
Chapter 122 How to make family stronger

Craze: Okay, Listen to me folk, Even though Yasaka won the vote but personally I also like Retsu Okaa-chan so I will add her to Ichigo's harem. If you like this fic please considered buy me some snacks on www.p@treon.com/phelio and get 30 more chapters!


War wasn't something any major factions wanted. 


They were seriously damaged by the previous war, and the soul race like Shinigami had the largest military force, making them a formidable opponent.


Any factions that wanted to wage war against them were considered reckless and foolish, as the Shinigami's military prowess was unprecedented. Additionally, the memories of the devastating consequences of the previous war were still fresh in everyone's minds, further preventing any inclination towards conflict.


Especially the old man who could control fire that could rival the sun at will and the crazy woman who became stronger as she basked in the blood of the enemy she killed.


These two were the most feared when it came to war and destruction.


Rias and Sona did what they were told by Ichigo. They told that to their fathers, then they went silent and told them that they didn't need to go back home for the time being.


They spoke like it, as if it were them who thought about the war. They spoke with such conviction and authority, as if they had strategized and planned for the war themselves.


They must take all the credit when their daughter succeeds in the war.


What a dick of the fathers, the two of them.


"It worked. It really worked, Sona."


Rias and Sona smiled and felt relief at the same time. But then Rias thought carefully about it, and she couldn't help but speak to Ichigo about what she thought.


"You are right, Ichigo. They don't want to mess with Shinigami. They didn't know about you, so they acted like that. Now that they know that someone like you is on our side, they won't dare do something like this again. But is it okay for you to show yourself as a Shinigami at this time? Won't you have to show yourself as the devil in public?"


Rias asked Ichigo if it was safe for him to reveal his identity at this time. She voiced worries about the possible implications of him being exposed before the time. 


Ichigo shook his head.


"It's okay. Sooner or later, they will know what I truly am. And at that time, they won't dare to even look in my direction. I don't like unnecessary conflict; that doesn't mean I won't use it to my advantage."


Rias smiled when she heard him. She knew that he didn't like to complicate things, but she knew why he did what he did. He just wanted to protect them.


This is why she was so head over heels with him. His selflessness and willingness to take on the burden of protecting his loved ones were so endearing compared to the harsh reality of the devil.


Sona didn't know much about him, even though they knew each other since they were little kids, but now she knew who he truly was. And now he will be hers in the future. Even though he wasn't hers alone, it was fine.


"Thank you, Ichigo."


Sona said as she kissed him on the cheek. She still didn't dare to be more intimate than that, as this was the first time she was close to someone of the opposite sex.


Ichigo smiled at her and told her that it was something he should do.


They needed many people in their family, so it became stronger. They would be able to help each other in times of need.


Sona was like Rias, who was taught about devil politics. They were heirs to the great noble house. Harem was a normal practice. 


Ichigo spent some time with Rias and Sona before he went to do what he needed to do. During their time together, Ichigo learned about the complexities of devil politics. 


Rias and Sona provided him with valuable insights, preparing him for his future responsibilities. He knew what to expect when the time came, as he had to show up as a devil.




"So your eldest made his move. And that move forced Ichigo-chan to show himself?"


At Kurosaki House, Masaki spoke with Venelana through magic. She was now proficient in using magic like Venelana. Masaki thought that her power as Quincy had been wiped out, but who would have thought that her son could reawaken it?


Now she could use the power of the devil and Quincy. With this newfound power, Masaki felt confident.


She now had a means to protect their family. With her dual abilities, she could become a formidable force against any threat.


"Yes, I know that you hate him but I also started to feel the same as you. Why can't he just leave Rias to live her life in peace?" 


Venelana spoke with a hint of frustration in her voice.


"And my bastard of a husband was also on his side. He told Rias to go back home and plan to drug her and give her to Riser. I think I need to show him that even if he is the patriarch of the family, that doesn't mean he could do anything he wanted."


Judging by the tone she used, Masaki knew that she had reached a breaking point. She knew what she would do. And it was apparent that she was prepared to take drastic measures to protect her daughter and assert her own authority within the family. 


"Don't tell me you are going to contact him. You didn't speak to him for many years. Would he still even care about what you have to say?"


Masaki asked. Venelana went silent a little before responding. 


"I may not have spoken to him in years, but I know how to get his attention. Ichigo-kun has already made his move, and his identity might not be a secret for long. Right now, I am going to speak with him about Ichigo-kun had the power of destruction that wasn't inferior to that of my eldest. He also hates Sirzech. He will be on Ichigo-kun's side in this matter."


The one they were referring to was Zekram Bael. The ancestor of the Bael family, Venelana, was his direct descendant. And if he knew that there was someone with power comparable to her eldest, he would surely be very happy. 


He was disappointed that Rias was a girl. Otherwise, she wouldn't be in this kind of situation. 


Zekram Bael had always hoped for a strong male heir to carry on the family legacy, and Rias being a girl meant that she faced certain limitations within their society. 


And the birth rate of the devil was so low that the chances of another strong male heir emerging in the future seemed slim. This only added to Zekram's disappointment and concern for the future of the Bael family.


Now Ichigo had been born with the power of destruction that could rival Sirzech. Even if he wasn't pure blood, Zekram would still consider Ichigo as a potential successor for the Bael family, despite his mixed heritage. 


The power Ichigo possessed could potentially bring a new era of strength and prosperity to their lineage, alleviating Zekram's worries about the future. 


Masaki went silent a little but eventually agreed to Venelana's words. Zekram might be a pure-blood devil, but he didn't concern himself with something like that. He has experienced many things in life and doesn't care much about such trivial matters. 


What truly mattered to him was finding someone worthy enough to carry on the legacy of the Bael family, and Ichigo's potential seemed undeniable. 


As long as he possessed the strength and passion to preserve their lineage, Zekram should believe that Ichigo's mixed heritage would only serve to make him a more unique and powerful successor.


"Let me speak with him too. I have to tell something about me and him."


Masaki was also considered to be a descendant of him. Even though she was born into a branch family, she knew who her mother really was. 


Masaki's connection to the Bael family added another layer of complexity to Ichigo's heritage.


Venelana agreed, and they would speak with their ancestor together.



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