2 Bandits

Thinking about this he thought about the time when first came into this world.Eventhough is parents were cold blooded bandits he felt warmth from them.They cared a lot for him.He genuinely loved them and wanted to protect them.

He knows that although Naruto manga and anime where fun,it was a very dangerous world where only the strong ruled.If you are weak you will just be a cannon fodder for the strong or be slaved by village.

After thinking about these things he sighed.He knew he had to get stronger as the world only keeps getting dangerous in the coming years.

He currently is in time where the third great ninja war just ended.There nearly 10 years before the start of the canon.This time period is bit dangerous because many shinobi have defected and the hidden villages where also cleaning them up.

At that time he heard there was a commotion outside and went out of his tent.

"What happened mom" asked Kiyoshi

"Don't worry just some shinobi coming on a mission to clean us" said his mom with somewhat bizzare smile which was kind of scary.

"Hey honey don't scare our kid"my father interupped

They both laughed happily like nothing ever happened because they are both jonin level shinobi so they are not scared of shinobi's hunting them.

Since my father is a uchiha he is proficient in fire type jutsu and genjutsu and suprisingly my mom's genjutsu is as formidable as my father.

At that everyone in the bandit camp were preparing for the upcoming battle.

At that 10 to 20 shinobi came from the woods wearing konaha headband.They started using different kind of seal to prepare jutsu, at that time my mother placed them on genjutsu.My father has not used the sharingan and only uses it in dire situation because it may alert the Leaf village.

Our bandit team started killing the shinobi who where on genjutsu.

Kiyoshi used his sharingan to check his surrounding.He actually awakened his sharingan when he was one year old when he confirmed he was in Naruto world. He awakaned the two tomoe when he first killed someone when he was four.

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