
BNHA: Singularity

MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but exceptionally powerful System.

Einlion · Cómic
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230 Chs

Chapter 62

Clapping her hands together, Nemuri shouted, "Okay, that's enough with the serious stuff!" Then, with a narrow-eyed smile, she gazed at the girls and added, "Let's move on to the practical part of our lesson. Do you girls mind if I borrow Izuku-kun for a few minutes~?"

Exchanging glances with one another, not even Mina or Toru had anything to say. They were still reeling from the revelations related to Izuku's Quirk and its influence on his personality...

Being the most down-to-Earth among the group, Tsuyu spared everyone the effort of needing to discuss things by asserting, "We already agreed it was okay during lunch, ribbit..."

Capitalizing on Tsuyu's response, Nemuri clapped her hands a second time, exclaiming, "Splendid!" before shifting her gaze to Izuku and asking, "And what about you, Izuku-kun~? Are you willing to test your knowledge and familiarity with a woman's body with me as your partner?"

Forcing a wry smile, Izuku replied, "If it were a few minutes ago, I would have readily agreed. Now...I'm not exactly in the best head space for sex, much less 'remedial' lessons..."

Nodding her head, Nemuri's usually seductive smile softened as she replied, "That's understandable. We could postpone classes to a later date or cancel them entirely if they're making you uncomfortable. Just know that if you ever need to talk, I'll be here to listen..."

Shifting her gaze to the girls, Nemuri added, That applies to everyone here. I majored in behavioral analysis during college, so while I'm not exactly a psychologist, I'm a good listener and more than happy to offer advice in any subject, particularly those related to love."

Punctuating her words with a wink, Nemuri turned to Izuku to await his response. She would be lying if she said she wasn't 'very' interested in his power and the circumstances that led to its development, but she wasn't an impatient woman. Boys like Izuku needed a mature woman they could simply hold or bare their souls to, so she was fairly certain he would seek her out for 'private counseling' at some point.

Shaking his head, Izuku eventually responded, "Yeah, I'm just not feeling it today...sorry..."

"My dear boy, you've done nothing to apologize for," asserted Nemuri. "In fact, it's good to stand your ground when things make you uncomfortable. Forcing yourself when you're not completely willing is an excellent way to accumulate stress."

Turning her attention to the rest of the class, Nemuri added, "That being said, it appears today's lesson has come to an end. Before you go, I have specially encrypted cell phones and tablets to give everyone. You are free to keep using your original phones for personal needs, but if you're going to discuss Izuku's Quirk, his relationship with certain Pro Heroines, or any of the things we've discussed today, please use the phones or tablets the school is providing. As the USJ Incident showed, villains are not against targetting students if they believe it will further their aim. Please exercise due caution when discussing sensitive matters in the future."

Pulling out a box filled with military-grade phones and tablets, Nemuri ensured everyone got one of each before providing them the numbers to her personal and private lines. After that, she advised them to be off the campus before 7 PM before promptly departing without a single attempt at seduction or behaving lasciviously...




In the wake of Nemuri's departure, the tension between Izuku and his six girlfriends was palpable. Everyone wanted to say 'something,' but nobody knew what it was. After all, it was obvious to them that, based on the way Izuku was behaving, he was feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Breaking the tense silence, Izuku exhaled an exasperated sigh and said, "I'll be fine," with a faint smile. "I have a few things to sort out, but I can deal with those on my own time. Since we're already together like this, we could study for the Finals or something similar..."

Answering on behalf of the entire group, Tsuyu replied, "It's better if we reconvene another day. I'm sure we 'all' have a lot to think about, so you should take Kyouka-chan with you and return home."

Surprised that her name was mentioned, Kyouka replied, "Huh? Why did my name come out all of a sudden...?"

Without hesitation, Tsuyu replied, "Because if it were Ochaco or me, we would try to comfort him. Toru-chan and Mina-chan would feel awkward, and Momo-chan might say or do something to exacerbate matters, ribbit. You're the only girl Izuku-chan hangs out with normally, so the two of you can watch a movie or just cuddle and listen to music. Behaving 'normally' is probably the best medicine for this situation, ribbit."


Though she received damage from Tsuyu's suggestion that she was the most 'normal' girl among them, Kyouka couldn't refute the frog girl's logic. If it were just the two of them, she probably would have asked Izuku if he wanted to hang out, not knowing what else to do. She 'wanted' to comfort him, but she was worried she would make things worse. As a result, it was highly likely that they would 'just' hang out...

Rolling her eyes, Kyouka muttered, "Whatever...if no one else is against it, I guess I could at least see him home..."

Turning her attention to Izuku, forced to stare up at them due to the 17cm difference in their heights, Kyouka extended her left hand and said, "Let's go..." with a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

Exhaling faintly through his nose, Izuku accepted Kyouka's outstretched hand with a smile. He originally planned to lie in his bed and organize his thoughts, as he so often did, but he wasn't going to refuse if Kyouka just wanted to hang out. Thus, after telling everyone else he would see them at school tomorrow, Izuku permitted himself to be escorted home by the red-faced rocker girl...




After separating from Izuku and the girls of Class 1-A, Nemuri made her way to Nezu's office, explaining the situation and offering her insights into the former's mental state.

"I see..." replied Nezu, nursing a cup of cocoa with a faint smile. Then, after a moment of silence, he remarked, "I believe our young friend may suffer from Imposter Syndrome and a form of DPD(Dependent Personality Disorder). Given his background, those are the two conditions that make the most sense."

Nodding in agreement, Nemuri replied, "I reached a similar conclusion, but it's difficult to be certain since he's remarkably stable for someone with DPD. He is also incredibly conscientious, the complete opposite of a typical DPD patient. It would be more accurate to state he projects those qualities on the people around them, wanting them to depend on him."

"And thus, the Imposter Syndrome..." mused Nezu. "After spending most of his life believing he was inferior to others, Midoriya-kun likely believes he isn't worthy of the care and attention he receives. As a result, he keeps stacking burdens on himself, driving himself forward like a rocket in flight. Sooner or later, he will run out of fuel and come crashing down..."

"Then what do you propose we do?" asked Nemuri. The last thing she wanted to see was someone as promising as Izuku crash and burn, not just because it would be a tragedy for Izuku himself but for all the people he would invariably draw toward him. Izuku was the type of person others couldn't help but assemble around, so if he came crashing down, an ever-growing number of people would be hurt.

Though it was intended as a joke, Nezu was also being sincere as he said, "The simplest solution would be to expel him. If he were left in the care of someone like Usagiyama-san, I believe they might be able to achieve an 'equilibrium' of sorts..."

Furrowing her brows, Nemuri asked, "Then what of his relationships with his classmates? Are you seriously suggesting we separate them after all of this...?"

Undeterred by Nemuri's growing fury, Nezu exhaled a lighthearted laugh and replied, "As I said, that would be the 'simplest' solution. I never said it was the only one..."

Taking a sip from his cocoa, Nezu allowed Nemuri's anger to settle before saying, "I've actually grown rather fond of Midoriya-kun. There was even a time when I seriously considered grooming him as my successor. Now, I simply wish to see him succeed and, if possible, be happy..."

"You know I hate it when you beat around the bush..." groaned Nemuri, suppressing the urge to splash Nezu's cocoa into his face.

"Yes, I'm well aware," replied Nezu, taking a long sip of his cocoa before adding, "But what's the point of having hyperintelligence if you can't act mysteriously or withhold the answers people seek?"


Setting aside his cup, Nezu turned to face Nemuri directly as he said, "I still struggle to fully understand the 'nuances' of being human. However, I'm fairly confident in my opinion that what Midoriya-kun needs, perhaps even desires most, is 'control.' He is far more mature than other boys his age, and his potential intellect may exceed mine in the future. I imagine he feels incredibly stifled, being forced to attend regular classes when he could be training or inventing something new..."

Blinking in surprise, Nemuri asked, "Are you suggesting we allow him to skip the general curriculum classes? Even if that were possible, it would cause extreme envy among some of his classmates. Until Work Studies begin, there's no reasonable explanation to provide for him being allowed to skip classes."

"But there is," replied Nezu. "UA offers CBE(Credit by Exam} and booster classes to those seeking to transfer in during their second or third years. If Midoriya-kun is able to demonstrate he has already learned everything the general curriculum has to teach him, there would be no need for him to attend classes."

"That...might work..." conceded Nemuri. "However, those exams have only ever applied to students enrolled in General and Business Courses. We've never offered them to students enrolled in the Hero and Support Courses since they already have a very 'streamlined' curriculum."

"Then the solution is simple," mused Nezu. "We permit Midoriya-kun to take the tests for the General and Business Departments. If he can pass by those standards, no one can complain. He would have the first half of his day to do as he pleases, while the second half would still be devoted to Foundational Heroics."

Nodding her head, Nemuri replied, "I'll admit...while unprecedented, it's not a bad idea. Izuku-kun had excellent grades in middle school, so I'm certain he could pass the CBEs if we gave him a curriculum outline and allowed him a few weeks to prepare. The only problem with that is..."

Adopting a knowing smile, Nezu remarked, "Some of the other students in his Class, particularly his female classmates, would endeavor to follow his example. However, I don't see that as a bad thing. UA has always prided itself on the freedom it affords its faculty and students. If others in the Hero Course can complete the exams of a higher grade, I see no reason to restrict them to a classroom. So long as they stay on campus, training or auditing other classes, I would view it as a very positive development."

Unable to refute Nezu's very convincing argument, Nemuri fell silent, her face scrunched thoughtfully. While Izuku would doubtlessly benefit from more 'freedom,' she didn't see it as a solution. Izuku seemed like the type of person who would immerse himself in his work and training to 'avoid' facing real-world issues. If they allowed that, his condition might actually worsen over time...

Seeing through Nemuri's thoughts, the corners of Nezu's smile curled upward as he asked, "What is your opinion on asking Rumi Usagiyama to become an Assistant Instructor, teaching Anti-Villain Combat and Guerilla Assault courses for Third Years?"

Understanding the Principal's plan, Nemuri's eyes briefly widened before an alluring smile developed across her face, followed by her saying, "She will need a Senior Instructor to watch over her, but I think she'd make a fine addition to the staff of UA..."




(A/N: Nezu keeps Aizen as a pet xD...)