
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Combat Training

The class took a moment to admire Izuku's score. But not only his score were they surprised about. It was the fact that he was willing to take his blindfold off in front of everyone, even if he refused earlier.

"Woohoo! Now that is a heroic like score!" Ochaco cheered.

Tenya studied Izuku's hand that he had thrown the ball with. He also noticed that he had been wearing gloves this whole time. But now one of the gloves had been shredded to pieces. "I wonder why he's been wearing gloves. And his finger appears to be swollen. What an odd Quirk…"

Katsuki choked on his water that he was drinking. "The fuck!?" Katsuki processed for a few seconds once seeing Izuku's injured finger. "Deku…" Izuku sweat-dropped at the sound Katsuki's voice. Katsuki grabbed Izuku, putting him into a head lock and diving his knuckles into Izuku's head. "YOU DUMBASS! YOU FUCKING BLEW YOUR FINGER UP WITH YOUR QUIRK! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO HAVE A LIBRARY OF A BRAIN?!"

"I- I'm sorry, K- Kacchan!" Izuku yelped as he tried escaping Katsuki's grasp.

The classmates watched with confused looks in their faces. They were practically witnessing a wannabe murder.

"What is even happening here…?" A girl with pink skin said.

"Tough love, man," A boy with spiky red hair answered.

"Seriously, talk about friendship." One with round elbows said.

Shota groaned, wanting to be done with the talkative teenagers in front of him. He literally had to tear Izuku and Katsuki apart just to continue the rest of the tests.

The rest of the tests flew by real quick. Unfortunately, Izuku didn't do very well as he expected. He had to fight through the pain of his broken finger. Finally, when they were done and over with tests, Shota was able to reveal results.

"Who's having a bad day…" someone with blonde hair with black highlights mumbled.

"What?" Shota said.

"Whoever comes in last place is expelled, right? So, who's going home?"

"Oh, I lied about that. There's no results for any of you. It was just a rational lie to get the upper limits of your Quirks."


One girl with a tight, black ponytail raised an eyebrow at the expressions of her classmates. "It was obvious from the start. I'm surprised you didn't see through it."

Shota ignored the the class of surprised little mice. He let out a sigh while walking off. "That's all for today. The papers for your curriculum and such is in the classroom. Read over it. And Izuku, go get yourself patched up with Recovery Girl. You can have someone take you there."

Izuku was still trying to process. He was relieved that he wouldn't be expelled, but it was still nerve-wracking. Izuku asked Katsuki to bring him to Recovery Girl. It made Izuku feel a lot safer than being by himself in the big school."

"Sleepy…" Izuku said while taking his blindfold off and rubbing his eyes.

"Wake up," Katsuki scolded. "I ain't gonna carry your ass home."

Izuku shoved his blindfold into his pocket. His new pair of black gloves helped not to destroy anything. He rubbed his eyes once more. Suddenly, a hand rested on his shoulder, causing Izuku to jump.

"Agh!" Izuku yelled as his reflexes kicked in. He threw the one who spooked him over his shoulder.

"Oof!" Tenya's voice was heard. "Midoryia, it's just me."

"Ah…O- oh! I'm so sorry, Ida! I- I didn't m- mean to!"

"Nonsense, Midoryia." Tenya stood back up, dusting his uniform. "It's good to have such reflexes in case your attacked."

"What do you want, four-eyes?" Katsuki snapped at Tenya.

Tenya shot a look at Katsuki, telling him to just be quiet for a few minutes. Katsuki scoffed at Tenya.

"Hey, guys!" Ochaco called out, trying to catch up with crew. "Are you guys heading to the train station?"

"Ah, your, um, Ochaco Uraraka, right?" Izuku asked.

"That's me! And your Tenya Ida, Bakaski Bakugo and Deku Midoryia?"


"D- Deku?"

"Aren't those your names?"

"Oh, w- well, it's not Bakaski. It's Katsuki Bakugo. And m- my name is actually Izuku Midoryia. Kacchan just calls me that for his own joy."

"Hmm, an insult?" Tenya said.

"I don't know. It's just that "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for, 'I've got this!' So it's kinda cool." Ochaco said cheerfully.

"O- oh, y- you can call me whatever you w- want."

"Midoryia! You can't let people walk all over you like that!"

Izuku covered his ear from the loud voice that came from Tenya. "I- it's fine, really. I'm used to it. And, could you quiet down, please?"






Day two came around. It was way more easy going than the first day. Shota crawled into his sleeping bag. "Introduce yourselves to each other. I don't care how, just get it done and over with."

"Ooh, this will be fun!" The girl with pink skin said.

They didn't know how to introduce themselves at first. It took a few minutes, but they ended going with the order of desks. Starting with the front row, traveling all the way to the back row.

"I'm Toru Hagakure! My Quirk is Invisibility. I'm permanently invisible as you can see. Something about me is I love dressing up!"

"I'm Mezo Shoji. My Quirk is Dupli Arms. I can create replicas of parts of my body like hands, ears and mouths on my tentacles. I don't really have desires of any sorts."

"I'm Mashirao Ojiro. My Quirk is Tail. It's basically a third arm, more or less. It also helps me maintain balance. Something about me…I do martial arts."

"Ciao! I am the sparkly Yuga Aoyama! My Quirk is Naval Laser, I can shoot a laser from my belly button. If I shoot for more than a second, I get a tummy ache. And something about myself, I speak French!"

"Whatever! Name's Katsuki Bakugo. Quirk is Explosion. All you need to know is I'll blow up your ass!"

"What a jerk. Anyway, Kyoka Jiro is the name. My Quirk is Earphone Jack. My Quirk allows me to insert my Earphone Jacks into walls and such. I can hear even the smallest vibrations passing through the thickest walls. I can play a bunch of different instruments, as well."

"I'm Denki Kaminari! My Quirk is Electrification. I can let loose a bunch of electricity at once. But I kinda go dead-brain when I use it. I like to read comics a lot!"

"Hey, hey! I'm Mina Ashido! My Quirk is Acid. I produce acid from my skin which is why I got this pink tone to me! I usually surf around with my Quirk. I love break-dancing and I don't like bullies. I'm looking at you, Katsuki!" Katsuki threw up the middle finger, telling Mina to fuck off, as an answer.

"U- um? Where d- do I go?" Izuku asked as he stood up.

"Up front, dumbass!" Katsuki dragged Izuku up front.

"O- oh, well. My Quirk is…um." Izuku stammered. Like the introvert he is, he had a hard time talking about his Quirk and himself. "W- well, my name is Izuku Midoryia, but you can call me whatever you want my Quirk is, uh, D- Destruction…anything I touch will either be destroyed, or if it's a living being, it dies. That's why I wear gloves. And, um, something you should know is I'm b- blind." Izuku decided to reveal his true Quirk since he had been trying get rid of the block on his Quirk.

"Nice speech, Midoryia! I'm Hanta Sero. My Quirk is Tape. I can shoot tape from my elbows, though, it's a lot stronger than regular tape. It can hold my body weight and I can grab things with it. I usually just swing from place to place with it. And I enjoy playing video games!"

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima! My Quirk is Hardening! I can harden my skin for protection or making my hit land harder. It's not much, but I can hit through solid concrete! And I'm a huge fan of Crimson Riot!"

"I'm Tsuyu Asui. My Quirk is Frog. I basically have frog-like qualities, like jumping high, my tongue can stretch out really far, secrete a mild toxin, climb walls. I'm sensitive to the cold, so if it gets too cold, I might fall asleep and won't wake up till it's warmer. And I always speak my mind."

"I'm Minoru Mineta. My Quirk is called Pop-Off. These purple spheres on my head are easy for me to pluck off and they're really sticky. They don't stick to me, though. Depending on how I'm feeling, they'll sometimes stick to things for a whole day. And something about me…" a grin appeared in the short kid's face. "I love girls! Especially heroes! They're sexy in their costumes!"

The girls in class gave Minoru a glare. The unashamed teen shot back a lecherous grin. Izuku became a little confused with Minoru. Of course, liking a girl in that sort of way isn't really appropriate, he knew. But Izuku didn't know what anybody looked like. Katsuki leaned back and mumbled to Izuku, knowing what he was wondering. "I catch you talking to his guy, I'll beat your ass."

Finally, they got Minoru to sit down and stop acting like a perverted human being. The girls didn't even think he was human.

"I'm Fumikage Tokoyami. My Quirk is Dark Shadow. I have a shadow-like monster in my body which I can materialize like an extension. There's nothing much about me, it's kind of pointless."

"Hi, I'm K- Koji Koda…my Quirk is Anivoice. I can communicate and understand animals and bugs. I really enjoy animals company."

"I am Tenya Ida! My Quirk is Engine! There are engines in my legs which increases my running speed and kicking power! My elder brother is the pro hero Ingenium!"

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. My Quirk Is Creation. I can create practically anything, non-living, of course. As long as I can understand the atomic configuration of the the object. I enjoy drinking tea and reading in my free time."

"I am Shoto Todoroki. Quirk is Half-Hot, Half-Cold. I can produce flames from my left side, and ice from my right. I never use my left side in battle, though. I enjoy soba."

"I'm Rikido Sato! My Quirk is Sugar Rush! When I ingest ten grams of sugar, my physical strength increases by five-fold! But my IQ tends to drop, the more I infest sugar…Oh! One thing about me is I love baking!"

"Finally, my turn! Hiya, I'm Ochaco Uraraka! My Quirk is Zero Gravity! Anything I touch loses all sense of gravity. But if I use it for too long, I end having to throw up later on. And I absolutely love mochi!"

Finally! Everyone had gotten through the introduction system. Tenya alerted Shota that they were all done with intros. "Good, now read over the curriculum and don't be late for your next class."

The class was confused for a few moments as Shota went back to sleep in his sleeping bag. Lunch was next, THEN the next class. The one who made lunch was the pro hero, Lunch Rush.

"It's so yummy!" Ochaco said. "Rice is good comfort food!"

"It's delicious. Amazing!" Tenya agreed.

"It tastes r- really good. Does it look as good as it tastes?" Said Izuku.

"Duh! Dumb nerd!" Katsuki snapped.

They enjoyed their food. Lunch Rush certainly made the best food ever. Izuku even thought it was almost better than his mom's cooking.

Aaand it was back to class.

"I AM…" All Might began as he approached the door to Class 1-A. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

Izuku covered his ears from All Might's incredibly loud voice. It was terrifying for Izuku, considering his sensitive hearing.

"It's All Might!"

"He's wearing a costume from the Silver Age."

"Is All Might teaching us today? Awesome!"

Shota pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out an irritated sigh. "Do what you want with them. I've got business to attend." He wiggled into his yellow sleeping bag and went to sleep as All Might took over the class.

"Well, this class is Foundation Hero Studies! This class is where you will learn the basic foundation of a hero! You'll be given trials each class. For this first trial, Combat Training!"

"Fuck yes, bitches!" Katsuki almost exploded his table.

"But! You'll need these!" All Might pushed a button on a remote. Shelves started sliding out of the wall, holding a case on each shelf labeled with the students seat number. "Put these on and meet me at Ground Beta!"

Class 1-A came walking out of a tunnel like the cool beginner heroes they are. All Might put his fists on his waist. "They say the clothes make heroes ladies and gentlemen! You all look fabulous!"

Izuku was hiding behind Katsuki, not wanting to reveal himself because of his fear of judgement. He had a green and black jumpsuit with a hood over his head. On the hood were what looked like lowered bunny ears. A dark red belt wrapped around his waist. He had white sneakers on with green soles and laces. A metal mask rested around his neck. His black gloves were still there, but they were now retractable, when he wanted them to, the gloves would fold back onto his wrists. And I'm his knees and elbows were gray knee and elbow pads. Although he was blind, he didn't bother much with the blindfold style. There really was no blindfold at all.

Izuku had to explain his costume to his mother while she wrote it down. Since they were needed to submit a paper for the costume design, and Izuku couldn't write very well, Inko helped him with the costume and had drawn it down as best she could. And it came out pretty decently. No one had insulted or laughed at Izuku's costume so far.

"Hey, Deku!" Ochaco called out. "Ooh, your costume looks so cool!"

"O- oh, thanks. I'm sorry I can't see your hero costume. I bet it looks amazing. I'm sure it suits you."

"Ehehe, not really. I should've been more specific about mine. It came out as a skintight suit. It's kinda embarrassing."

Izuku could make out what Ochaco was wearing based I sound. He saw the faded outline of her costume. He could only make out the the big, knee-high boots, a helmet and…

"O- oh! I- it looks nice from what I can see based on the s- sound! I - it definitely suits you!"

Mineta stood a few feet away behind Izuku, gazing at Ochaco in her hero costume. He gave a shameless thumbs up. "The Hero Course is the best."

One of the students in white armor raised his hand. Izuku immediately recognized the voice as Tenya's. "Sir! Will we be using the same mock city as the one from the entrance exam?"

"Ah! Now, allow me to explain! As some of you may know, smarter villains will do their kidnappings, murders, etc, inside. More intelligent villains usually will take care of their black-marketing in the shadows. You would expect battles between heroes and villains to take place in the open, unless they are the intelligence in the community of villains. Today, you'll be divided into teams of two and take part in a Heroes vs Villains battle!"

Katsuki was ecstatic…in his own way. He was just about ready to blow the entire class away. The only thing that was stopping him was Izuku holding onto him, so he wouldn't go on a rampage.

"How will we determine who wins and loses?" Momo questioned.

"Will we be expelled like Mr. Aizawa said?" Ochaco asked nervously.

"How will you split teams?" Tenya raised a robotic hand.

"Isn't this cape fabulous?" Yuga held his bright and glittering cape up.

All Might was currently overwhelmed with all these questions suddenly popping up. "I will answer all your questions!" All Might held a small piece of folded paper that identified as a script. "Here's the basic scenario of the battle. The heroes must infiltrate the building of which the villains are keeping a nuclear weapon. You'll have fifteen minutes either capture the villains or the weapon. The villains must protect the weapon until those fifteen minutes are up, or simply capture the heroes. As for your teams, they'll be chosen by lottery!"

"Wait, lottery?!" Tenya demanded. "Such an illogical way to form teams!"

"Ah, hero agencies tend to have to work outside of there own agencies. They don't have the time to get a natural and formally qualified team together. Maybe that's why." Izuku confirmed with Tenya.

"I see, pardon my rudeness!" Tenya bowed robotically.

"Its alright! Now let's get in with the training!" All Might cheered.

Team A- Izuku and Ochaco

Team B- Eijiro and Rikido

Team C- Shoto and Mezo

Team D- Tenya and Tsuyu

Team E- Fumikage and Kyoka

Team F- Hanta and Toru

Team G- Minoru and Momo

Team H- Katsuki and Mina

Team I- Yuga and Ojiro

Team J- Koji and Mezo

"What a coincidence!" Ochaco cheered. "This is so cool!"

Izuku pulled his bangs lower in front of his face, covering the light shade of pink on his cheeks. "Y- yeah, what are the odds."

All Might then brought out two boxes. One labeled Heroes and the other Villains. "Here's the first match, kiddos!" All Might pulled out two letters. One from each box. Team A and Team D.

Izuku would be playing the villain. He had hoped the irony in that was just bad luck on his part.

"The villains will prepare inside the building! Heroes will infiltrate in five minutes! Everyone else, follow me! We'll watch through the surveillance cameras!"

Ochaco and Izuku prepared and planned on the very top of the building. Ochaco pondered about a plan, although, she wasn't the best strategist. "Hmm, we're going up against Tenya, huh? He's seems pretty smart. I hope he doesn't come up with too complicated of a strategy. Um, Deku? Are you okay?"

"Y- yeah, I'm fine." Izuku was shaking like a leaf in the wind. "I- it's just, I don't know how I'll use my Quirk. B- but I'm good with strategizing."

They were at the top floor. There was only one door to enter the big, white room which the nuclear weapon stayed. Izuku kept muttering to himself, trying to come up with a strategy. Hopefully, his strategy would be good enough to win his match against Tenya and Tsuyu.