
Birth Of Fate Path

The Gu world was used to receiving otherworldly demons, what happens when one of them has read reverend insanity? Knowing the heights one can achieve in this world, will he become dog shit to avoid being stepped on or will he soar so high no one can ever hope to restrain him?

Rule_Refiner · Derivados de obras
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5 Chs

Good Omen Turns Into Reality

When Yu Liang entered the second room, he saw that it was some kind of study. Walls were covered in books concerning various subjects. In the middle of the room was once again a table with an information path mortal gu. This time the mortal gu didn't contain a recipe, but instructions and killer moves.

The second trial was set up like this: There was a list of killer moves, what gu they consisted of, and which book one had to read to obtain a certain gu. The more complex the book, the better the rarity and usefulness of the gu and subsequently of the killer move. There were countless killer moves and most of them were of wisdom path, but some were rule path or enslavement path killer moves. The difficult was two-fold: first was that for the gu to be obtained, one had to understand perfectly what they had read, second was that there was no real clear condition for this trial. Did Yu Liang need to form any of these killer moves to advance in the inheritance? Was there even this many killer moves? Was there a specific killer move he had to learn in order to pass this? Were there some trap killer moves that would make him fail? Was this the end of the inheritance? How to be sure of any of that?

Yu Liang's mind was running at full speed. Fortunately, there seemed to be no time limit. The books where ranked by easiest to hardest and by subject.

After determining which killer moves where the strongest based on the quality of the gu used within and taking care not too chose any move with too many gu as it would be far too complex, Yu Liang was left with five killer moves that used between 2 and 5 gu.

The first three were wisdom path killer moves. The first one was called Sorrowful vengeance killer move and used rank three Hate mortal gu as well as rank three sorrow mortal gu. Both were emotion type gu, being a sub-path of wisdom path. This move had a first step which did not involve gu or primeval energy at all. You first had to become a friend of the target, then get betrayed by the target to activate the killer move to it's utmost; The greater the fall in relationship, the better the effect. Upon activation almost all defensive measures the target could have used would be useless against attacks and the attacks would deal bonus damage equivalent to the strenght of the emotions gathered by Hate and Sorrow gu. This move was quite obviously inspired from farewell wind. While the effect was attractive, Yu Liang wasn't the type to over-evaluate himself and his social skills. The effect was strong, so even if it was the strongest combat-wise of the five moves (not hard as it was the only one, the others were mainly support type killer moves), the requirements were far too unpractical.

The second was called Thoughts Collide killer move and was made up of rank three Thought Acceleration gu and rank three Thought Clarity gu. This was a support type wisdom path killer move. It would accelerate the speed at which thoughts would collide and the deductions made from the thoughts collisions would be easier to interpret. It was attractive for Yu Liang, but would further bind him to wisdom path.

The third wisdom path killer move was by far the strangest. It was called Deduce Secret killer move. The core were rank three Secret gu, rank three Inspection gu and rank three Doubt gu. This move was a passive move that expanded few primeval essence. The user would feel strange if he were to stumble upon a secret without knowing it. The higher the rank of the gu worms, the easier it would be to identify what exactly was causing the feeling.

This killer move could work in different ways: be it by overhearing a strange conversation or by walking by an inheritance ground, the possibilities were truly astounding and it was the most impressive one so far. It had to be noted that Secret gu and Inspection gu were information path gu but the killer move ended up being a wisdom path one, adding another mystery as to the depths and capabilities of this move.

The next one was an enslavement path killer move that used wisdom path gu as the core as well as enslavement path gu. It was called Heavenly General killer move because of its ability to make the user control his army perfectly and to deduce the most effective battle strategies. It was composed of rank three Army gu, rank three Battle Formation gu and rank two Great Picture gu.

The last killer move was by far the most complex one: It had five gu worms and a mystical effect. One of the gu worms was even a rank four gu worm! This move was from rule path and was composed of rank two Good gu, rank three Truth gu, rank three Perception gu, rank three Straight gu and rank four Unreal gu. This move's power lied in identifying if something or someone is useful to the user and if so how they can be and what path to follow to profit best from it. This move could get one out of picky situations as well as help the user win any contest that would normally be based on luck. It was called Good Omen Turns Into Reality. The killer move was of rule path but there lied certain aspects of wisdom path and information path. In essence, Good Omen Turns Into Reality was quite similar to Deduce Secret killer move, but superior in the fact that It focused on the user's gains. Deduce Secret killer move could alert the user to a plot that was not even directed at him, and as such had quite a few faults as there was no guarantee of benefits in any way. Of course both had their respective advantages.

The scope of this killer move and the experience Yu Liang had gotten from reading reverend insanity pushed him into believing that this inheritance must have come from a great expert. What Yu Liang didn't know was that this room was actually a wisdom path immortal gu house which Chang Fan had gotten over the years. It's use was in deducing killer moves most suited to the inhabitant's cultivation and gu worms as well as path affinities. It could work only once in a gu master's life and had no use on Immortals. The killer moves didn't even have to be learned as the learning process was engrained in the user's mind when they read the books present in the Immortal gu House. This was the Immortal Gu House - Permissive Mentor Immortal Gu House!. Chang Fan could never have guessed that Yu Liang would have gotten such a good move with the measly mortal gu he installed as the gu house's reserve. Choosing one specific move was hard for Yu liang, as he had no guarantee of being able to choose more then one, but the fact that he had the time he had to learn any of the moves combined with the potential gains and his interest in rule path pushed him to learn Good Omen Turns Into Reality.

The killer move's potential was infinite. If the gu were upgraded properly it would have potential to be used during Yu Liang's all life. He even suspected it to have profundities of heaven path.

Yu liang set to reading the corresponding books, and, unsurprisingly, realized he would have to spend a long time to finally get the gu for the killer move. A rank four gu created a far too complex of a book and would muster Yu Liang's biggest efforts. This was satisfactory as he was still only a rank two gu master, and would thus need to be at least rank three middle stage to use the killer move, if not upper or peak stage. He would have the time to study the books during his cultivation.

Yu Liang took the books and ran back to his home as dawn was coming.

Up above, Chang Fan had a pensive expression.

"I truly did not expect the gu house to deliver such a killer move to him. Sadly, the complexity is far too high, with no attainment level, he can only dream of comprehending these books."

Disregarding his earlier doubts, he set off to change the last stage of the inheritance; If Yu Liang miraculously managed to learn his killer move, then he might be useful immediately. Dong Fang Chang Fan took out a map and set up a last trial surrounding it, the thrill was clear on his face.

"If this goes well, Limitless Demon Venerable's true inheritance will be mine! At that time, I might not even need Yu Liang anymore."

From this point on, Yu Liang's life was quite repetitive, he would read the books and cultivate, in turn so as to not neglect any one. He would have been perfectly happy with his life being like this for the foreseeable future, however fate had other plans for him.

With Feng Hao having disappeared for more then a month now, the authorities of the tribe started asking questions. This led to nothing at first, but an information path gu master had been called to shed light upon this matter. This left little time for Yu Liang, as they would find Feng Hao's last traces at the inheritance and they would then at best take it for themselves, at worst realize the culprit behind Feng Hao's death. Following the news of the information path master coming 3 months later, Yu Liang redoubled on his efforts, and when the information path expert finally arrived, he had already advanced to rank three early stage. His finances had suffered from buying red steel relic gu, but the most Yu Liang might have achieved without a red steel relic gu would have been rank two peak stage. He had planned to buy a white silver relic gu to once and for all achieve rank three middle stage, get his gu for his killer move and find the best way out of his tricky situation, sadly he was running out of time and as such would have to make do with rank three early stage cultivation.

Yu Liang didn't know it, but his strong luck had actually created the best environment for him: Chang Fan had had to leave the tribe for some time and thus could only leave a will behind, but if Yu Liang decided to leave, this will couldn't do much short of injuring him, a bottom line that Chang Fan couldn't cross for now if he desired to keep what remained of his image in northern plains.

Rushing to the inheritance ground, Yu Liang expended primeval stones to create as much thoughts as possible with his now rank two star thought gu. Yu Liang had asked a refinement senior of the tribe to refine his gu to higher levels, and star thought gu was now the lower ranked gu in his possession. Both Materialize Thought gu and Dissert gu were now rank three. Feng Hao's water path gus had been long destroyed and discarded and the stealth path gu had been advanced to rank two by Yu Liang's own effort, as he couldn't straight out ask someone to refine it for him.

Yu Liang's mind was reeling, the quantity of thoughts in his mind were far too much for him to bear, but he could feel the book becoming clearer and clearer the more he advanced, and he had finally attacked the last five percent of the book when the clan's higher ups and the information path expert arrived at the inheritance ground. Yu Liang closed the talking door and set upon his task. He was becoming faster and faster in his comprehension, understanding the first parts of the book had created a base knowledge that could help him comprehend the rest faster. Finally, only when Yu Liang had received all of his gus did a door suddenly open from nowhere on the opposite side of the talking door. Yu Liang entered fast and the door disappeared behind him.

When the tribe's upper caste and the information path expert arrived a few dozens of minutes later, all they found were a quantity of books and a table. Yu Liang had thought of taking the information path mortal gu before leaving. As there were more then one gu master entering the Immortal gu house, it would not activate for the moment. Of course, once one of them came back alone, the gu house would prepare suitable killer moves for him and they would then have the opportunity to catch up to Yu Liang. But at that moment, Yu Liang would probably already have left the last trial for his first big adventure.

This was the moment Yu Liang would truly be free from what had been planned for him before his transmigration, it was the moment fate seemed to be distorted by a single person, a single entity that was not supposed to be here, and heaven's will was not happy.

So, Here I am with chapter 4. If his progress seems rushed, don't worry, I see it too. I plan on him being far slower on the cultivation side from now on so I needed a power up before he left his clan as god knows when he'll have access to such good cultivation resources again. I also know this situation might remind some of the Tie clan's investigation of the situation at Gue yue Clan, but I truly wrote it without realizing as I just wanted Yu Liang to have an excuse to be forced to run away (kind of run away to be honest, they still don't know it's him and he would risk far less than fang yuan risked back then, as he truly killed Feng Hao in self defense ). If you liked it please comment, If you didn't please comment as well so that I know what made you unhappy about my story. Cheers, Have a nice day.

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