
Blood Like Rose

In the medieval kingdom of Avaloria, where societal norms dictate that only men can become knights, a determined and spirited young girl named Rose dares to defy convention. Inspired by tales of valor and heroism, Rose embarks on a courageous journey to chase her dreams of becoming a knight, breaking barriers and challenging the deeply ingrained beliefs of her society. Facing numerous obstacles and prejudices along the way, Rose trains tirelessly to develop her skills in swordsmanship, horse riding, and the art of combat. She seeks out the guidance of a wise and experienced retired knight, Sir Thomas, who recognizes her unwavering determination and reluctantly agrees to mentor her on her quest. Undeterred by the challenges thrown her way, Rose forms unlikely alliances with other outcasts and rebels who also yearn for a more inclusive society. Together, they rally against the oppressive regime, sparking a movement of change and equality that begins to ripple across the kingdom. As Rose's skills sharpen and her resolve strengthens, she becomes a symbol of hope and defiance for others who have been denied the pursuit of their dreams. Her journey to become a knight transcends personal ambition, transforming into a quest for justice and breaking down the barriers of gender discrimination.

Miebi_Tamara · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

"This is preposterous!" the Prime Minister said, his face red with anger. "We cannot allow women to become knights. It is against everything our kingdom stands for!"

The Queen sighed, her expression tired. "I appreciate your concern, Prime Minister, but I believe that women can be just as capable as men when it comes to protecting our kingdom. We need all the help we can get, and if that means opening up the knighthood to women, then so be it.

The Prime Minister sputtered in outrage. "But, Your Majesty, this is unheard of!"

"I am aware that it is an unorthodox move, Prime Minister, but these are unorthodox times. We are facing new threats from all sides, and we must adapt if we are to survive. And besides, if a woman can prove herself worthy of knighthood, then she should have the opportunity to do so."

The Prime Minister was not convinced. "But, Your Majesty, women are simply not equipped for battle! They are too emotional, too weak. They will only be a burden on the battlefield."

The Queen's patience was wearing thin. "I do not appreciate your patronizing tone, Prime Minister."

There are many women who are just as capable as any man. I have seen it with my own eyes. The skills that make a good knight - bravery, honor, loyalty - are not exclusive to men. They can be found in women just as easily."

The Prime Minister frowned. "But what of the practical considerations? What of armor and weaponry? Women simply do not have the physical strength to carry such burdens."

The Queen's voice was steely. "That is why we will provide armor and weapons that are suited to women's strengths. We will not force them to fight in a manner that is not suited to their bodies."

The prime minister secretly gives the queen a disapproving look unaware that she saw everything .

The Queen's eyes flashed with anger. "I will not have you question my ability to lead simply because of my gender, Prime Minister. I am the ruler of this kingdom, and I have proven myself time and time again. I will not allow your antiquated views to stand in the way of progress. If you have nothing of value to add to this discussion, then I suggest you hold your tongue."

The Prime Minister was taken aback by the Queen's fierce words. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I did not mean to offend you."

As the Prime Minister stammered his apologies, the door to the throne room burst open and a young woman strode inside. She was tall and slender, with long blonde hair that cascaded down her back in waves. Her eyes were a piercing blue, and her lips were full and red. She was dressed in a gown of deep green, trimmed with gold. She exuded an air of confidence and authority, despite her youth. The courtiers all turned to stare at her in astonishment, as she approached the throne. "Your Majesty," she said, addressing the Queen.

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