3 Truth Untold

"Do you think he will succeed?" J-Hope asked after V had left.

RM chose not to give much away. He was the best person at giving non-committal answers in their group and could hide his true feelings well.

"If he does it, he will finally get rid of that veil of suspicion that hangs over him."

J-Hope pouted at him and Suga rolled his eyes.

"He's the first Type AB to join the resistance, of course they can't just ignore the convenience," Suga said.

"I don't think he's a spy," Jungkook spoke up. "He's cool and he doesn't act stuck up like Type ABs are supposed to."

"I agree," Jimin said excitedly.

RM smiled at the willingness of the younger members to speak up for V. They had become close in a short time. It would break their hearts if V did turn out to be a spy. Personally he didn't think V was a spy, but none of them could afford it if he was.

He picked up his chipped cup and drank the last dregs of the washed out tea that had been in there before speaking again.

"It combines two necessary things. We need the information and V needs to prove his worth. What's wrong with that?"

Jimin lapsed into a sullen silence and RM checked his beaten up watch.

"Go home," he ordered. "I want you all well rested."

Jin and Suga got up from the table with a reluctant air. RM hated knowing what they going back to. His cramped apartment was probably heaven to them. Wherever Taehyung lived had to be even better.

He consoled himself with the thought that the seven of them were going to change the world. Then they would all be on an even playing field.


There was just one question in Taehyung's mind.

What would he do if he got caught?

All he had to do was not get caught. It sounded nice and simple, but he knew it was easier said than done.

His stepfather did have a laptop that he took to work and it likely had a connection to the hospital network. He could use that.

What if his laptop didn't have anything on it that he could use?

His stepmother would have to be the next option.

Those thoughts had gone repeatedly around in a cycle as he tried to sleep. When his alarm finally went off in the morning he knew he had only slept for about five minutes.

"Tough night at the club?" his stepbrother asked when they ran into each other outside the bathroom.

His older stepbrother Taemin had been the one that had provided him with the fake ID under the assumption he was using it to get into the nightclubs. Taehyung had never corrected his false impression and occasionally referenced different nightclubs to keep up the pretence. A lot of students at his school had illegal fake IDs for getting into clubs and had never got into any trouble for it.

"Something like that," he said with a laugh. "Did you finish the charcoal toothpaste again?"

"Mother got us a gold dust toothpaste after I finished the last tube," Taemin replied and shuddered. "I wonder what it's doing to our teeth."

Taehyung knew their conversation was definitely Type AB problems and hated it. He reminded himself it was for faking his persona. Taemin would report him to his foster parents if he started sounding sympathetic to other classes.

"Did you hear that the man who attempted to kill Bang Si Hyuk is being shot today?" Taemin questioned. "It was on the morning news."

"Is that so?" Taehyung said and pushed open the door of the bathroom. "I've got to hurry up."

"You'd better pay attention to what goes on in the news, you get tested every morning next year," his stepbrother reminded him. "Better get some practise now."

The government liked everyone in the country no matter their blood type, to pay lots of attention to their propaganda. Type ABs in the final two years of high school were tested daily to ensure they were actually paying attention to current affairs and propaganda. Taehyung was not looking forward to that next year.

Taehyung sat down for breakfast a little later and settled for fluffy bread and highest quality blueberry jam. His stepsister was studiously devouring a plate full of croissants and waffles whilst his stepmother was stabbing a slice of melon with a spoon. Clearly she was on yet another diet.

He would love to take food to the meetings to give to Suga and Jin, but it would attract too much attention and he had the niggling feeling it wouldn't be welcomed by Suga. He knew Suga had a lot of pride.

It had to be hard to be a Type O. They could only go to school up until the age of 10 and then had to take hard labour jobs that didn't pay well.

"Have you done your homework?" Taeyeon asked him suddenly. "I know you had a lot."

Taehyung had rushed the last parts of his homework so he could just get it out the way. There was completing homework and completing it with the right answers. He was a fan of the former.

"I did," he confirmed. "It's going to be finals soon as well."

Maybe RM could plan the rebellion before that week so he wouldn't have to take them.

He was distracted by the sight of his stepfather striding past the table on his way to work. It was a daily sight so no one had the table reacted except Taehyung who wanted to check if he was carrying his laptop. He was carrying a fancy engraved leather laptop bag so Taehyung made the deduction that he did take his laptop to work which was good for his mission.

"Have a good day at work," he called out after his stepfather.

He felt Taeyeon staring at him strangely. Normally they didn't bother saying goodbye to their stepfather. Taehyung had only said it to justify staring at him for longer than usual.


The topic they were currently covering in Biology was blood. Taehyung shared groans with the rest of the class. Everyone in the world knew all about blood types. Having to study it every year was boring.

He took notes nevertheless as it could be interesting later. It also made him look like a good student and that was good for his school report that would be coming out soon.

"If the parents have A type alleles, their offspring will be Type A," the teacher droned.

Taehyung concealed a yawn and sat up straighter in his chair. He was definitely feeling the lack of sleep now.

A boy in the row behind him held up his hand and spoke.

"Is it possible for their to be other elements in the blood cells that would split the groups up even more? Is there something like the antigens present in other microorganisms?"

Taehyung considered it. That was a very valid question to ask considering what they had learnt about other cells. He looked at the teacher for his reaction.

Instead of being impressed by the question the teacher held up his hand.

"Stop. You have earned yourself an after school detention and a letter to your parents. Say anything like that again and the consequences will be worse."

Taehyung felt a bead of sweat slip down the side of his face. If asking a valid question about blood like that produced that kind of reaction, what would happen to him if he was caught betraying the government?

The class and the teacher remained in a deadlocked silence until the teacher cleared his throat and continued talking about blood types. The boy's question remained on Taehyung's mind all day. Were their lessons on blood types more propaganda than fact?

His heart knew the correct answer. The world he lived in was a lie propagated by separatism.


The menu for dinner consisted of the usual gold crusted caviar, pâté, clams, Capellini with champagne and raspberry possets for dessert. Taehyung didn't have much of an appetite for the admittedly delicious food. The altercation at school had rattled his confidence for carrying out his personal mission.

He needed to complete it to help the resistance.

He could do it without getting caught.

Taehyung went to bed at the usual time after finishing his homework. He stayed awake staring up at the dark ceiling and listened for the signs of his foster parents going to bed. His stepmother finally stopped making noise around midnight and his stepfather left his study at half past twelve.

For caution he waited another half an hour before making his move. He crept out his bedroom and across the apartment to his stepfather's study. This had to be where he kept his laptop. Taehyung turned the door handle slowly and pushed the door open.

He felt around in the dark and switched the desk lamp on. The laptop was on the desk and was still plugged in which made it a lot easier for him.

His first hurdle was the login screen. In all honesty he didn't know his stepfather well enough to make an accurate password guess. Then he pulled out the drive RM had given him and plugged it in.

It took a moment for it to kick in and then the desktop screen appeared and Taehyung relaxed. He was in.

Next he had to find what RM was looking for.

He clicked on the icon that would link the laptop to the hospital's server and it opened on what his stepfather had been working on. Taehyung frowned, he would have to remember exactly where the file was stored for so he could leave it open when he finished up. He clicked out the file and started exploring everything that was available.

It took nearly an hour to find what RM was looking for and he was surprised to find how small the file size was compared to the deaths for the other districts. Then he opened it and read through it briefly.

Apparently only 49 Type ABs had died in the last 50 years compared to the thousands in the other districts.

Now he understood why RM had asked for this.

There was definitely a reason behind the government's control of blood types and he and his true brothers were going to put an end to it.

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