
Blood Warrior

It is the story of Aiden, the tenth child of the famous Scarlet family. The Scarlet family is a family famous for its use of the element of fire. Everyone in the family has become a high-level sorcerer who can skillfully use the fire element. The founders are also Tier 8 Wizard of Fire. Blood Fire. I rule this fire. The stronger my fire gets, the stronger I get.

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21 Chs

Episode 13 : The Return of Aiden

When I entered the house, I found out from a servant what had happened in a year. My grandfather thought I died in the woods. Because of this thought, Scarlet had returned to her family. She had told my father and mother the news, and an entire Scarlet family was in meltdown. My brothers mourned and shed tears at my fake grave.

Another development was that the Scarlet family had officially joined the empire. They had grown up quite quickly to take revenge on the monster descendant who killed me. This is the 9th of my grandfather's strength in a year. The stage had reached the Wizard of Fire. And thanks to this, we managed to become the empire's secret weapon-trump card.

After hearing the news, I did not stop at this place any more and set off for the palace of the Scarlet family, which was established in the empire. I was quite physically developed in this one year. Every time I saw myself in the mirror, even I fell in love with myself. How did I have such a demonic and so sacred body?

My trip had taken about two weeks. I was glad that there were no mishaps along the way. When I finally arrived at the imperial city, I was watching all kinds of people from a horse-drawn carriage...

At the end of half an hour my carriage stopped in front of a large luxurious palace. The soldiers on guard opened the curtain of the carriage. So I got out of the carriage and looked around. So this was our new territory.

One of the soldiers looked at me and said, "Welcome to the Scarlet family home. You have an invitation to come in, don't you?" said. I paused for a while. An invitation? That's what I never thought of. I looked at the soldier "Unfortunately. I don't have any invitations. I came here to see my family." I said. The soldier looked at me for a while and said, "Family?" said. Afterwards, "Who are you?" he continued.

I smiled in response to the question "Me? I'm Aiden Scarlet, who's supposed to have died a year ago." a scarlet fire has appeared from my body. The soldier became angry and took out his sword, shouting "You! Do you know how hard my lord was forced by people like you?! Imitators like you have become a light to my lord every day. But each time he got into a bad mood, becoming disappointed."he shouted. He swung the sword in his hand with all his might. The sound of the wind cutting was accompanied by a sonic boom.

My whole sense of danger was insane. If this sword is worth it to me, I've definitely killed it! I avoided it backwards. However, the aura of the sword had made a big cut on my chest. I grimaced with pain and looked at the soldier. I've seen firsthand that my family is the path of opportunists when I'm not. Pain, nerves, the instinct to kill and many evil feelings filled my mind.

My blood fire flared up, and the sand near me turned the layer into glass in seconds. "Fucking opportunists tried to infiltrate my family by taking advantage of my family's wound, that means..." my aura was constantly getting stronger and turning into an evil aura. At this time, the 'Dark Aura', which had been strengthening for a long time, spread to the world again. This time he was stronger and more dominant than ever.

4.Echelon Dark Aura!!!

There are still 4 soldiers.He was a Tier Swordsman. His whole body trembled when an evil aura of his own level pressed down on him. She had to get down on her knees because of the frightening aura that was constantly rising. Why was the person in front of him so angry about it? Previous copycats would run away after their first attack. However, this person was so angry at this situation that his aura had passed the dark aura and contained a trace of the demonic aura.

Hundreds of guards came out of the palace and surrounded me. Among the guards, a Dec who looked my age stood out "How dare you?! I came to the Scarlet family to break off my engagement to a little whore, and you made my whole mood even worse." he said it in an arrogant and irritable tone. I was only stuck on one point in his long sentence 'With a whore?!' who is he talking about?

As the wound in my chest healed at a noticeable rate, I activated the dragon power I received from my blood brother Sarlanth. I was half-human and half-dragon now. Some of Sarlanth's bloodline had merged with my blood.

The genealogical pressure has spread. As the arrogant child in front of me was about to get down on his knees, I quickly grabbed him by the throat, "Who the fuck are you talking about?! Are you talking to one of my brothers by calling him a 'bitch'?" I squeezed his throat harder.

As I was looking at the child writhing in my hand, I felt an attack coming at me. I met the attack with the body of the child I had. The guard who attacked me was in shock as a painful scream echoed out. He just cut off his master's arm with his sword!

He looked at me as he retreated with his sword "Stop hiding behind our Master! Let's fight like men!" I gave the guard a disdainful look "Like a man? There are more than a hundred of you, and you're going to fight like a man against one person?" the guardsman clenched his sword. He knew that the person in front of him was right.


The guard took another step back as a frightening aura spread from Aiden. The guard felt a bad premonition. Aiden smiled "All right, take your master!" he threw the child in his hand at the guard. The guard reflexively dropped the sword in his hand and raised both hands in the air to hold the child. And after he grabbed the child, he screamed with pain.

His body was cut in half. As his internal organs Decayed, Aiden stuck the child's head between these organs and drowned it in the blood. The remaining guards immediately attacked. Aiden looked at the guards approaching him and chuckled. How strong can the combat effectiveness of someone who has been fighting a dragon nonstop for a year be? The answer here it is!

The ones running towards the top are 2 and 3.The Tier Swordsmen were cut to pieces and died. Aiden's blood fire appeared and engulfed all the corpses as a whole. A devilish laugh could be heard as Aiden's eyes blurred into a crimson light. This was the thrill of battle that had been trapped inside Aiden for a long time.

A minute has passed or not. Two figures and thousands of soldiers came out of the Scarlet family's palace. These are two figures. It was Cecillia Scarlet and Mason Scarlet. Cecillia exclaimed "What's going on here?!" the guards turned their heads and when they looked at the person shouting, one of them shouted "Save us from this devil!"he shouted. Cecillia and Mason looked at the person, who was covered with blood. His hands shook with a momentary shock and sadness "A-Aiden?!" the two had said it at the same time.

During the control of the blood fire, all the brothers knew about the appearance that Aiden turned into after using his fire. They had only been able to stay sober for five minutes that day, but thanks to what they had heard from their parents, they knew that their youngest brother had a frightening potential.

Aiden heard the familiar voice, but before he could react, he cut off the heads of the distracted guards like a slider. After a succession of Decaying sounds, he turned back and looked at the child's horrified expression.

He approached the boy. This person was the child of the count of an imperial family. The count had grown arrogant as a child. He had heard that his fiancée was a barbarian. What else could Scarlet expect from her family? They were all barbarians created to fight! But today he was going to die at the hands of those barbarians!!!

Aiden covered the boy's face with his palm "You will die slowly and digestibly. Blood Fire, eat it!" for a minute, as the red flame slowly melted into the child's face, at the end of the inhuman screams, only ashes were left of the child.

Cecillia immediately ordered the death of the count's servant, who was following her child. However, Aiden stopped her "Sis! Let him live." Cecillia looked at Aiden with a surprised expression. He had returned from his younger brother's grave a few hours before. But now he was directly opposite her, and at this moment he resembled a demon. Aiden approached the maid and put his hand on the female maid's face, just as the count did with his child when he came to the bottom.

The maid trembled with fear and began to beg "Please! Please! I won't say anything! Please don't eat me..." his pleas would have sentimentalized even a god. But with Aiden, it was the other way around. His expression of pleasure had grown larger. Aiden chuckled and approached the female maid's ear, "Go and tell this child's father to apologize to my sister and my family personally. Or I'll make the whole family lunch for my blood fire!" a frightening sound was heard.

Everyone, including Mason and Cecillia, were scared when they heard about this threat. He killed everyone and finally ordered the side he killed to apologize to his side. He even said that he would destroy them if they did not obey the order! What exactly was this threat?!

Thanks for reading (: