

Three hundred years ago multiple meteors broke into earth's atmosphere and landed in various places. The meteors change the world. By releasing strange substances into the earth, air, and water the planet started to change. It was not until ten years later that the first batch of superhumans was born. They had abilities that could not be explained. Superspeed. Superstrength. Magic. The superhumans showed the world that all of it was possible. They called the abilities EXO and the people who wielded such an ability, EXO users. They quickly found out that not every EXO was the same. One EXO user had one EXO ability and what that ability was could be categorized into one of three types. Offensive, Defensive or Support. The government was the first to act after five years. Every EXO user must be subjected to whole new laws and they must get their abilities under control. Specialized schools were built all across the world that were made to train them. Under the pretense of saying it was to develop their abilities, the government was actually building an army. Humans were not the only ones to change… ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 10 chapters a week Bonus: 6 chapters a week for every 150 ps http://xzavon.imgur.com - Character Pictures (Will be updated as time progresses)

FishThatsBlue · Fantasía
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126 Chs

BlackCrown: The First Year (I) Pt. 3

Within each year, there were three divisions. They were based on the type of EXO abilities a user had, and the professors within each division would help students develop their abilities to the next stage.

They were the offensive division, defensive division, and support division. The divisions were then broken down into grades, novice, intermediate, advanced, master.

Freshman started out in the novice grade and worked their way up until they reached master grade. By the time of their graduation, all the seniors reached master rank.

There are a few cases of freshman being able to skip novice grade classes if they were truly that skilled, but only the very best were accomplish such a feat.

No matter what division you were in, you were specialized in something. An example would be an offensive EXO user who used ice as their ability. They would then study under someone who had the same EXO ability or had a vast amount of knowledge about it.

The freshman were now attending their first and only class.

The thing with normal schools were that they gave you multiple classes which you had to take, usually taking up eight hours of your day. However here, you only had one class that took up six hours of your time.

The teacher you had stayed with you the entire year.

These teachers were highly skilled; some had prestige in the EXO community while others were new. One thing could be said about them all though; each one was strong enough that they were sought after, even by the president.

Yet working for the country and working for an EXO school had two different meanings.

In the support division, the freshman students just got settled into their seats. They were all glad that they did not have assigned seats like their previous school. Here they were able to sit next to someone they may know, or one they previously talked to.

Nick was seated next to the window in the very front row. While his classmates were busy making friends he was silently waiting for class to start.

Seated next to him was a young woman with curly purple hair. Her light purple eyes glanced in his direction.

He seemed to have noticed her gaze as he looked at her.

He never paid much attention to who was seated next to him before, but now that he looked at her he was shocked slightly. She was wearing white framed glasses.

Now it wasn't unusual for a person to wear glasses, but for an EXO user to wear them was a different story. Generally speaking, an EXO user genes were stronger than an ordinary human causing their body to be tougher as well. They were immune to most diseases, and they could easily have perfect vision.

'Strong eyesight? She must be able to see the flow in the air, and the glasses must help her control her eyesight. Or it could be something else entirely.'

"Why aren't you talking to the others? It's the first day many people would take this chance to make friends, yet you are here being all quiet."

"There is nothing strange about that; I could just be a loner that enjoys staying to himself. Besides, do you have any room to talk? I haven't heard you speak to anyone next to you as well."

"That's different. I chose not to speak to them."

"And, what if I choose not to speak to you?"

"That's rude don't you think so bud."

A handsome young man butted into their conversation. His short black hair seemed to take on a natural curl, and his green eyes matched him perfectly.

He was sitting behind Nick.

"Ah, my bad I didn't mean to listen in on your conversation, but with you two sitting so close it is kind of hard not to hear."

"There's no need to apologize; it was indeed rude of me to say such a thing. But I only meant it in a teasing manner hopefully the young lady took no offense."

"This young lady has a name you know."

Nick smiled gently at her.

"Care to give your name young lady?"

"Freya Smith, and you are?"

"Nick Wilson."

"Matthew White."