
Blood Tys

Realistic Fiction
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Lee la novela Blood Tys escrita por el autor Milo_Rivers publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Ele se apaixonou pelos raros olhos roxos dela. Então, pensou em tê-la por inteiro. ------ Naquela noite, a delicada mulher de olhos roxos e vestido de noiva sentou-se em sua cama enquanto o marido a observava com um sorriso. "Então,” ele arrastou as palavras, sua voz perversa e magnética, “eu não posso ver o rosto da minha esposa nem na noite de nosso casamento?" "Vossa Majestade prometeu cumprir meu único desejo," comentou a mulher, fixando o véu que cobria a metade inferior do seu rosto com as mãos ligeiramente trêmulas. Ele fitou seus misteriosos e raros olhos roxos. "Posso perguntar, por que tal desejo?" Ela o encarou de volta. "Vossa Majestade pode não gostar de ver coisas feias." Ele sorriu de canto e se aproximou dela. "Mas, eu nunca gostei de coisas bonitas." ------ Seren, a infame filha da bruxa, e Drayce, o impiedoso e cruel filho do Diabo. Ninguém jamais havia visto seu rosto, pois as bruxas devem ser feias, mas ele era o único que nunca procurou pela beleza. Ela foi amaldiçoada para nunca se apaixonar, mas ele desejou ser o único homem que ela amaria. Uma princesa amaldiçoada casada com o filho do Diabo para destruir seu reino, mas o filho do Diabo tinha um plano diferente para ela. O segredo de seu nascimento será revelado apenas para guiar o caminho até liberar os poderes ocultos dentro dela, os quais ninguém pode controlar. Com os perigos ocultos desejando seus poderes, Drayce e Seren poderão proteger um ao outro ou serão completamente engolidos pelas trevas? ------ Este é o primeiro livro da série "Diabo e Bruxa". Livro um - Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo. Livro dois - A Bruxa Amaldiçoada pelo Diabo. Livro Três - A Noiva do Diabo. Ambos os livros são conectados, mas você pode lê-los de forma independente. ------ Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - https://discord.gg/p3Xrs8VbS3 Grupo do FB- romances de mynovel20

Mynovel20 · Fantasía
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236 Chs

in another world with the dragon sword

Takeshi is a solitary and very reserved high school student (basically an introvert). He always lived his normal everyday life in his life just going to school, home and his kendo activities. Takeshi has always been the best in kendo among all his teacher's students. And one day a kendo championship was announced and Takeshi decided to participate on the recommendation of his teacher With the championship coming up, Takeshi receives a katana as a gift from his mother to encourage him in the championship. On championship day, Takeshi was quite anxious about all his training in 2 years but he believed he could win with all his effort. Unfortunately Takeshi was in 2nd place for a technique and it shook him a lot, so much training time for nothing. Takeshi returned to his home sad with the whole situation. His mother was worried when he arrived and told him about her opponent's cheating, she insisted on going there to confront the judges about it but Takeshi insisted "okay mom it's just a sport". Takeshi eventually managed to calm his mother down but he was still shaken by his defeat. He just went to his room and went to the sword he got as a gift. Takeshi picks up his sword and notices that it was very similar to ryu But when he takes the sword it releases a great glow preventing Takeshi from seeing anything -"w-what!?" These were Takeshi's last words before disappearing History of katana ryu : (The Japanese dragon (日本 の 竜 nihon-no-ryū?) Or ryu (竜 ryū?) Is a legendary creation with physical attributes similar to those of dragons and Koreans. Japanese mythology. or heroes, but above all they represent wisdom, unlike Chinese dragons, better known as “Lung.” Their appearance is not very different from dragons: they have snake bodies, crocodile heads, lizard scales, deer horns, cat eyes, salamander nose, eagle claws, lizard paws, lion's mane and catfish whiskers.) discord server (no need to join) https://discord.gg/6BGMURXtVA

Kuroshi4 · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Sutejo The Killer (HIATUS)

SUTEJO JI Ya! Sutejo! Nama yang terdengar sangat norak dan kampungan! Oh, tapi jangan salah! Wajahnya sangat rupawan, cerdas, dingin, keturunan ningrat blasteran Jawa-Korea dengan sorot mata penuh ketenangan dan kehati-hatian. Namun dibalik semua perpaduan unik itu, tak ada yang tahu bahwa ia punya banyak hal yang disembunyikannya.... "Namaku Sutejo Ji. Dan aku datang untuk membunuhmu." Itu adalah kalimat yang selalu diucapkannya pada setiap korbannya dengan nada dingin dan sorot mata hampa. Suatu hari, Sutejo yang sering dipanggil Jo ini tertangkap basah oleh seorang perempuan, Elena, saat beraksi di klub malam. Saat berhasil melacaknya, ternyata Elena saat itu mabuk berat dan berpikir itu hanyalah mimpi buruk yang indah. Ketika usaha Sutejo selalu gagal dalam membunuh Elena secara sembunyi-sembunyi, Elena yang selalu salah paham dengan keberadaan lelaki itu di dekatnya malah mengira pria itu adalah seorang stalker yang manis, dan berterima kasih pada Tuhan karena telah dikirimkan jodoh yang sangat tampan dan kaya raya! Meski namanya nggak banget, sih.... "IQ perempuan bodoh, jelek, dan narsis ini benar-benar rendah! Harus aku apakan sampai dia benar-benar mati di tanganku?" Hati kecil Sutejo pun berbisik: "bunuh saja dia dengan pesonamu! Nanti pasti akan putus asa lalu bunuh diri!" Apakah Sutejo Ji akan berhasil membunuh hati perempuan itu dengan segala trik jahat dan liciknya? Atau malah berakhir dengan hal yang paling tak disangkanya: jatuh cinta pada Elena Si Bodoh? Ke manakah takdir akan membawa kedua makhluk bagaikan langit dan bumi ini? Tap love dan tunggu updatenya dengan sabar^^ ---------- Update bab suka-suka author, jadi kalau mau baca ini, siap-siap menderita menunggu seperti lumut di tembok ! Novel ini ditulis untuk mengalihkan kepenatan dari kejar deadline NIKAH KONTRAK DENGAN CINTA PERTAMA, dan cari suasana baru menghadapi writer block. GRATISSS = SABAAAARRR Copyright Story by NatsuHika Picture is not mine and it's been edited. ============ NOVEL INI HANYA BISA DIBACA DI WEBNOVEL DAN D R * A M E ATAU INNOV*L (TANDA  *  DI ATAS GANTI JADI HURUF "E"  ) SELAIN DARIPADA ITU ADALAH APLIKASI PALSU ALIAS BAJAKAN PENUH TIPU2 CEK LEBIH LANJUT JIKA ADA PEMBAHARUAN INFO PINDAH LAPAK KE: FB AUTHOR: NATSUMI HIKARU

NatsuHika · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Casandra & The Bodyguard

Sam walked slowly into the delivery room. He saw Ryu who was still lying with the baby wrapped in a cloth in his arms. The woman's lips smiled broadly, she was happy to be a mother. Although the face looks tired with sweat still dripping. "This is my son?" said Sam without looking at the baby in Ryu's arms. "Yes Sam. This is our son" "Hello my hero" Sam greeted gently. "She's Sam's girl!" Ryu laughed. "Hi daughter, it's daddy" Sam touched his reddened cheek. Followed by a warm kiss on the forehead of his wife. "Thank you dear, you have fought for our baby" There are no words he can buy anymore, Sam has become a father now and Ryu has become a mother. Their life, for many years, finally, the complement of the family has come. The delivery went smoothly, Ryu and the baby were healthy. They were transferred to the best treatment room in the hospital. Sam and Ryu are famous people from the city of Y. Their experience as a child is a lesson, Sam had a terrible childhood even though he still lived with his parents. And Ryu, his childhood was happy, but only 12 years after that... He lived life with his adoptive family and had bad experiences and even abuse. From the experiences of these two, Sam and Ryu made a heartfelt promise. They vowed to provide love and protection for their only daughter. "Sam. Have you found a name for your daughter yet?" asked grandfather who refused to turn away from his grandson. Sam fell silent, revealing his little daughter with red lips and flushed cheeks. "She will be a princess in this city, she has courage, courage and toughness. I will name her... Casandra"

Nimas_3462 · Ciudad
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148 Chs

Time travel USA with no time

January 16, 2022 This story is about parallel universe ,we don't have same environment every time climate is different any time rain there , whatever time we have here on earth is correct but time in parallel universe little fast when you drive at 30 km speed we feel like speed is at 90 km in comparison to 30 km speed. Now why i am saying time travelled i wanted to save the world also little girl in pic . In parallel universe this little was exchanged from earth at her birth time , hell with that nurse who did this she exchange the little girl to USA country in parallel universe for experimental purpose, My entire town was stuck in this parallel universe but only i knew the reality that we all were into parallel universe, cloud seem to be very close to our eye, Now you really want to know how these happen what climax What did USA wanted from me so that they could travel all universe , how all countries come together leaving USA appart In my next blog to be continued.... It was 9 August 2019 this day was repeating in my life , entrance to this parallel universe is my house, I have seen future of these world how due heavy rain , earthquakes only USA secret agency and this house was able last till end , They find me in very bad condition who locked in these house from many year with 4 lifes inside the house, After all storm finished we 4 lifes sky rain riya and my niece was saved from Area 51 USA agency. When i woke up i found myself in white room , A lady enters room she is a reporter tell me to start the story from beginning i told them how i travelled to parallel universe 13 june 2021 it was daughter birthday i return from parallel universe although my house people saw me just lying on bed but mentally i found my body was travelling USA a wanted to know what food we can eat to travel to Universe i knew that i can travel to parallel universe without food, but they were thinking send on mars women and man how chicken give birth to children women will give birth children and man will survive eating fetus so i had moto for everyone also talk to pope that let mother die and child leave so in parallel universe i was able to have power of telepathy, telepathy is connecting one brain to other passing message. In real world it just week i sleep but in parallel universe it like passing many years.The girl which was changed during her birth time i wanted to save her as they wanted send my little girl to go on mars these was their plan so i decided lie to them we don't need food to travel universe if you want sky and these universe to travel time should not exist in your country, Pope get all countries together that let mother die but child live these moto bring all countries together , as punishment from USA in parallel universe time is taken away from them , i am able make all countries together deal is made one nation countries other side usa that no time for usa but in retun only they get chance to research on universe and build big walls so no enters their country with out time little riya is returned to back ,One nation mean all countries only know screat that sky is full of dark only stars sun some planet are parallel universe is they get ony dark to see in these deal, i have give the telepathy power to usa because the good in deals so now state of parallel universe is that usa has no time when ever the come out of wall one nation say them this is the year .

varsha_Bhalekar · Fantasía
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2 Chs


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