
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

ThePpp_Pppp · Cómic
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245 Chs

Ego {242}

Nakada stepped off the field, the roar of the crowd fading into a dull thrum as he entered the locker room. The celebratory whoops and hollers of his teammates were a welcome contrast to the mental overload buzzing in his head. He'd pushed his data processing abilities to their limit, and the strain was a dull ache behind his eyes.

"Just a little data overload," he muttered to himself, unfazed. He knew the risks of pushing his limits, but the rewards – his godlike control on the field – were worth the temporary discomfort. Now, the challenge was to adapt. His brain, accustomed to a steady stream of pre-calculated data, needed to learn to handle the live information bombarding him during a game.

Lost in thought, Nakada barely registered the Barcha players filing out, leaving him alone with the other Blue Lock residents – Bachira, Otoya, and Nishioka. A familiar voice snapped him back to reality.

"Have you experienced it yet?" Jinpachi Ego, his ever-present grin stretching across his face, loomed in the doorway. "The hunger to devour your limits, to cast off your old self and be reborn as the ultimate striker?"

Nakada met Ego's gaze head-on. The coaches words struck a chord. Yes, he craved dominance, to be the king of the field. But his pursuit of perfection was fueled by data, by calculating the most efficient path to victory.

This hunger Ego spoke of, this raw drive to push past his perceived limitations, it was a familiar concept. Yet, a flicker of curiosity ignited within Nakada.

Could there be more to his game than pure data analysis? Perhaps he needed more of this "hunger" and maybe that was the missing ingredient that would elevate him from a prodigy to a legend.

He looked around the room. Bachira, with his infectious grin and unpredictable flow, embodied Ego's philosophy perfectly.

Otoya, the silent observer, thrived in the shadows, a testament to adaptability. Even Nishioka, despite his initial anxieties, had shown a newfound willingness to push himself.

Nakada, for the first time, felt an unfamiliar sensation – a challenge not from a rival player, but from within.

The hunger for self-improvement, for something more primal than calculated moves, stirred within him.

Perhaps, he mused, true dominance wasn't just about flawless execution; it was about harnessing both data and instinct, logic and desire.

A slow smile spread across Nakada's face, replacing the usual cool calculation. This wasn't just the end of a victory; it was the beginning of a new chapter. He would conquer this new challenge, master this "hunger," and redefine the world's perception of a perfect striker.

He wouldn't just be a data-driven prodigy; he would become a legend, an unstoppable force fueled by both cold logic and an insatiable hunger for victory.


A feral grin stretched across Jinpachi Ego's face as he surveyed the weary but exhilarated Blue Lock residents. The locker room echoed with the distant roar of the crowd, the celebration of their victory a mere prelude to what he had in store.

"Congratulations, mongrels!" his voice boomed, silencing the room. "You survived another day in the crucible. Another scrap in the arena that is Neo Egoist League.

" His gaze swept over Bachira, the ever-smiling enigma, Otoya, the silent assassin, Nishioka, the wall finding his cracks, and finally, Nakada, the data-powered prodigy.

"But don't get comfortable," Ego continued, his tone turning sharp. "This victory, these goals, these fleeting moments of glory – they're mere appetizers. The main course," he slammed a fist on a locker, making some of them jump, "is the birth of the ultimate egoist striker, a player who transcends mere data and tactics!"

He leaned closer, his eyes glinting with a manic intensity. "The Neo Egoist League wasn't designed for pretty passing plays or textbook formations. It's a forge, a furnace designed to melt away your old selves, your predictable patterns, your reliance on tired strategies!"

A finger stabbed the air, pointing directly at Nakada. "You, data boy," Ego's voice dropped to a low growl, "think you can dominate with your fancy calculations? Think you've unlocked the secrets of the game? Think again."

He straightened, his grin returning, wider and more terrifying than before. "This league is about ripping those calculations to shreds, about igniting a fire in your gut that burns hotter than any data stream. This is about raw talent, unleashed and unhinged! This is about becoming a striker who doesn't follow the game, who rewrites the rules on a whim!"

Nakada slammed his fist down on the locker, the metallic clang echoing through the room. A defiant glint sparked in his eyes as he glared at Ego. "I am the god of the field," he declared, his voice laced with a newfound fire. "Not 'data boy,' get that right, you four-eyed psychopath!"

A/N would yall believe if i say this final version is what i got after 5 drafts...