

The day on which I was born ,was really unlucky for my family because there was a huge loss in my father's business. At that time nobody was happy except my mother because I was the first girl child in my family. There was no limit of my mother's happiness and also there was no limit of my whole family's sadness.

I had been a part of joint family and controlling each and every person is ,really difficult . My mother always used to say one thing to my family " she's just a baby girl how can you all think that the loss is because of her birth"

I was grown up by listening this same sentence from her. Though she never let me feel that nobody likes me but somehow I could predict that my family doesn't likes me.

I was a beautiful , healthy and a fair child. Nobody was fairer than me in my whole family at least this is what my mother used to say and I used to think that because of my fairness nobody likes me. As you all can guess the childish thought.

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