There once was a patient named Blitz, who was a very special case in the Blightworth Mental Hospital. So special, that he was subjected to his own treatment, which have left more harm than good thanks to his doctor, Rupert Jacobi. But when a breakout happens and his brother is kidnapped, Blitz goes on a harrowing journey to rescue his brother, and get back at Jacobi for all the suffering he caused. Get ready for a shocking and exciting tale about a patient who is thrusted into a world outside Blightworth.
It was the summer of 1882. The sun shedded light upon the interior of the Blightworth Hospital. For some patients within the hospital, it burned their eyes.
Walls were banging. Doors were slammed, and screams were heard through the building. Within the hospital were white marble floors, garnished with white linings making them look like stone paths you see on the streets of London. The walls were white just as the outside building was, though the paint has started to fade over the many years of its service, when they're not torn apart by the patients that is.
"NURSE! NURSE!" the phrase said by one of the many sick patients in Blightworth, piercing through the ears of the staff and other patients. The mental hospital was more of a wide end building rather than a high. This stretched quite wide, with the said hospital having 2 floors, the first floor containing 5 sectors ranged for all patients. There were many nurses that walked through the sectors of the mental hospital, and screaming did not seem to be too far from their ears.
"Nurse! He's coming for me! HE'S COMING FOR ME!"
"Oh Shut up!"
"Get off of me!"
"Alright, WHICH ONE OF YOU took my shoes!?"
Doctors and nurses around the hospital were trying their best to treat the patients. They frantically ran around the hospital hallway like headless chickens. Only very few of the staff were willing to face them eye to eye.
Rupert Jacobi was one of the many doctors working in Blightworth, treating the sick yet unpredictable patients. His head, slightly bald yet still had an amount of black hair on it, made him easily recognizable by the people in Blightworth, staff and patients alike. The goatee was the same color as his hair. He was all set in his usual attire. White coat, and formal shirt and tie. And he was looking down at one of his patients strapped onto a bed.
The patient had a buzzcut on him. His eyes were as small as saucers. His sweat going down his face, with his teeth clenched at the sight of the doctor in front of him. He started to shake.
"Don't worry now Colvin'', Jacobi said to the patient in bed. "I can guarantee you, what I will do to you in your operation will be for your own good".
"NO!" Colvin screamed as he tried to jump out of bed, but the straps on his body prevented him from doing so. "Don't you dare! I know what you did to the others!"
Jacobi sighed and did not frown. He took a deep breath before his gaze met Colvin's. "I do not know what you heard about 'the others', but if you must know, I do my very best to help my patients, even if it means I have to make some hard choices."
"Do you now? Do you now!?", Colvin screamed once more. "You're not helping us! Not one doctor here is! All you care about is the pay it brings, and don't get me started on you. You love torturing us with your so called 'methods'. You're no doctor, you're a sadist!"
Colvin's face was met with a slap from Jacobi. The doctor clenched his teeth but retained his rage. Colvin did not see that coming.
"I have a high degree in medical school, so I am not a quack doctor. I understand that we all have different perspectives of people, but the least you can do is think before you judge. Why do you think you're here? Why do you think everyone is here in Blightworth? We as doctors, bear the responsibility to help you. Patients who suffer from mental health. You are no exception, as with the many men and some women becoming patients of mine."
"What about Blitz?" That name made the situation silent. Colvin paused, now seeing the doctor becoming quiet upon hearing that last sentence.
"Oh yeah. I know who he is, and what you did to him you sick pig"
Jacobi looked at the patient in the bed with a piercing gaze, before he neared the patient.
"Blitz is a special case," Jacobi mentioned. "While his insanity level is average, he is in need of utmost help, and I was there to clearly see that he needed help. Imagine not having your family with you, no one to guide you on what is good and what is evil. He was troubled by Colvin. Blitz needs guidance, and control. I am certain I am achieving that with him"
"All you did was torture him with that weird electric chair I heard you got!" Colvin shouted once more. "Do you have any idea how loud he screams? Do you!? My ears are bleeding every time I hear him scream! But I know it was because of you."
There was a pause between the two before Jacobi spoke. "It seems you are in need of sleep Colvin.".The doctor grabbed a small bottle of blue liquid before using a syringe to absorb the said liquid. "Now, hold still."
"You!-", Colvin was about to speak before he felt his arm pierced by something. The syringe had gone into his arm, causing him to focus on his pain rather than Jacobi himself. Colvin started to feel dizzy, before his head dropped to the pillow of his bed. He snored within seconds. Jacobi took both of his hands before rubbing his head.
"It's funny you mention Blitz", Jacobi said to the sleeping Colvin. "I was just about to see him now."
Jacobi left the room of Colvin, located in the Sector B of Blightworth. To him it was just another day in the hospital, and he had the most patients from each sector. Each sector within Blightworth was written in big red letters; A to E.
In some parts of the hospital, located in the entrances of each sector, was a wide cell dedicated to patients who did more than just screaming. Assault on staff, stealing or breaking out can land one of them in there. Oddly enough, there was no one in the cell between the entrance of Sector A and Sector B when Jacobi passed there.
Or that's what he thought at least.
Stopping to a halt he went close to the bars. He adjusted his glasses to get a clear view of what seemed like a man sitting on the bench inside, leaning against the wall. The man had a dark red bloodied scar on the left side of his mouth. It reminded the doctor of a glasgow smile, only this man seemed to have the gruesome case of it.
"I didn't think you'd be there" Jacobi asked the supposed man on the bench.
The man with the scar slowly got up from the bench, before the light inside the building gave a clear view of his face and hazel eyes. Jacobi noted the tag on the man's clothes. D-8. For the man in front of Jacobi, it didn't take long for the doctor to realize that in front of him was a disturbing individual.
"Doctor", the man said with a grunging deep voice. His scar on the left side of his mouth only made him look like a monster for horror stories to tell to children, and his voice made him match that image. "Off to somewhere?"
"I'm just treating another patient of mine, Kassick"
"It wouldn't happen to be someone treated in an electric chair for months would it?"
Jacobi paused once more, knowing what the man in front of him meant. "Do not think of it as an electric chair you expect for the execution of criminals. This chair was made for electroshock therapy as a means of treatment for Blitz."
"Heh, electroshock therapy." Kassick said with a grin. The scar connecting with his mouth as he smiled made Jacobi felt nauseous inside. "That's just an excuse to torture him."
"I certainly did not expect for you patients to care for one another." Jacobi mentioned as Kassick folded his arms. "Not that it's a bad thing, but this is the third time in a week I heard one of my patients mention Blitz."
"You're a messed up doctor, do you know that Jacobi?'' Kassick said rather calmly, not screaming yet looking into the eyes of the doctor. One of his arms rested on the bars of the cell. "You treat us like animals, but Blitz? Oh, you're no better than a criminal."
Just then, a young woman appeared in a nurse's outfit, she had an apron on, and her hair was bundled up in curls. Jacobi's eyebrow widened at the sight of her.
"Ah, you must be our new staff member. I am Rupert Jacobi, head doctor of Blightworth and its director."
"Anne Jennings." the nurse said, shaking his hand. "Dr. Gallagher told me to see you. Is there anything I can help you with sir?"
"You could help me," Kassick said, gaining her attention. Anne quickly backed away from the man in the cell. Jacobi shielded her. "Kassick." he said upon glaring at him.
What seemed like seconds, Jacobi turned his attention to Anne. "Yes nurse. I am need your assistance. Please go to sector A and retrieve patient A-5. His name is Blitz. Once you have gotten him please take him to the lab just a few rooms away from his room. I will be there shortly after I finished some paperwork". Jacobi said going up the stairs.
"So it's your first day and you're told to get Blitz huh?", Kassick spoke all of a sudden before Anne turned her attention to him. "Good luck with that"
"What's wrong? Is Blitz dangerous?"
"Tell me nurse, what do you see in Jacobi?"
"Well, it's my first day here, but I've heard many good things about Dr. Jacobi. He was a mentioned figure in my medical school here in England. I look up to him as with the rest of my colleagues."
Kassick gave a chuckle, which only made Anne look at him in an odd way. "Well Nurse Anne, be prepared"
"With what?" As Anne asked that she heard more banging on the walls and doors. She felt her skin was about to jump out by the time the first set of banging arrived to her ears.
"Other than the rest of us here, when you see Blitz, you'll have a different view of Jacobi" Kassick said with a grin, as Anne slowly left him and made her way to Sector A.
Not knowing what she might encounter there....