
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

ThePpp_Pppp · Cómic
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245 Chs

Crushing dreams (237)

The whistle pierced the tense silence, signaling the restart. Manchine, fueled by a desperate hope, surged forward like a pack of wolves hungry for a comeback.

The roar of the crowd, now a relentless chant for an equalizer, pulsated through the stadium. The score, 5-4, hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the single goal that separated victory from defeat.

Nagi, a predator reborn, stalked the midfield. Gone was the emotionality of his celebration, replaced by a steely focus. His eyes darted across the field, searching for the slightest crack in Barcha's defense.

He wasn't just aiming to score; he was a harbinger of disruption, a catalyst for Manchine's offensive thrust.

Nakada, however, remained unfazed by the renewed zeal of his opponents. Unlike a captain barking orders, he stood amidst the Barcha formation like a silent conductor, his mere presence dictating the rhythm of his team's defense.

The Barcha players, well-drilled in their strategy, moved with a practiced fluidity, each one a cog in a machine designed to maintain control and exploit any gaps in Manchine's attack.

The midfield became a whirlwind of activity. Tackles flew in with bone-crunching thuds, bodies intertwined in a desperate struggle for possession. Chigiri, a blur of pink defiance, weaved through the Barcha defense, his movements fueled by a desire to prove his worth not just to Nakada, but to the entire world. Kunigami, the hero, lurked near the penalty area, a constant threat for a thunderous header.

The clock, a cruel reminder of dwindling time, ticked down mercilessly. Each passing second was an eternity for Manchine. They pressed forward with unrelenting pressure, their frustration simmering like a volcanic eruption waiting to happen. They knew they needed to score, and soon, but Barcha's defense, orchestrated by Nakada's silent leadership, held firm.

Suddenly, a loose ball, a golden opportunity, materialized near the center circle. In a flash, Nagi, a blur of blue himself, surged towards it. But before he could fully control the ball, a Barcha defender, anticipating the danger, lunged in with a desperate tackle. A fierce battle for possession ensued, a dance of strength and agility.

Nakada, ever the predator, watched with a chilling calmness as the loose ball bobbled in the center circle. He wasn't about to rely on barking orders; his teammates understood their roles perfectly. Instead, his gaze fixated on Nagi, a silent predator waiting for the pounce.

Nagi, a whirlwind transformed into a hunter crouched low, prepared to trap the ball. But Nakada saw the slightest shift in Nagi's focus, the split second of concentration needed for the touch. In that instant, Nakada moved.

With a lightning-fast burst, he surged forward, a blur of white and green cutting through the midfield like a shark through water. He timed his tackle perfectly, striking the ball just as Nagi attempted to trap it. The satisfying thud of leather against boot echoed across the stadium as he stole the possession, the ball now dancing at his feet.

A gasp rippled through the Manchine players. Their eyes widened in a mixture of fear and frustration. They knew what a stolen ball from Nakada meant: a counter-attack led by a relentless predator with an insatiable hunger for goals.

Nakada, a cruel smile playing on his lips, saw the fear reflected in their faces. This wasn't just about winning the game anymore; it was about asserting dominance, about crushing Manchine's spirit with a single, decisive move. He reveled in the feeling, a surge of power coursing through him.

With the ball seemingly glued to his foot, Nakada weaved through the bewildered Manchine defense. Each touch was precise, calculated to maximize his speed and exploit any gaps in their formation. The crowd, sensing the coming storm, roared with anticipation, a mixture of awe for Nakada's brilliance and a morbid curiosity for how Manchine would weather the impending onslaught.

A collective gasp tore through the stadium as Nakada, with the stolen ball glued to his foot, ripped through the midfield. A cruel smile stretched across his face, his eyes gleaming with a predator's hunger. Manchine's defense scrambled, their fear a tangible presence as Nakada weaved his way through them like a phantom.

"I see you," Nakada called out, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance. It wasn't a taunt, but a declaration of dominance, a chilling reminder that he was always in control.

Without missing a beat, Nakada unleashed a long, curving pass. It arced through the air, defying gravity as it bent impossibly towards the left side of the Manchine goal. There, waiting with a predatory glint in his eyes, stood Bachira, the enigmatic playmaker.

Bachira, a blur of blue, trapped the ball with a single, deft touch. He saw Kunigami rushing towards him, intent on blocking the shot. But a playful glint ignited in Bachira's eyes.

"Fun," he murmured, a single word that spoke volumes of his confidence and his desire to play the beautiful game.

With a lightning-fast feint, Bachira mimicked a shot, sending Kunigami sprawling past him in a cloud of dust. The Manchine goalkeeper, anticipating the same, lunged forward, leaving the net momentarily unguarded.

But Bachira, ever the magician, had no intention of a traditional shot. He lofted the ball gently over the goalkeeper's head, a delicate chip that defied the frenetic pace of the game. It arced in a lazy parabola, a slow-motion ballet of perfect execution.

The stadium fell silent. Time seemed to slow down as everyone watched the ball float majestically towards the goal. Then, with a thud that echoed through the deafening silence, the ball nestled itself into the back of the net.

A wave of disbelief washed over the Manchine players. Their fear had morphed into despair as they witnessed their opponent's breathtaking display of skill. Nakada's audacious pass, coupled with Bachira's playful genius, had resulted in a goal so beautiful, so unexpected, that it stole the breath away from everyone present.

The score flashed on the giant screen: Barcha 6, Manchine 4. The lead had widened, and with it, the weight of despair settled on Manchine's shoulders. They had to find a way to respond, to find a spark that could rekindle their hope, before the final whistle blew and their dream of victory evaporated into thin air.