
Born in Blood : The Rise of a Villain

ito_ayakaa · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The Cursed thing

Everyone froze in their tracks as they heard the head physician's words . Not a single word came out of their mouth . Their throat went dry and faces turned pale 

The only sound of the babies cry's could be heard throughout the room . The Queen's handmaid were weeping beside her bed letting out all their sorrow

They had been raised by her even before they knew . Thus their express of emotions were understandable 

The King had an expressionless face as he stared at his beloved wife's lifeless body . It was as if his lips were stitched together. No words , no sound nothing came out of his mouth . His mind was blank 

Just like that the Cheng Shen Kingdom lost their ever so understanding and beloved Queen Chen Xinyer 

The Next Day.

A social funeral was held in memory of the late Queen . All the citizens were in delema and sadness was evident on everyone's face as the came to pay their respect to their late Queen 

The baby prince was also present their . He had been crying ever so often wanting nothing more than the warmth of his mother , something he could never have again 

Even now he was looking at his mother's tomb with his eyes glistening . He didn't knew what was happening for sure but he held a sad expression and started to cry again

The maid who had been holding him was trying her best to stop the crying child . She held the baby close to her and rocked him back and forth to calm the child but nothing she did calmed the crying child 

She stood there helplessly trying her best to calm down the child . People present there had started to whisper among themselves

Some looked at the child with pity but others ? they glared at the child . They were speaking as thought it was the child's fault that the queen passed away and were angry at the infant

They were standing a little far from the Queen's tomb now. The maid had brought the young prince out as to not disturb the king who was yearning for his beloved wife

Than suddenly everyone feel silent as they saw the king coming near them . Behind the King were his two eunuch's wearing silver hanfu 

They separated and made way for the king to pass bowing their head down to pay respect

The King passed by the child without uttering a single word . The maid who had been holding the baby called out to the king " Your Highness " 

The King stopped in his tracks and turned his head ever so slightly, looking back with a sharp gaze sending shivers down everyones spine 

"T-the prince hadn't eaten anything since birth and had refused every other person. At this rate something might happen to h-him " the maid helplessly spoke feeling worried about the young child who had been suffering since the moment he had come to earth 

The King didn't say anything for a while and turned his head away . One of his eunuch went forward and the king said something to him 

The eunuch than turned towards the maid and said with an expression full of pity "Never again inform The King about things regarding the price " 

Everyone was astonished as to how the King had rejected the prince. The first Prince and future crown prince of the Cheng Shen Kingdom

"B-but your h-highness he's your own flesh and blood " The maid said , her voice shaky , lips quivering

"Donot speak of that cursed thing Infront of me ever again. Those who will go against my order shall be punished with 50 disciplinary lashes " The king spoke 

His voice was filled with rage and soon he vanished into thin air once again leaving everyone, who's eyes were wide open