
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 68: Earn Your Right

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 68: Earn Your Right

next day*

Days?: Good or Bad, It Depends On You

(Vale: Vale City: Sky Territory: Ziarre's Personal Air Bus: 3rd Floor Level: Training Area)

"Now, that our destination is the Mistral Kingdom, which would take a week or two. Depending on the route we're taking and may have to change due to the grimm. So how about we do something during the time we're flying. Like training?" I look around me, causing some of them to pale at the word: Training, as they have remembered a week ago they went through hell that is called as training.

"Also. That wasn't a request." I said in a cold tone, causing almost everyone to shiver at how cold my voice was. Even Weiss shiver at this, and her mind wasn't still stable, but her mind and body still remembers how ruthless I was in her training back then.

Switching my current [Persona] to [Kirei Kotomine]. Yes, that Kirei from Typemoon, but the one before the Fourth Holy Grail War ended and was killed by Kiritsugu Emiya by luck. As for how I knew this; well, I went through his life by dream walk to find out which [Kirei Kotomine] I got. Since this guy is similar to my first [Persona] and complete silence.

And sadly, I got the one that just at the point of becoming the crazy and mad Kirei and my second [Persona] under the [Hunger Arcana].

It's a good thing [Kirei Kotomine]'s [The Hunger's Curse] wasn't that bad compared to [Kiri Nanaya].

[The Hunger's Curse]:

Passive Effect: A random [Curse], which are placed with any [Persona] that fall under the [Hunger Arcana]. The chosen [Curse] for this [Persona] is the [Lack of Empathy]. Temporary making the user lose the ability to feel what others are feeling. 100% effect applies to the user.

Type: Passive

Target: Self

Rank: Tier 10

Cost: None

All I got from [Kirei Kotomine]'s [The Hunger's Curse] was losing my empathy. Which wasn't that much different besides having some emotions disappearing on me. And for some reasons, my eyes would lose its color and look duller, causing others to feel a chill under my cold eyes.

Furthermore, thanks to gaining [Kirei Kotomine]. Some new [Material Cards] appeared in the [Persona System: Shop]. Much to my delight since more and more news stuff would appear depending on which [Persona] I gained. But, find out those [Material Cards] and other things would be locked away after I lose that [Persona].

So either keep that [Persona] or try to get a different [Persona] related to the previous one to unlock those [Material Cards] and other things again.

One thing I made right away when I got [Kirei Kotomine] was creating the [Black Keys]. My first [Persona: Amakusa Shirou Tokisada] didn't come with it. So, yeah, I was sad for a few days when I discovered this until I got over it. Now, that I got the option to get [Black Keys]. I didn't really care about [The Hunger's Curse] or whatever side-effects from this [Persona] would give me. As long I got the [Black Keyes]. I'm fine.

[Item Types]: [Magical Sword]

[Name]: Black Key

Durability: 100%/100% (Weapon)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: E

Value: (Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: The [Black Key] is a [Sacrament] of the Church from the Nasuverse, one of the many charms used against evil and supernatural beings. Emphasized the ability to intervene spiritually against "evil". They focus less on physical attack power and more on binding the target. Take the form of a long and slender rapier-like sword with the blade measuring over one meter and extremely short hilt. Looking more likely to be used to thrust than slash at the target. Have multiple spells infuse with this weapon. By thinking, or call out their name to active their spell's effect. Also, this weapon has the passive ability to immobilizes the target upon the blade piercing their shadow.

[Cremation Rite]: Cause the target to burst into flames upon being pierced

[Internment Rite]: Causes petrification upon the target being pierced

[Mummification Rite]: Causes countless of crows to descend upon the target

It's just too bad these [Black Keys] are easily destroyed and actually fragile. Even if I try to find another way to improve the durability to make them stronger until I decide to give up on that idea and just create more of these [Black Keys]. Plus, they weren't that expensive to make. It only cost me [1000 System Points] per [Black Key] for the [Material Card].

15 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Sky Territory: Ziarre's Personal Air Bus: 3rd Floor Level: Training Area)

"So, who wants to face me first? Also, I won't use anything other than my weapons and hand-to-hand combat." I said in a blank tone, making some of the others not used to the way I'm speaking like this.

To those that are; well, they already knew what kind of fighting style I'm going to use. Since this is usually the same tone I always use when I use [Kirei Kotomine].

Taking out a set of four [Black Keys] per hand, causing others to take a step back. While some look eager to face me with using these [Black keys]. Even Ruby, who was busy talking with Shigure half an hour ago look excited to see these [Black Keys]. Like she knew what they are. Then again, Shigure already saw these so maybe she told Ruby about the [Black Keys].

"You just have to last against me for a minute or beat me until my aura goes into the red zone. Either these two options would lead to you winning. Also, if anyone of you manages to land the final hit on to send my aura into the red will get one request of anything they wish me to do something for them. Within reason, though." I notice how some of the girls look like they had some ideas for a request before I stop them, causing some to sulk at this.

"I would go first, but I know I'm no match for you and just decide to quit while I'm ahead." Blake said dryly, but wasn't even looking at me and was hiding behind Yang while she was saying this. As she tries to not look me in the eyes and be reminded of what happened last night. Plus, she has a hard time walking thanks to last night activity. Which was noticed by many people.

"I'm game-" Kirihime was cut before she could even react as I throw one of the [Black Keys] in my right hand at high speed before anyone could react as a [Black Key] pierced Kirihime's shadow and the passive ability of the [Black Key] to immobilize the target upon the blade piercing their shadow.

"And you're out." I calmly said to Kirihime, who scowls at me for my cheap shot when I never said the match begin yet, and she already was taken out before she could even show anything.

"I hate when you do this. It's so hard to read on you when you're like this." Kirihime admits her semblance is useless against when I have [Kirei Kotomine] equipped. Which is a good thing in my book, but I wouldn't let it pass Kirihime to figure out a way to develop a different method to use her semblance on me.

I ignore Kirihime for now as I just took out the troublesome opponent, leaving the others. Among them, Pyrrha is the one I may have a hard time dealing with. Thanks to her semblance and Fall Maiden power.

It's a good thing I have [Kirei Kotomine]'s [Skills], even if there some of them are missing for some reasons. Nonetheless, one of the [Skills] I like to have is there.

[Super Bajiquan]:

Passive Effect: It is an ultimate [Technique] born from the miraculous fusion of [Bajiquan] and [Magecraft], having become an [Internal Art] that transcends the [External Art]. It is a style that takes the shortest route without any initial movement to damage the inside instead of the outside. Furthermore, there the [Moving Stance], a dangerous secret of the [Super Bajiquan], to advance towards the enemy by sneaking with a sight step, and without announcing its speed, shorten the distance. 100% effect applies to the user.

Type: Passive

Target: Self

Rank: 10

Cost: None

No clue why it's already at [Rank: 10] for the [Super Bajiquan], but I'm not complaining one bit. As this upgrade [Bajiquan] would be very helpful in the long run. Whenever I'm not using [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]. Save me some aura too. Without having to use [Moonlight Step] to counter [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]'s [Limiter Seal].

I cover the [Black Keys] with my aura. This way, Pyrrha's semblance can't affect them unless I let them go of my hands, then Pyrrha's semblance can affect them right away. Wonder why no one tried to cover their weapons with aura whenever they face Pyrrha.

Then, I felt stupid because I already knew the answer to this when not many people know what's Pyrrha's semblance is, to begin with.

Without wasting any more time, I use the [Moving Stance] and appear in the middle of the group, causing them to react on reflex alone. With Yang throwing a right hook, and Blake was escaping already.

Ruby using her semblance to get some distance in between us, along with Ren doing the same.

As Pyrrha thrust her [Milo: Javelin Mode] at me, to help Yang out. And Jaune surprisingly managed to take out his [Longsword] and swing it at me.

Sadly, this didn't help much when I flicked my wrists and throw all [Black Keys] into their shadow. Stopping them in place; well, Pyrrha could use her semblance to free herself and the others.

Not before I slam my left elbow into Pyrrha's stomach, preventing her from using her semblance due to losing focus from the pain I just inflicted on her and launch her off her feet, and freeing her from the control of the [Black Key] at the same time.

I spun on my right heel and hide behind Yang, where Ruby tried to snipe me and failed right away without aiming right away, instead she continues to create a good distance and find the right spot to shoot me before it was taking too long. Sure, Ruby could have finished this in a matter of seconds if she was facing against a slow enemy.

But, I was anything but slow. I pick up the [Black Keys] off the ground, that held Pyrrha in place for a second or two and charge at Ruby while parrying away any [Bullet] Ruby fired at me with them.

Before switching [Kirei Kotomine] for [Accelerator] as I throw all the [Black keys] at Ruby with an amount of force behind it, for all the [Black Keys] to appear right before Ruby's eyes, causing her to yelp and use her semblance to get out of the way.

Sadly, this caused Ruby to fall into my trap as I appear in front of her before she could even create any more distance between us. As I snatch Ruby's weapon out of her hands, much to her shock at the loss of her precious weapon and even got kicked in the stomach, causing her to grunt in pain, physically and mentally.

It's a good thing Ruby showed me enough time how to shift the form of her weapon, but I didn't need to and just held onto it and use it as a [Shield]. Which I did so when everyone else is free from my [Black Keys] thanks to Pyrrha pulling them out of their shadows via Pyrrha's semblance.

And started firing at me with their mid-long distance attacks at me while I use Ruby's [Sniper/Scythe] in [Sniper Mode] to block all their attacks, causing Ruby to cry out at this and quickly rush towards to get her baby back before it gets any more damaged from using as a [Shield].

With a quick spin on Ruby's weapon to gain momentum before I throw it at Ruby, who let out another grunt of pain from getting her baby back, but not the way she liked.

Then, I slam everyone to the ground with [Gravity Magic] before walking away like these people weren't worth the effort. As I put my right hand in my pocket as I exit the room before stop using my [Gravity Magic] and ignore Kirihime shouting at me to come back.

"Sorry everyone, you guys won, but didn't manage to get my aura reserve into the red zone, so that's the end of the training for now until later on. Do be sure to review about how you guys manage to last against for an entire minute and instead of taking me down, or close to getting my aura to red." I said to everyone as I exit the training room and head to the Pilot Room to speak with Ziarre along with Weiss, who should be with her by now.

(Vale: Vale City: Sky Territory: Ziarre's Personal Air Bus: 3rd Floor Level: Hallway)

I didn't bother to listen to the others' demands for a rematch or why this training was so short compared to the ones I put them through that last longer than a minute.

Well, at least Pyrrha is there to know what's the reason for this training was all about. And that is to find what they did wrong and how to fix them without losing the sight of their core parts of their fighting styles are.

Kirihime knew this as well, but she is a highly trained fighter and just knew I put her up as the person to help Pyrrha out to teach everyone the lesson of this training.

30 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Sky Territory: Ziarre's Personal Air Bus: 2nd Floor Level: Pilot Room)

Honestly, I feel like having to walk around these hallways to get to one room to another take so much time, but I guess that one of the downsides for owning an Air Bus and have many things build inside.

As I enter the Pilot Room, where Ziarre is comforting Weiss while letting Shigure piloting the Air Bus for her while Izaya is taking notes on the way Ziarre is helping Weiss from her depression.

Upon hearing the door open and with me coming in, causing the others to look at me while Shigure didn't turn around to look and focus on driving the Air Bus or else there is a chance of crashing, either by a flying types grimm or something else that's bound to show up outside the kingdom.

"Something you need, Enma?" Ziarre looks at one of her close friends she made over the years. Now, thanks to her status of being an Arcana member, her family are nicer to her and tried their best to do anything she desires, which was weird at first until she knew this could help out the Arcana, but sure not to overdo it.

"Wanted to ask if you like take a rest while Shigure and I take over piloting the Air Bus. This way you can focus on Weiss during the entire trip. I rather not have Weiss go into an episode like those other people in the same case as Weiss." I replied to Ziarre's question while giving Weiss a nod.

Weiss gives me a weak smile, knowing that I'm doing this for her to get well. She is smart enough to know this and need to be treated fast or she may end up a burden for the rest of her friends and one of her family members back home she still cares about during the Second Great War started.

Izaya looks at his first male friend and understood that Weiss' mental health needs to be treated as soon as possible or else there's a high chance of Weiss getting killed due to the war. If it was before the Second Great War started, then Izaya could tell his friend would take a different approach.

"Alright, but you can't have sex in here with Shigure." Ziarre agreed, but not before giving out a warning to me, causing Weiss and Izaay to blush at Ziarre's brute words.

"Shigure is driving the Air Bus, why would I have sex with her if it means a higher chance of us crashing?" I argue with Ziarre, wondering why she would I have sex with Shigure in the Pilot room.

"It just seems like it. Also, I heard from the others the way Shigure was acting with you. I'm the oldest of all of us; well, before more join our organization, but I still stand by my point. I know things you were too young to know beforehand. So, I'm leaving my warning now. Leave my room the way it is, no mess or anything. Got it?" Ziarre knew she was outmatched when it comes in the term of combat, but she beat her friend in piloting vehicles. And they need her for that, so she has some powers over the core members as well. This included her friend, Enma.

"Fine." I roll my eyes at Ziarre, who looks like she won something, and I guess she technically did, but honestly, I didn't have the heart to teat this feeling of victory for Ziarre. She already has a hard time being confident most of the time outside our circle or during a business event. Years of works making sure Ziarre be proud of herself and I'm not going to let that disappear anytime soon.

I watch Weiss, Ziarre, and Izaya leave the Pilot Room, leaving Shigure and me alone.

Taking a seat next to Shigure, who is currently checking everything to be sure nothing wrong every few minutes often. Before she goes back to focusing on driving the Air Bus.

"So, Shigure. Happy we're heading back home?" I ask my fiancee, who just nod at me in silence. "Do you want to come with me to meet up with Blake and my parents, or do you wish to spend some time with your family instead?"

"I would...like to...spend some time...with my family." Shigure softly reply to me, as she feels happy to meet up with her family again after many months of separating from them.

Sure, she still talks with them over the scrolls, but it isn't the same as in person. And now that she finds that her family agreed to have her fiance getting another fiancee. Well, at first she was sad that she would lose the chance of marrying her love one, but was happy after finding out she still marrying him and not really that mad about sharing.

Look at Pyrrha, Shigure already got her fiance's sister into this little private group. Having another one won't change much besides, there are a few things she likes to do from those smut she reads. And one of them included a female cat faunus and Blake just fit in easily.

"Alright. I'll call you after the meeting is done. Let's hope my family doesn't do something that would affect our family's relationship with each other. I rather side with your family than mine anytime, though. So no need to worry about that." I grin at Shigure, who returns with a small smile on her face before going back to looking the direction she driving to.

Enjoying the presence of each other, neither of us spoke for a while and watch until the sunset. Before I took over for Shigure, even if my [Driving Skill], which isn't really a [Skill], but I can still learn how to drive the Air Bus enough to just drive it straight and how to land it.

This allows Shigure to do all the things she needs to do before returning to take over afterward.

Out of everyone, only Shigure and Ziarre love driving Airships, while the latter love it more than Shigure. As Shigure is more into weapons than Airships, but still love to drive one every chance she could get.

next day*

Days?: You Can Only Earn Freedom

(Vale: Vale City: Sky Territory: Ziarre's Personal Air Bus: 3rd Floor Level: Training Area)

I move my head to the right as a [Bullet] missed by a hair length from hitting me. I return fire with my own, but [Mana Bullets] without a care of how much [Mana] I'm wasting. [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] isn't something that would be drained in a single battle.

And there nothing for [Edea Florence] to channel her [Mana] to while she wasn't equipped during those times. So, her [Mana Source] would always be full and no problem in sight.

"Come now. You guys need to do better than that if you wish to face people, whose have been hiding in the shadow while waiting for something big to happen, like the Second Great War. More monster-like beings are coming out into the light, if this is all you can do. Then, do everyone a favor and go home, where you'll be protected." I said to the Beacon Academy's students that decided to tag along.

The only ones that didn't join in this training exercise are Pyrrha, Weiss, and others that are not students from Beacon.

Right now, I'm only using pure [Marksmanship] against these students without giving them a chance to land a hit on me.

I allow Jaune to come close enough to [Shield Bash] me, but I just shot his left foot, causing him to stop and shout at this, which was something I need to knock out of him and ignore this when facing enemies that will take this as an advantage for their next attack.

Which I just did by moving my left arm over Jaune's [Shield] and directly fire him in the face before kicking in from the side, to act as my meatshield against Yang, who tried to punch me in the face and end up having to catch Jaune, where I took the time to spin around and shoot Blake multiple times in the face, stomach, and her hands.

But, Blake used her semblance to quickly get out of the way; however, that wasn't enough and still got shot at by me still, causing her aura reserve to be drained very fast.

Then, I kick Blake right in the face, causing her head to snap back in pain at this sudden attack of mine before shooting her in the left thigh, then at her neck, before I move out of the way with a side step to my right, where Ruby was too fast to react in time and crash into Blake.

I roll backward, where I dodge a barrage of [Bullets] Ren firing at me while I had to lay on my back for a brief moment to return fire, then roll to my left quickly as Nora came down with her [Magnhild: Hammer Mode] right where I was a second ago.

"Nice plan, but not good enough." I get back on my feet and rush at Nora before she could bring her [Magnhild] up to defend when I've already appeared in front of Nora and flip my [Mana Gun] before I [Pistol Whip] her in the face, sending her down on her butt for a few seconds before I took this chance to kick her in the stomach to force her to stay down a bit longer.

Then, jump away from Yang trying to punch me from behind as I use her's right fist as a small platform to push myself further away in the air as I shoot her in midair while upside down.

Forcing Yang to bring both arms up to [Shield] her face while charging at me as she ignores the damage she taking from my [Mana Bullets], no matter how much I lower the input to minimize the damage.

A quick platform made from compressed air to get me further away once more before landing back on the ground as I welcome Yang to try on taking me down. As I spin both [Mana Guns] before placing in my back holsters before pulling out two [Combat Knives] in reverse grip after giving them a good spin.

A quick switch from [Edea Florence] to [Kiri Nanaya] as [Nanaya Assassination Arts] took in effect and I rain down a swift of multiple [Knives Slashes] down on Yang with the help of [Flashing Scabbard].

Bringing down Yang's aura reserve down faster than she could keep up, even with the help of her semblance to boost up her strength, but wasn't much help if she can't hit me.

As [Flashing Dash] help this out, to allow me to appear in Yang's unguarded back, where I aimed for a while now before I grab her from the neck, then force her to move against her will as I switch out position, where Ruby just shot her own sister.

[Ecological Derivation System] is such a cheat now, that I could use it without the help of [Accelerator] to support me from having my brain overloaded with the data the [Fusion Skill] is sending to me from the surrounding.

With a good kick to Yang's back, sending her aura reserve close to red now as I use [Flashing Dash] and appear in front of Jaune and Ren, where both were trying to regroup with Nora and see if they could take me on together instead of soloing like they were doing this entire time.

Talk about being stupid, no matter how well they get along with each other. If they can't work together as a team with full trust one of another, then they are bound to face some broke within the battle. As the battle continues.

Furthermore, even if they had an original team, take one member out and they fall apart, put in new members in and throw the whole team sync into chaos.

This is why I rather go into life and death situations right after I finished with Sanctum Academy. Rather than sign up for the next Huntsmen and Huntresses academies afterward. Like my sister and Weiss, when I could get more training through life experiences.

You gain no real fighting experiences if your life is never on the line. This is my way of training my entire life. Coming to this world and the knowledge of my previous life is what made my path to become one of the strongest beings in this world so different from the others.

I know what needs to be done and what would make it more difficult for me to overcome if I picked those choices. I can make friends anytime I want after I get the strength to live the way I want to.

"This isn't enough." I said to everyone, but mostly towards myself. This made some people sad for me as I keep my mind on getting more power when it's a known fact that I'm already considered very strong in my generation.

I slam my left heel against Ren's left thigh, bring him down on one knee before letting Jaune do the finishing hit for me as I took the last second to sidestep away, where Jaune's [Longsword] hit Ren's right shoulder, bringing Ren's aura reserve to red, which was announced by Pyrrha.

With a quick triple thrust from my left [Combat Knife] into Jaune's unprotected neck and forehead, then lastly, his right wrist, dropping his aura reserve down to red meter as well. And that's where Pyrrha made another announcement of Jaune out for the count.

I dash towards Nora while weaving around all the attacks coming from Ruby, Yang, and Blake trying to stop me from taking out their second heavy hitter. By using their built-in firearms onto their mecha-shift weapons.

Nora tried to shoot me with her [Magnhild: Launcher 1 Mode], firing one [Grenade] at a time to slow me down, but with [Flashing Dash]. I've already reached in the range, where Nora could end up causing self-harm now that I've entered her safety range.

Forcing Nora to switch [Magnhild] to [Hammer Mode], but only had enough time to finish shifting form when I attack all her vital points until I heard Pyrrha called out Nora is out. Where I kicked Nora in the stomach to get out of harm's way.

This is still a training spar, not a death match. So I got to at least consider the others' safety whenever their aura reserve enters the red zone. Which in this case, sending Nora further away.

I could have just moved out of the way, where the others are still raining down on me with their types of [Bullets]. But, with Nora's aura shield is considered almost broken. This would lead to unwanted injury. So, kicking was the best solution for me. Even if Nora's aura reserve that already small had to be drained a bit more and almost close to having her aura shield broken by that last kick alone.

For the entire day and the next, I have to make sure Pyrrha and Weiss' teams could last long enough for others to come to help them out if they ever face against someone too strong for them. Even if they are facing the enemy as a team. Doesn't mean shit, if one side is too strong. Take me for an example, I took down so many of the Atlas' troops by myself, even if Neo was there with me, but it was mostly me that took them on.

So, there is no time to waste as one of the days was wasted for these students to think about how to improve themselves in their fighting styles without having me to explain it to them all the time.