
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · Cómic
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20 Chs

I’m Blind

"Ah, I accidentally did it again," the teenage boy said as he held the wilted flower in his hands.

He pulled on a thin, black material that covered his hands. Gloves. The boy wore a blindfold over his eyes. Blind. He was blind, but had an unusually amazing sense of hearing.

Name- Izuku Midoryia

Quirk- ???

"Oi, stupid Deku!" A hand flicked Izuku's forehead.

He rubbed his forehead where he was flicked. He then reached out to what felt like a hand. Liquid soaked through the thin glove. "Oh, Kacchan. It's just you."

"No shit Sherlock!"

Name- Katsuki Bakugo

Quirk: Explosion

His palms secrete a nitroglycerin-like substance, allowing his hands to cause explosions.

Izuku covered his ears and flinched at the sudden yell. "Kacchan, you're being a bit loud."

"Tch, whatever. What are you doing, holding a dead flower?"

"Oh, I was just trying something."

"Stop trying to keep your Quirk from others, dumb nerd!"

"It scares people, Kacchan."


Name- Izuku Midoryia

Quirk- Destruction

Anything he touches willl be destroyed or die, he wears gloves to hide his Quirk. It doesn't work on himself, though.

"Can you walk me home today? I heard some thugs around this corner." Izuku let go of Katsuki's hand.

"Tch, you're fully capable of walking yourself home. Your stupidly athletic and your sense of hearing is stupidly amazing."

"I know, but it makes me feels safer when you're with me."

Katsuki ended up walking Izuku home, they completely passed the thugs and arrived at Izuku's apartment. Izuku's mother, Inko, welcomed him home.

"Thank you, Katsuki." Inko thanked. "Even if Izuku can see certain things, he still needs help getting home."

"Dumbass was the one who wanted me to walk him home!"

"I can hear you just fine, Katsuki." Izuku covered his ears. "Don't yell."

"You're a dumb nerd!" Katsuki said, slamming the door behind him.

Izuku grabbed a pair of comfortable clothes and tossed them onto the counter in his bathroom. He took his blindfold off and stared into where the mirror was.

The iris of his eyes were white. When a stranger saw his eyes, they would feel nervous. For some people, it was a little spooky to look at. Izuku threw his blindfold at the mirror and took his gloves off, careful not to touch anything. A small vase of flowers sat in front of him. He barely touched a single flower. It started to wilt and the petals fell. He pulled his gloves back on as fast as he could.

Ten minutes later, Izuku was at the table, feeling for the chopsticks. He finally found the thin pair of sticks and picked them up.

"Izuku, have you come up with a school you'll apply to?" Inko interrupted the silence.

"I'll probably go to a special needs school." Izuku answered, putting his blindfold on after taking a bite of his food.

"Well, you could apply with Katsuki. He's going to UA."

Izuku dropped his chopsticks, looking up at where Inko's voice came from. "I'm not going to UA."

"Oh, why not?"

"That would require me to use my Quirk. I don't want to have to use it."

"Izuku, you could always shoot for the Support Course."

"I'll think about it mom." Izuku took his empty plate to the sink and rinsed it off. He walked to his room and plopped himself on his bed.






"You stupid little shit!" Katsuki yelled as he dug his knuckles into Izuku's head. "You can't let them pick on you! Only I can mess with you!"

"Kacchan, you're yelling again," Izuku escaped, rubbing his head. "It's hurting my ears."

"Next time those jerks try to bully you, I'll beat their ass!"

"Kacchan, I don't think that's necessary."


Izuku fidgeted with his fingers nervously. He had been thinking about what his mom had suggested. If he went to UA with Katsuki, he'd feel safer and he would become a hero, which was his childhood dream.

"Um, Kacchan? Are you applying for UA?"

"Duh. I'm gonna become the number one hero."

"Oh, hopefully you'll make it."

"You better apply for UA too, nerd!"

"Uh, w- why do you want me to apply?"

"Because I said so! Now get your ass in your seat!" Katsuki pointed at Izuku's seat in front of his own.

Izuku sat down like Katsuki said. He could feel everybody's eyes staring at him. He could hear everyone whispering like they always did, making fun of him. He rested his head on his desk, covering his ears from the whispers.

"It's almost the end of the year, what school will he apply for?"

"He won't get anywhere if he's blind."

"Poor guy, heheh."

Katsuki's eyebrow twitched. He growled and stood on his desk. "Shut up, extras! Or I'll blow you to hell!"

The class stopped whispering and sat straight in their seats. The teacher opened the door and set papers on his desk, letting out a tired sigh.

"Alright, you all decided that you want to be heroes." The teacher groaned, tiredly. "You all have amazing Quirks. And Bakugo, you applied for UA. Make sure you represent the school."

"Like hell I will!"

"Oh, Midoryia, you…applied for UA?"

The class went silent. After a few seconds of processing, they bursted into laughter, causing Izuku to cover his ears. It was loud, his ears were ringing. Kids started poking and making fun of him.

"Hahah! How are you gonna get in, loser?"

"You're too much of a wimp! And you're blind!"

Izuku was about to blow. "Shut up!" Everyone was suddenly quiet. The teacher walked over to Izuku.

"Midoryia? Is everything ok?" The teacher put a hand on Izuku. Izuku flinched and stood up, still covering his ears.

Ever since Izuku was a little kid, he always had an incredible sense of hearing. Auditory Perception, is what it's called when one is blind, but can see the faded outline of things based on sound. His hearing became more sensitive if he was agitated, upset or when he felt any negative feeling. He wouldn't listen to adults, trying to attack anyone who comes near him. That was when his Quirk first manifested at the age of four.

"Stupid Deku!" Katsuki grabbed Izuku's wrist and pulled him outside into the hall.

"Let go, Katsuki!" Izuku refused.

Katsuki slapped Izuku's cheek, snapping him back to reality. "You're a dumb shit if you're going to let them rile you up like this!"Katsuki scolded. "You're blind, not dumb. Now can you sit your ass down like a normal person!"

"O- ok, Kacchan," Izuku put his hands down and walked back to class with Katsuki. Izuku apologized to the teacher and sat down. His classmates didn't make a sound. After seeing Izuku blow up like that for the first time, they didn't want his Quirk to destroy everything.

Izuku kicked the dirt on the ground as he walked home. He felt guilty for yelling at everyone, even when Katsuki said it was fine and that they deserved it. He didn't like yelling at people. Izuku was a kind-hearted person, even when others bullied him for his blindness.

"Heheh, look at you. You'd make a nice skin suit." A voice said, as Izuku walked through a tunnel. "Oh, your blind? Whatever, as long as I can hide from that hero."

Izuku flinched at the sound of the voice. He turned around to where the voice came from. Before he could finish turning, slimy and cold hands grabbed him around the neck. The sludge villain from that same morning had caught Izuku. The goop was being forced down Izuku's throat. He could feel all his senses slipping away.

"What's h- happening?!" Izuku panicked. "I can't breath! Is this how I'm going to die? I- I- I don't want to die!"

"HAAAHAHAHAH!" A deep laugh was heard. "I AM HERE! I finally found you, villain! DETROIT SMAAAAAAASH!"

The sludge villain's slime went flying everywhere, splattering the walls. Izuku's blindfold was torn off. He could feel the gusts of wind tickle his eyes before falling into unconsciousness.

A while later, Izuku woke up, rubbing his eyes. While rubbing them, he realized that his blindfold was gone. He pulled his long bangs in front of his eyes, hiding them away.

"Ahahah! You're awake!" The same voice from earlier said.

Izuku flinched at the loud voice. He covered his ears and looked up to where the voice was. In the blackness of his blind eyes, he could see the faded outline of a muscular man. "Um, who are you? You sound like All Might."

"Ah, young man, I am All Might!"

"O- oh! You're All Might?!"

All Might lifted an eyebrow, wondering. "How does this boy not know who I am? Usually I would get mobbed by people."

"Kid, are you ok?"

"Ah, s- sorry. You've probably never had a blind fan before…"

"Blind, huh? You're right, I don't think I've met a blind person before. Anyways, is this black blindfold yours?" All Might reached into his pocket and pulled out a blindfold.

"Huh?" Izuku felt for the blindfold in his hand. He grabbed the fabric out of his hands and tied it around his eyes. "Thanks. Um, could I maybe have your a- autograph?"

"No problem, young man! I've already signed it! In that notebook you were holding earlier."

"Ah, thanks. Also, could you quiet your voice down. It's kind of hurting my ears. Oh, what about the villain?"

"The villain? This little guy is right here in my pocket, in these bottles I had." All Might patted his pockets where the sludge villain was. "I've gotta get this guy to the police station."

"W- wait, I have a question! Just really quick!"

"Sorry, kid. I'm on the clock right now." All Might squared down low, then jumped and went flying at an incredible speed.

Izuku had grabbed onto All Might's jeans right before he had taken off. "Wait! I just h- have a few q- questions!"

"Ah! Buddy, this dangerous, especially since you're blind! Alright, alright! Just hold on until we land!"

Izuku set his feet on the ground. He wobbled for a few seconds before finding the right balance to stand straight. He dusted his shirt and felt around. His hand hit a railing, he heard the breeze blow. "Are we…on top of a building?"

"Yeah, now you can ask your question. Just make it quick and stay in one place, ok?"

"Ah, ok. My question…" Izuku took his blindfold and pulled his bangs back. "Could I become a hero even if I'm blind? A- and I'm…Quirkless."

He lied. Yes, Izuku had a Quirk. But having a Quirk that scares everyone is worse than being Quirkless. So he hid his Quirk from everyone but his closest friend, Katsuki.

"It's just…being a hero, it's inspiring to someone like me. I've never actually seen a live attack. I don't know what the heroes look like. I can only see based on sound, and even then, it's only darkness with faded outline of things. I've always been told that you're always smiling, no matter what, showing no fear. And I believed it. That's why I want to become a hero, even if I didn't want to go to UA."

Izuku heard smoke blow away in the wind. He flinched, letting go of his hair. He saw the outline of the smoke. He could hear a heartbeat, but it wasn't All Might's, it was different and went at a slower pace. When the smoke cleared, Izuku could see the rim of a skinny man. He thought a drug addict was before him, and that he was talking to himself.

"W- wait, y- y- you're not All Might, are you? I can hear you're bones tweaking. And you're heartbeat, I- it's different. Are you an imposter?!"

"No…I'm still the real All Might." All Might sighed. Izuku heard the voice was the same, but without the chuckle. "I'm still All Might, I'm just not the big, muscular All Might."

"Um, what do you mean?" Izuku walked closer, curious.

"Well, I guess since you know about this now…you can't tell anybody about this." All Might sat down against the wall that kept the edge a little safer.

"I promise not to tell, I'm pretty good with secrets."

"Hahhh, well, where do I start? You ever heard about that fight from 5 years ago?"

"I think so."

"Only a handful of people know about the actual fight. I asked it not to be published online. That fight really took a toll on me. I couldn't recover from the injury of the fight, losing almost my whole stomach was the result. I can only stay in my muscle form for about three hours a day. You say you're Quirkless and blind."

Izuku flinched from the tone All Might said the last sentence with. It was like he was going to be rejected.

"I can't guarantee that you'll make it far. Without a Quirk, you won't get far at all, and being blind won't help at all whatsoever. If you want to be a hero, I suggest that you take on the roll of a police officer or a fireman."

Izuku didn't respond to anything All Might just said. He didn't even know what to say. How do you respond to your dreams being squashed?

"I'll help you down the building. Considering that we're on top of a building, there's probably going to be a bunch of stair-"

"No…it's fine." Izuku interrupted. "I can make it down myself."

"Hmm, alright. Just don't hurt yourself." All Might turned back into his muscle form and jumped off the building.

Izuku walked down the stairs slowly, holding onto the railing. He kept re-playing what All Might said to him. He knew deep down that his blindness would stop him. And the fact that he hated his Quirk made it worse. He never used it unless he was testing it every once in a while.

"I guess I'll just try another career…" Izuku mumbled as he stepped down the last step, exiting the building. Izuku suddenly heard a boom, it was close by. He started to feel concerned. His legs started to to run, following the sound of the explosion. He heard the sludge villain cackle. He could hear the crowd clamoring and questioning about what was going on.

"Oh no…" Izuku heard Katsuki yell. "It's because of me…"