☆▪︎ Coffee tastes the best when its bittersweet just like our lives need to have bitter and sweet parts to make it complete☆▪︎ °♡Acacia and Ezra used to be inseparable in high school until their unexpected breakup which left Ezra longing for her and Acacia hating on him 7 years later when they meet again will fate give them a second chance ? or are they never meant to be together °♡
19th June 2022
"Here is ur Cappuccino" The barista's voice knocks me out of my thoughts. I take my cup and head to a nearby table. The cafè is peaceful today unlike most days maybe cause its evening? I add the sugar granules and take a sip. I have always liked my drink bitter with a pinch of sugar or is it that my life has always been like that? Bittersweet.
Maybe life is like a cup of coffee it needs both bitter and sweet taste to be perfect and complete. My mind wanders off to the memories of me and him together years ago but i snap back to reality by reminding myself that i hate that person. It happens often i randomly think of him even though i sweared i would forget him.
I finish my coffee and move out of the door into the busy street again away from the peace. My phone dings with a text notification from Amara
'Where are you?' I check the time its already 7p.m . 'Almost there' i reply to her text just when my phone drops to the floor as i feel a familiar figure brush past me. "What the hell?" I say when i spot my phone on the ground....with a broken screen. I look up to catch a glimpse of a tall guy dressed in all black running away? That jerk did not even apologise. Since i am too tired to argue with a stranger i pick my phone and go along my way..."Life sucks" i murmer to myself