
From the Start

The Krone spread open her arms as she Glanced at the sky. "From beginning to end. This love will be revealed," She cackled. A swirling thick dark blue stream of smoke shot from her toward them.

Gregory and Glory looked around puzzled, and then they gasped as the smoke wrapped around them.

The pack finally noticing something was happening started running and shouting.

The smoke yanked Gregory and Glory apart, and a swirling portal opened up on each side. The night sky itself began to flow backward.

They reached for each other, only managing to brush their fingertips against one another. The lovers locked eyes one last time, as they were lifted and thrown into the portal.

"Now, This love of theirs's shall repeat, and this time, I will be watching," She laughed throwing her head back.

Once the pack reached her. The Krone threw them back with a wave of her hand. Suddenly the wolves began passing out one by one.

On the inside of each of the portals, both of them began to think. Every moment they had spent together flew from their minds and played like a movie.

Glory reached out to touch the scenes, but suddenly she was halted in midair. The scenes sped past her, causing every one of them to slip away. She felt a deep blackness cloud her vision, and a void fill her. The void still retained a few emotional attachments to Gregory.

Gregory's eyes felt heavy as he watched the scenes unfolding before him. As the scenes played, they deleted themselves one by one, until it was just her face. Gregory watched it for a few seconds and cracked a smile. "She's pretty, I wish, I knew her," His voice sounded hollow to his ears. A fleeting thought crossed his mind, 'he did know her, she was his.'

The previous memories from both of them came undone locking away all most all of the current emotions they carried for one another.

When Glory opened her eyes, a school bell dinged, and she was leaning against her locker while holding a planner. Her eyes darted over the planner, as a rush of students filled the hallways. Lockers, opening, and closing only added to the chaos of the morning rush. A multitude of loud voices filled the entire space.

Some students walked past her trying to snag her planner or sneering in her direction. Glory huffed while rolling her eyes. People were still nightmares. People believe they hold power, and when that gets challenged they flip their lids.' She smiled sinisterly while turning to face her locker. Glory opened and placed her planner beside a white and red motorcycle helmet.

Gregory blinked and filched. It was bright out, too bright. He felt clouded like he had already done this day. He turned to his accompanying pack members and sniffed. 'Yep, those butt lickers were still the same. Yet, something felt different inside of him, it felt off.

Jett, the closest pack member opened his mouth. "Look the elders want you to get the boogie, bang, bang done with. So, you have an heir."

"You value those old men too highly," Gregory huffed and began walking away. As he neared the school an unusually familiar scent attacked his nose. His nose wrinkled up and down as he let out long-winded sniffing noises.

Jett's eyes widened. "Cool it, the normies will..."

"It's here," Gregory whipped around growling. His eyes shifted to a state with a star center that had yellow slits going around the edges.

Jett waved the other four boys closer. "What's here?"

"The flower, can you not smell it? The smell of a rose soaked in blood." Gregory rushed up the entrance steps and began following his nose. The other boys quickly followed behind him.

Some of the students took notice of the way he entered sniffing. Giggles and raised eyebrows were directed at the group.

Gregory even began smelling the other students. He took no notice of their behavior toward his. The pack members stopped the normal student body from approaching him. Not everybody was happy with the situation.

Gregory stopped and inhaled deeply when he reached a long-haired redhead that was facing her locker. "You," He snarled. "Why do you smell like it," Gregory snapped.

Glory whipped around glaring. Her posture was tense. "Can I help you," She snapped back at him?

He studied the tall petite woman. Her intense blue eyes caught him off guard. "What blue eyes," his tone turned soft, almost like a low guttural growl.

Glory flipped back around and yanked open her locker door. She grabbed her helmet and then slammed it shut. "Piss off." As fast as Glory's legs could carry her she was out the door.

The pack members Stood there stunned. They had watched the events unfold before them, they could not believe their eyes.

Gregory took off after her trailing from the tile floor to the cracked parking lot. As he was gaining on her, Glory already had one leg over a white and red motorcycle. "What's your name," He called out to her.

Glory huffed, "Glory Ivory, the girl to avoid."

Gregory chuckled and smiled, "How about the girl who needs a chance."

Glory looked down while laughing. "Pfft, and let me guess you are going to be the one to give it to me."

He shrugged. "If you want."

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. "You got to be kidding me! I do not need you to give me a chance on anything."

Gregory walked closer. "Why not? I could probably give you a new meaning."

Glory's mouth twisted to the side. "I am sure you could," She snarled and started up her motorcycle. Glory attached her helmet to the side of her bike.

Gregory moved farther away from her, and she drove away. He moved his hand up to touch his forehead. His body started to shake. For an instant, a single tear slid down his face. " Why does this feel so familiar. Why does this feel raw to me," He shouted with all his might? "Like someone took a knife and cut out the most important part!" Gregory then collapsed to the concrete and looked up at the sky.

Glory's eyes leaked away as she drove. "I'm forgetting something, I need to go back." She spoke those words but did not even glance back as she left.

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