
01x08 Representative and Rescue

— It is the third time he has come to the infirmary, and classes have just started - says Claire when reviewing the record of Parker, her new one, apparently, resident of the infirmary - do you have anything to say Stark?

— What? I? What's wrong with me visiting a student of mine in the infirmary? - the hero says with a shrug, now without his armor that had discharged - but then, what is the situation of the boy?

— Well, because of the exhaustion of training I can't use my Quirk - she says, not believing Tony's words, but knowing that the boy was more worthy of her attention now - so I did the basics by bandaging him and putting him in the serum, he should improve overnight

— Of course, of course ... - says the Iron Man just watching the unconscious boy in one of the infirmary's hospital beds

— It's him, right? The boy in the Tombstone case? And your pupil, right? - asks Claire already throwing in the air what she knew

— Yeah ... - Tony takes a little while to understand what was going on - wait, how do you know !?

— Peper's husband doesn't pay much attention to her so she invited me to lunch last week - she says with a smug smile, trying to make it even clearer that she was referring to him

— Ok, ok, I got the message ...- he says raising his hands in surrender - but can you keep your voice down? Most of the staff already know about my condition, but few people know about the truth about the boy's Quirk ...

— Okay, it's not my secret anyway ...- the nurse says shrugging - now get out of here, I have to work, unlike some ... - she says expelling hero number 1 from the infirmary and closing the door

— Always very nice to talk to you Claire ...- the man says looking around making sure there was no one and heading towards the teachers' room

Shortly after Iron Man leaves, young Parker wakes up and finds himself in a white environment. When he gets used to the light, he starts to look around and notice the things around him; he was still in his hero clothes, or at least, what was left of it, after the fight against Flash ... He felt the bandage on his back and looks to the side to notice the serum connected to his arm. He then notices the clock hanging high on the wall in front of him

— Is it late afternoon? - he asks himself still a little groggy

— Woke up? - Peter is startled to see the nurse Night Nurse at his side

"That's all I can do today, go home and rest, but come back tomorrow for a check-up ok?"

Peter recalls the nurse's warning after he was released while walking to his office. He had missed his afternoon classes, but he hoped he could get any notes from Wanda or Danny, since he had learned not to pick up Gwen's notebook to copy anything; the amount of drawings and doodles, in addition to the confusing organization, might even make sense to the girl, but not to the rest of the world.

Even after the fight, the boy did not expect what would happen to him when he opened the door;

— Hey, Parker is here! - the muscular and Asian boy, with the powers of Hulk, tells his colleagues when he sees the brunette enter the classroom

Peter did not expect the small group of colleagues to approach him and simply start talking to him as if he were someone popular or something;

— Dude, we have no idea what you said during the fight - the Asian boy continues - but it was amazing! It was awesome!

— It was really amazing, watching you fight Flash, who wanting or not, was the first placed in the admission test - says the serene voice of the Korean with two-colored hair with the powers of ice

— You strayed super well! - the brunette girl with messy short hair is excited to comment, with the ability to increase the size of her limbs

— The way you acted in the first match, the rest of the people had to do their best - finally says the tall, muscular brunette, with very short curly hair, and indestructible skin

— I wouldn't say it was that impressive ... - says the boy in the weird helmet, who now had his dark hair standing on end.

— Your reaction time was amazing! - the brunette girl says again jumping for joy and interrupting the boy who spoke

— H-huh? - it was all that Peter's brain was able to formulate at that moment, never so many people had come to praise him at the same time, especially classmates

— My name is Amadeus Cho - introduces the Asian boy and then points to the group - we are reviewing the training all together

— My name is Seol, Seol Hee - introduces the girl with black and white hair smiling cute

— I'm Sammuel Alexander, but you can call me Sa...

— I'm Kamala Khan! - the energetic girl says jumping in front of Sam, again interrupting him

— I'm Gwendolyn Poole, but you can call me Gwen - the blonde showing up in the middle of the group then says watching Peter - but you already knew that ...

— I'm Luke, Luke Cage! - the tall brunette says pointing to himself

— Ah, well ... - again, Peter's last functional neurons were not being able to formulate complete sentences

— I'm Kei Kawade! - the tiny boy with the ability to invoke his drawings says jumping in the space that was between Peter and the group, scaring both parties

— Where did you come from? - Peter asks when leaving his stupor and everyone starts talking about different things at the same time; the training, the pairs, the uniforms, but not everyone seemed interested in a lot of conversation

— Noisy ... - comments Tyrone, the teleport boy sitting at one of the tables while watching the group talking to Peter

— Spoke as if you had always been the mysterious student - jokes his friend Tandy, the blonde who invoked light knives, while pushing her shoulder slightly

— Mr. Johnson! - Azari's voice is heard, which quickly comes close to where Tyrone was - The table is not a chair, please remove yourself from it as soon as possible!

— Dude, chill, it's just a table - says Nico, the girl with the staff, when she sees her colleague overweening

— You're too stressed ... - comments Tyrone watching his colleague

— Forgive me but I cannot give in to disrespect for the tables that great men and women have passed! - says Azari with extraordinary conviction, which makes the whole conversation stop just for the appreciation of the boy; the inability to thrown the tower

Soon after, two other students enter through the second door, at the back of the room, the thin boy with platinum hair and the fluffy brunette with a red bow; both carried stacks of books, probably for the entire class;

— Mom wants to go out today, she asked what do you want? - Pietro asks his sister

— Hmmm how about we go to ... oh, Peter! - the girl sees her partner who had stayed in the infirmary after she left, and goes towards him, leaving her brother behind who smiled when he saw his sister acting like that - didn't you heal all the injuries? - and girl asks worried when approaching the friend

— Ah Wanda! Night Nurse said I didn't have much physical strength to put up with her Quirk, but what about you? - he asks also worried about the girl's condition

— Ah, I-I'm fine, I just needed to rest for a while, Azari's powers are no joke ... - she says blushing and scratching her head nervously

— Well, I'm glad you're all right - the boy says smiling at his friend, who has flushed cheeks and nods slightly, neither of the two seemed to notice the group of colleagues next door. Peter then looks around the room quickly until he comes across his yellow backpack on his desk, and no one at the front table - Wanda, where's Flash?

Running on the stairs and corridors of the main building of M.A, regardless of his physical exhaustion or his bandaged arms, Peter moved as fast as he could, with the aim of reaching his colleague; to which he felt he owed some kind of justification;

"Say it, you tricked me, didn't you !? Was it fun to cheat me all this time !? " the boy remembers Flash's words, he should be more nervous than ever

"We all tried to stop him ..." was Wanda's reply "... But he just went home without saying anything."

Arriving at the final path that led to the exit, even breathless and tired, Peter watches the brunette, back in uniform, with his backpack slung over his shoulder and walking towards the exit. No matter how tired he was, he screams;

— Flash!!! – he then runs a little further to get closer to the boy - Flash! - he screams again and stops running when he sees his colleague too, and now seems to have heard him.

He simply turns his head back, looking irritated by Peter's appearance, while trying to have a moment of peace.

— There's something I feel I have to tell you. My Quirk didn't come normally, I was lucky to get it because of someone else ...

— Hã? – Flash mumbles when he doesn't understand what exactly the brunette wanted to say

— But I can't tell you who that person is! - the boy adds quickly - But I feel like I'm in a comic book. Also, I still get hurt with a part of it, I have to learn to control it. So I tried to defeat you without using it, but in the end, I had to use it, even if it brought consequences, I had to depend 100% on Wanda, since I was no longer able to - the same did not seem to have noticed Flash shaking with anger with each word - so I will completely dominate this Quirk, make it mine, and I will defeat you with my own power! - he ends up raising his head, determined as never before






Only to find Flash staring at him with wide eyes, and quickly turning to face Parker

— Are you thinking I look like a sucker Parker !? Getting a Quirk later, someone else, luck ... are you trying to cut me down? - he says nervous and looking down - so what? I lost to you today! It was all that happened! I looked at the dude in the chains and knew that I would not defeat him, I reviewed the training and realized that the missile inside an enclosed space was stupid! I understood!!! And now you hear me, Parker! This isn't over yet! I'm just getting started! Understood!? I will become the number one hero! You don't think I'll take it easy with you next time ... - He says turning and going back to his way towards the exit

Peter breathes a sigh of relief at not having been beaten up after what Flash yelled, until he feels a strong gust of wind blowing past him and then sees Iron Man flying past him at high speed towards Flash;

— Young Thompson! - Iron Man in his armor says as he puts his right arm around Flash's shoulders - Know: pride is important. You certainly have all the necessary packages to become a professional. But we still have a lot to do, we need to make you much better and ...

— Let go of me, Iron Man. - the boy says dryly, without patience to listen to motivational speeches - know that I will be a better superhero than you!

— Ah, all right ... - the professional hero says, removing his arm from the boy's shoulders and moving away a little, watching the boy resume his course until he leaves school;

"It's hard to be a teacher ..." Tony thinks to himself as he sees the boy stepping out of sight

From the top of the building, still on the first year class floor, three girls watched the whole event, not being able to hear because of the distance, but recognizing the actors in that drama;

— What was that? - Kamala asks her two colleagues who were watching closely from the window; Wanda shaking her fists and Gwen eating a bucket of popcorn

— It was the beginning of the battle of destiny between rivals - Wanda replies, knowing a little more than the other two of the sparks that flew when Peter and Flash were close

— This will be good to watch in the next chapters ... - says Gwen filling her mouth with popcorn

— What? – Kamala asks when she doesn't quite understand what the blonde was saying

— What? – asks Gwen pretending not to understand

"Flash's wick has lit ..." Peter thinks to himself as he watches his rival walk away from the school grounds "... but that doesn't change what I have to do. I just have to run after him. "

— Hey Parker - Iron Man catches his eye and turns to talk to him - What were you talking to Thompson about?

— Ah, that I ... - Peter despairs when he remembers that he almost revealed the secret of his Quirk - damn, look at the time, I have to go, May is going to kill me and ... - he then runs off, trying to avoid the hero

— Parker! – Iron Man activates his thrusters and goes towards the boy

It was the next day, Peter had luckily managed to get up earlier, and by leaving everything already separated and ready the night before, it was early, since he had to go to the infirmary before the first class. But what the boy did not expect was the huge number of reporters who focused on the main entrance, probably now knowing about Tony Stark's new job as a teacher, who, being insanely wealthy, worked only for "charity". And what impressed him most was a reporter wanting a word about his teacher;

— You there! - says the reporter at the front, she was very beautiful, she had golden hair and well combed, a slightly tanned skin, a thin and delicate face. She was wearing a female suit without a tie and holding a microphone over Peter's face - Christine Everhart, Vanity Fair, could you tell me what Iron Man's classes are like?

— Oh, I'm sorry, I have an appointment so ... bye - he says and quickly walks inside the gates, wondering if his friends had passed by the reporters too






— Can you tell us what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher? - the same reporter asks a girl with brown hair and a red bow on her head

— H-how is it? - Wanda is startled by the invasion of privacy, but replies - Well, his armor look well ... polished?






— What do you think of Iron Man as a teacher? - she asks a pair of blondes who tried to enter

— It made me recognize the opportunity I have to be in such a good place, with teachers so skilled in my quest to become a great hero - Danny says, happy to be able to share his thoughts - In addition to his dignity and character, along with his side comical, it is certainly a unique opportunity. Learn how to be one of the best directly from the best in the world ...

But what Danny failed to recognize was how bored reporters were about his monologue, who didn't expect so many words, and who didn't add any gossip about hero number one; even Gwen slept standing next to her friend, snoring loudly and drooling






— Excuse me, can you tell us about Iron Man ... - the reporter pauses for a moment when she recognizes the boy she was following - Wait, you are that boy who was caught by the Carnage

—... – Flash stops for a second and then whispers menacingly through his teeth - get out ... - and resume his way to the classroom






— So, could you tell us about Iron Man, Mr. Murdock? - the reporter asks the blind and charismatic Quirkless lawyer (or so they thought) of heroes from Hell's Kitchen, who wore his impeccable gray suit, his red glasses and his blind cane, he smiles at the reporter before answering

— Sorry for being the devil's advocate - Matt laughs at himself for the pun - but unfortunately he doesn't work today, so I will have to ask you to leave, we have very famous students who don't like paparazzi very much ... - he says turning around and entering school

— I need a direct word with Iron Man! - the reporter yells to the lawyer who was walking away

"I can't believe that Stark can work as a superhero with all this" he thinks, for a moment relieved to have his secret identity

— Come on, I just need a little time! - the reporter screams and tries to follow the lawyer, but unfortunately she activates the security system, activating the audible alarm and causing the school entrance to be blocked by several metal barriers, making any access impossible - what the...?

—It's the M.A barrier ...- her cameraman says when watching his partner almost being crushed by the barriers - It's what we call her; if someone enters without a student ID or authorization, the security system stops. It seems that there are sensors all over the school ...

"The news that the Iron Man had been hired by M.A surprised the entire country. The media went to school and caused a daily fuss. Everyone knew that ...

Yeah, everyone."

— Good job in yesterday's combat training - says Professor Murddock to his class, today wearing only his suit, feeling more comfortable in it - I heard the recordings and the results and I have some comments; Mr. Thompson, I need you to stop acting like a mad child, you have talent.

— Yes sir - Flash answers, irritated, but still having nightmares from his teacher's weapon cord around his neck

— Now Mr. Parker; broke your arms again? You can't go on saying that you have no choice, because you don't control your Quirk. If you control it, know that you will be very capable, but you need to hurry

— Yes sir! - Peter responds with renewed confidence

— Now, let's go to the reports. I'm sorry to be sudden, but today you will have to choose a representative ...

The class stops for a second, for a moment worried about another surprise test, but quickly relieving themselves when they just have to do a normal school activity; and that's when the uproar started

— I want to be a representative! Choose me! - screams Amadeus

—Me too! – Pietro raises his hand

— I want too! – Seol says raising her hand as well

— A job made for me, I accept the chal... - Sam starts to speak, but is interrupted

— I will be the leader! - Kamala screams in agitation and jumping in front of Sam

— If I'm the leader, all girls' skirts will be 30cm above their knees! - screams little Kei at the top of his lungs, which scares Peter, since the designer sat behind him

"In a normal classroom, they might think that this is just a matter of routine ..."

— Let me go! I am the best to lead! - shout Flash to the class

"... Only in a superhero course, representing the class is a task that allows you to be a first class hero leading a group" Peter thinks, and also raises his hand timidly, being more interested in the leadership role

— Please silence! - Azari yells at his class, trying to make them more civilized - This is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for anyone who wants to. It is a call that needs the trust of everyone involved. If we want to use democracy to decide the true leader, we must hold an election! - he ends up staring at nothing, as if in an advertisement

— An election? – asks Pietro

— We don't really know each other yet, how are we going to trust each other, Azari? - asks Tandy who had not risen to be part of the racket

— True, everyone will vote for themselves - adds Amadeus

— That is exactly why whoever receives several votes here will be considered the most suitable person! - answers Azari - what do you say, professor?

— Feel free, I just ask you to speak a little quieter, we don't want to interrupt the classes of the other classes - he says, sitting at his desk and opening his Braille book to read

— Thank you very much!

After the elections were held, the results were counted and placed on the board, from the highest to the lowest number of votes; Azari was first, with four votes, Ava second, with three, Peter and Danny had two each and so many had only one vote or none.

— All right! Who voted for this loser !? - Flash asks nervously when pointing to Peter, since he had stood in front of him - he is very stupid so he would not vote for himself, so who voted?

— Why? Did you think someone would vote for you? - Pietro mockingly asks

— How is it platinum !?

A certain brunette in a red bow whistled at the back of the room, not quite at ease to say who she had voted for.

— Ah, what a pity Danny, for me you would be a great leader - says Gwen turning to her friend, since she knew how much he wanted a leadership role

— No problem Gwen, I'm fine - he responds serenely smiling at the girl as he sees the teacher making Azari official as representative and Ava as vice

In the cafeteria, the quartet of friends sit down to eat while they were impressed by the number of people in the place, which was much more crowded than the first day of classes;

—Where did so many people come from? - Peter asks friends as he places his tray on the table and sits down

— It's because everyone in the superhero courses, support and administration came together in the same place today - replies Danny watching the people around

— No matter how good these burgers are - Gwen begins by swallowing a big chunk of her sandwich - I'm still pretty pissed off with today's election result, for me you should be representative Danny

— I already said Gwen, probably the room already sees Azari as an authority figure - he says looking to the side and the four recognizing their now representative and vice at a table discussing something and taking notes - besides being more decisive, and already probably have taken leadership classes as prince of Wakanda

— I also think you would make a great leader Danny - says Wanda

— Me too – answers Peter

— We already have two more in our anarchic group Danny - says the blonde grabbing his arm - Orson will be proud of me, who knows, maybe he makes that fried noodles that we like so much and ... - Gwen stops when she realizes that she has said too much, quickly letting go of the boy's arm and shrinking slightly

—Orson? – asks Peter

— Do you call your father by the name Danny? - asks Wanda now also paying attention to the conversation - although I never heard you talk about him

— Danny, stopping to think, you never told us much about your family - says Peter and the two brunettes start to look at the boy with big eyes and thirsty for answers

— Well, I think this truth would have to come one way or another - he says, sighing and lifting his head to face his friends - do you know the couple made up of businessman Wendell Rand and socialite Heather Duncan Rand?

— Yes, they were great entrepreneurs and died six years ago more or less and ...- Peter then stops citing information when gathering the information

— They were your parents ...- Wanda is the one who complements the information with this bombastic truth about Danny by linking the surnames

— Unfortunately, due to some bureaucratic oversights of the two, I was left with nothing after their death; no money, nothing - the boy reveals all his sad past to the two new friends, but oddly enough, he didn't show any features of sadness, his face showed a calm, as if he were telling facts not connected with him - so I was adopted by my martial arts instructor, Orson Randall; my father was a big fan of this oriental tradition, so I did it since I was a kid

— That's where we met ... - Gwen says, smiling slightly and still embarrassed for having spilled the beans - I had class there too

— He trained me all these years, especially when he discovered my Quirk; 'Chi Manipulation' - he says staring at his hand for a moment and closing it in a fist - he is technically my father, but he always made it clear that he was my sensei above all; he is my great inspiration and one day I want to be like him

— He is also the leader of the "Rental Heroes" Agency - says Gwen - so the desire to be a leader

— I see ... - says Peter - you have been through a lot Danny, but now we are together, and we will always support each other

— That's right! - says Wanda following the animation

— Excelsior !!! - cries Gwen the school motto, raising her fist and almost climbing the table

Everyone laughs at the blonde's action and the atmosphere stabilizes in a peaceful and pleasant way, until all that peace is interrupted by the sound of an alarm. All the students in the cafeteria are static for a moment, since that was not the standard sign of the classes, and it was too early to be, until everyone heard a voice from the speakers;

"There was a level 3 security breach. All students must withdraw immediately. I repeat: there was a level 3 ... "

The voice continued as most of the students got up from their desks and ran towards the nearest exit. Danny fortunately managed to get an older student's attention before he could leave;

— What does this level 3 security breach mean? - asks the blond boy next to him

— It means that someone has invaded the school grounds! - he says hurriedly and with a degree of seriousness in his voice - I have never seen anything like this in three years here! Hurry up too! - he says and runs off towards the exit

Chaos. It was the only word that could accurately describe the situation in the main corridor leading to the exit. All the students present at the school, from the first to the third year, squeezed themselves desperate to get to the exit of the school. In a place where heroes were trained, the attempted attack by villains shouldn't have been strange, but that was more rare than previously thought, and no one from there had been there. Mainly because there were only two classes in the heroes course, which expected more action; the support, management and general studies classes, with the remaining nine classes, did not train in combat like classes A and B, so they were more nervous;

— Don't push!!!

— I'm falling!

— Ouch...- Wanda exclaims as she is crushed by so many people - what's going on?

— Everyone seems to be very agile in crisis - comments Danny, being a little better because of his physical structure

— Damn agile! It's a bunch of desperate - comments Gwen trying to push people who crushed her

— Whether agile or desperate, it is generating panic! - Peter manages to say before being dragged to the opposite side where his friends were

— Peter! – exclaims Wanda worried to see the brunette being taken by the sea of ​​people

When being squeezed against the wall by the crowd, Peter tries to concentrate for a moment and activates his arrows, giving an impulse so that he could stay on the wall at a height above the sea of ​​students, thus escaping the movement, but now he had another goal , he needed to know what was really going on. Climbing further up the wall until he is close to the ceiling, Peter takes a deep breath and remembers Uncle Ben's teachings; "It is a leap of faith ...". Thus being able to stick to the ceiling and head towards the windows on the side of the corridor. He gets to the glass part and looks out in an attempt to better see what was happening for all that uproar; and he observes one of the greatest fears of any hero ...





...a crowd of reporters ...

Outside, Matthew Murdock and Deadpool tried to stop the media from invading the school;

— Please, we just need a few minutes with Iron Man

— Are you stupid by any chance? - asks Dedpool - he is not here, I would even draw, but it would have to be a blank sheet because he is not here!

— I will have to ask them to leave, this is a violation of the private space of this school ...- Matthew tries to keep the situation under minimum control, waiting for the police to arrive to resolve the conflict without violence

— They invaded the school grounds ...- comments Deadpool to his companion - is there anything in your little law books that lets us hit them because of that?

— Unless you want your face in magazines as a new villain, go ahead - Matthew says a little impatient and stressed about the whole situation

— Look ... - says Deadpool considering the proposal and slowly unsheathing his katanas

— I was being sarcastic...

— Ah ... - Deadpool responds sadly and sheaths the katanas again

Peter lets out a breath he does not remember holding, happy that it is no villainous attack, being just vile reporters. He could then calm the crowd down;

— Guys! Don't worry, it's just the media! - the brunette tries to warn the crowd of students, but apparently it was not having any effect ... what would he do? Observing the crowd, trying to recognize someone, his eyes fall on a boy with a very peculiar haircut - Azari!

The boy then turns back, even though in the middle of so many people, he had managed to recognize someone calling him, and looking up, he watches his colleague;

— It's just the media! We need to calm people down! - Peter says to the boy, hoping he understood, but makes sure when he nods in response and starts looking down, probably thinking of a plan

— Maximoff! – Azari screams when thinking of a way to get everyone's attention with the new news

— Yeah? – the twins then respond at the same time; Wanda being closer, and Pietro further down, almost falling beside Amadeus

— Wanda – Azari sets it up not to cause further confusion - I need you to propel me to the exit sign, do you think you can do it? - he asks pointing above the students' exit passage

— I think so, but ... - she tries to say when she is crushed by other people - I can't keep my concentration with all this uproar

Peter then takes action, still stuck in the ceiling, rolls up his right sleeve, changes the arm that held him and shoots a web at Wanda's back. The thread breaks his skin close to the wrist and the white thread stretches, increasing a little at the end, when it sticks to the girl's uniform and he pulls her hard, pulling her out of the crowd;

— Wanda! - Peter exclaims with the girl in the air, going in his direction, she then quickly realizes the situation, reaching out and holding the boy's outstretched hand, hanging above the people's heads - do you think you can do it now?

— Yes, thank you - she smiles a little flushed by holding hands, but quickly shakes her head and focuses on the task at hand;

Focusing on her Quirk, the red energy appears materialized in her hand and her eyes shine red. With a single movement she covers Azari's body with the same energy and he begins to levitate, leaving the ground to a height close to where Wanda and Peter were. The girl then levitates him towards the place that he had indicated, positioning him above the students' exit, visible to everyone and still keeping a little of her Quirk so he doesn't fall;

The boy then straightens up, turning to the crowd of students;

— Listen everyone, everything is fine! - the boy addresses the crowd as he grabs a pipe from the ceiling so he can hold on better and not push too hard on Wanda's Quirk - It's just the media out there, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. We are students of M.A, we have to remain calm and prove that we are the best of the best!

Everyone then manages to calm down and everyone goes back to their respective classes after the crowd has been removed by the police. After that, the entire class 1 A was taken back to class for the rest of the morning classes. And from that moment, everyone knew that Azari would be the best class representative they could ask for.

— Listen well, one more step and I will kill this family, okay? - a villain with a super strength Quirk says to the heroes he faced while he was with a couple of adults and a little girl in his arms - you won't want their blood on your hands will you? So my demands ...

The villain looked like he was going to start demanding some things, but he suddenly stops, eyes wide, drops the family that quickly moves away, falls to his knees and then collapses on the floor, being possible to observe a huge metallic dart on his back. And a recognizable armored hero floating behind him with his arm outstretched

— You can rest easy guys, while I'm on patrol, nothing to worry about - he says waving to families, heroes and pedestrians who applauded

"Theft identified on the twenty-third with Seventh Avenue" Friday alert and the hero soon flies off in that direction "Time for class Tony!" Tony can hear the alarm that Pepper had programmed with her voice to warn him of the five minutes left until his afternoon class together with Little Devil and Miss. Robot

— I'm going to be a little late, but I think it's okay ... - he says and then looks at some calculations of the armor; with energy draining faster, he was slower than normal; had happened after defeating Carnage the second time, when wearing the armor after the full time

Back at M.A, it was already ten to one in the afternoon, so it meant the beginning of the afternoon training classes;

— Today's training will be a little different - says the blind hero, to his class, now wearing all his uniform, with only the helmet in hand - You will have three instructors; me, Iron Man and another faculty member watching you.

— Professor ...- raise your hand Azari to get the teacher's attention - what kind of training will we do?

— Rescue! - the teacher says, raising the spirits of the class - you will deal with natural disasters, shipwrecks and the like

— Rescue, it seems that today we will have hard work to do - comments Pietro to the rest of the class

— Totally! - comments Kamala excitedly

— A real hero's job, it is now that we separate boys from men - comments Amadeus behind his platinum friend - I'm shaking with excitement

— Cool, time to show my skills in destroyed places - Gwen comments excited about the possibilities

— Children! The explanation isn't over yet! - Matthew comments to bring the attention of his students back - very well, you are free to use whatever you want, I know that Iron Man made you excited with your costumes, but remember that you still don't know their full capabilities and they can limit your capabilities. Finally, the training will be in a location outside the campus, so we will take the bus, you have fifteen minutes to be in the parking lot. Dismissed - he says opening the compartments with the suitcases' bags for anyone who wanted to use them

— Yes sir! - the class responds and everyone then gets up to prepare for the short trip and training

In the parking lot, all students had chosen to use their uniforms, as they wanted to get more and more used to them so they could know what to improve or modify. Well, at least most of them;

— Peter, why are you wearing your gym clothes, where is your uniform? - Wanda asks when approaching her friend outside the bus, where all the students were waiting to enter

— You saw how he looked after combat training - the boy remembers his torn mask and the various scratches and impacts on the main part of the uniform; he now wore the red gym jumpsuit along with other protective clothing; gloves, boots, knee pads, elbow pads and a belt with pockets, he had also left his sleeves up for the web shoot and the spider sense - I'm still waiting for his repair - the two friends are then startled when they hear a shrill whistle that doesn't came from none other than the class representative

— Class 1-A, get together! - Azari shouts commands to his colleagues - Using your respective numbers, form two lines so that we can occupy the bus efficiently!

— Do you still think he's the best leader? - Gwen asks Danny as they approach the pair of brunettes

— I'm sure in the case - the blonde responds smiling and calm for now recognizing Azari as representative

Unfortunately, due to the open design of the bus, Azari's plan went downhill, and everyone went and sat in random places, not respecting any type of sequence or numbering; but that wasn't all bad at all, as new combinations of people managed to talk and get to know each other better;

— I still think his Quirk gives him a lot of diversity of actions - Amadeus comments to Peter - my 'Gamma Strenght' is great for hitting villains, but it's not very impressive or versatile - the boy says extending his arm, which was already muscular , and increasing it in size with his Quirk, turning it green in the process too

— Seriously? I think it's incredible! - comments the brunette, giving a fanboy vibe on his colleague's Quirk - you are definitely material for pro with a power like that!

— Do you really think? It would be easier for me to be a popular hero if I had a more flashy Quirk

— Well, my Quirk is the perfect mix of strength and being flashy - says Sam with one leg on top of the other and his helmet on his lap, looking relaxed

— But let's admit that this helmet is pretty ridiculous ... - comments Kamala, holding herself up so as not to laugh at her colleague

— Well, if anyone here has what we might call "Professional Quirks", these are certainly Flash and Reyes - Amadeus talks about the two boys sitting further down the bus, one looking out the window and the other sleeping, respectively

— Ah, yes, but as Flash is always nervous he will never be sooooo popular like that - comments Gwen naturally, next to Peter, who regretted having agreed to keep an eye on her for Danny

— WHAT DID YOU SAY PINKY!?!?!? - he gets up from his seat irritated and with a murderous look - I WILL BLOW YOU UP, YOU HEAR ME?

— See? - she says pointing and without an ounce of fear

— You know, we just met - says Pietro - but the fact that we already know about your nervous personality already says a lot - he says relaxed to the, now even more, irritated Flash

— You will regret the day you enrolled in this school, platinum !!!

While the discussion was taking place, now with Azari trying to calm his nerves, Peter was going through a moment of euphoria, in which he watched Flash, the greatest bully of all time, the most feared, being made fun of by the class ...

— Come on, start fighting, if not, it's not funny! - Laura comments with eyes glazed in Flash while Wanda who sat next to her curled up in the corner of fear for what the girl could do

— Ok guys, enough confusion, we arrived - announces the teacher at the same moment the bus stops and everyone gets off

Entering the facility, the class and its teacher are welcome by one of the other teachers at the school, and responsible for the training wards; cyber heroine Kya Nakali, Danger

— Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you! - says the charismatic rescue heroine; she wore her malleable blue and silver iron armor, leaving only her face without the mask, she had dark skin, full lips, a thin face and dark brown curly hair in dreads that were also covered by iron

"Kya Nakali, Quirk: Technopathy. She has the ability to connect with electronic equipment and control it with her mind, but she is vulnerable when she controls something very big "

— The cyber heroine! - Peter comments with animation in his voice - the heroine who turned her car accident into the salvation of thousands of people in tragedies

— Danger, she is one of my favorite heroines! - Wanda also comments, as excited as her friend

— The curves of the uniform, the Afrofuturism - Kei comments immediately opening his notebook and taking a pencil - my artistic and perverted instinct scream together!

— Dude, relax ... - says Amadeus with a little fear of the boy

— Come on, I'm looking forward to showing you what we have here - she says and turns to go further into the place, and is soon accompanied by the class

The site itself was a huge dome, inside which was the "External Danger Room" or "EDR". The original Danger Room was one of M.A's facilities, and that was one of its aspects that focuses on disasters and rescue techniques. The space was insanely large, a small city could easily fit in there, and there were several areas with the most diverse equipment that simulated different types of disasters; shipwrecks, landslides, fire, a wind storm and other types of environments

—...When I first came up with the idea for these areas, it was meant to teach you about rescue, one of the most important tasks of a superhero.

— Shouldn't Stark be here by now? - Matthew approaches his colleague and asks her, not wanting to attract the attention of the students - let me guess, did he happen to arrange an interview?

— In fact, the situation is a little worse - Kya replies, lowering her voice too - apparently he used his armor too much in the morning and she discharged it for safety reasons, he is resting now in the teachers' room

— I don't know why I'm impressed - Murdock says rubbing his face - that man is a height of irresponsibility ...

"But we should be enough just the two of us ..." he thinks to himself and then turns to the class;

— Well, come on, the clock doesn't stop, let's start - he says and makes room for his colleague

— Very well, but first let me just say a few things - she says turning to the class, putting a more serious face on your face - you must know about my Quirk; "Technopathy".

— Yes, you are famous for coordinating construction machines in rescue assistance ...- comments Peter while Wanda only nodded in agreement with everything he said, since she also knew a lot about this heroine

— It's true, but know that I could also easily kill someone with that power ... - she speaks a little more melancholy, looking at her hands for a moment, but then back to face the group - and I know some of you must have Quirks also considered dangerous ...

"In our superhuman society, every Quirk is registered and regularly monitored, so we generally don't realize how dangerous a power can be. Please remember, that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, the consequences can be dire, even if you are trying to do something good, like saving someone. Thanks to the Daredevil's Quirks test, you have a solid idea of ​​your limits and because of Iron Man's combat training, you've probably experienced a little bit of how dangerous your powers can be when used against others. Load those teachings during this class; today you will learn how to use your Quirks to save other people's lives. You will not use your powers to attack enemies or each other, just help, because, in the end, this is the role of a hero; ensure the safety of others "

— Well, that's it for today, thanks for your attention - she returns to her relaxed and fun way and is followed by applause for the encouraging speech

— Okay, now let's go ... - the class teacher starts to speak, but soon he stops

When he notices, all the lights in the place go out, the difference is not striking because of the light outside, but it was a curious thing; and when everyone notices, near a fountain in the central part of the dome; an enormous amount of what appeared to be a black and red mist begins to appear, and as if in the blink of an eye, it expands, covering part of the floor and from there, a man appears. The most bizarre was that with all that situation, that man was bizarrely normal, messy brown hair, light skin, and a wine-red outfit, he smiled at the students and suddenly, in the same fog, other people started to arise. The most varied possible, with the most varied costumes possible.

— Students, stay back! - Matthew warns his class, asking them to stay where they were

— But what is that? - Amadeus verbalizes what was going on in everyone's mind - did the training start by chance? I thought we were going to save people ...

— Stay back! - Matthew says even more nervous when he feels some of the students leaning forward. He then puts the helmet on his head, knowing exactly what was coming - this is real, those are villains ...

Finally, the last thing that comes out of the fog is something never seen before; a kind of robot, it was what it appeared to be, almost three meters high, with a humanoid body, with several black scales covering its body, and on its face only two tiny shiny eyes, unlike the others, it stops beside the first man to appear, when he raises his hand, as if obeying him.

"We thought we would practice saving other people's lives that day, but when they showed up, we realized that we were the ones in danger"

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