
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 22: Raid the Party

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 22: Raid the Party

Days?: Big Surprise! Part 2

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Orihara's Hotel: Special Party Room)

"It's nice to meet you two. My name is Winter Schnee and I hope we could become an associate at least." Winter greets us with a small smile, "But, if possible as a friend as well." I raise an eyebrow at Winter and wonder what her game for talking with us instead of Izaya.

Shigure didn't bother to stop for a moment to search for what kind of fancy food she would like to try first.

I could tell Winter is a little annoy at being ignored by Shigure for the food when she is here trying to make a conversation with us.

"Why us and not with Izaya?" I ask Winter, as I decided to talk for Shigure as well since she is currently busy with trying new fancy food she won't be able to eat any other places. Which happen before a few years back when Shigure wanted to try something fancy to see why all the higher class status people kept on eating those fancy food; however, much to everyone and especially Shigure, who wanted to try it so bad in order to compare it to my cooking with theirs.

"I've already spoken with Mr. Izaya a few times already and decided to let my sister, Weiss speak with him personally. After all, both of them are going to get married to each other in the future. May as well let them get used to each other as early as possible." Winter calmly answers my question without revealing anything else, besides the one everyone should know by now.

I was about to say something when the scream of people appears out of nowhere right after Winter finish speaking.

This leads to a panic among the people in this party while the bodyguards, that were standing near the walls of the party and others would walk among the guests. Went into action to protect anyone near them from whatever is attacking us.

As for who attacked us; well, I wasn't surprised to see the White Fang members charging into the place like they own it. What I have seen from the canon and compared to the White Fang in front of my very eyes are two different groups.

Because these guys are professionals, who took down the bodyguards first while at the same time. The one with the [Rifle], which I'm still figuring out how they gain those with some people being biased against faunus, would be able to gain those [Rifle], even if they mass produced version that are cheaply made.

These White Fang know how to use them by taking out any runaway guests by firing at their feet instead of trying to harm anything on the guests' bodies. What I could think the reasons why they didn't try to cause any harm to the guests was to make sure they aren't required to get someone to treat them, which could have a risk of someone from the outside and sneak in as a fake medic.

"AH! My legs! They shot me in the legs!" One of the guests, which happen to get both of their legs shot by a White Fang near the door.

'Well, there goes my made up reason why they didn't shoot a few of the guests.' I thought dryly, as Shigure have already disappeared from everyone's sight, including Winter's as well, which I could easily see that happen as Winter rushes over to Weiss in a panic when among the White Fang are mostly aiming for the people belong to the Schnee family.

I felt someone grab my right shoulder and by instinct from feeling an unknown person grabbing my shoulder. I throw an aura enhance punch, directly into their stomach and send them flying.

With a loud crash behind and a few cries belong to either the White Fang or the guests of the ruin party. I have no clue and didn't bother to find out as I started running towards Izaya while activating [Eagle Sense].

Which is pretty hard at the moment with everyone running around me and could knock me over while trying to activate [Eagle Sense], which require me to close my eyes for a few seconds. And those few seconds could end me up in a dangerous situation.

After the third try on activating [Eagle Sense], which failed on me when I had to dodge a tackle from a bear faunus belong to the White Fang and made me gave up on activating it for now as I continue making my way over to Izaya while at the corner of my eyes.

I could see a few [Kunai] and [Shuriken] flying almost everywhere at the White Fang members that are holding onto [Rifle]. With those [Rifle] being cheaply made, which broken down after being implanted with a few [Kunai] and [Shuriken]; I knew those [Rifle] wasn't that hard to make.

Also, the fact that I feel a little stupid to think these White Fang were professionals; well, at least they're better than amateurs, I guess.

Once again, I really think the bodyguards belong to this world are pretty weak and almost made me think the White Fang was really a threat. 'Now, I think about it the bodyguards are just for look when these White Fang managed to take almost two-third of all the bodyguards already.' I thought with a sweatdrop as my eyes gone dull for a few seconds while I continue running towards Izaya's location.

'Damn it, Izaya! Why can't you stay in one spot already?!' I mentally rage at Izaya, for making me run after him this whole while he continues to move around and dragging Weiss along with him. As for Walter, he pretty much taking on the White Fang himself as he tag along with Izaya and Weiss while at the same time. Winter just lost sight of Izaya and Weiss when one of the White Fang tried to gang up on her.

Which ended up with Winter facing them with the usage of the Schnee's family semblance by summoning dozen of small nevermores that take on a white-blue coloration and emit a soft glow as they gather around the White Fang as a distraction.

I roll under a flying chair almost crashed into me, but instead, it crashes into one of the guests' back and sends them falling to the ground, where two White Fang nearby rush in to capture a defenseless person for their usage.

Luckily for that fallen person; Shigure happens to catch this within her sight and throw a few more [Kunai] to pin down the two White Fang by having their feet pierced. The two White Fang stop for a moment in their reckless charge and felt an incredible pain in their feet as they let out a shriek as they try to remove the [Kunai] lodge into their feet while their blood begins to drain from their bodies.

"Shigure." I whisper gently, as I raise my right hand forward and not a second later; Shigure's [Nodachi] appear before my hand as I grab it with my right hand, with a quick sidestep to the right.

As a silver flash past by me from the left and I see a White Fang that is a bat faunus wielding a [Long Sword].

If it wasn't for the reflection on the [Nodachi]'s flat side, showing me there was someone trying to attack me from behind. My aura would have been drained when I need as much aura I can use during this time, with everything in chaos.

Even though my swordplay isn't high as Shigure's. Doesn't mean I don't know how to wield a bladed weapon and with a bit of extra effort into training along with Shigure.

I gained [Official Sword Mastery] by going to Shigure for training, once I purchase the [Skill] at the time and who knew that Shigure is strict when it comes to learning how to use a [Sword], to the point she wouldn't even talk to me for almost a whole day because I decided to train in my other [Skill] to develop the [Technique] belong to a single or linked [Skill].

Without even pausing in my sidestep and raising Shigure's [Nodachi] over my head, then deliver a downward slash at the enemy White Fang's wrists.

Instead of having the bat faunus' aura protecting from having their hands being cut off or even have their aura unlocked in the first place. The bat faunus instead parry off my [Sword] strike and counter with their own with a [Sword] thrust.

Not bothering to continue this [Sword] fight as this is a waste of time for me at the moment, then without giving the bat faunus the chance to stab me in the gut, with their [Long Sword].

With a small burst of aura enhance towards my speed, with just a single step. I appear in front of the bat faunus' personal space and with Shigure's [Nodachi]'s handle being smashed into the bat faunus' stomach. Sending them flying across the place and into a few other White Fang along with the nearby guests.

Once I got rid of the annoyance; I begin to search for Izaya one more, but end up losing them and couldn't find them anywhere.

'I'll never be able to understand rich folk and wanting their parties in a grand spacey place like this hotel.' I thought with a deadpan, as I deflect a few stray [Bullet] almost hitting me as the White Fang with the [Rifle] tried to keep all their hostages away from them and at the same time taking down the bodyguards.

'Screw it. I'll group up with Shigure instead.' I no longer search for Izaya unless I could manage to activate [Eagle Sense], but with all the screaming and random [Item] being thrown everywhere could lead to an accident.

Sadly, there countless of people around me would witness me using [Gravity Magic] and that is something I can't have. So I can't use the ceiling itself to team up with Shigure, who currently running everywhere, even across the walls to intercept any White Fang from killing or cripple the bodyguards.

But, even with someone with Shigure's strength is limited to how much she could pay attention to everything around her.

30 minutes later*

With the White Fang's raid the party between the Schnee and Orihara's family meeting for Izaya Orihara and Weiss Schnee to meet one of another. The White Fang decided to test their luck on capturing the Orihara family members, along with the Schnee family.

From what Shigure told me, once she made it to my side to take back her [Nodachi], that there are more White Fang inside the hotel and are blocking all the entrances to enter the hotel from the outside; making it more difficult for the helpers coming to our rescue.

After half an hour to take down all the White Fang in this room and locking the doors before more members of the White Fang could enter to help out the one already inside.

Almost all the bodyguards are down from [Bullet] wounds and cover in bruises from being hit by many brute objects flying everywhere by the guests throwing at anyone coming near them in a panic.

"I...don't see...Izaya...anywhere." Shigure said to me, as she watches a few bodyguards push a few random fancy chairs against the doors while a lucky few guests are doctors that are treating others' wounds.

"How about Izaya's fiancee, Weiss Schnee, and her butler?" I ask Shigure while both of us are standing by a large window just in case we needed to escape.

Shigure shrugged, "No...clue..." Since she was too busy helping out taking down the White Fang while saving the guests from getting too badly hurt.

I glance to my left as Winter walks over to us, with a frown on her face and a hint of concern within her eyes that anyone could see if they look carefully enough.

"Found your sister yet, and her butler?" I ask Winter, to see if she finds out where her little sister is, but mostly because if she finds Weiss, then Izaya should be with her as well.

"No." Winter shook her head slowly with worry in her voice, "I can't find them in this room and I'm afraid they much be somewhere in this hotel, with all the White Fang is running around the place."

Shigure and I share a look with each other, then look back at Winter, who looks like she close to crying from worrying about the well being of her little sister. Wondering if she hurt or fine right now.

"Mind if Shigure and I leave the place to you while we go searching for our friend and your little sister?" I ask Winter, as Shigure already pass me a [Kunai] just for show in front of Winter, which I shall return back to Shigure once we leave the room. Then, I could access my [Inventory] for my weapons.

"I would have say, I do mind, but looking at you two. I know for sure you're just informing me not giving me an option to pick. So without a further due, please protect my little sister." Winter let out a sigh, as she requests us to protect Weiss once we meet up with Izaya if Weiss and Walter are together with him.

Shigure nods at Winter, which Winter took as Shigure answering for me as well and give us a smile to show she happy to know her sister will return to her safety, if she isn't hurt at the moment, then alive at best.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Orihara's Hotel: Unknown Floor Level: Outside Walls)

With that conversation over, I open a small section of the large window, to the outside as the wind blew inside the room; letting the cool wind fill the whole room in a matter of seconds.

'Better take this chance while this Winter hasn't gotten that stick up her ass just yet from joining in the Atlesian Military.' I thank my lucky star that I'm dealing with the Winter that just about to enter the Atlesian Military after she just graduates as a Huntress from Atlas Academy.

Also, the fact that she isn't stopping us from exiting through the window was something I find a little concerning with, because she not even worry that we may fall from a very high place. 'Then again, there's the Beacon Academy's initiation of being launched into the Emerald Forest while the students use their own landing strategy. Man, this world is just plain crazy.' I thought dryly, as I help Shigure climb out through the window.

I close the small section of the large window after Shigure climbed out, then carefully climb down while casting [Kontgrydyne]; the same [Gravity Magic] I used yesterday to stick myself to the wall and ceiling.


Active Effect: A greater control/manipulation over [Gravitational Force]'s size and force towards a single target. Up to 10x the [Gravitational Force] and 20 meters radius.

Type: Active

Target: Area

Rank: Tier 3: Power| Tier 4: Control (Require Using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: [E]: 72% Aura Unit Level per use and 1% per second

As I deploy my [Gravity Magic]'s effect around me, with me as the center of the radius of influence belong to [Kontgrydyne] up to the same normal rate of [Gravitational Force].

Thanks to [Kontgrydyne], even Shigure gain the benefit of this [Gravity Magic] and didn't have to worry about falling off the side of the hotel. Also, this is the spot where Izaya's family hotel's hidden security cameras are deactivated at the moment.

I felt happy that Izaya gives Shigure and me the access to this hotel's security defense before we made it here just in case something like this happen.

"Shigure, you cold?" I ask a little worry for Shigure, because she not wearing much and with us being high up on the side of the hotel outside that's very windy right now. Would make one catch a cold easily.

Shigure moves closer to me and nod at me, as she shivers a little from the wind blowing against her.

I held Shigure closer to me, as I cast [Rheagi] to create a small [Fireball] to warm us up.


Active Effect: A small control/manipulation over [Fire]'s size and shape.

Type: Active

Target: Single

Rank: Tier 2: Control (Require using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: [E-]: 10% Aura Unit Level per use and 1% per second

Once Shigure let me know she wasn't cold anymore. We start going heading down while checking each Floor Level if there any sight of Izaya's group.

few minutes*

"Think Izaya activate the tracking chip install into his scroll?" I ask Shigure while I glance the edge of the window and see more White Fang running around as they try to capture more human, and if there was a guest staying in this hotel that is a faunus. Well, even those faunus would be captured by the White Fang.

"Let...me check." Shigure pulls out her scroll, then activate the program to track down Izaya's scroll and much to her relief, Izaya's scroll is showing up on her scroll's map. "He...is...on...Floor Level...3."

I look at Shigure's scroll and sure enough, Izaya is just 4 Floor Levels below the current we at.

20 minutes later*

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Orihara's Hotel: Floor Level: 3: Outside Walls)

"Hey, Shigure. Try texting him we're here." I said to Shigure, as I check which windows is unlocked for us to enter and I don't feel like owing Izaya's family for breaking a window belong to their hotel.

Not long after I asked Shigure to message Izaya we're on his Floor Level, then a window open below me. On pure instinct alone; I pull Shigure close to me as she let out a small yelp, but didn't struggle once I stop casting both [Kontgrydyne] and [Rheagi] while at the same time.

I pull out a [Grav-Con Talisman] from my [Inventory] and inject my aura into it as it deploy an invisible gravity field around me to modify the [Gravitational Force] like my [Gravity Magic], but only affect what inside the gravity field.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Grav-Con Talisman

Durability: 100%/100% (1% per 1 second usage time)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C-

Value: 2000 System Point

Description: A [Talisman] that contain magical properties within, where the possessor could generate a modified gravity field that allows whoever the field surrounds to perform feats of near-superhuman agility and survive jumps from immense heights. Once the durability of this [Talisman] is used up, then it will turn into ashes instantly and also, that once activated. It isn't possible to deactivate it once it's activated.

It took me months to finally to get [Official Jack of Crafts Mastery] and it was worth it, thanks to the new [Skill] that come with it after reaching the [Official Rank]. Now, I have 8 totals craft related [Skill] all packaged into a single [Skill].

[Cook], [Building], [Alchemy], [Talisman], [Tailor], [Enchant], [Synthesis], and finally [Rune]. As with the help of [Rune] combined with the [Talisman], along with [Synthesis]. I managed to create the [Grav-Con Talisman]. As the [Talisman] being the base, then [Synthesis] to merge an existing [Gravity Magic] being cast and finally with [Rune] to hold the [Gravity Magic] inside the [Talisman].

A person sticks their head out the window and looks up at us; showing us the person is Izaya and he looking at us with a deadpan expression.

"Are you guys going to stay up there the whole time until that [Talisman] of yours turn to ashes?" Izaya asks us in a dull tone.

Neither Shigure or I react to Izaya's question, as we climb inside the room Izaya is in, along with maybe Weiss and Walter as well.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Orihara's Hotel: Floor Level: 3: Random Room)

With the help of [Grav-Con Talisman]'s gravity field. Both Shigure and I had it easy to get inside the room without having to take extra cautions to climb down from the outside walls.

And not a second after we enter the room; I toss the [Grav-Con Talisman] and a few seconds later the [Grav-Con Talisman] turned into ashes instantly as the wind scatters the ashes away from the building.

"What took you so long? I activated the tracking chip inside my scroll for a while now." Izaya looks at us, with a confused look since it doesn't take that long to locate his current position when he knew both Shigure and I could easily bypass lots of security defenses, including his family hotels.

"Would you believe us if I said we forgot about it?" I ask Izaya with a fake smile on my face and Izaya didn't look like he believes me one bit at all.

Izaya just rolls his eyes at us, but didn't say anything because there are two other people in this room beside Izaya, and it happens to be Weiss and Walter.

Weiss is panicking as continue to message for help through her scroll while Walter is standing next to the door with a scowl on his face. So Walter is the lookout while Weiss is trying to contact for help, but from the look on her face. It isn't going so well and once she heard Izaya speaking.

At first, Weiss thought Izaya managed to contact someone and open the window to see how it's going outside, but once she heard my voice. Both Walter and Weiss look at our direction with a surprised look on their faces.

"How in the world did you two manage to get inside this room?! No, forget that!" Weiss stand up from her seat and walk over to us, "Did you guys manage to get help?" Weiss looks very excited right about now.

"Weiss." Walter calls out for Weiss' attention, "If they managed to get help. I'm pretty sure they won't be here, but others instead. So with all that, you should know they didn't get help at all. If anything, Izaya call those two to help him instead since they're already inside this hotel."

I look at Walter and find myself a little curious if he using those [Monomolecular Wires] like his canonpart. I notice a faint bluish glow of strings near him and around this room. So that answered my question about if he already possesses his [Monomolecular Wires].

'I just wonder how he made those in the first place.' I thought if it's possible to get Walter to provide some of my usage and maybe for Shigure as well if she wants one that is.

"Don't be ridiculous, Walter. Of course, they should have contacted for help. Am I right?" Weiss dismisses her butler's regards and look at both Shigure and me to see if she right or not.

"Shigure, did you contact the outside for help?" I ask Shigure since she still got her scroll out. Shigure blink at everyone, then glance at her scroll before she looks back at us with a blank stare.

"I...was...suppose...to?" Shigure asks in what sound like a surprised tone than her usual monotone.

Weiss' face froze. Her eyes went dull once she realizes that no help but the two in front of her are all the help she getting and even her older sister, Winter, won't be coming to help either.

Everyone watch Weiss' mentally broke down as she falls to her knees as she became lifeless.

"Huh, that's the second time I have seen her in this kind of state." Walter said with amusement in his voice, but didn't put down his guard at all and kept on looking out the door in case of some White Fang decided to check this room, with all of us in it.

"Anyway, are we going to take down these White Fang? Because if so, lethal or non-lethal?" Izaya asks everyone, and Walter looks surprised that Izaya of all people would actually go for the kill, when people would know he is a genius and a kind boy.

Well, this is what Walter know by the public resource and limited private files on Izaya Orihara he manages to get through the Schnee family's connection.

What both Weiss and Walter didn't know that they're in the present of the founders of a deadly secret group that everyone is trying to search for after 3 years of disappearing after causing a lot of events in the lower section, even if it is the 50th Floor Area.

"Please tell me we aren't going out like this?" I look at Izaya a little annoyed because I can't use my [Mana Gun], even when I have access to my [Inventory]. Only Shigure knows about my [Inventory] while Izaya only knows that Shigure's semblance is related to a weapons only pocket dimension storage.

So it would look like Shigure is the one carrying my weapons, along with her own. But, so far, I don't think neither Izaya or Shigure wanted to show their semblance to Weiss and Walter at the moment.

"Yup and all we have to do is take down the White Fang in the Monitor Room." Izaya answers me, as if it was an easy task and it is, but to Weiss who just barely recover her mental state was once more shocked and this time its Izaya.

"Are you crazy?! Those White Fang have weapons and only Walter have a weapon to take down multiple White Fang. The rest of us don't have one." Weiss pointed out to us while completely ignoring the [Nodachi] is holding right now.

Shigure moves her [Nodachi] towards Weiss' face to prove she have a weapon right now, "I...could...take...them down." I could tell Shigure is a little annoyed that she was dismissed instantly just because she doesn't wield a weapon that counts towards fighting off multiple enemies at once.

Weiss rolls her eyes at Shigure, "Sure, I've seen countless kids our age that could take on a group of White Fang by themselves." Anyone could hear the sarcasm in Weiss' voice.

Shigure narrows her eyes at Weiss, but didn't bother to make a remark and instead did what she always did when people underestimated her many times when they find out she doesn't use either a mecha-shift or fusion weapons at all. Shigure let her action speak for herself.

"Okay, let do this before a fight starts among ourselves." Walter look a little annoyed by the lack of progress in our task to take down the White Fang at the moment.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Orihara's Hotel: Floor Level: 3: Hallway)

Seeing how Walter is patiently waiting for everyone to finish speaking to each other and begin our task already.

I shrug my shoulders at Walter, as I open the door out of this room, much to Weiss' annoyance of having to deal with the White Fang without a weapon on her.

Izaya took out another of [Flick Blade] and pass Weiss a spare of his, that Izaya would keep on him just in case like at this very moment.

At first, Weiss would reject the idea of using something like a [Flick Blade], but right now she couldn't be picky with the weapon being present to her at the moment. And she wasn't going to ask Shigure if she could use her [Nodachi] when it looks too heavy for her fighting style she developing. As well, being too long for her liking.

"Shigure. Izaya." I whisper to both my fiancee and best friend while not letting Walter or Weiss hear over us. "Remove the limiter."

"Already did." Izaya whispers back as he reveals two small wristbands inside his left pocket.

Shigure slightly nods at me, as she removes a purple wristband from her left and right wrists.

What both Shigure and Izaya's wristbands are [Wristband Version: Movement Resistance Gear: Tier 7] and [Wristband Version: Gravity Weight: tier 1].

[Item Type]: [Gear/Training Tool/Wristband]

[Name]: Wristband Version: Resistance Gear: Tier 7

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C+

Value: 51200 System Point

Description: A [Training Tool] that contain magical properties within, where the wearer would have their whole body movement restricted by 70% until they remove this [Training Tool]. And also the wristband version of the [Resistance Gear: Tier 7].

[Item Type]: [Gear/Training Tool/Wristband]

[Name]: Wristband Version: Gravity Weight: Tier 1

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: D+

Value: 800 System Point

Description: A [Training Tool] that contain magical properties within, where the wearer would have their whole body being pressure down by 2x the original [Gravitational Force] until they remove this [Training Tool]. And also the wristband version of the [Gravity Weight: Tier 1].

All three of us are using these two [Training Tool] and I have to say they're expensive all together. And no way was I going to provide these to this world, but my own group.

Lucky for me, I managed to persuade Pyrrha and Momoyo from letting anyone know about these, even our own family as well.

Of course, Momoyo and Izaya at first would try to get me to spill on where or how I gained these [Training Tool], but once I stare at them until they drop it or in Momoyo's case. I place Shigure in front of me while letting my fiancee doing the staring for me with Momoyo.

Which lead to Momoyo being a bit creep out from being stared at someone like Shigure for more than a few minutes and drop it instantly once I did it to her more than ten times in one day when she tried to get it out of me.

Izaya drops it after I said no to him at the beginning, where he didn't bring it up anymore; however, I did catch Izaya trying to figure out how it works and what it's made of. Sadly, Izaya wasted a whole month due to the lack of research and gave up trying to see if he could recreate it for his own usage.

Thanks to these two [Training Tool]. It looks like all of us are prodigy in combat for the public, but all of us are doing some intense training in our private time and public to show we do in fact train, but keeping the [Training Tool] as a secret.

Now, that both Shigure and Izaya took those off; neither of them should have any trouble facing a group of White Fang all by themselves and when the two [Training Tool] isn't causing any more pressure onto them. As such, they should have enough speed to outrun any White Fang that possesses a firearm, when none of us feel like taking the [Bullet] when we could just dodge it instead. Making it less taxing on our aura reserve.

As for me, I still have the seal version and got the [Seal Version: Gravity Weight: Tier 1] as well. Plus, when I lie to everyone; excluding Shigure, much to my displeasure, not really, of doing so. Was that the seal version is still in experimental phase and I told them I will be the only one to experiment it on until it safe for everyone.

I got an ear full of lectures from Pyrrha for doing this lie of mine and promise her I stop doing it and just wear the wristband version instead. Since I'm not writing some unknown symbol onto my very flesh to get the effect to work.

Luckily, I place the [Seal Version: Gravity Weight: Tier 1] next to my [Seal Version: Resistance Gear: Tier 7] to make it look like they're together as one.

Now, the reason why Shigure didn't take off her [Training Tool] was because the White Fang came out of nowhere and my reason was to let others think this is my current strength with the [Training Tool] still activated as if this is my very best until I deactivate these [Training Tool] to surprise them.

"This is going to be a big mess. I just know it." Weiss growl to everyone, but didn't try to stop us from wanting to take down the White Fang and retake the hotel back before the White Fang tries to destroy the whole building out to spit the Orihara family for having an alliance with the Schnee Family.

"Oh, lighten up, Weiss. We usually don't get something excited like this." Walter looks eager to face more White Fang right about now, with the way he shakes a little excitement.

"You say excited, I say death wish. That's what I'm calling it. All of us have a death wish for thinking we could take down the White Fang with just us alone when their side have like ten times our side. Not the fact that we're kids too." Weiss said to Walter in a sarcastic voice while showing her annoyance at how calm her butler is right now.

"Meh, I've seen bigger." Izaya didn't look afraid and wonder why Weiss so negative in all this, when she saw both him and Walter take down a few White Fang while going down a few Floor Levels already.

"Yeah, like in a movie that is." Weiss scowls at Izaya; and thought her fiance met he saw it in a movie or a video, but Izaya really meant the people in the lower section a few years back.

"This is going to be one of those long days again, isn't it?" I whisper to Shigure, who just quietly nodded at me as all of us get ready to take down any White Fang in our sight.