

Pack house.

"Are you going to Amanda's party tonight?".

"I'm not invited". Selena sadly said.

"I know... Alpha Luke's ex will never invite her great rival". Mark said bluntly.

Selena was confused. "Then why are you asking me if I will go?".

"Don't you want to see Alpha Luke?".

Selena was stunned. Hearing Luke's name makes her want to run to the tower and look for him. She knows he is still there working.

"My Mom, made a lot of strawberry cupcakes and it will be send there. They taught Alpha Luke loves strawberry cupcakes but I bet he really is not a fan of it or is it only because you smell like one". Mark is giving Selena an idea.

Selena felt like a bulb light open on the top of her head. She remembered Luke said she smell like a sweet strawberry. It means that's the symbol of her scent. If there are a lot of strawberry cupcakes in the party her scent will blend with the food.

"When did you become so smart?". Her eyes are glistening with excitement.

"I was born smart!". He said proudly.

Selena's eyes rolled. "Fine, you are born with a big brain". Then she chuckled. "But I think we need to take Rice home first".

Rice fell asleep in Selena's arms.


All patrols are on high alert. Every communications are open.

Amanda Weilders' house are shining brightly. Her father made such a good arrangement for her birthday. Besides the fact that her father is a part of the council and her being his only daughter. He will surely gave her the grandest of the grand. Plus the fact that they will be graced by the great Alpha Luke and Alphas and Betas of five neighbouring Pack the Weilders cannot lose face.

One Pack Clan after the other came to the party. They brought gifts because they we're all informed about warrior Amanda's party before hand. They were told that a lady warrior and a daughter of Shadow Claw council would love to share her special day to them as also a sign of respect for them.

Some Alphas lift a brows. They can feel some insincerity in her invitation. It's like showing off. Five powerful figure plus their own Alpha and Beta in one banquet, isn't that being arrogant. But the others just shrug their shoulders. They only have one mission when they came here and that's what important to them. If attending some boring party will help to complete it, they will do it. But for all the girls except for Breeze this is a good way to show off their beauty.

After an hour later Alpha Luke arrived with his Beta Drew and Sylvia, Drew's mate.

"Alpha Luke it's good to finally meet you. I'm Thunder Raeford, Alpha of Light Moon Pack". He extended his hand for him to shake.

"Alpha Thunder it is a pleasure to meet you!". He took his hand and shook it.

"Alpha Luke, I am Alpha Gavin Ferwool and this is my Beta Jake were from Crystal Moon Pack. It is a great honor to finally meet you!". He extended his hand with glee. He heard how powerful Alpha Luke is and he was looking forward to meet him.

Luke squinted his eyes a bit. He simply sized him up from head to toe. 'This brat chased after my mate'. His wolf is in rage but he needs to control him. He cannot be rude, for now.

Gavin felt a little hostility in Luke's gaze. Even the hand shake feels a bit odd. He feels like he's letting him taste his strength but an Alpha like him, he won't just budge.

Drew felt the tension and he surely knows why. His Alpha is pissed and jealous. He is facing his rival and he knows what he was thinking. He wants to shred the boy to pieces.

Drew butt in.

"Alpha Luke.... Let me introduce to you the representative of Black Moon Pack Alpha Connor Shield. The delegates from Snow Moon Pack Alpha Curtis Rivers and from Stone Moon Pack Scott Hunters". Drew finished his introduction and seems like Luke's rage earlier subside. He was relieved.

Luke welcomed them with a smile. Something he can't do in front of the Alpha of Crystal Moon, Gavin.

Gavin was very confused. The way Luke welcomed him feels like unwelcoming. He is wracking his brain out trying to remember a time he might offended him. But recall nothing. Besides the fact this is the first time he saw him. He was really puzzled.

"Hey Gavin!".

Gavin gave Jake a glance.

"Is it me or the Alpha here doesn't like you... I mean AT ALL!". Jake gives emphasis to his last words.

"Me too my friend... Me too!". He simply answered him.

The she-wolves from the corner are giggling from excitement. They are surrounded with gorgeous Alpha and Beta although two of the Alpha and some Betas are already taken there is still some better looking fishes left in the sea. They will try their luck afterwards.

Breeze on the other hand was frozen steady since Luke came in. Her wolf is wagging her tail inside and saying the word MATE nonstop. She think she found her other half this night.

Outside Amanda's house. Selena silently sneak in. Although she feels like almost all the guards are letting her in without a problem. She just shook her head and ignored that thoughts and just be thankful that she can actually see Luke's face again. She misses her beloved male god so much. If only he could touch and smell him that will be enough.

The smell of strawberry cupcakes filled Selena's nostrils. She is salivating. 'Damn this addiction!'. She feels like they are calling her but she's fighting the urge to go and pick one for herself. She knows how delicious they are. Mark's mother made them. 'I really need to meet her'. She told herself.

Luke was talking with the other Alpha except Gavin he is literally ignoring him. A servant walk to their location with some drinks and snacks Luke take two strawberry cupcake. He saw how the other men look at him but he doesn't care.

Selena noticed that Amanda's house is elevated with lots of doors and windows. She walked in an open balcony with an open glass door and curtains on the side. From where she stands she can see almost every guests. But her eyes landed to a particular person. Her male god, Luke.

Drew calls for Luke and he excused his self. He heads towards the balcony and they seems like talking about something.

Selena quickly jumped beyond the terrace when she noticed Drew walked in and called for Luke. She hides herself on the lower part of the wall. She can't hear what they were talking. 'It's probably important'. She thought. She simply took a glance and saw Luke's face. She wants to cry. She haven't seen him since that awful night but it feels forever for her.

Luke's wolf is whimpering inside him and he knows why. Lucas his wolf can sense Selena just below the terrace. He can smell her from afar. He chuckled. The strawberry cupcake plan was Mark's idea. Selena's scent is like a sweet strawberry but only a few knows about it. Mark and his friends spread rumors how the Alpha loves strawberry that's why Amanda ordered a lot to please him. They all anticipated that Selena will come to see her future rivals and no one can stop her. 'If they can stop her they might as well join her'. That was Mark's words.

Luke tried so hard not to look in her direction and he feels his heart aches. She can smell Selena's tears. How he would love to wipe them out and hold her in his arms. Those tears are for him and he knows it. 'Someday my love I will find a way to make you mine, all mine!'. He left the two cupcakes on top of the terrace. These are his apologies for now then he left.

Selena is wiping out her tears. She tried to climb up again to the balcony and was surprised. Luke left the two strawberry cupcakes there. She froze.' Did he know that I'm here?'. A question rise in her head. Then tears fall again.

A pair of amethyst eyes caught a girl in a balcony staring at the two cupcakes Luke left. She was wearing a camouflage six pocket slacks, a cap and a sleeve less top. Her hair is long up to her lower waist and it looks like silk in the night. He can't see her face but he will bet she's very beautiful.

"Are you trying to murder those cupcakes with your eyes?".

Thunder simply walked outside. He wants to prove that his intuition is right. That the girl is beautiful but he don't want to scare her. Base on her appearance she was not originally invited. She's probably one of those girls who would like to see powerful person like him.

Selena was stunned hearing a voice behind her. She quickly took the cupcakes and jumped down from the balcony. She run as fast as she can but she was surprised when he stand in front of her. It's too late for a break. She ends up between his arms.

"Perfect landing!".

Selena opened her eyes and looked up at the man. He have a very beautiful amethyst eyes and his smile is very welcoming.

"I'm right, you are very beautiful". Thunder was amaze with Selena's simple beauty. But his heart felt a piercing needles when he saw traces of tears in her eyes. "Who made you cry?". He asked her. His wolf felt a rage inside him then a word MATE followed.

"Get off me!". Selena pushed him away and look at the cupcakes in her hands. They were crush. Her tears fall again.

"Please don't cry.... Did I hurt you?....I'm sorry I didn't mean to". Thunder don't know what kind of apology he will use. He never apologized to anyone before except for his family but those are just for some petty things only. He had a lot of woman before but not his mate and he never apologized to them even if the mistakes came from him.

Selena didn't say a thing she glared at him. She tried to fixed the cupcakes but they already deformed.

"There's a lot more of those inside that house". Thunder forgot the host name he just pointed out Amanda's house.


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