shikamaru, Chōji," Boruto greeted enthusiastically.

"Don't forget me too," *bark* *bark*

Kiba popped up from the with Akamaru riding his head.

"Kiba, I've always wanted to say this, I thought that thing was part of your hair, until I realised it was a part of your hoodie," Boruto said after seeing Akamaru snuggling onto Kiba's hair under the hood.

"Me too," Chōji said nonchalantly.

"Huh?" Kiba was surprised.

"But hey, it looks cool," Boruto said giving a thumbs up.

"oh… Thanks man," Kiba was caught off guard with a rare compliment.

"Hey, Shino," Boruto spotted Shino sitting in the corner of the class.

"Huh?" Shino was surprised seeing Naruto calling out to him.

"Yeah, why are you sitting in the corner, come join us," Boruto invited shino.

"Hey did you just invite Shino?" Shikamaru tugged at Boruto's shoulders.

"You know that guy gives the creeps," Kiba added in.

"Have y'all ever hung out with him?" Boruto asked.

The trio shook their heads sideways, indicating "No".

"He's a pretty caring guy actually," Boruto said, causing the trio to have surprised expressions with no words to say, as Shino was finally within reach of the group.

"So how did it go, did you practice?" Boruto asked, referring back to the time he suggested Shino to improve on his Shuriken Jutsu.

"I've asked for pointers from my dad, It'll take a while before I improve…" Shino nodded.

"Don't worry, we can practice together. I can also give you some tips and tricks" Boruto said.

"That'll be helpful, Thanks," Shino answered frankly.

*Door slides*

"Kyaa!!" "It's Sasuke-Kun!" One of the girls in the class screamed.

"…" Boruto and the rest turned around to see Sasuke staring right back at them. His eyes especially landing on a certain someone.

"Yo Sasuke," Boruto greeted.

"Naruto," Sasuke responded, following which he walked towards Boruto.

"Say Naruto, I know you were evenly matched, but do you think you can beat him?" Kiba asked glancing from the side.

"Guess, we're about to find out…" Boruto said leaving the atmosphere at a cliffhanger.

I know i've left this novel for a while. I'm suddenly in mood to write again. Let's see what happens...

Ye_Huacreators' thoughts
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