
Bjorn Drakonfell: The Chosen One

In the epic of Old Norse, we've read about the war of Gods; Ragnarok or The Twilight of Gods. It is an epic filled with tragic yet exhilarating fights and stories. It ends with death, also a new cycle. At least, that was the story. But that didn't happen. All of Yggdrasil was attacked by unknown enemies. Who, when, why no one knew. It was pure destruction, of Gods and mortals alike. But the dying Yggdrasil gave new hope. It yet again birthed life. But also gave a prophecy about 'their' return. When disaster strikes, a 'Chosen One' shall appear, leading his group to defeat the enemy and bring peace. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael was an orphan who was never accepted anywhere. Foster families, friend circles, part-time job colleagues...nowhere. He had simple dreams like having a home, a family, friends-good friends. But when, he started feeling hope, it was destroyed. Now he's reincarnated, but carrying a responsibility. As a Chosen. He will get everything he craved for, in this life and past. But he must have the resolve to be stronger and protect what he has... If you want to know how he will do that...his adventures, new powers, friends...the scary highs and freezing lows...everything! Then start reading! ======================================= No harem. Strongly emphasizes on world setting, character involvement and the journey. Please stick around, because its just getting started! Kom Igjen!

Sam0207 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 3: The Guide and Familial love.

'Hey lady… wait!'


'Oh no! ...he's dying…call 9…'

'I ask again…Chosen One…WILL YOU AGREE?!'

Bjorn woke up with a gasp. His head was hurting. His thoughts were in disarray and there was sweat flowing down his forehead. He was panting very hard.

He took deep breaths to calm, himself down. He closed his eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out.

He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his room, laid on the bed and covered with blankets.

A wet towel fell in to his lap. Someone must've kept it on his forehead because of the fever he was getting during the pains.

'Hm? Then who changed the towels?' Bjorn suddenly had a thought.

He looked to his side and saw his sister sitting in a chair and nodding off. He was touched. His sister was very free spirited and liked to explore new places on her own. And she was very focused on her training, but she still took some time for him.

And that reminded him of his dreams and the quest he had. His dreams were coming true after he was born. He was happy. Not thinking of anything else.

Just eating, sleeping, studying, and peppering his mother with ton of questions, exploring the estate. It was relaxing and normal.

Somehow had forgotten the doubts about the doubts regarding his inherited memories and rebirth.

But now it was clear. He didn't get 'freebie'. He now had to 'save the world'. Bjorn scoffed at that.

Save from what? Ymir didn't tell him anything. What they looked like…Their powers…when they'll come, nothing. Even the people didn't know the whole truth!

First he saved the lady and the baby and what did he get? Death. Who knows what will he have to suffer now?

Why did he have to accept Ymir's offer? Why didn't he just be a passerby and let lady di-

{Do you mean that, Host?}

'Who!?' Bjorn suddenly thought as he looked around. And in front of him, was board like screen. Its corners looked like there were several branches woven in them.

He looked at it for a few seconds and remembered something else.

The orb-like blessing! Of course! Ymir said it had unknown powers which will help him. So, it was this.

And remembering its question, he started to speak…but no words came out of his mouth. He couldn't say that he wanted the baby to die.

"I don't." he said with a sigh.

{Mental communication is possible host. It is not necessary to speak with mouth.

+Your response was appreciated.

Congratulations, you qualify for one of the qualities stated by the Will.

For seeing your stats, please command 'Status'.}

'Huh? Status? Are you like a system from those novels?' he asked inwardly.


This interface is referred as, 'Chosen One's Guide'. It was created by the Last Will of Yggdrasil.

I'm here to guide you on your quest to defeat 'them' and maintain peace in world of 'Inguz'.}

Bjorn nodded at that. That made sense. And the qualities must be some kinda requirements. After that, he gave the mental command of 'Status'.


Name: Bjorn Drakonfell

Age : 6 years.

Race: Human (25% overall of Giant, Aesir, Vanir and Ursus.)

Level: Body- none

Mage- none

Elemental- none

Abilities: [Advanced Learning-C], [Mana Condensation-E], [Mental Fortitude-D],

[Pain Resistance-D], [Adaptive Thoughts-A]

Talents: [Ursus Physique (awakened)]

[Aesir Physique (unawakened)]

[Vanir Physique (unawakened)]

[Jotnar Physique (unawakened)]


Bjorn looked at his status and pondered.

'The level and race are pretty obvious. As all gods had contributed in saving and creating this world and life, their powers must've given this mutation to everyone. Hmmm, as I've not started training my body, it's obvious that I won't have any levels.'

The abilities were pretty obvious, indicating what he has been through. But he frowned at the 'Talents' section.

'Guide, what's with talents?' Bjorn asked inwardly.


Ursus Physique:

"Show thine courage and strength, Warrior, and never let the name of your forefathers befouled!"

~Budil Rendt, The Hulking General, Aesir Army.

A Physique that represents courage, strength, vitality, healing, balance and inner wisdom similar to those of a Bear. The ones possessing this physique, shall have great potential in battlefield and leadership.


Bjorn was impressed and happy after seeing the description of his physique. But when he noticed 'Bear' in it, he scowled.

You think I'm big? Chubby? So what! I'm still in my baby years! Once I grow up I'll be of a normal height…probably? Right?

{It's in your genes, give up Host.} Guide replied.

Et tu, Guide? Bjorn thought, his heart aching.

'So…what about the others? Why didn't you show them?' He asked.

{It will require host to awaken the physiques.} Guide replied.

He nodded. He couldn't do anything about it right now.

He looked at his sister and thought how worried his parents must be. So he decided to get out of bed. He was just about to open the door, but he heard voices. Of his mother and father talking.

"I think we need to start his training, Orr." His mother said.

"Mm-hm. I agree. The solution to his constant fainting is to be stronger. Haah~ I just hope that training won't have any adverse effect on his mana." His father said.

"I don't think such thing will happen. Aside from this time, the mana waves haven't appeared before when he fainted. I checked him, his body pretty normal and absorbing the mana smoothly." His mother explained.

"That's a relief. Well let's go in. Let's check him again and tell Chara to sleep." His father said.

As he heard that, he himself opened the door.

"Father, mother. Please train me!" Bjorn said excitedly.

His parents were dumbfounded. Here we are worrying about you and you're excited like a monkey? We thought you will need to rest!

Breaking out of their stupor, both of them hurried and kneeled beside him and hugged him tightly. They kept hugging him for a long time.

He even heard his mother sniffle. He was little surprised at that.

Because it was always his mother who was strong and believed that her children should be courageous, opposite to his father, who tended to be a little overprotective.

And then he realized that, he was a 6 y/o and they were his parents who loved him very much. After fully retaining his past memories he had somewhat started to think like he was still in his past life.

But no. He was born yet again and he had a great family who loved him. And he loved them back.

"By Frigg! What a loving scene! Such familial love. Mom, are you crying?" suddenly a voice exclaimed from his back. [1]

Three of them looked and it was Chara in the chair. She was smirking and had her arms crossed.

"Aye, young lady, don't take The Mother's name in vain. Come here." His father said as he waved his hand and pulled the chair towards them by mana. [2]

She groaned as he took her in the hug too. She resisted for a while but relented as she returned the hug.



1. Frigg is first wife of Odin The All-father. She is goddess of fertility, household, childbirth and marriage. Something like Norse counterpart of Hera.

2. 'The Mother' here, is Frigg as in wife of All father and her nickname in mythos is 'weeping mother'.

That's why I made that reference here.

Author: Shantanu Bondre. (ID: Sam0207)

Heil og Sæl!

Readers, how did you like the 'system'? I know, it's not much RPG-like. But it's more of a 'guide' than 'The Almighty System'.

Now, if you're tapping that 'back' button, hold it right there.

The current 'Guide' is still in its initial stages. When and how it will help the MC, you'll see. IT STILL gives MC an 'edge' above others. So please stick around for that!

Like it? Add to library! And please comment something...I'm waiting!

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