
chapter 18 The lycans

      After roasting the rabbit, the two ladies began to eat it in the middle of the forest.

      Not too long they heard a low growl, feeling scared Morgana made a flame ball in her hands while Crystal took out her daggers.

       " Who is there" Morgana said with a trembling voice.

        " Shhh" Crystal shush her, walking towards the place gently, she held her daggers firm, but before she could get any closer an animal ran towards her, hitting her and she fly and hit her back on a tree because of the in pact.

        Wait it was not an animal, it was a lycan, Crystal spit out blood and she rose her head looking at the huge monster, who has a very big and pointy teeth, is eyes were blazing like an inferno gold.

       The beast has a dark fur, Morgana was now surprise and terrified, " stay away from my friend" Morgana stuttered.

        The beast turn towards her, growling at her, while in the middle of nowhere, six lycans emerged from the thick trees, some eyes were blue while some were yellow.

       None of them could match the size of the first lycan that attacked Crystal.

        " Leave our land" the big dark guy said while growling.

         Crystal sat down and rest her back on the wood, Morgana cautiously walk towards Crystal.

          " We will leave" Morgana answered, looking at Crystal if she was okay, but her eyes were still on the big bad wolf.

       " Get out now" the beast roarrr.

       " Let end them in our stomach" a brownish fur lycan said with a smile, I wouldn't call that a smile cause the lycan look like a devil with big sharp teeth.

        Morgana swallowed hard, holding Crystal dress tight, Crystal was just observing as her wounds heal.

       For the first time in her life, she saw a lycan in a little world of her existence, this can't be true, and they can talk too, she thought they only exist in films.

       When she felt Morgana squeeze her dress she came back to reality.

         She stood up, with Morgana help " we are already leaving" Crystal said but to have the brown fur lycan standing in front of her.

       She could hardly reach the lycan chest " am afraid you can't, cause you are going to end up in my stomach" the lycan said rubbing his stomach with his hands.

      " Gabriel stand down" the big bad wolf ordered.

      Gabriel the brown bowed his head " am afraid your majesty they have step their dirty feet on our sacred ground and not only that, they also hunted on it" Gabriel growl while the other lycans supported him.

      Knowing and seeing what his people wants he can only agree to it, of a true they have step on their sacred ground, and killed the meat there of.

       Crystal seeing the brown wolf coming closer to them, the brown wolf was licking his mouth with his long tongue as saliva fell from them.

       Morgana seeing the danger, she raise her hands and with one swift, the brown lycan was thrown away, rooting the trees he came in contact with.

       This got the rest of the lycans angry including the big black wolf.

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