
She is my cousin!?

Masaru POV


'Another failure.'

Looking at the uprooted and destroyed ground around me, caused great disappointment to surface. Ever since I came back from the hospital, I trained with my quirk but sadly not much progress was achieved.

"Masaru!? Not again!"

An on top of that I have been forbidden to experiment with my quirk on my own. Mom came running into the garden where I was training and checked me up the moment her hands reached me.

(AN: Here is a reference art to how the mom looks.)

"Wheew. Masaru, I told you not to play with your quirk! What if you hurt yourself?!"

Of course this just seems like playing to her, after all I'm only 3 years old right now. Honestly it's hard to pretend being 3 years old.

"Go to your room until your aunt arrives and don't play with your quirk when I am not there with you."

'Lol, did I just get room arrest at 3 years of age? That has to be a record or something.'

Usually she would let me get off the hook after a bit of scolding and while that might be effective on a little kid, it doesn't really do anything to me.

'sigh, at least aunt Naoki is going to visit.'

I thought on the way back to my room. Ever since that incident with my quirk, the only person who visited us just to see how we are doing, was aunt Naoki.

She is the sister of my late father and a very fun person to be around but on her last visit I overheard her mentioning how their family struggled financially a bit.

My grand parents from father's side also called a few times to check on us, but they live far away, which made it hard for them to come and visit.

About mom's parents on the other hand, I know nothing. No names, no photos or visits or anything. The only explanation I have for this, is they are either dead or cut bonds with mom, similar to what happened in my first life.

Whenever I asked her about this she becomes sad and tries to dodge the question. As frustrating as it can be, not knowing something, I never pushed for an answer.

Anyways, returning to the main problem at hand, it's either finding a place to train my quirk without mom noticing that I am gone or waiting for her to be present when I want to train.


Considering my current age, the second option appears to be the only doable one. Meanwhile I can do something else until I grow a bit older. Like training my body!

Training the body is... I would have to be careful not to overdo it. Things like running to build some stamina should be okay, same as few exercises where I use my own body's weight at least partly but it somehow feels a bit rushed.

I have no full knowledge about this and hastily rushing thing may end up doing more harm than good.

'*Sigh* After all, I am not a damn Saiyan but a normal human.'

The time went by without me noticing until The door bell ringed.

'That must be aunt Naoki!'

Getting of my new bed, I went down to meet her. My aunt is a bit shorter than mom. While mom is 177 cm tall, which is considered as quite tall, my aunt is 164 cm tall. She has chest nut brown hair reaching just below her shoulders paired with dark eyes.

"Aunt Naoki!"

"Kyaa! Hey there my chocolate pie! How are you doing today!" (AN: I swear I don't know shit about children interaction... Cut me some slack!)

Like one would expect a 3 years old to do, I run towards her with open arm, just to end up in a hug. Everything like I remember it...

'This is kind of embarrassing. Can't I just grow up faster?'

She picked me up and only then did I notice the little girl in my mom's hand. Chibi, brown hair, dark eyes, red puffy cheeks.

"Ah, do you perhaps remember her Ma-kun? You met each other one and a half yeas ago."

Indeed, the girl in my mom's arms is reminding me of someone but it's not what aunt Naoki is talking about. So as an answer I quickly shook my head.

"Ahh that's so adorable!"


'Aunty?! Oi! Your vibe suddenly changed!'

"Cough. That girl is my daugther, Ochaco. She is only a few months younger than you so I hope you two will get along!"


'SHE is my cousin?!'

This is bad! I remember her because she was part of the main cast! Meaning she is part of the MC's party! Oh god, Doom and gloom are practically destined to come in their way!

Fck why didn't I watch the rest of that anime?! This won't get a dark turn, where villains kidnap or even kill the family members, to get to the heroes, will it? Should I hurry and start training now.

"Hm? Masaru?"


Oh right. Now is not the time to overthink but to act... act like a toddler.

"H- Hello! My name ish Masaru!"

The little girl, practically an adorable chibi version of the one I saw in the anime looked at me with her big brown eyes and only nodded.


'Forget it.'

"Do you want to play outside?"


She is a bit shy. I'll just bring her outside and babysit for a bit. We played hide and seek and tag most of the time. Whenever she caught me or found me, I would pat her on the head before we started a new round.

Building stamina to get stronger slowly was my plan anyways, and even more so after learning that I have a relative who is part of the main cast.

Right now I am doing exactly that, while babysitting and even without making it look like training. So it's definitely a win-win.

The second part of the day we spent inside, playing games with our moms and aunts since we were both totally spent and without energy to continue playing outside.

'I wish I could age faster.'

It felt like I have this thought quite often lately. Sadly I can't do anything about it. Instead I replayed today's happening in my head.

Long story short, from now on I'll ask mom when I want to practice my quirk under the pretense of playing with it. Until my body grows and develops, I'll focus on building up some stamina. And my cute girl cousin is part of this world's main cast.

Before evening arrived, aunt Naoki and Ochaco left.

"Bye Bye Ma-kun!"

What sounded like Ochaco saying goodbye was in reality aunt Naoki, but I will just ignore it for her adult pride's sake and act like everything's normal.

"B- Bye Ma-ru!"

She can't quite call my name yet but it is cute when toddlers do that.

"Bye aunt Naoki! Bye Ochaco!"

After waving them goodbye we went back inside the house and I finally got to relax for a bit. It was kind of exhausting but it is the first time I played with relatives kids. Well apparently the first time I remember, going by what aunt Naoki told me.

From today on we started visiting each other frequently, almost every week at least once and before I noticed it, 3 more years went by.

(AN: Hey! Author here! Some may have noticed it, But I don't really remember what toddlers normally or how to treat them. If you find some logical mistakes, just comment it, after all the more we know the better. Anyways the first time skip is here and our young mc might or might not start his real training. Hope you enjoy reading my ff!)

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