
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 3: Need More Lien!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 3: Need More Lien!

1 year later*

Day?: The First Family Training

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dojo Building: Training Room)

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee." Father chanted to unlock my aura like he did the same with Pyrrha.


The host's soul shackle have been broken and release the power of the Persona from within the host's Sea of Souls.


The host is allowed to use [Evoker] now.


With the host's aura unlocked, the seal placed on [Persona], [Current Persona Equip], and [Magic] are unsealed.

"Wow, son, you have a lot of aura like your sister." Father praise me, as everyone watches my aura being released for the first time.

I noticed that my aura color is blue, which I find a little weird because I'm in a family with the color of red mainly.

"I am thou..."

I started to hear a voice that doesn't belong to any of my family.

"Thou art I..."

Quickly, I force my smile to stay as I try to figure out who's voice belong to, even though I know it a useless thing to do.

"From the sea of thy soul, I come..."

My [Persona] finally awaken and I didn't have to use my [Evoker] in the first place.

Sadly, the awaken was incomplete without my [Evoker], as my [Persona] didn't finish introducing itself to me or bother to reveal who they are to me.

'Great, so I need to be alone somewhere and not near anyone who could sense anything aura related, when I summon my [Persona] for the first time.' I thought to myself.

While I was doing my inner monologue, Pyrrha is dragging me along and follow our parents into the storage room filled with weapons.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dojo Building: Armory Room)

Our family may find this weird for a child to stare off into space, but decided to think this is a quirk of mine and decided not to worry about it. Not like it causing any problem so far.

"Seeing as Enma is still in his little world. Pyrrha, go ahead and find what kind of weapon you want to practice first, then we switch out until we find the one that suit you best." Mother said to Pyrrha in a calm voice not showing any hidden emotion behind her controlled expression.

"Pick the sword. Pick the sword. Pick the sword." Father chant softly, as he tries to get Pyrrha to pick a sword as her first weapon to train.

Mother smack the back of Father's head to stop him from getting Pyrrha to take a sword as her first choice.

I blink a few times, then look around me and discovered, that I am in a room filled with all kinds of weapons to plain, simple bladed weapons on one side of the room, then firearms on the other side of the room, and in the front of my view between the two sides are the mecha-shift weapons.

"Hmm..." Pyrrha hummed to herself, as she looks around the whole room filled with weapons of all kinds. Slowly, she looks around in hope to see some kind of sign to let her know what kind of weapon or weapons to use for her future career as a Huntress.

However, much to my disappointment. Both of our parents are looking at Pyrrha in hope one of the weapons she picked would be similar to theirs.

While at the same time, ignoring me for Pyrrha. 'But then again, even without their help. I have [Persona System] to help me. I have already found some interesting stuff in the [Skill] section for me to buy. All I need is to get more [System Points].' I begin to look for my 2nd weapon to use as my front appearance weapon.

This way, I would keep most people from knowing about my [Evoker].

'And I hope Pyrrha doesn't get a big ego...who am I kidding. Of course...maybe, I don't know anymore. This Pyrrha is different from the canon already, so who know what would happen in the future.' I thought to myself, as I continue to look for the right weapon for me.

At the corner of my eyes, I see a red glow and see both [Crystalline Dust] and [Powdered Dust] forms for the [Fire Dust] on a worktable.

Walking over to the worktable and pick up the [Fire Crystalline Dust], then without warning a new mental pop-up appeared within my mind.


You have found an outside source to convert into [System Point].

[Fire Crystalline Dust] could be converted into [1100 System Point], would you like to process the conversion?

[Yes] or [No]?

With a deadpan expression appear on my face from finishing reading the mental image appear within my mind. I, or should of, discover that this world's [Dust] would be my other options to gain [System Point].

'All these times...I could have gained so much [System Point] by now. If only I had just picked up a [Dust].' I begin to berate myself, 'Wait. [Crystalline Dust] only or [Powdered Dust] would work too?'

Placing the [Fire Crystalline Dust] back on the table and grab the jar filled with [Fire Powdered Dust], but nothing happens, even when I open the cap and poke my right index finger in and still nothing. Though, there is a small burning feeling, which I didn't bother to give a second thought to take my finger away and recap the jar.

'Great. So only the [Crystalline Dust] version only gives me [System Point]. Then again, the [Powdered Dust] are refined [Dust] by people. Oh well, guess that mean I need to get more...money...' I begin to think of the reason why [Persona System] didn't accept the [Powdered Dust] version and slowly remembering about the price for the [Crystalline Dust] compare to the [Powdered Dust].

'Doesn't matter. That just means I have to extend the time frame of my goals and add in a new step.' I look for more [Crystalline Dust], but sadly, there was only one, which I just finish converting into [1100 System Points].


[Host's Currency]: 1300 System Point

'Well, time is money...hmm?' I pause in my stop in my steps once I realize what I just thought, 'Time is money. Now, that is a phrase I like to use more often.'

Not bother to overthink about what kind of weapons I should take. I grab a [Colt M1911A1 Pistol] as my second weapon.

'A bit heavy, but I am still a 6 year old.' I felt the pistol a bit heavier and decided to use this pistol and grab one of the combat knives nearby.


The host has gained a [Pistol] and a [Combat Knife], would the host like to buy the [Basic Pistol Mastery] and [Basic Knife Mastery]?

[Basic Pistol Mastery]: 3400 System Points

[Basic Knife Mastery]: 1400 System Points

Total cost: 4800 System Points

[Yes] or [No]?


The host does not have enough [System Point] to buy both [Basic Pistol Mastery] and [Basic Knife Mastery], or either one separately. The options are dismissed and host requires to gain more [System Point] before process with purchase.

I felt my right eye twitching like crazy after finding out I could have gotten two [Skills] to allow me to use the [Pistol] and [Combat Knife] I picked to use, but I only have [1300 System Points] right now.

'It's okay. All I need to do is fire 3 more [Fire Crystalline Dust] and I should be able to buy both.' I still kept the [Colt M1911A1 Pistol] and [Combat Knife] with me, then started walking to find the rest of my family, to see if Pyrrha picked her starter weapons.

Switching the [Pistol] and [Combat Knife] between my left and right hand to see which fit better. So far, I have a better grip and control, with my right hand, which should be good for using the [Pistol] while at the same time.

My left hand is pretty slow, but still, have good control and grip strength. Then again, I used my right hand more than my left hand. 'Hmm, I would be wasting time to train my non-dominant hands, to be an ambidextrous. Welp, I leave my aiming with my left hand and using melee types attack with my right hand then.'

Tossing out the idea of becoming ambidextrous would likely be helping in the future, but I rather not have to do twice the efforts to train my left hand to me the same as my right hand. If I'm not born with ambidextrous then I shouldn't bother trying to learn it.

'Hope no one was planning to use that [Fire Crystalline Dust].' As I have already begun to come up with an excuse about not having anything to do with the [Fire Crystalline Dust], or even mention seeing one.

Slowly, as I walk towards the area where my family is. I begin to hear the voices belong to my Father and Mother.

"Come on, Pyrrha, let's go practice your swordplay!" Father shouted with excitement.

"And I say, she should work on her spear arts first!" Mother shouted over Father's excitement, causing Father to growl at Mother's attempt to take the first turnover Pyrrha's training.

"Now see here. Pyrrha picked the sword first then the spear. So, it's clearly Pyrrha wants to practice swordplay first." Father make a remark.

"Heh, it's because Pyrrha needed more time to pick a spear to suit her first time and she decided to pick any swords on a whim. Now that is out of the way, Pyrrha wanted to work with her spear arts." Mother counter Father's remark with her own.

As Mother and Father continue to argue with one another, I finally reached the area where everyone is, which happen to be the side filled with all kinds of bladed weapons.

I notice Pyrrha looking between Mother and Father with a scared expression, but don't know what to do right about now to make them stop.

If neither the parent were stopped soon, Pyrrha was about to cry from all this shouting.

However, much to my surprise and Pyrrha's happiness, Pyrrha's eyes catch the sight of me and quickly abandon the sword and spear, letting them fall to the ground, causing the blade weapons to make a loud noise, enough to stop both Mother and Father from arguing from the sudden noise.

Pyrrha tackle hugs me, but I was able to keep myself and along with Pyrrha, from falling to the ground by taking a few steps back to let the momentum from Pyrrha's charge to disappear.

Lucky for me, and everyone in the room, the [Pistol]'s safety switch was still on since it pretty much got knocked out of my left hand from Pyrrha's tackle hug while the [Combat Knife] in my right hand.

I had to toss it to my right side a bit further away from us in case the blade edge come near either Pyrrha or myself.

"We speak about this later." Mother whisper to Father, and walk over to us, with a gentle smile on her face, which turn into a sad one when she looks at Pyrrha.

Mother quickly force the sadness out of her smile and back to a gentle motherly smile when she notices my stare.

"So, Enma, what did you pick as your starter weapons?" Mother asks me, but blink a few times when she notices the deadpan on my face. "Oh, hehe. Right, so a handgun and a combat knife." Mother carefully picks up the [Pistol] on the ground near the front of her feet while Father walks over with a sword and a spear in his hands.

After Mother picked up the [Pistol], she walks over to my right side to pick up the [Combat Knife] from the ground.

"Hmm, this is one of the good one too. I must say, Enma, you're pretty lucky to find this one in good shape. Maybe a few good sharpen the blade from becoming dull now. Good pick, son." Mother praise when she notices the quality of the [Combat Knife].

'I still have zero experience in using either one until I buy those [Skills].' I try to get Pyrrha to release me, but her grip got tighter and is just below the level that my aura count it as an attack.

"Well, I don't mind teaching Enma how to use the handgun, but I only know the basic. As for the knife? Yeah, sorry never use one beside the one for eating." Father said to Mother while letting me know that he does have some experience in using a [Pistol], basic though, but not with a [Combat Knife] sadly. Even though he is a sword specialist.

"Yeah, I don't think none of our family members use a combat knife in their fighting style." Mother thought out loud, as she checks the [Pistol] for anything wrong with it and checked the ammo inside the magazine.

"Mama and Papa not mad anymore?" Pyrrha ask in a whisper tone, as she finally let go of me, but hides behind me and look over my left shoulder to see our parents if they still shouting at one of another.

If Mother's sad expression was hidden before, it's no longer hidden as it's replaced with a guilty expression instead.

Father flinches at Pyrrha's words, but didn't bother to say anything.

"No, honey." Mother said softy, "We're not mad anymore. Now, how about we go out to train?" Mother tries to help Pyrrha with her training, but slowly Mother stop talking when she notice Pyrrha wasn't even looking at her anymore.

Mother let out a soft sigh and look at Father with a pleading look. Seeing the look on his wife's face, Father sets the sword and spear next to the wall on his right.

"Pyrrha, come on. Let begin your training and show your big brother what you could do." Father said to Pyrrha, as he tries to bring me into the conversion and by the look on Pyrrha's face.

I'm pretty sure she excited to begin her training and show me if she has any talent in using the sword and spear. Then, come over to me to hear what I think about her process.

After all, Pyrrha like hearing me praise her for what she has done, even when I felt a little envious about how she done what I could do in months while she could do in weeks.

Not bother with a reply, Pyrrha drags me outside, but not before grabbing standing in front of the sword and spear.

Pyrrha pause to think which to grab, since she only have one hand available while the other one is currently holding onto her older twin.

"Go ahead, Pyrrha, I will carry them for you." Father said to Pyrrha, who said her thanks before she resumes dragging me out of the Armory Room.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dojo Building: Practice Room)

'Okay, I should write down a note, that Pyrrha's aura boosts her physical strength even more now.' I made a mental note about how much Pyrrha unconsciously applying pressure on my left wrist.

Of course, my own aura protects me from Pyrrha trying to crush my left wrist without her knowing about it. My parents, on the other hand, I have no clue if they realize this or not, but I give them the belief of a doubt.

"Okay, let begin the training kids." Father said to us, as he passes the sword to Pyrrha, seeing as it the less heavy than a spear, which she should learn later much to Mother's annoyance.

While Mother started teaching me the basic shooting position.

few minutes later*

Much to my Mother's disappointment, I couldn't even hit a target 10 feet away from me. Then again, I wasn't even trying in the first place and wanted to see how she reaction to this. As I wanted to test if she cares for me, even when I lack the talent in marksmanship, but sadly, it looks like Mother cares more about strength and not weakness.

Instead of trying to correct my stance and give me some helpful tip like some decent person should do. Mother just taught the basic stance and ask me to shoot at the target she set up.

And that's pretty much it. Nothing more, and she thinks I would be some kind of a prodigy like Pyrrha, who getting instruction from Father to correct any mistakes she made.

Unlike Mother, who didn't bother to correct my form before I started shooting.

'So...different treatment, huh?' As I have already crossed out Mother from my good side to neutral on my list of people I should treat.

Now, I wouldn't say I would hate my own Mother just because of this. After all, she did take care of me, along with Pyrrha as babies, but it doesn't mean I like being treated less than my own twin.

Placing the [Pistol] next to the [Combat Knife] on the table next to the doorway.

'Well, no free [Skill] then. Better find more of those [Crystalline Dust].' I leave the Training Room, not like either of my parents notice me leaving, with them paying more attention to Pyrrha.

Again, not hating them because of this and not even envy of Pyrrha right now, because what's there to be envy of when all I need is to get more [System Point] to buy the stuff in [Persona System].

2 hours later*


[Host's Currency]: 3400 System Point

I feel like I was about to go crazy because so far, I only found 1 [Water Crystalline Dust] and 1 [Earth Crystalline Dust] just laying around near the Blacksmith Room.

Well, at least I found some [Crystalline Dust], with [900 System Points] for the [Water Crystalline Dust] and [1200 System Points] for the [Earth Crystalline Dust].

Which I just finished converting into [System Point] and now, I have [3400 System Points].

Still short of [1400 System Points] to buy both [Basic Pistol Mastery] and [Basic Knife Mastery].

However, I have to first think about why the [Earth Dust] is worth more than [Fire Dust] while [Water Dust] is the least one to give [System Point].

I came up with many theories, but none of them made any senses and just too silly to be consider the answer.

So, after thinking about it, I'll leave it for later. Now, I will just write down the amount of [System Point] that are given from different [Crystalline Dust] I converted so far.

After I get either a notebook or a [Scroll] first, though.

'I better get that [Basic Pistol Mastery] first.' I brought up the [Persona System] and selected the [Skill] section and search for the [Basic Pistol Mastery], which took only a few minutes of searches.


[Basic Pistol Mastery]

[Price]: 3400 System Points

Do you wish to purchase this skill?

[Yes] or [No]?

Giving a single thought to accept the purchase and a new mental image replaces it. 'There goes all my [System Point].' I mentally cry to myself of losing all of my [System Point] to buy the [Basic Pistol Mastery].


You have purchased [Basic Pistol Mastery].

[Host's Currency]: 0 System Point


The [Skill List] has been unsealed due to purchase of [Basic Pistol Mastery].


[Basic Pistol Mastery] - Passive - AP cost: None

Description: Giving the user the knowledge about how to use [Pistol] type firearms and a small instinct for the user to adapt to any [Pistol] type firearms.

The requirement to take the [Mastery Rank Test] to advance from [Basic Pistol Mastery] to [Trainee Pistol Mastery] is to finish the [Training Methods].

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Assemble a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Reload a [Pistol]: (0/20)

Hit a target with a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol]: (0/30)

'Okay, this is something new. So, no level, then I guess.' I carefully read the [Training Methods] belong to the [Basic Pistol Mastery] in order to take the [Mastery Rank Test] and if I pass, I would get [Trainee Pistol Mastery].

'Hmm, well it's kind of grinding I guess...just less killing type of grinding than I used to do in one of my previous life's gaming.' I dismiss the [Basic Pistol Mastery]'s mental window in my mind and start walking back to the training room to start working on these [Training Methods].

Of course, the first thing I see when I came back to the Training Room. I see Mother watching Pyrrha doing a simple basic slash with her sword. While Father would stop her a few times in order to fix the mistakes she did during her basic swing.

I glance around the room in case anyone besides my family is using the Training Room as well, but so far, it's just my family and no one else.

Grabbing the [Pistol] from the table, then walk to the training dummy Mother setup and didn't bother to put away after I left the Training Room.

Following the knowledge belong to the [Basic Pistol Mastery], I took the correct stance for my current body age, much to my surprise. Since I honestly thought I had to follow another person's stance and try to match it, but it looks like the [Basic Pistol Mastery] is adjusting to my body build.

I didn't start shooting even if I got into the stance belong to the [Basic Pistol Mastery]. After all, my current stance is causing my instinct to whisper to me that there are still some mistakes in my stance, even though I tried to get in the correct stance.

Remembering about the part in the [Basic Pistol Mastery], that it give me a small instinct to adapt to any [Pistol] types firearms.

As I try my best to follow this small instinct, and after a few fixes in my stance on how to hold a handgun and prepare myself from the recoil of the [Pistol].

Sadly, my instinct stops helping me in fixing my stance, but I knew there was more way to fix my stance in using a [Pistol].

'Well, I guess I better finish these [Training Methods] as fast as I can to rank up the skill.' I continue following the directions to shoot my [Pistol] and was able to hit the training dummy.

Sure, I miss the big target on its chest and end up hitting the right shoulder instead.

Furthermore, I wasn't that disappointed at my shot. Because I brought up the [Basic Pistol Mastery] within my mind and see one of the [Training Methods] raised a count.

[Basic Pistol Mastery]:

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Assemble a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Reload a [Pistol]: (0/20)

Hit a target with a [Pistol]: (1/100)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol]: (0/30)

'Heh, look like hitting anywhere on the training dummy still count towards one of the [Training Methods].' I thought with a smile, as I continue shooting the training dummy while my aim is getting better as my instinct begin to appear once more to correct my shooting form.

3 minutes later*

After my 7th shots, I ran out of ammo and require reloading a new magazine of [Dust Round].

Rechecking my progress on my [Basic Pistol Mastery]'s [Training Methods].

[Basic Pistol Mastery]:

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Assemble a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Reload a [Pistol]: (0/20)

Hit a target with a [Pistol]: (5/100)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol]: (0/30)

I had a long way to go before I could even take the [Mastery Rank Test] for the [Basic Pistol Mastery].

After all, out of 7 shots, I had only been able to hit the training dummy 5 times and missed 2 times.

Then again, it is a small instinct that helps me with my aim and I'm just lucky to even hit the training dummy 5 times anyway.

Also, the small instinct didn't disappear on me during the shooting, which I'm happy for. After all, the small instinct disappears on me when I finish fixing all I could with my stance.

'Heh, this small instinct is almost like a mentor to me, I guess.' I find it funny how the knowledge is given to me on how to use the [Pistol] and a small instinct, which is in a way, a tutor to give me some helpful on how to shoot a [Pistol] while leaving the stance part for me to figure it out myself.

I look back at my family to see if they even hear the gunshot noise at all, but it looks like Pyrrha is too focus on her training with the amount sweat going down her forehead already.

As for my parents, they were looking at Pyrrha, with eyes filled with praise while keeping on focusing on Pyrrha's form before Father give his input what she did wrong.

I blink a few times, then brought up my [Colt M1911A1 Pistol] up to my face and was wondering maybe the handgun is not that loud from afar.

I thought about it for a second, then dismiss it and decided not to think too much into it. As I walk back inside the Armory Room to grab more magazines for my [Colt M1911A1 Pistol].

30 minutes later*

[Basic Pistol Mastery]:

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Assemble a [Pistol]: (0/100)

Reload a [Pistol]: (2/20)

Hit a target with a [Pistol]: (14/100)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol]: (0/30)

After a half hour of practicing my shooting. My progress was a bit slow since I only found 2 magazines for my [Pistol]. Of course, I could go ask either Mother or Father to help me get more magazines.

But, I got the feeling they would just tell me to wait for Pyrrha to finish before helping me, well, that would be Father. Mother would just ask me to switch to something else from my [Pistol].

Then again, having 2 magazines won't stop me from practicing my shooting. I just have to use it carefully and by that, I mean, that I was shooting each shot carefully until my instinct stops whispering to me directions for each shot.

Another interesting thing about the [Training Methods] was that after the counts pass 10s. I have already started getting used to firing the [Pistol] now, but my aim still sucks for not being able to hit the center of the target's marks on the training dummy.

Not like I let this put me down when this is my first day using a handgun or any firearms.

'Hmm. Maybe I should get [Basic Knife Mastery] now?' I grab the 2 empty magazines and [Pistol], to put them back in the Armory Room.

'Maybe not today. I rather not waste my whole day of trying to find more [Crystalline Dust] to convert into [System Point].' I put back the [Combat Knife] back as well since I decided not to train with it today and decided to find more [Crystalline Dust] tomorrow instead, 'I could get the next [Tier] of my [Movement Resistance Gear], though. Instead of [Basic Knife Mastery].'

I walk back in the Training Room while thinking about either getting another [Skill], beside the [Basic Knife Mastery] or the next [Tier] for my [Movement Resistance Gear]. Well, I could get a [Magic], but I rather not buy one just yet.

Also, I discover that I can't just buy any [Skill] unless I meet the requirement for it first.

Like for example, [Basic Gunblade Mastery], this [Skill] requires me to have either 5 different types of firearm masterys and 2 different types of blade masterys [Skill] at [Official Rank] for all of them.

Then, I could buy the [Basic Gunblade Mastery] and even if I did reach the requirements. The price is unknown right now and depends on which firearms and blade weapons I picked beforehand. Also, the fact that I don't even have the right amount of [System Point] to even buy 7 total different [Skills].

Another sad side is the [Official Rank], which I discover is the rank above [Trainee Rank]. I may have found out the [Rank] list of the [Skills], but that's just it. It doesn't tell me what benefit it will give once I reach that [Rank].

I let out a sigh of depression, 'Also, this [Rank] system belong to the [Skill] section. I don't know if this applies to any of the other parts of [Persona System]. I know for sure it doesn't apply to the [Gear]. Then again, I didn't manage to unlock anything else for a whole year now.'

Slowly, I let a grin appear on my face after thinking about what else I discovered about [Persona System].

'Lucky me...this [Persona System] actually include other stuff beyond the Persona's series. Very lucky for me. Now, if I can just summon my own [Persona], to see what else would happen.' I begin to think about other stuff when I suddenly started hearing someone approaching me from the right side.

"Enma!" I heard Pyrrha's voice, with years of experience. Base on instinct alone, I spin on my left heel to change my view to the right and bend my knees, then face forward.

At the right exact moment when I turn around, a red blur slam into my stomach.


I cough a little from the impact, but my aura took most of the blow while I look at Pyrrha, who glaring at me.

I flinch a little since most of the time Pyrrha would use my full name when she annoyed or mad and with the glare aiming at me by my twin.

Of course, I figure Pyrrha is mad at me for some reason, which happens a lot already and mostly when I ignore Pyrrha sometime during my inner monologue.

"You didn't watch me practice!" Pyrrha pouted at me, as she continues to hug me tighter by the second.

"I didn't want you to be distracted." I come up a lame excuse, 'Maybe I should look for a [Skill] to help me come up with better excuses?'

"Uh huh." Pyrrha stops hugging, but not before giving me one last glare with her cheeks puff out and her hands on her waist, to show me that she does not believe what I just said.

'Maybe I shouldn't have taught Pyrrha about how someone not being completely honest. Also, why did Pyrrha had an easier time to tell the differences with me.' I thought dryly.

As we stare at each other for a whole minute now in silence.

But, I pretty much ruin it by placing both hands on Pyrrha's puff cheeks and started stretching her cheeks, much to her dismay as she tries to tell me to stop, but couldn't say it purposely.

I let out a snort and finally release my twin's cheeks, as she glares at me while rubbing her red throbbing cheeks.

Pyrrha's glare turns into a sad one as she looks down at the ground.

"Something wrong Pyr?" I ask my little sister, as I place my right hand on her left shoulder in hopes it would comfort it like usual.

"It's just that...this the first time not having you near me longer than an hour..." Pyrrha whisper to me, as she feels like something missing in her life during her training.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm still here, aren't I?" I pull Pyrrha in a hug, causing her to giggle in happiness as she returns the hug, tighter that is.

I started tapping Pyrrha's back to let her know to loosen her grip before her hug would cause my aura to count it as a damage.

Sadly, Pyrrha decided to know the meaning of punishment and made sure to put it in place right now by trying to hug me tighter, to the point of draining my aura.

'Is her semblance even going to be [Polarity] still?! I feel like it's been switched to [Super Strength] instead!' I thought with dread, as I feel my aura draining by the second.

Slowly, by the seconds turn into a whole minute by now and I don't know when Pyrrha about to stop increasing the strength of her hug while my aura continue to be drained even faster to neglect the damage from harming me.

Also, I could of swore there was someone laughing nearby me right now and from the look of it. It was our Father looks at us with amusement.

After what felt like hours of being in pain, Pyrrha finally decided her personal punishment is at an end now.

'Any seconds later, and I know for sure I am 100% drained of my aura from Pyrrha's death hug alone.' I thought dryly while forcing a smile on my face, to make it look like it didn't hurt me one bit.

Pyrrha just smiles at me, as if she didn't almost crushed me to death like she usually does, but held back since we didn't have our aura unlocked. Sadly, since a few hours ago, we got our aura unlocked. So, she no longer needs to hold back her strength.

'Too bad, I can't even shout at her, without having Pyrrha start crying. If this is what it feel like having Pyrrha as my sister. I don't know what happen when I get a girlfriend.' I shiver at the thought about my future girlfriend.

Somewhere at a different kingdom, a little girl with blue hair and eyes sneeze before going back to whatever she was doing while wondering who was talking about her.

'Shit. I just had to jinx myself.' I thought dryly, as I let Pyrrha drag me towards our parents.

"Enma! There you are. Why did you go back inside the Armory Room?" Father asks me, as he stares at me with curiosity while his smirk, show how amusing it was to see me being hugged by Pyrrha.

Mother on the hand, just raises an eyebrow at me, as if she wondering when she allowed me to go somewhere without her permission.

"The gun stop working." I answer Father's question and even made sure to make myself sound dumb for saying that the [Pistol] wasn't working, but just need a new magazine.

"You didn't teach him how to reload a handgun or bring some extra magazines?" Father asks his wife, who just look away from everyone's stares because she still mad for not getting to teach Pyrrha how to use a spear first.

"You really need to stop with that. Come on, Enma. I show you how to reload a handgun and how to shoot. Pyrrha, you can continue to practice your sword slash while I go help your brother." Father leads me back to the Armory Room while telling Pyrrha to start her sword training again.

Pyrrha pout for being left behind, but did what she was told by Father and grab the sword from the side of the room, next to the spear leaning on the side of the wall. Then, started swinging her sword while Mother would give her input, even if the sword is not her strong point, but just enough experience to help out.

I could see the smile on Mother's face about how she could help Pyrrha once more.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dojo Building: Armory Room)

"Okay, luckily, you didn't randomly put away the handgun. Hmm? 2 extra magazines and they're empty. I guess someone forgot to put them away last night. Oh well, I guess I will teach you how to load up a magazine too." Father said to me, as we walk in the Armory Room, then towards the table in the middle of the room. Which happen to be where I placed the [Pistol] and [Combat Knife] at, along with the 2 empty magazines.

'Note to self, make sure to get some kind of sensor types [Skill] or an [Item] to provide support in detection. Just to be sure no one is nearby and if there is someone, blame it on them.' I thought to myself while sweating a little about my small mistakes of leaving 2 empty magazines on the table next to my [Pistol].

If I didn't know about this building is being used by others besides my family. I would think Father would have found out that I was lying to him a minute ago about the [Pistol] not working, but just need to be reloaded with a new loaded [Dust Round] magazine.

next day*

Day?: New Face

(Mistral: Unknown City: Unknown Blacksmith's Building)

After yesterday of being trained on how to reload and load new [Dust Round] into a magazine. Also, Father gave me a cleaning kit for me to use to perform a proper maintenance of the [Pistol].

Of course, Father wasn't that great at it and lucky for me, my [Basic Pistol Mastery] provide me the knowledge and small instinct to do a proper maintenance. Well, it took a few more tries for me to get it right without messing it up.

Now, today is a little different where I would train a bit while Pyrrha would read her cookbook once more, even when she know from the front to back of the book without forgetting a single detail.

However, instead of that, Mother and Father chose to go to an important meeting today. This lead to having a babysitter for Pyrrha and myself. Sadly, the usual babysitter to watch over us isn't available today and our parents decided to ask one of our neighbors to look after us while they go to the meeting.

Much to my surprise, one of our neighbors happens to be a blacksmith. Another surprise was that this blacksmith was one of the many suppliers to our family and to go for repairs.

To my amusement, this blacksmith doesn't work with mecha-shift weapons and only the simple one.

The owner of this Blacksmith's Building has a daughter at our age, but this is where I feel like there more to this world than I actually thought.

'Then again, there the whole parallel dimensions and what not.' I thought dryly, as I stare at the Blacksmith's child in front of me, who staring at me back with a blank expression.

"Hi, I'm Pyrrha. Nice to meet you." Pyrrha introduces herself to the kid in front of us, as Pyrrha give them a cheerful smile.

The child in front of us wearing a sleeveless brown shirt and blue short pants. While the most eye-catching feature is the child's eyebrows which resemble lightning bolts. While the child's hairstyle is pretty short, which make the child look more of a boy than a girl.

The reason why I think the child in front of me is a girl, well, because I remember the child's Father's last name being Kosaka.

"Shigure." The child is known as Shigure, simply reply back to Pyrrha with only her name.

'Why is Shigure Kosaka from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, here? Well, as a child, that is. Wait, never mind, stupid question.' I continue to look at Shigure with my own blank stare while she never once looks away or even blink when she first saw me.

"I'm Enma. Nice to meet you, Shigure." I introduce myself, as Shigure nodded at me while Pyrrha looks a little confuse at the fact, that Shigure been looking at me this whole time while not a single glance towards her.